#' Get genome annotations for variants called in one or more VCF files. Each sample is called separately
#' so that variants on the same codon are handled properly. This is a convenience function which calls
#' OutputVarprocodingseq, OutputVarproseq, Outputaberrant, and OutputNovelJun.
#' @title Get genome annotations for variants called in one or more VCF files.
#' @param vcfFilepaths one or more VCF files to create variant proteins
#' @param ids a dataframe mapping between gene/transcript/protein ids
#' @param exon_anno a dataframe of exon annotations for each protein coding transcript
#' @param proteinseq a dataframe of reference amino acid sequences for each protein
#' @param procodingseq a dataframe of reference coding sequences for each protein coding transcript
#' @param dbsnpinCoding a GRanges object of dbSNP variants to include in the output tables; default is NULL
#' @param cosmic a GRanges object of COSMIC variants to include in the output tables; default is NULL
#' @return A list of annotation tables with named members:
#' \describe{
#' \item{variantTable}{describes the SNP variants and their coding consequences}
#' \item{snvprocoding}{the CDS sequences for the variant proteins from SNPs}
#' \item{snvproseq}{the translated sequences for the variant proteins from SNPs}
#' \item{indelprocoding}{the CDS sequences for the variant proteins from INDELs}
#' \item{indelproseq}{the translated sequences for the variant proteins from INDELs}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' load(system.file("extdata/refseq", "exon_anno.RData", package="customProDB"))
#' load(system.file("extdata/refseq", "ids.RData", package="customProDB"))
#' load(system.file("extdata/refseq", "procodingseq.RData", package="customProDB"))
#' load(system.file("extdata/refseq", "proseq.RData", package="customProDB"))
#' load(system.file("extdata/refseq", "dbsnpinCoding.RData", package="customProDB"))
#' load(system.file("extdata/refseq", "cosmic.RData", package="customProDB"))
#' vcfFilepath = system.file("extdata/vcfs", "test1.vcf", package="customProDB")
#' variantAnnotation = getVariantAnnotation(vcfFilepath, ids, exon,
#' proteinseq, procodingseq,
#' dbsnpinCoding, cosmic)
#' head(variantAnnotation$variantTable)
#' head(variantAnnotation$snvprocoding)
#' head(variantAnnotation$snvproseq)
#' head(variantAnnotation$indelprocoding)
#' head(variantAnnotation$indelproseq)
getVariantAnnotation <- function(vcfFilepaths,
ids, exon_anno,
proteinseq, procodingseq,
dbsnpinCoding = NULL,
cosmic = NULL)
old <- options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
on.exit(options(old), add = TRUE)
variantTable = vector('list', length(vcfFilepaths))
snvprocoding = vector('list', length(vcfFilepaths))
snvproseq = vector('list', length(vcfFilepaths))
indelprocoding = vector('list', length(vcfFilepaths))
indelproseq = vector('list', length(vcfFilepaths))
label_rsid = !is.null(dbsnpinCoding)
for(i in 1:length(vcfFilepaths))
vcfFilepath = vcfFilepaths[i]
readvcf <- VariantAnnotation::readVcf(vcfFilepath, row.names=FALSE,
param=VariantAnnotation::ScanVcfParam(geno=NA, info=NA))
# read REF and ALT columns with the super-fast data.table::fread
vcftable = .temp_unzip(vcfFilepath, data.table::fread,
skip="#CHROM", sep="\t", select=c("#CHROM", "POS", "REF", "ALT"))
ref = toupper(vcftable$REF)
alt = toupper(vcftable$ALT)
variantTypes = variantType(ref, alt)
vcfRanges = SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(readvcf)
GenomicRanges::mcols(vcfRanges)$REF = ref
GenomicRanges::mcols(vcfRanges)$ALT = alt
snpVariants = vcfRanges[which(variantTypes == "snp")]
if (length(snpVariants) > 0)
postable_snv = Positionincoding(snpVariants, exon_anno, dbsnp=dbsnpinCoding, COSMIC=cosmic)
if (nrow(postable_snv) > 0)
firstTxId_snp = postable_snv[, .(txid=min(txid)), txname]
codingseq_snp = procodingseq[procodingseq$tx_id %in% firstTxId_snp$txid, ]
variantTable[[i]] = aaVariation(postable_snv, codingseq_snp)
snvprocoding[[i]] = OutputVarprocodingseq(variantTable[[i]], codingseq_snp, ids, lablersid=label_rsid)
snvproseq[[i]] = OutputVarproseq(variantTable[[i]], proteinseq,
file.path(tempdir(), "snv.fasta"),
ids, lablersid=label_rsid)
indelVariants = vcfRanges[which(variantTypes %in% c("ins", "del", "mix"))]
if (length(indelVariants) > 0)
postable_indel = Positionincoding(indelVariants, exon_anno, dbsnp=dbsnpinCoding, COSMIC=cosmic)
if (nrow(postable_indel) > 0)
firstTxId_indel = postable_indel[, .(txid=min(txid)), txname]
codingseq_indel = procodingseq[procodingseq$tx_id %in% firstTxId_indel$txid, ]
indelvariants = Outputaberrant(postable_indel, file.path(tempdir(), "indel.fasta"),
codingseq_indel, proteinseq, ids)
indelprocoding[[i]] = indelvariants$indelprocoding
indelproseq[[i]] = indelvariants$indelproseq
list(variantTable = unique(do.call("rbind", variantTable)),
snvprocoding = unique(do.call("rbind", snvprocoding)),
snvproseq = unique(do.call("rbind", snvproseq)),
indelprocoding = unique(do.call("rbind", indelprocoding)),
indelproseq = unique(do.call("rbind", indelproseq)))
.variantType = function(ref, alt)
refLength = stri_length(ref)
altLength = stri_length(alt)
alternates = c("A"="^[TGC](,[TGC])*$",
if(refLength==1 && stri_detect_fixed("ATGC", ref) && grepl(alternates[ref], alt))
else if(refLength>1 && refLength==altLength)
else if(refLength > altLength && (stri_startswith_fixed(ref, alt) || stri_endswith_fixed(ref, alt)))
else if(refLength < altLength && (stri_startswith_fixed(alt, ref) || stri_endswith_fixed(alt, ref)))
lcs = Biobase::lcSuffix(c(ref, alt))
if(stri_length(lcs) > 0)
ref = stri_sub(ref, 1, -(stri_length(lcs)+1))
alt = stri_sub(alt, 1, -(stri_length(lcs)+1))
refLength = stri_length(ref)
altLength = stri_length(alt)
if(refLength > altLength && (stri_startswith_fixed(ref, alt) || stri_endswith_fixed(ref, alt)))
else if(refLength < altLength && (stri_startswith_fixed(alt, ref) || stri_endswith_fixed(alt, ref)))
#' Get the type of variant given one or more reference alleles and the corresponding variant alleles.
#' @param ref the reference alleles
#' @param alt the alternate (variant) alleles
#' @return variant type for each ref/alt pair, one of:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item snp (single nucleotide polymorphism)
#' \item mnp (multiple nucleotide polymorphism)
#' \item ins (insertion)
#' \item del (deletion)
#' \item mix (some combination of the above)
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom stringi stri_length stri_sub stri_startswith_fixed stri_endswith_fixed stri_detect_fixed
#' @examples
#' ref = c("A", "A", "AA", "AT", "A", "AA", "AA", "AA", "ATTA", "AAA", "A", "TAAA")
#' alt = c("C", "C,G", "CT", "A", "AT", "C", "CAT", "TAAC", "ATA", "AATA", "T,AT", "TAA,TAAAA")
#' print(cbind(ref, alt, variantType(ref, alt)))
variantType = Vectorize(.variantType, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
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