#' @name getExpressionProfiles
#' @title CAGE data based expression clustering
#' @description Clusters CAGE expression across multiple experiments, both at
#' level of individual TSSs or entire clusters of TSSs.
#' @param object A [`CAGEexp`] object
#' @param what At which level the expression clustering is done (`CTSS` or
#' `consensusClusters`)
#' @param tpmThreshold,nrPassThreshold Ignore clusters when their normalized
#' CAGE signal is lower than `tpmThreshold` in at least `nrPassThreshold`
#' experiments.
#' @param method Method to be used for expression clustering. `som` uses the
#' self-organizing map (SOM) algorithm of Toronen and coll., FEBS Letters (1999)
#' [`som::som`]] function from _som_ package. `kmeans` uses the K-means
#' algorithm implemented in the [`stats::kmeans`]] function.
#' @param xDim,yDim With `method = "kmeans"`, `xDim` specifies number of clusters
#' that will be returned by K-means algorithm and `yDim` is ignored. With
#' `method = "som"`, `xDim` specifies the the first and `yDim` the second
#' dimension of the self-organizing map, which results in total $xDim x yDim$
#' clusters returned by SOM.
#' @details Expression clustering can be done at level of individual CTSSs, in
#' which case the feature vector used as input for clustering algorithm contains
#' log-transformed and scaled (divided by standard deviation) normalized CAGE
#' signal at individual TSS across multiple experiments. Only TSSs with
#' normalized CAGE signal `>= tpmThreshold` in at least `nrPassThreshold` CAGE
#' experiments are used for expression clustering. However, CTSSs along the
#' genome can be spatially clustered into tag clusters for each experiment
#' separately using a CTSS clustering function, and then aggregated across
#' experiments into consensus clusters using [`aggregateTagClusters`] function.
#' Once the consensus clusters have been created, expression clustering at the
#' level of these wider genomic regions (representing entire promoters rather
#' than individual TSSs) can be performed. In that case the feature vector
#' used as input for clustering algorithm contains normalized CAGE signal
#' within entire consensus cluster across multiple experiments, and threshold
#' values in `tpmThreshold` and `nrPassThreshold` are applied to entire
#' consensus clusters.
#' @return Returns a modified `CAGEexp` object. If `what = "CTSS"` the
#' objects's metadata elements `CTSSexpressionClusteringMethod` and
#' `CTSSexpressionClasses` will be set accordingly, and if
#' `what = "consensusClusters"` the elements `consensusClustersExpressionClusteringMethod`
#' and `consensusClustersExpressionClasses` will be set. Labels of expression
#' classes (clusters) can be retrieved using [`expressionClasses`] function.
#' @references
#' Toronen _et al._ (1999) Analysis of gene expression data using
#' self-organizing maps, _FEBS Letters_ *451*:142-146.
#' @author Vanja Haberle
#' @author Charles Plessy
#' @family CAGEr expression clustering functions
#' @examples
#' getExpressionProfiles( exampleCAGEexp, "CTSS"
#' , tpmThreshold = 50, nrPassThreshold = 1
#' , method = "som", xDim = 3, yDim = 3)
#' getExpressionProfiles( exampleCAGEexp, "CTSS"
#' , tpmThreshold = 50, nrPassThreshold = 1
#' , method = "kmeans", xDim = 3)
#' getExpressionProfiles(exampleCAGEexp, "consensusClusters")
#' @importFrom stats kmeans
#' @export
setGeneric( "getExpressionProfiles"
, function( object, what = c("CTSS", "consensusClusters")
, tpmThreshold = 5, nrPassThreshold = 1
, method = c("som", "kmeans")
, xDim = 5, yDim = 5)
#' @rdname getExpressionProfiles
setMethod( "getExpressionProfiles", "CAGEexp"
, function (object, what, tpmThreshold, nrPassThreshold, method, xDim, yDim){
what <- match.arg(what)
if (length(sampleLabels(object)) < 2)
stop("Provided CAGEexp object contains only one sample! At least two samples are required for expression profiling!")
tpm.mx <- switch( what
, CTSS = CTSSnormalizedTpmDF(object) |> as.data.frame() |> as.matrix()
, consensusClusters = assay(consensusClustersSE(object), "normalized"))
l <- getExpressionProfiles( object = tpm.mx
, tpmThreshold = tpmThreshold, nrPassThreshold = nrPassThreshold
, method = method, xDim = xDim, yDim = yDim)
cl <- l[[1]]
idx <- l[[2]]
if (what == "CTSS") {
mcols(CTSScoordinatesGR(object))$exprClass <- Rle(NA) # initialise
mcols(CTSScoordinatesGR(object))[idx, "exprClass"] <- cl
metadata(object)$CTSSexpressionClusteringMethod <- method
} else if (what == "consensusClusters") {
mcols(consensusClustersGR(object))$exprClass <- Rle(NA) # initialise
mcols(consensusClustersGR(object))[idx, "exprClass"] <- cl
metadata(object)$consensusClustersExpressionClusteringMethod <- method
#' @rdname getExpressionProfiles
#' @importFrom som som
#' @importFrom stats kmeans
setMethod("getExpressionProfiles", "matrix",
function (object, what, tpmThreshold, nrPassThreshold, method, xDim, yDim) {
method <- match.arg(method)
idx <- flagLowExpCTSS( object, threshold = tpmThreshold
, nrPassThreshold = nrPassThreshold, thresholdIsTpm = TRUE)
m <- t(scale(t(log(object + 1)), center=FALSE))
m <- m[idx,]
if(method == "som") {
m.som <- som(m, xDim, yDim, neigh = "gaussian", topol = "hex")
cl <- paste(m.som$visual$x, m.som$visual$y, sep = "_")
}else if(method == "kmeans"){
m.kmeans <- kmeans(m, centers = xDim)
cl <- as.character(m.kmeans$cluster)
return(list(cl, idx))
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