# write_sbml.R
# Copyright 2016 Christian Diener <mail[at]cdiener.com>
# MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.
HEADER <- '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sbml xmlns:fbc="http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level3/version1/fbc/version2" level="3" sboTerm="SBO:0000624" version="1" xmlns="http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level3/version1/core" fbc:required="false">
<model fbc:strict="true" id="%s">
<unitDefinition id="mmol_per_gDW_per_hr">
<unit exponent="1" kind="mole" multiplier="1" scale="-3"/>
<unit exponent="-1" kind="gram" multiplier="1" scale="0"/>
<unit exponent="-1" kind="second" multiplier="3600" scale="0"/>
<compartment constant="true" id="cell" name="cellular interior"/>
OBJECTIVE <- ' <fbc:listOfObjectives fbc:activeObjective="obj">
<fbc:objective fbc:id="obj" fbc:type="maximize">
<fbc:fluxObjective fbc:reaction="%s" fbc:coefficient="1"/>
SPECIES <- ' <species boundaryCondition="false" constant="false" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" id="%s" name="%s" metaid="%s" initialConcentration="0" compartment="cell">'
SPEC_REF <- ' <speciesReference constant="true" species="%s" stoichiometry="%f"/>'
RDF_OPEN <- ' <sbml:annotation xmlns:sbml="http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level3/version1/core">
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#">
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#%s">
<bqbiol:is xmlns:bqbiol="http://biomodels.net/biology-qualifiers/">
RDF_CLOSE <- ' </rdf:Bag>
RDF_LI <- ' <rdf:li rdf:resource="http://identifiers.org/%s/%s"/>'
REACT <- ' <reaction fast="false" id="%s" reversible="%s" fbc:lowerFluxBound="%s" fbc:upperFluxBound="%s">'
DPARAM <- ' <parameter constant="true" id="%s" sboTerm="SBO:0000626" units="mmol_per_gDW_per_hr" value="%f"/>'
PARAM <- ' <parameter constant="true" id="%s" sboTerm="SBO:0000625" units="mmol_per_gDW_per_hr" value="%f"/>'
sid <- function(id) {
paste0("M_", gsub("[^\\w\\d_]", "_", id, perl = T))
write_param <- function(r, i, con) {
if (!is.null(r$lower))
write(sprintf(PARAM, paste0("r", i, "_lower"), r$lower), file = con)
if (!is.null(r$upper))
write(sprintf(PARAM, paste0("r", i, "_upper"), r$upper), file = con)
write_species <- function(spec, ann, con) {
s <- sid(spec)
write(sprintf(SPECIES, s, s, s), file = con)
if (any(!is.na(ann))) {
write(sprintf(RDF_OPEN, s), file = con)
for (i in 1:length(ann)) {
if (!is.na(ann[i])) {
x <- unique(as.character(str_conv(ann[i])))
nx <- names(ann)[i]
sapply(x, function(id) write(sprintf(RDF_LI, nx, id),
file = con))
write(RDF_CLOSE, file = con)
write(" </species>", file = con)
write_reaction <- function(r, i, db, annmap, con) {
rev_str <- c("false", "true")[r$rev + 1]
name <- paste0("r", i)
lower <- paste0(name, "_lower")
upper <- paste0(name, "_upper")
if (is.null(r$lower)) {
if (r$rev) lower <- "default_lower" else lower <- "zero_bound"
if (is.null(r$upper)) upper <- "default_upper"
write(sprintf(REACT, name, rev_str, lower, upper), file = con)
# Write annotations
val <- names(r)[names(r) %in% names(annmap)]
if (length(val) > 0 & !all(is.na(r[val]))) {
write(sprintf(RDF_OPEN, name), file = con)
for (v in val) {
if (!all(is.na(r[[v]]))) {
x <- unique(as.character(r[[v]]))
nx <- annmap[v]
sapply(x, function(id) write(sprintf(RDF_LI, nx, id),
file = con))
write(RDF_CLOSE, file = con)
# Reactants and substrates
if (!is.na(r$S)[1]) {
write(" <listOfReactants>", file = con)
idx <- 1:length(r$S)
sapply(idx, function(i)
write(sprintf(SPEC_REF, sid(r$S[i]), r$N_S[i]), file = con))
write(" </listOfReactants>", file = con)
# Products
if (!is.na(r$P)[1]) {
idx <- 1:length(r$P)
write(" <listOfProducts>", file = con)
sapply(idx, function(i)
write(sprintf(SPEC_REF, sid(r$P[i]), r$N_P[i]), file = con))
write(" </listOfProducts>", file = con)
write(" </reaction>", file = con)
#" Writes a SBML model.
#" This function writes a reaction list as a SBML file. It accepts various levels
#" of additional information to help annotate the model. \code{write_sbml} will
#" only write SBML Level 3 Version 1 with FBC Version 2.
#" @seealso \code{\link{read_sbml}}, to read SBML models.
#" @param reacts A reaction list.
#" @param spec Additional annotations for the species. Must be a data frame where
#" the first column denotes the name/id and additional columns are valid id
#" types from http://identifiers.org.
#" @param obj A positive integer denoting the index of the reaction taken to be
#" the optimization target. If NA no FBA objective will be added.
#" @param default_bounds numeric vector of length 2. The default bounds used if
#" no explicit lower and upper bounds are given for the reaction. If the reaction
#" is irreversible the lower bounds will be 0.
#" @param annmap An annotation map. A named character vector where the names denotes
#" reactions annotations in the reation list and the entries denote the respective
#" id on http://identifiers.org.
#" @param out A string denoting the name of the written SBML file.
#" @return Nothing.
#" @examples
#" data(eryth)
#" write_sbml(eryth, out="eryth.xml")
#" @export
write_sbml <- function(reacts, spec=NA, obj=NA, default_bounds=c(-1000, 1000),
annmap=NA, out="dycone_model.xml") {
if (is.null(ncol(spec))) {
spec <- species(reacts)
spec <- data.frame(id = spec, ann = NA)
} else if (!all(species(reacts) %in% spec[, 1]))
stop(paste0("There are species in the reactions which are not",
"contained in 'spec'!"))
con <- file(out, open = "w")
# write the SBML header
write(sprintf(HEADER, sub("\\..+", "", basename(out))), file = con)
# write the FBA objective if given
if (!is.na(obj)) write(sprintf(OBJECTIVE, paste0("r", obj)), file = con)
# write the list of parameters
write(" <listOfParameters>", file = con)
write(sprintf(DPARAM, "zero_bound", 0), file = con)
write(sprintf(DPARAM, "default_lower", default_bounds[1]), file = con)
write(sprintf(DPARAM, "default_upper", default_bounds[2]), file = con)
d <- sapply(1:length(reacts), function(i) write_param(reacts[[i]], i, con))
write(" </listOfParameters>", file = con)
# write the species list
write(" <listOfSpecies>", file = con)
dummy <- apply(spec, 1, function(s) write_species(s[1], s[-1], con))
write(" </listOfSpecies>", file = con)
# write the reaction list
write(" <listOfReactions>", file = con)
dummy <- sapply(1:length(reacts), function(i)
write_reaction(reacts[[i]], i, default_bounds, annmap, con))
write(" </listOfReactions>", file = con)
write(" </model>\n</sbml>", file = con)
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