
#' Variations can be divided into SNVs and INDELs.
#' By taking the output of positionincoding() as input, aaVariation() function predicts the consequences of SNVs in the harbored transcript, such as synonymous or non-synonymous.
#' this function predicts the consequence for SNVs. for INDELs, use Outputabberrant().
#' @title get the functional consequencece of SNVs located in coding region
#' @param position_tab a data frame from Positionincoding()
#' @param coding a data frame cotaining coding sequence for each protein.
#' @param show_progress If true, a progress bar will be shown.
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @return a data frame containing consequence for each variations.
#' @author Xiaojing Wang
#' @importFrom data.table data.table rbindlist setkey setDT
#' @import sqldf
#' @export
#* @testfile test-getVariantAnnotation
#' @examples
#' vcffile <- system.file("extdata/vcfs", "test1.vcf", package="customProDB")
#' vcf <- InputVcf(vcffile)
#' table(GenomicRanges::values(vcf[[1]])[['INDEL']])
#' index <- which(GenomicRanges::values(vcf[[1]])[['INDEL']]==FALSE)
#' SNVvcf <- vcf[[1]][index]
#' load(system.file("extdata/refseq", "exon_anno.RData", package="customProDB"))
#' load(system.file("extdata/refseq", "dbsnpinCoding.RData", package="customProDB"))
#' load(system.file("extdata/refseq", "procodingseq.RData", package="customProDB"))
#' postable_snv <- Positionincoding(SNVvcf,exon,dbsnpinCoding)
#' txlist <- unique(postable_snv$txid)
#' codingseq <- procodingseq[procodingseq$tx_id %in% txlist,]
#' mtab <- aaVariation (postable_snv,codingseq)
#' mtab[1:3,]

aaVariation <-  function(position_tab, coding, show_progress=FALSE, ...)
  old <- options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE, gsubfn.engine = "R")
  on.exit(options(old), add = TRUE)  

  setkey(position_tab, txid)
  coding$tx_id = as.integer(coding$tx_id)
  setDT(coding, key="tx_id")
  mtable <- unique(position_tab[coding])
  suppressWarnings(mtable <- sqldf("SELECT * FROM 'mtable' ORDER BY genename, txid, pincoding"))
  iub_mul <- list("A,C"="M", "C,A"="M",
                  "A,G"="R", "G,A"="R",
                  "A,T"="W", "T,A"="W",
                  "C,G"="S", "G,C"="S",
                  "C,T"="Y", "T,C"="Y",
                  "G,T"="K", "T,G"="K",
                  "C,G,T"="B", "C,T,G"="B", "G,C,T"="B", "G,T,C"="B", "T,C,G"="B", "T,G,C"="B",
                  "A,G,T"="D", "A,T,G"="D", "G,A,T"="D", "G,T,A"="D", "T,A,G"="D", "T,G,A"="D",
                  "A,C,T"="H", "A,T,C"="H", "C,A,T"="H", "C,T,A"="H", "T,A,C"="H", "T,C,A"="H",
                  "A,C,G"="V", "A,G,C"="V", "C,A,G"="V", "C,G,A"="V", "G,A,C"="V", "G,C,A"="V",
                  "A"="A", "T"="T", "G"="G", "C"="C")
  iub <- list("M"=c("A","C"),"R"=c("A","G"),"W"=c("A","T"),"S"=c("C","G"),"Y"=c("C","T"),"K"=c("G","T"),

  index <- which(nchar(mtable$varbase) > 1)
  var_new <- unlist(lapply(mtable$varbase, function(x) iub_mul[[x]]))
  #vars <- mtable$varbase
  #vars[index] <- var_new
  #class(mtable[, varbase]) <- 'character'
  mtable$varbase <- var_new
  strand <- mtable$strand
  pincoding <- mtable$pincoding

  # mtable$refbase <- mapply(function(x,y) ifelse(y=='+', x, fastComplement(x)), mtable$refbase, strand)
  # mtable$varbase <- mapply(function(x,y) ifelse(y=='+', x, fastComplement(x)), mtable$varbase, strand)
  # codeindex <- ceiling(pincoding/3)
  # code_s <- (codeindex-1)*3+1
  # code_e <-  codeindex*3
  # refcode <- substr(mtable$coding, code_s, code_e)
  # Group variants by codon so that multiple changes can be applied to the same codon if necessary
  txCodons = sqldf(paste0("SELECT genename, txname, txid, proname, chr, strand, pos, refbase, varbase,
                           pincoding, coding,",
                           ifelse("rsid" %in% colnames(mtable), "rsid, ", ""),
                           ifelse("cosid" %in% colnames(mtable), "cosid, ", ""),
                           "(ROUND((pincoding + 0.5)/3)-1)*3+1 AS CodonStart,
                           GROUP_CONCAT((CAST(pincoding AS INT) || ':' || varbase), ':') AS CodonVariants,
                           SUBSTR(coding, (ROUND((pincoding + 0.5)/3)-1)*3+1, 3) AS RefCodon
                           FROM 'mtable'
                           GROUP BY txid, (ROUND((pincoding + 0.5)/3)-1)*3+1
                           ORDER BY genename, txid, pincoding"

  updateVar <- function(v, codonStart, refCodon, strand) {
    vars = unlist(stringr::str_split(v, stringr::fixed(":")))
    indices = as.numeric(vars[c(TRUE, FALSE)])-as.numeric(codonStart)+1
    varCodon = refCodon
    if (strand=="+")
      for(i in 1:length(indices))
        substr(varCodon, indices[i], indices[i]) = vars[c(FALSE, TRUE)][i]
      for(i in 1:length(indices))
        substr(varCodon, indices[i], indices[i]) = fastComplement(vars[c(FALSE, TRUE)][i])
  varcode = mapply(FUN = updateVar, txCodons$CodonVariants, txCodons$CodonStart, txCodons$RefCodon, txCodons$strand, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
  # pcode <- ifelse(pincoding%%3==0, 3, pincoding%%3)
  # #substr(refcode,pcode,pcode) <- refbase
  # varcode2 <- refcode
  # substr(varcode2, pcode, pcode) <- mtable$varbase
  fastTranslate = function(codon) tryCatch(GENETIC_CODE[[codon]], error=function(e) "X")
  if (show_progress) { pb = txtProgressBar(style=3, min=1, max=length(varcode)) }
  varaa = vector('list', length(varcode))
  vartype <- vector('character', length(varcode))
  aaref <- vector('character', length(varcode))
  aapos <- vector('integer', length(varcode))
  aavar <- vector('character', length(varcode))
  for (i in 1:length(varcode))
    if (show_progress) { setTxtProgressBar(pb, i) }
    aaref[[i]] = fastTranslate(txCodons$RefCodon[[i]])
    aapos[[i]] = ceiling(txCodons$CodonStart[[i]]/3)
    # if there are no ambiguous bases, simply do a quick translation
    if (!stringi::stri_detect_regex(varcode[[i]], "[^ACGT]")) {
      varaa[[i]] = fastTranslate(varcode[[i]])
    } else {
      # expand the ambiguous bases into combinations of unambiguous bases
      tt = iub[unlist(strsplit(varcode[[i]], split = ""))]
      combine = expand.grid(tt, KEEP.OUT.ATTRS=F, stringsAsFactors=F)
      vcodes = apply(combine, 1, paste0, collapse='')
      varaa[[i]] = paste(setdiff(unique(lapply(vcodes, fastTranslate)), aaref[[i]]), collapse=',')

    cur_aaref = aaref[[i]]
    cur_varaa = varaa[[i]]
    if(is.na(match(cur_aaref, cur_varaa))) {
      vartype[[i]] = 'non-synonymous'
      aavar[[i]] = cur_varaa
    } else {
      varaaunique <- cur_varaa[-match(cur_aaref, cur_varaa)]
      if(length(varaaunique)==0) {
        vartype[[i]] = 'synonymous'
        aavar[[i]] = unique(unlist(cur_varaa))
      } else {
        vartype[[i]] = 'non-synonymous'
        aavar[[i]] = paste(varaaunique, collapse='')
  if (show_progress) { close(pb) }

  # return input table with new columns added
  txCodons$varcode = unlist(varcode)
  txCodons$vartype = vartype
  txCodons$aaref = aaref
  txCodons$aapos = aapos
  txCodons$aavar = aavar
chambm/customProDB documentation built on May 31, 2019, 12:08 p.m.