# read_sbml.R
# Copyright 2016 Christian Diener <mail[at]cdiener.com>
# MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.
# grep string to annotate the namespace
RE_SBML <- "sbml/level(\\d)/version(\\d)(/core|$)"
RE_FBC <- "sbml/level\\d/version\\d/fbc/version(\\d)"
RE_MATHML <- "Math/MathML"
BOUND_XPATH <- "./sbml:kineticLaw/sbml:listOfParameters/sbml:parameter"
get_xml <- function(obj) {
if ("xml_node" %in% class(obj)) return(obj)
else return(read_xml(obj))
# Get the sbml version
sbml_version <- function(ns) {
sbml_ns <- ns["sbml"]
fbc_ns <- ns["fbc"]
re <- regexec(RE_SBML, sbml_ns)
m_sbml <- regmatches(sbml_ns, re)
if ("fbc" %in% names(ns)) {
re <- regexec(RE_FBC, fbc_ns)
m_fbc <- regmatches(fbc_ns, re)
} else m_fbc <- list(c(NA, NA))
level = as.numeric(m_sbml[[1]][2]),
version = as.numeric(m_sbml[[1]][3]),
fbc = as.numeric(m_fbc[[1]][2])))
# Clean up the namespace
clean_ns <- function(ns) {
sbml_idx <- grep(RE_SBML, ns)
fbc_idx <- grep(RE_FBC, ns)
mml_idx <- grep(RE_MATHML, ns)
if (length(sbml_idx) < 1) stop("No SBML namespace found.")
else names(ns)[sbml_idx[1]] <- "sbml"
if (length(fbc_idx) >= 1) names(ns)[fbc_idx[1]] <- "fbc"
if (length(mml_idx) >= 1) names(ns)[mml_idx[1]] <- "mathml"
# group a character matrix hierarchically
group <- function(m, combine=FALSE) {
x <- tapply(m[2, ], m[1, ], identity)
if (combine) x <- sapply(x, paste0, collapse = ", ")
rbind_fill <- function(l, fill=NA) {
nx <- unlist(lapply(l, names))
nx <- unique(nx)
m <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(nx), nrow = length(l))
colnames(m) <- nx
for (i in 1:length(l)) m[i, names(l[[i]])] <- l[[i]]
#' Obtains the list of parameters from a SBML model
#' @param sbml_file A SBML file. This can be a file on the disk or the location
#' to an online resource.
#' @return A data frame containing the obtained data. Some entries might be NA.
#' @examples
#' # requires internet connection
#' m_url <- "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/compneur-srv/biomodels-main/download?mid=MODEL1103210001"
#' sbml_params(m_url)
#' @importFrom xml2 read_xml read_html xml_find_first xml_find_all xml_ns
#' xml_attr xml_attrs xml_name xml_text
#' @export
sbml_params <- function(sbml_file) {
attrs <- c("id", "name", "value")
doc <- get_xml(sbml_file)
ns <- clean_ns(xml_ns(doc))
p_list <- doc %>% xml_find_all(
"./sbml:model/sbml:listOfParameters/sbml:parameter", ns)
params <- sapply(p_list, function(p) sapply(attrs, function(a)
xml_attr(p, a)))
out <- as.data.frame(t(params), row.names = NULL)
if (ncol(out) == 3) {
names(out) <- attrs
out$value <- as.numeric(as.character(out$value))
if (any(duplicated(out$id)))
stop("There are duplicated parameters IDs!")
} else return(NULL)
#' Obtains the list of species from a SBML model
#' @param sbml_file A SBML file. This can be a file on the disk or the location
#' to an online resource.
#' @return A data frame containing the obtained data. Some entries might be NA.
#' @examples
#' # requires internet connection
#' m_url <- "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/compneur-srv/biomodels-main/download?mid=MODEL1103210001"
#' sbml_species(m_url)
#' @export
sbml_species <- function(sbml_file) {
doc <- get_xml(sbml_file)
ns <- clean_ns(xml_ns(doc))
v <- sbml_version(ns)
if (is.na(v[3])) {
attrs <- c("id", "name", "initialAmount", "initialConcentration",
"boundaryCondition", "charge")
} else {
attrs <- c("id", "name", "initialAmount", "initialConcentration",
"boundaryCondition", "fbc:charge", "fbc:chemicalFormula")
s_list <- doc %>% xml_find_all(
"./sbml:model/sbml:listOfSpecies/sbml:species", ns)
species <- sapply(s_list, function(s) sapply(attrs, function(a)
xml_attr(s, a, ns)))
out <- as.data.frame(t(species), row.names = NULL)
names(out) <- attrs
num_cols <- c(3, 4, 6)
for (i in num_cols) {
out[, i] <- as.numeric(as.character(out[, i]))
# Get RDF annotations
rdf <- NA
if ("rdf" %in% names(ns)) {
rdf_list <- lapply(s_list, function(s) {
rdf_links <- s %>% xml_find_all(
".//rdf:Bag/rdf:li/@rdf:resource", ns) %>% xml_text()
if (length(rdf_links) > 0) {
rdf <- sapply(rdf_links, function(r) {
spl <- strsplit(r, "/", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
spl[(length(spl) - 1):length(spl)]
rdf <- group(rdf, combine = TRUE)
rdf <- rbind_fill(rdf_list)
out$boundaryCondition <- ifelse(
out$boundaryCondition == "true", TRUE, FALSE)
out$boundaryCondition[is.na(out$boundaryCondition)] <- FALSE
if (!is.null(ncol(rdf))) out <- cbind(out, rdf)
parse_reaction <- function(r_node, ns, v) {
id <- r_node %>% xml_attr("id")
name <- r_node %>% xml_attr("name")
rev <- r_node %>% xml_attr("reversible")
rev <- ifelse(rev == "true", TRUE, FALSE)
if (is.na(rev) && v[1] < 3) rev <- TRUE
# Get the substrates and products
subs <- r_node %>% xml_find_all("./sbml:listOfReactants/
sbml:speciesReference", ns) %>% xml_attrs()
S <- sapply(subs, "[", "species")
N_S <- sapply(subs, function(x) as.numeric(x["stoichiometry"]))
if (length(S) == 0) {
S <- NA
N_S <- 1
if (any(is.na(N_S))) {
if (v[1] > 2) {
"At least one substrate in reaction %s has no stoichiometry!",
} else N_S[is.na(N_S)] <- 1
names(S) <- NULL
names(N_S) <- NULL
prods <- subs <- r_node %>% xml_find_all("./sbml:listOfProducts/
sbml:speciesReference", ns) %>% xml_attrs()
P <- sapply(prods, "[", "species")
N_P <- sapply(prods, function(x) as.numeric(x["stoichiometry"]))
if (length(P) == 0) {
P <- NA
N_P <- 1
if (any(is.na(N_P))) {
if (v[1] > 2) {
"At least one product in reaction %s has no stoichiometry!",
} else N_P[is.na(N_P)] <- 1
names(P) <- NULL
names(N_P) <- NULL
# Get bounds
if (!is.na(v[3])) {
lower <- r_node %>% xml_attr("fbc:lowerFluxBound", ns)
upper <- r_node %>% xml_attr("fbc:upperFluxBound", ns)
} else {
lower <- r_node %>% xml_find_all(
paste0(BOUND_XPATH, "[@id='LOWER_BOUND']"), ns) %>%
upper <- r_node %>% xml_find_all(
paste0(BOUND_XPATH, "[@id='UPPER_BOUND']"), ns) %>%
if (length(lower) == 0) lower <- NA else lower <- str_conv(lower)
if (length(upper) == 0) upper <- NA else upper <- str_conv(upper)
# Get the notes
notes <- r_node %>% xml_find_all("./sbml:notes", ns) %>% xml_text()
if (length(notes) == 0) notes <- NA
# Get RDF annotations
rdf <- NA
if ("rdf" %in% names(ns)) {
rdf_links <- r_node %>% xml_find_all(
".//rdf:Bag/rdf:li/@rdf:resource", ns) %>% xml_text()
if (length(rdf_links) > 0) {
rdf <- sapply(rdf_links, function(r) {
spl <- strsplit(r, "/", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
spl[(length(spl) - 1):length(spl)]
rdf <- group(rdf)
r <- list(abbreviation = id, name = name, S = S, N_S = N_S,
P = P, N_P = N_P, rev = rev, notes = notes,
lower = lower, upper = upper)
if (!all(is.na(rdf))) r <- c(r, rdf)
#' Obtains the list of reactions from a SBML file.
#' @param sbml_file A SBML file. This can be a file on the disk or the location
#' to an online resource.
#' @param progress Whether a progress indication should be shown.
#' @return A list with additional class "reactions" describing the reactions in
#' the model. RDF annotations, notes and flux bounds are saved along with the
#' reactions
#' @examples
#' # requires internet connection
#' m_url <- "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/compneur-srv/biomodels-main/download?mid=MODEL1103210001"
#' sbml_reactions(m_url)
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils read.csv setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
sbml_reactions <- function(sbml_file, progress=TRUE) {
doc <- get_xml(sbml_file)
ns <- clean_ns(xml_ns(doc))
v <- sbml_version(ns)
r_nodes <- doc %>% xml_find_all(
"./sbml:model/sbml:listOfReactions/sbml:reaction", ns)
if (progress) {
n <- length(r_nodes)
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = n, style = 3)
reacts <- lapply(1:n, function(i) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
parse_reaction(r_nodes[[i]], ns, v)
} else reacts <- lapply(r_nodes, parse_reaction, ns = ns, v = v)
class(reacts) <- append(class(reacts), "reactions")
#' Main driver to parse an SBML model.
#' This function wraps around \code{sbml_*} functions but also performs some
#' basic sanity checks and adjustments which are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Gives information about the used level and version and whether the FBC
#' package is used.}
#' \item{Checks whether there are species that do not appear in reactions (warning).}
#' \item{Checks whether all species references in reactions are defined in the
#' species list (error).}
#' \item{Maps lower and upper flux bounds to its respective global parameters.}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{sbml_species}}, \code{\link{sbml_params}} and
#' \code{\link{sbml_reactions}} to read only parts of an SBML model.
#' @param sbml_file A SBML file. This can be a file on the disk or the location
#' to an online resource.
#' @return A list containing three elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{species}{The species (metabolites or molecules) in the model in a data
#' frame. Boundary metabolites are removed automatically.}
#' \item{params}{The global parameters defined for the model.}
#' \item{reactions}{The reactions in the model as an "reactions" object.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' # requires internet connection
#' m_url <- "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/biomodels-main/download?mid=BIOMD0000000042"
#' read_sbml(m_url)
#' @export
read_sbml <- function(sbml_file) {
doc <- get_xml(sbml_file)
ns <- clean_ns(xml_ns(doc))
v <- sbml_version(ns)
write(sprintf("Reading SBML level %d version %d %s FBC.", v[1], v[2],
ifelse(is.na(v[3]), "without", "with")), file = "")
specs <- sbml_species(doc)
bc <- specs$boundaryCondition
if (sum(bc) > 0) warning("Boundary species will be ignored!")
specs <- specs[!specs$boundaryCondition, ]
reacts <- sbml_reactions(doc, progress = TRUE)
# Check for species sanity
r_specs <- species(reacts)
if (all(is.na(specs$id))) spec_list <- specs$name
else spec_list <- specs$id
not_in_rs <- which(!(spec_list %in% r_specs))
not_in_slist <- which(!(r_specs %in% spec_list))
if (length(not_in_rs) > 0) warning(
paste("The following species are defined but not used in reactions:",
paste(spec_list[not_in_rs], collapse = ", ")))
if (length(not_in_slist) > 0) stop(
paste("The following species used in reactions are undefined:",
paste(r_specs[not_in_slist], collapse = ", ")))
# Map flux bounds
p <- sbml_params(doc)
env <- environment()
if (!is.null(p)) {
cat("Mapping flux bounds to global parameters")
fixed <- sapply(1:length(reacts), function(i) {
r <- reacts[[i]]
fixed <- FALSE
if (is.character(r$lower)) {
if (!(r$lower %in% p$id)) stop(
paste0("There is no global parameter ", r$lower, "."))
env$reacts[[i]]$lower <- p$value[p$id == r$lower]
fixed <- TRUE
if (is.character(r$upper)) {
if (!(r$lower %in% p$id)) stop(
paste0("There is no global parameter ", r$lower, "."))
env$reacts[[i]]$upper <- p$value[p$id == r$upper]
fixed <- TRUE
write(paste(" --", sum(fixed), "reactions mapped."), file = "")
} else write("No global parameters defined.", file = "")
return(list(species = specs, reactions = reacts, params = p))
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