##' Three-frame translation of novel junctions. And remove those could be found in normal protein sequences.
##' This function requires a genome built by BSgenome package.
##' @title generate peptide FASTA file that contains novel junctions.
##' @param junction_type a data frame which is the output of function JunctionType()
##' @param genome a BSgenome object. (e.g. Hsapiens)
##' @param outfile output file name
##' @param proteinseq a data frame cotaining amino acid sequence for each protein.
##' @param ... Additional arguments.
##' @return FASTA file that contains novel junction peptides.
##' @author Xiaojing Wang
##' @export
##' @examples
##' bedfile <- system.file("extdata/beds", "junctions1.bed", package="customProDB")
##' jun <- Bed2Range(bedfile,skip=1,covfilter=5)
##' load(system.file("extdata/refseq", "splicemax.RData", package="customProDB"))
##' load(system.file("extdata/refseq", "ids.RData", package="customProDB"))
##' txdb <- AnnotationDbi::loadDb(system.file("extdata/refseq", "txdb.sqlite",
##' package="customProDB"))
##' junction_type <- JunctionType(jun, splicemax, txdb, ids)
##' table(junction_type$jun_type)
##' chrom <- paste('chr',c(1:22,'X','Y','M'),sep='')
##' junction_type <- subset(junction_type, seqnames %in% chrom)
##' outf_junc <- paste(tempdir(), '/test_junc.fasta', sep='')
##' #outf_junc_coding <- paste(tempdir(), '/test_junc_coding.fasta', sep='')
##' load(system.file("extdata/refseq", "proseq.RData", package="customProDB"))
##' library('BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19')
##' OutputNovelJun <- OutputNovelJun(junction_type, Hsapiens, outf_junc,
##' proteinseq)
OutputNovelJun <- function(junction_type, genome, outfile,
proteinseq, ...)
old <- options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
on.exit(options(old), add = TRUE)
#ids <- subset(ids,pro_name!='')
#trans <- transcripts(txdb)
#index <- which(values(trans)[['tx_name']] %in% ids$tx_name)
#pro_trans <- trans[index]
novel_junc <- subset(junction_type, jun_type != 'known junction')
if(!length(grep('chr', novel_junc$seqnames, fixed=T))>0) {
novel_junc$seqnames <- paste('chr', novel_junc$seqnames, sep='')
idx <- which(novel_junc$seqnames %in% seqnames(genome))
novel_junc <- novel_junc[idx, ]
###remove abnormal junctions
idx_abn <- union(which(novel_junc$start < 0),
which(novel_junc$end < 0))
if(length(idx_abn > 0)) novel_junc <- novel_junc[-idx_abn, ]
junRange1 <- GRanges(seqnames=novel_junc$seqnames,
junRange2 <- GRanges(seqnames=novel_junc$seqnames,
######prepare annotation for proBAMr
jr1 <- IRanges::as.data.frame(junRange1)
jr2 <- IRanges::as.data.frame(junRange2)
jr1_rank <- unlist(lapply(jr1$strand, function(x) ifelse(x=='+', 1, 2)))
jr1 <- cbind(jr1, rank=jr1_rank)
jr2_rank <- unlist(lapply(jr2$strand, function(x) ifelse(x=='+', 2, 1)))
jr2 <- cbind(jr2, rank=jr2_rank)
jrs <- rbind(jr1, jr2)
colnames(jrs) <- c('chromosome_name', 'cds_chr_start', 'cds_chr_end', 'width', 'strand', 'tx_name', 'rank')
ttt <- split(jrs, jrs$tx_name)
jrs_list <-lapply(ttt, function(x){
#len <- x$cds_e-x$cds_s+1
#cum <- cumsum(len)
x <- x[order(x$rank),]
cum <- cumsum(x$width)
rdis <- cbind(c(1, cum[1:length(cum)-1]+1), cum)
colnames(rdis) <- c('cds_start', 'cds_end')
tmp <- cbind(x, rdis)
nov_jun_anno <- do.call(rbind, jrs_list)
jun_anno <- merge(novel_junc[, 1:7], nov_jun_anno, by.x='id', by.y='tx_name')
jun_anno <- jun_anno[, -c(2, 6)]
colnames(jun_anno) <- c("tx_name", "start_position", "end_position", 'intron_len', 'cov',"chromosome_name",
"cds_chr_start", "cds_chr_end", "width", 'strand', "rank", "cds_start",
pro_name <- paste(paste(jun_anno[, 'tx_name'], '_',
jun_anno[, 'chromosome_name'], ':',
jun_anno[, 'start_position'], '-', jun_anno[, 'end_position'],
sep=''), jun_anno[, 'cov'],sep='|')
jun_anno <- cbind(jun_anno, 'pro_name'=pro_name)
jun_anno[, 'chromosome_name'] <- gsub('chr', '', jun_anno[, 'chromosome_name'] )
save(jun_anno, file=paste(outfile, '_jun_anno.RData', sep=''))
#match1_protx <- findOverlaps(junRange1,pro_trans)
#match2_protx <- findOverlaps(junRange2,pro_trans)
#juntransRange1 <- junRange1[unique(queryHits(match1_protx))]
#juntransRange2 <- junRange2[unique(queryHits(match2_protx))]
#junseq1 <- getSeq(genome,'chr1',start=1000,end=2000,as.character=TRUE)
###already did reverseComplement
junseq1 <- getSeq(genome, junRange1)
junseq2 <- getSeq(genome, junRange2)
junseq_cat <- DNAStringSet(mapply(function(x, y, z)
ifelse(z == '+', paste(x, y, sep=''), paste(y, x, sep='')),
as.data.frame(junseq1)[, 1],
as.data.frame(junseq2)[, 1], as.character(strand(junRange1))))
#index_plus <- which(strand(junRange1) == '+')
#index_minus <- which(strand(junRange1) == '-')
#seqs_plus <- junseq_cat[index_plus]
#seqs_minus <- reverseComplement(junseq_cat[index_minus])
#seqs <- c(seqs_plus, seqs_minus)
#novel_junc_new <- rbind(novel_junc[index_plus, ],
# novel_junc[index_minus, ])
novel_junc_new <- novel_junc
seqs <- junseq_cat
##Remove sequences contains NNN
Nindx <- grep('N', seqs)
if(length(Nindx) > 0){
seqs <- seqs[-Nindx]
novel_junc_new <- novel_junc_new[-Nindx, ]
seqs_name <- paste(paste(novel_junc_new[, 'id'], '_',
novel_junc_new[, 'seqnames'], ':',
novel_junc_new[, 'start'], '-', novel_junc_new[, 'end'],
sep=''), novel_junc_new[, 'cov'],sep='|')
junpepcoding <- data.frame('pro_name'=seqs_name,
'coding'=as.data.frame(seqs)[, 1])
######## coding seqs could be used as input for proBAMr
save(junpepcoding, file=paste(outfile, '_coding.RData', sep=''))
# suppress warnings about sequence length not being divisible by 3
suppressWarnings(peptides_r1 <- translate(seqs))
suppressWarnings(peptides_r2 <- translate(subseq(seqs, start=2)))
suppressWarnings(peptides_r3 <- translate(subseq(seqs, start=3)))
junpos_rna_p1 <- ifelse(novel_junc_new[, 'strand'] == '+',
as.numeric(novel_junc_new[, 'part1_len']),
as.numeric(novel_junc_new[, 'part2_len']))
junpos_rna_p2 <- ifelse(novel_junc_new[, 'strand'] == '+',
as.numeric(novel_junc_new[, 'part1_len'])+1,
as.numeric(novel_junc_new[, 'part2_len'])+1)
junpos_r1_p1 <- ceiling(junpos_rna_p1/3)
junpos_r1_p2 <- ceiling(junpos_rna_p2/3)
junpos_r2_p1 <- ceiling((junpos_rna_p1-1)/3)
junpos_r2_p2 <- ceiling((junpos_rna_p2-1)/3)
junpos_r3_p1 <- ceiling((junpos_rna_p1-2)/3)
junpos_r3_p2 <- ceiling((junpos_rna_p2-2)/3)
name_r1 <- paste(paste(novel_junc_new[, 'id'], '_', novel_junc_new[, 'seqnames'],
':', novel_junc_new[, 'start'], '-', novel_junc_new[, 'end'],
sep=''), novel_junc_new[, 'cov'], 'ORF1 ',
paste('Junpos:', junpos_r1_p1, '-', junpos_r1_p2, sep=''),
novel_junc_new[, 'strand'], novel_junc_new[, 'tx_name_part1'],
novel_junc_new[, 'tx_name_part2'],
novel_junc_new[, 'jun_type'], sep='|')
name_r2 <- paste(paste(novel_junc_new[, 'id'],'_', novel_junc_new[, 'seqnames'],
':',novel_junc_new[, 'start'], '-', novel_junc_new[, 'end'],
sep=''), novel_junc_new[, 'cov'], 'ORF2 ',
paste('Junpos:', junpos_r2_p1, '-', junpos_r2_p2, sep=''),
novel_junc_new[, 'strand'], novel_junc_new[, 'tx_name_part1'],
novel_junc_new[, 'tx_name_part2'],
novel_junc_new[, 'jun_type'], sep='|')
name_r3 <- paste(paste(novel_junc_new[, 'id'],'_', novel_junc_new[, 'seqnames'],
':',novel_junc_new[, 'start'], '-', novel_junc_new[, 'end'],
sep=''), novel_junc_new[, 'cov'], 'ORF3 ',
paste('Junpos:', junpos_r3_p1, '-', junpos_r3_p2, sep=''),
novel_junc_new[, 'strand'], novel_junc_new[, 'tx_name_part1'],
novel_junc_new[, 'tx_name_part2'],
novel_junc_new[, 'jun_type'], sep='|')
all_pep<- rbind(cbind(name_r1, as.data.frame(peptides_r1)[, 1]),
cbind(name_r2, as.data.frame(peptides_r2)[, 1]),
cbind(name_r3, as.data.frame(peptides_r3)[, 1]))
### remove peptide contain stop codon
index_stop <- grep('*', all_pep[, 2], fixed=T)
if(length(index_stop) > 0){
all_pep_rmstop <- all_pep[-index_stop, ]
}else all_pep_rmstop <- all_pep
### check if any peptides can be found in the normal database, remove those
index_nor <- lapply(all_pep_rmstop[, 2], function(x)
grep(x, proteinseq[, 'peptide'], fixed=T))
index_nor <- which(unlist(lapply(index_nor, length)) > 0)
if(length(index_nor) > 0){
all_pep_new <- all_pep_rmstop[-index_nor, ]
}else all_pep_new <- all_pep_rmstop
tmp <- paste('>', all_pep_new[, 1], '\n', all_pep_new[, 2], sep='')
write(tmp, file=outfile)
junpep <- data.frame( 'peptide'=all_pep_new[, 2], 'pro_name_v'=all_pep_new[, 1],
'pro_name' = unlist(lapply(all_pep_new[, 1], function(x)
strsplit(x, ' ')[[1]][1]
save(junpep, file=paste(outfile, '_junpep.RData', sep=''))
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