# FIREVAT Mutalisk Functions
# Adapted from Mutalisk (Lee et al., Nucleic Acids Research 2018; PMID 29790943)
# Last revised date:
# February 19, 2019
# Authors:
# Andy Jinseok Lee (jinseok.lee@ncc.re.kr)
# Hyunbin Kim (khb7840@ncc.re.kr)
# Bioinformatics Analysis Team, National Cancer Center Korea
#' @title MutaliskParseVCFObj
#' @description Parses a vcf.obj and prepares it to run Mutalisk.
#' @param vcf.obj A list from ReadVCF
#' @return A data.frame
#' @importFrom deconstructSigs mut.to.sigs.input
#' @importFrom BSgenome getBSgenome
#' @export
MutaliskParseVCFObj <- function(vcf.obj) {
bsg <- BSgenome::getBSgenome(vcf.obj$genome)
vcf.obj$data$Sample <- rep("sample", nrow(vcf.obj$data))
df.deconstructsigs.sigs.input <- mut.to.sigs.input(mut.ref = vcf.obj$data,
sample.id = "Sample",
chr = "CHROM",
pos = "POS",
ref = "REF",
alt = "ALT",
bsg = bsg)
df.temp <- t(df.deconstructsigs.sigs.input)
mutation.types <- rownames(df.temp)
context.both.strand <- c()
for (curr.mutation.type in mutation.types) {
ref.1 <- sub('(.*)\\[.*>.*\\].*', '\\1', curr.mutation.type)
alt.2 <- sub('.*\\[(.*)>.*\\].*', '\\1', curr.mutation.type)
alt.3 <- sub('.*\\[.*>(.*)\\].*', '\\1', curr.mutation.type)
ref.4 <- sub('.*\\[.*>.*\\](.*)', '\\1', curr.mutation.type)
context.both.strand <- c(context.both.strand, paste0(ref.1, alt.2, ">", alt.3, ref.4))
context.both.strand <- c(context.both.strand, "TOTAL")
freq <- c(as.numeric(df.temp), sum(as.numeric(df.temp)))
df.mutalisk.input <- data.frame(list(context_both_strand = context.both.strand,
freq = freq),
stringsAsFactors = F)
#' @title MutaliskSigNamesToIndices
#' @description Converts target.mut.sigs to an integer vector corresponding to the indices in df.ref.mut.sigs
#' @param df.ref.mut.sigs A data.frame of reference mutational signatures
#' @param target.mut.sigs A character vector of target mutational signatures names
#' @return An integer vector of target mutational signatures indices
#' (the first target mutational signature (e.g. 'SBS1') gets assigned a value of 1)
#' @keywords internal
MutaliskSigNamesToIndices <- function(df.ref.mut.sigs,
target.mut.sigs) {
target.mut.sigs.indices <- which(colnames(df.ref.mut.sigs) %in% target.mut.sigs)
return(target.mut.sigs.indices - 3)
#' @title MutaliskSigIndicesToNames
#' @description Converts target mutational signatures indices to the corresponding target
#' mutational signatures integer vector corresponding to the indices in df.ref.mut.sigs
#' @param df.ref.mut.sigs A data.frame of reference mutational signatures
#' @param target.mut.sigs.indices An integer vector of target mutational signatures indices
#' (the first PCAWG signature, SBS1, has a value of 1)
#' @return A character vector of target mutational signatures names
#' @keywords internal
MutaliskSigIndicesToNames <- function(df.ref.mut.sigs,
target.mut.sigs.indices) {
target.mut.sigs.indices <- target.mut.sigs.indices + 3
#' @title RunMutaliskHelper
#' @description Helper function for RunMutalisk
#' @param vcf.trinucleotide.data A data.frame (from firevat_mutalisk::MutaliskParseVCFObj)
#' @param df.ref.mut.sigs A data.frame of reference mutational signatures
#' @param target.mut.sigs A character vector of target mutational signatures names
#' @return A list with the following elements
#' \itemize{
#' \item{num.point.mutations}{An integer value - count of total point mutations}
#' \item{sub.types}{A character vector of length 96}
#' \item{sub.types.spectrum}{A numeric vector of length 96}
#' \item{num.mut.sigs}{An integer value (count of unique mutational signatures identified)}
#' \item{identified.mut.sigs}{A character vector where each element is a mutational signature identified}
#' \item{identified.mut.sigs.probs}{A numeric vector where each element is the weight of mutational signature identified.
#' The ordering follows identified.mut.sigs}
#' \item{identified.mut.sigs.spectrum}{A numeric vector of length 96}
#' \item{residuals}{A numeric vector of length 96}
#' \item{rss}{A numeric value (residual sum of squares)}
#' \item{cos.sim.score}{A numeric value (cosine similarity score between observed mutational spectrum and
#' reconstructed mutational signatures)}
#' \item{all.models.sigs}{A list where each element is a model; a model is a list of signatures identified)}
#' \item{all.models.sigs.probs}{A list where each element is a model; a model is a list of contribution probabilities}
#' \item{all.models.cos.sim.scores}{A list where each element is a model; a model is a list of cosine similarity socres}
#' }
#' @export
#' @import lsa
#' @importFrom caTools combs
RunMutaliskHelper <- function(vcf.trinucleotide.data,
target.mut.sigs) {
target_signature <- MutaliskSigNamesToIndices(df.ref.mut.sigs = df.ref.mut.sigs,
target.mut.sigs = target.mut.sigs)
num_rounds <- length(target_signature)
if(num_rounds > 7) { # get up to 7 models
num_rounds <- 7
min_prop = 0.01
zeta_value = 1e-10
spec1 <- as.matrix(vcf.trinucleotide.data)
sigdata <- df.ref.mut.sigs
sigdata <- sigdata[order(sigdata$`Type`),]
data1 <- cbind(spec = as.integer(spec1[1:96,2]),
num_mut = sum(data1[,1])
this_subclass = spec1[1:96,1]
this_spectrum = data1$spec/num_mut
zero <- which(data1[,1] == 0)
data1 <- data1[data1[,1] != 0,]
total_num <- as.integer(spec1[97,2])
total_CA <- sum(as.integer(spec1[1:16,2] ))
total_CG <- sum(as.integer(spec1[17:32,2] ))
total_CT <- sum(as.integer(spec1[33:48,2] ))
total_TA <- sum(as.integer(spec1[49:64,2] ))
total_TC <- sum(as.integer(spec1[65:80,2] ))
total_TG <- sum(as.integer(spec1[81:96,2] ))
prop_CA = round(total_CA/total_num, 3)
prop_CG = round(total_CG/total_num, 3)
prop_CT = round(total_CT/total_num, 3)
prop_TA = round(total_TA/total_num, 3)
prop_TC = round(total_TC/total_num, 3)
prop_TG = round(total_TG/total_num, 3)
LIK <- c()
bdb <- c()
sdb <- list()
pdb <- list()
min_sig = c()
min_par = c()
min_result = c()
stopIdx <- 0
stopVal <- 0
farr = c()
for (nrs in 1:num_rounds) {
min_value = 1000000000000000
if (nrs == 1) {
all_comb <- combs(target_signature,1)
length_all <- length(all_comb[,1])
for (this_n in 1:length_all) {
background <- data1[,all_comb[this_n,]+1]+zeta_value
## BIC: Bayesian Information Criterion
this_value <- sum(log(background)*data1[,1])*-2+log(num_mut)*1
if (this_value < min_value) {
min_sig = all_comb[this_n,]
min_value = this_value; min_par = 1
LIK[nrs] <- min_value
stopVal <- LIK[nrs]
} else {
str <- "function(par, data, sigs) { sum((data[,1]-data[,sigs[1]]*par[1]"
for (idx in 2:nrs) {
if (idx == nrs) {
str <- paste0(str," - data[,sigs[",idx,"]]*par[",idx,"]")
str2 <- "par[1]"
for (idx in 1:(nrs-1)) {
if ((idx+1) == nrs) {
str2 <- paste0(str2,"-par[",(idx+1),"]")
str <- paste0(str," - data[,sigs[",nrs,"]]*max(0,num_mut-",str2,"))^2) }")
min.RSS <- eval(parse(text = str)) ## Linear Regression
if (nrs >= 4) {
tmp = min_sig
tmp <- tmp[which(!tmp %in% farr)]
tmp_par <- min_par[which(!min_sig %in% farr)]
max.idx <- which.max(tmp_par)
fixed <- tmp[max.idx]
farr <- c(farr, fixed)
if (length(target_signature) > 40) {
if (nrs != length(target_signature)) {
new_target <- target_signature[!target_signature %in% farr]
ac <- combs(new_target, 3)
for (i in 1:length(farr)) {
ac <- as.matrix(cbind(farr[i],ac))
all_comb <- ac
length_all <- length(all_comb[,1])
} else {
all_comb <- combs(target_signature, nrs)
length_all <- length(all_comb[,1])
} else {
if (length(farr) == 1) {
tmp = min_sig
tmp <- tmp[which(!tmp %in% farr)]
tmp_par <- min_par[which(!min_sig %in% farr)]
max.idx <- which.max(tmp_par)
fixed <- tmp[max.idx]
farr <- c(farr, fixed)
if (nrs != length(target_signature)) {
all_comb <- combs(target_signature, nrs)
us_combs <- all_comb
for (i in farr) {
str <- paste0("us_combs <- us_combs[apply(us_combs,1,function(x) any (x==",i,")),]")
eval(parse(text = str))
all_comb <- us_combs
length_all <- length(all_comb[,1])
} else {
all_comb <- combs(target_signature, nrs)
length_all <- length(all_comb[,1])
} else {
all_comb <- combs(target_signature, nrs)
length_all <- length(all_comb[,1])
for (this_n in 1:length_all) {
result <- optim(par = rep(1, (nrs-1)),
fn = min.RSS,
data = data1,
sigs = c(all_comb[this_n,]) + 1,
method = "L-BFGS-B",
lower = min_prop*num_mut,
upper = num_mut)
if (result$value < min_value) {
min_value = result$value
min_result = result
min_sig = c(all_comb[this_n,])
min_par = c(min_result$par,max(0,num_mut-sum(min_result$par)))
min_par = min_par/sum(min_par)
sss <- ""
for (i in 1:nrs) {
sss <- paste0(sss,"data1[,min_sig[",i,"]+1]*min_par[",i,"]+")
sss <- paste0(sss,"zeta_value")
background <- eval(parse(text = sss))
## BIC: Bayesian Information Criterion
LIK[nrs] <- sum(log(background)*data1[,1])*-2+log(num_mut)*nrs
if (nrs == 1) {
stopVal <- LIK[nrs]
} else {
if (LIK[nrs] < stopVal) {
if (stopIdx == 1 ) {
stopIdx <- stopIdx - 1
stopVal <- LIK[nrs]
} else {
stopIdx <- stopIdx + 1
sdb[nrs] <- list(min_sig)
pdb[nrs] <- list(min_par)
bdb <- cbind(bdb,background)
if (stopIdx == 2) {
if (nrs < 4) {
stopIdx <- 0
} else {
num_rounds <- nrs
for (idx in num_rounds:1) {
if (min(LIK) == LIK[idx]) {
final_signum = idx
final_sig = sdb[[idx]]
final_par = pdb[[idx]]
final_background = bdb[,idx]
if (length(final_background) < 96) {
for(i in zero) {
dtmp <- as.vector(final_background)
if( i == 96 ) {
str <- paste0("final_background <- c(dtmp[1:",i-1,"],0)")
} else if (i == 1) {
str <- paste0("final_background <- c(0,dtmp[",i,":",length(dtmp),"])")
} else {
str <- paste0("final_background <- c(dtmp[1:",i-1,"],0,dtmp[",i,":",length(dtmp),"])")
eval(parse(text = str))
# Get cosine similarity for all models considered
all.models.cos.sim.scores <- c()
for (idx in 1:num_rounds) {
curr.background = bdb[,idx]
if (length(curr.background) < 96) {
for(i in zero) {
dtmp <- as.vector(curr.background)
if (i == 96) {
str <- paste0("curr.background <- c(dtmp[1:",i-1,"],0)")
} else if (i == 1) {
str <- paste0("curr.background <- c(0,dtmp[",i,":",length(dtmp),"])")
} else {
str <- paste0("curr.background <- c(dtmp[1:",i-1,"],0,dtmp[",i,":",length(dtmp),"])")
eval(parse(text = str))
curr.residuals = this_spectrum - curr.background
curr.cos.similarity <- lsa::cosine(this_spectrum, curr.background)
all.models.cos.sim.scores <- c(all.models.cos.sim.scores, curr.cos.similarity)
# Get signature names
all.models.signatures <- list()
curr.model.idx <- 1
for (curr.model in sdb) {
all.models.signatures[[curr.model.idx]] <- MutaliskSigIndicesToNames(df.ref.mut.sigs = df.ref.mut.sigs,
target.mut.sigs.indices = curr.model)
curr.model.idx <- curr.model.idx + 1
final_residuals = this_spectrum - final_background
cosine_similarity <- lsa::cosine(this_spectrum, final_background)
rss <- final_residuals * final_residuals
rss <- sum(rss)
return(list(num.point.mutations = num_mut,
sub.types = this_subclass,
sub.types.spectrum = this_spectrum,
num.mut.sigs = final_signum,
identified.mut.sigs = MutaliskSigIndicesToNames(
df.ref.mut.sigs = df.ref.mut.sigs,
target.mut.sigs.indices = final_sig),
identified.mut.sigs.probs = final_par,
identified.mut.sigs.spectrum = final_background,
residuals = final_residuals,
rss = rss,
cos.sim.score = cosine_similarity,
all.models.sigs = all.models.signatures,
all.models.sigs.probs = pdb,
all.models.cos.sim.scores = all.models.cos.sim.scores))
#' @title RunMutalisk
#' @description Identifies mutational signatures using Mutalisk
#' @param vcf.obj A list (from firevat_vcf::ReadVCF)
#' @param df.ref.mut.sigs A data.frame of reference mutational signatures
#' @param target.mut.sigs A character vector of target mutational signatures names to identify from
#' @param random.sampling.candidate.mut.sigs A character vector of mutational signatures names
#' that gets appended to the list of candidate mutational signatures so that these are
#' always considered.
#' @param method A string value (must be either 'random.sampling' or 'all').
#' The method 'random.sampling' samples (without replacement) 'n.sample' number of signatures
#' 'n.iter' number of times and runs the candidate signatures one last time.
#' The method 'all' uses all target.mut.sigs
#' @param n.sample An integer value ('random.sampling' method parameter)
#' Number of signatures to choose for each iteration of random sampling).
#' @param n.iter An integer value ('random.sampling' method parameter).
#' Number of iterations to perform random sampling.
#' @param verbose If true, provides process details
#' @return A list with the following elements
#' \itemize{
#' \item{num.point.mutations}{An integer value - count of total point mutations}
#' \item{sub.types}{A character vector of length 96}
#' \item{sub.types.spectrum}{A numeric vector of length 96}
#' \item{num.mut.sigs}{An integer value (count of unique mutational signatures identified)}
#' \item{identified.mut.sigs}{A character vector where each element is a mutational signature identified}
#' \item{identified.mut.sigs.probs}{A numeric vector where each element is the weight of mutational signature identified.
#' The ordering follows identified.mut.sigs}
#' \item{identified.mut.sigs.spectrum}{A numeric vector of length 96}
#' \item{residuals}{A numeric vector of length 96}
#' \item{rss}{A numeric value (residual sum of squares)}
#' \item{cos.sim.score}{A numeric value (cosine similarity score between observed mutational spectrum and
#' reconstructed mutational signatures)}
#' \item{all.models.sigs}{A list where each element is a model; a model is a list of signatures identified)}
#' \item{all.models.sigs.probs}{A list where each element is a model; a model is a list of contribution probabilities}
#' \item{all.models.cos.sim.scores}{A list where each element is a model; a model is a list of cosine similarity socres}
#' }
#' @export
#' @import lsa
RunMutalisk <- function(vcf.obj,
random.sampling.candidate.mut.sigs = c(),
method = "random.sampling",
n.sample = 20,
n.iter = 10,
verbose = TRUE) {
if (method != "all" && method != "random.sampling") {
stop("The parameter 'method' must be either 'all' or 'random.sampling'")
# Parse vcf.obj and get trinucleotide data
vcf.trinucleotide.data <- MutaliskParseVCFObj(vcf.obj = vcf.obj)
# Identify mutational signatures among the target signatures
if (verbose == TRUE) {
PrintLog("* Started running Mutalisk with:")
PrintLog(paste0("** ", length(target.mut.sigs), " target signatures"))
PrintLog(paste0("** '", method, "' method"))
# Run Mutalisk based on 'method'
if (method == "random.sampling") {
target.mut.sigs.sampled <- c()
for (i in 1:n.iter) {
if (verbose == TRUE) {
PrintLog(paste0("* Random sampling iteration: ", i))
candidate.mut.sigs <- sample(target.mut.sigs, n.sample)
candidateresults <- RunMutaliskHelper(vcf.trinucleotide.data = vcf.trinucleotide.data,
df.ref.mut.sigs = df.ref.mut.sigs,
target.mut.sigs = candidate.mut.sigs)
target.mut.sigs.sampled <- c(target.mut.sigs.sampled,
target.mut.sigs.sampled <- unique(c(target.mut.sigs.sampled, random.sampling.candidate.mut.sigs))
if (verbose == TRUE) {
PrintLog(paste0("* Running Mutalisk with ", length(target.mut.sigs.sampled), " candidate signatures"))
results <- RunMutaliskHelper(vcf.trinucleotide.data = vcf.trinucleotide.data,
df.ref.mut.sigs = df.ref.mut.sigs,
target.mut.sigs = target.mut.sigs.sampled)
if (method == "all") {
results <- RunMutaliskHelper(vcf.trinucleotide.data = vcf.trinucleotide.data,
df.ref.mut.sigs = df.ref.mut.sigs,
target.mut.sigs = target.mut.sigs)
if (verbose == TRUE) {
PrintLog("* Finished running Mutalisk")
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