##' Get the FASTA file of proteins that pass RPKM cutoff. the FASTA ID line contains protein ID, gene ID, HGNC symbol and description
#' by taking the RPKM value as input, the function outputs sequences of the proteins that pass the cutoff.
#' @title output FASTA format file contains proteins that have expression level above the cutoff
#' @param rpkm a numeric vector containing RPKM for each protein
#' @param cutoff cutoff of RPKM value. Two options are available, percentage format or RPKM. By default we use "30\%" or the RPKM value of 1. "30\%" means we keep top 70\% proteins according to their RPKMs.
#' @param proteinseq a dataframe containing protein ids and protein sequences.
#' @param outfile output file name.
#' @param ids a dataframe containing gene/transcript/protein id mapping information.
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @return FASTA file contains proteins with RPKM above the cutoff.
#' @author Xiaojing Wang
#' @export
#' @examples
#' load(system.file("extdata/refseq", "exon_anno.RData", package="customProDB"))
#' load(system.file("extdata/refseq", "proseq.RData", package="customProDB"))
#' bamFile <- system.file("extdata/bams", "test1_sort.bam",
#' package="customProDB")
#' load(system.file("extdata/refseq", "ids.RData", package="customProDB"))
#' RPKM <- calculateRPKM(bamFile, exon, proteincodingonly=TRUE, ids)
#' outf1 <- paste(tempdir(), '/test_rpkm.fasta', sep='')
#' Outputproseq(RPKM, 1, proteinseq, outf1, ids)
#' Outputproseq(NULL, 1, proteinseq, outf1, ids)
Outputproseq <- function(rpkm, cutoff="30%", proteinseq, outfile, ids, ...)
if (is.null(rpkm))
ftab <- merge(ids,proteinseq, by.x='pro_name', by.y='pro_name', all=FALSE,
tmp <- apply(ftab, 1, function(x)
paste('>', x['pro_name'], " |NA|",
x['tx_name.x'], "|", x['gene_name'], "|", x['description'], '\n',
unlist(strsplit(x['peptide'], '\\*'))[1], sep=''))
else {
if(grepl('%', cutoff)){
cutoff <- quantile(rpkm, as.numeric(gsub('%', '', cutoff))/100)
}else cutoff <- as.numeric(cutoff)
s<-rpkm[rpkm >= cutoff]
seqs <- proteinseq[proteinseq$pro_name %in% names(s), ]
v <- s[seqs$pro_name]
seqs <- cbind(seqs, v)
ftab <- merge(ids,seqs, by.x='pro_name', by.y='pro_name', all=FALSE,
ftab <- ftab[order(ftab$v, decreasing=TRUE), ]
tmp <- apply(ftab, 1, function(x)
paste('>', x['pro_name'], " |", round(as.numeric(x['v']), 4), "|",
x['tx_name.x'], "|", x['gene_name'], "|", x['description'], '\n',
unlist(strsplit(x['peptide'], '\\*'))[1], sep=''))
write(tmp, file=outfile)
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