#' @title Denovo Grid Generation
#' @description Greates grid for optimizing selected models
#' @param data data of method to be tuned
#' @param method vector indicating the models to generate grids.
#' Available options are \code{"plsda"} (Partial Least Squares
#' Discriminant Analysis),
#' \code{"rf"} (Random Forest), \code{"gbm"} (Gradient Boosting Machine),
#' \code{"svm"} (Support Vector Machines), \code{"glmnet"}
#' (Elastic-net Generalized Linear Model),
#' and \code{"pam"} (Prediction Analysis of Microarrays)
#' @param res Resolution of model optimization grid.
#' @return A list containing dataframes of all combinations of
#' parameters for each model:
#' @author Charles Determan Jr
#' @seealso \code{"expand.grid"} for generating grids of specific
#' parameters desired. However, NOTE that you must still convert
#' the generated grid to a list.
#' @example /inst/examples/denovo.grid.R
#' @export
denovo.grid <-
if(!".classes" %in% colnames(data)){
stop("Creating a tuning grid requires a '.classes' column
representing the class/group labels.")
# number of columns - 1
nc <- dim(data)[2] - 1
if("gbm" %in% method) {
.tree.options = c(500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000)
for(i in 1:length(method)){
algo <- tolower(method[i])
tmp <-
# .ncomp doesn't need to be looped, can access
# any lesser components that max
plsda = expand.grid(
.ncomp = seq(1,res)),
# alpha always tuned
# lambda tuning depends on user decision
# if defined number of features (f), cannot be tuned
# if doing full rank correlations
# (i.e. f = nc), cannot be tuned
# if letting glmnet decide optimal features, then tune
glmnet = expand.grid(
.alpha = seq(0.1, 1, length = res),
.lambda = seq(.1, 3, length = 3 * res)),
# n.trees doesn't need to be looped because can access
# any prior number from max
# modified .shrinkage from just '.1' to sequence
# of values
gbm = expand.grid(
.interaction.depth = seq(1, res),
.n.trees = .tree.options[1:res],
.shrinkage = c(.1/seq(res))),
rf = rfTune(data, res),
pam = pamTune(data, res),
svm = data.frame(.C = 2 ^((1:res) - 3)))
if(i == 1){
out <- list(tmp)
out <- append(out, list(tmp))
names(out) <- tolower(method)
rfTune <- function(
p <- dim(data)[2] - 1
c <- ceiling(p/50)
# sequence of trees to try
# both for high and 'very high' dimensional data
if(p < 500 ){
if(p < 100){
treeSeq <- floor(seq(1, to = p, length = res))
treeSeq <- floor(seq(10, to = p, length = c))
treeSeq <- floor(2^seq(5, to = log(p, base = 2), length = c))
# check if any of the numbers are repeated (i.e. repeating the
# same number of trees is inefficient)
if(any(table(treeSeq) > 1))
treeSeq <- unique(treeSeq)
data.frame(.mtry = treeSeq)
## We fit an initial algorithm to get the range thresholds for these data and
## create the grid from these.
pamTune <- function(data, # training data subset
data <- data[complete.cases(data),,drop = FALSE]
train.x <- data[!(names(data) %in% ".classes")]
train.y <- data[,".classes"]
initialThresh <- pamr.train(list(x=t(train.x), y=train.y))$threshold
# remove 0.000 and highest thresholds
initialThresh <- initialThresh[-c(1, length(initialThresh))]
threshSeq <- data.frame(
.threshold = seq(
from = min(initialThresh),
to = max(initialThresh), length = res))
## pamr.train prints out cv iterations without a line break
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