#' @title Bagging Wrapper for Ensemble Features Selection
#' @description Compiles results of ensemble feature selection
#' @param X A matrix containing numeric values of each feature
#' @param Y A factor vector containing group membership of samples
#' @param method A vector listing models to be fit
#' @param bags Number of bags to be run
#' @param f Number of features desired
#' @param aggregation.metric string indicating the type of ensemble aggregation.
#' Avialable options are \code{"CLA"} (Complete Linear),
#' \code{"EM"} (Ensemble Mean), \code{"ES"} (Ensemble Stability), and
#' \code{"EE"} (Ensemble Exponential)
#' @param k.folds Number of folds generated during cross-validation
#' @param repeats Number of times cross-validation repeated
#' @param res Optional - Resolution of model optimization grid
#' @param tuning.grid Optional list of grids containing parameters to optimize
#' for each algorithm. Default \code{"tuning.grid = NULL"} lets function
#' create grid determined by \code{"res"}
#' @param optimize Logical argument determining if each model should
#' be optimized. Default \code{"optimize = TRUE"}
#' @param optimize.resample Logical argument determining if each resample
#' should be re-optimized. Default \code{"optimize.resample = FALSE"} - Only
#' one optimization run, subsequent models use initially determined parameters
#' @param metric Criteria for model optimization. Available options are
#' \code{"Accuracy"} (Predication Accuracy), \code{"Kappa"} (Kappa Statistic),
#' and \code{"AUC-ROC"} (Area Under the Curve - Receiver Operator Curve)
#' @param model.features Logical argument if should have number of features
#' selected to be determined by the individual model runs.
#' Default \code{"model.features = FALSE"}
#' @param allowParallel Logical argument dictating if parallel processing
#' is allowed via foreach package. Default \code{allowParallel = FALSE}
#' @param verbose Logical argument if should output progress
#' @param theDots Optional arguments provided for specific models or user
#' defined parameters if \code{"optimize = FALSE"}.
#' @return \item{results}{List with the
#' following elements:}
#' @return \itemize{
#' \item{Methods: Vector of models fit to data}
#' \item{ensemble.results: List of length = length(method) containing
#' aggregated features}
#' \item{Number.bags: Number of bagging iterations}
#' \item{Agg.metric: Aggregation method applied}
#' \item{Number.features: Number of user-defined features}}
#' @return \item{bestTunes}{If \code{"optimize.resample = TRUE"}
#' then returns list of best parameters for each iteration}
#' @author Charles Determan Jr
#' @import DiscriMiner
#' @import randomForest
#' @import e1071
#' @import gbm
#' @import pamr
#' @import glmnet
# ' @export
bagging.wrapper <- function(X,
rownames(X) <- NULL
var.names <- colnames(X)
nr <- nrow(X)
nc <- ncol(X)
# number of groups
num.group = nlevels(Y)
# group levels
grp.levs <- levels(Y)
# leave out samples
# need to retain for SVM and PAM feature selection
trainVars.list <- vector("list", bags)
trainGroup.list <- vector("list", bags)
if(optimize == TRUE & optimize.resample == TRUE){
resample.tunes <- vector("list", bags)
names(resample.tunes) <- paste("Bag", 1:bags, sep=".")
resample.tunes <- NULL
### Parallel Processing??
for (i in 1:bags){
# bootstrapping (i.e. random sample with replacement)
trainVars <- X[boot,]
trainGroup <- Y[boot]
trainVars.list[[i]] <- trainVars
trainGroup.list[[i]] <- trainGroup
trainData <- as.data.frame(trainVars)
trainData$.classes <- trainGroup
# duplicate rownames because of bagging, must reset to 1:nrow
rownames(trainData) <- NULL
## Run respective algorithm on bootstrapped subsamples
if(optimize == TRUE){
if(optimize.resample == TRUE){
# tune the methods
tuned.methods <-
optimize.model(trainVars = trainVars,
trainGroup = trainGroup,
method = method,
k.folds = k.folds,
repeats = repeats,
res = res,
grid = tuning.grid,
metric = metric,
allowParallel = allowParallel,
verbose = verbose,
theDots = theDots)
if(i == 1){
finalModel <- tuned.methods$finalModel
finalModel <- append(finalModel, tuned.methods$finalModel)
# store the best tune parameters for each iteration
names(tuned.methods$bestTune) = method
resample.tunes[[i]] <- tuned.methods$bestTune
# end of optimize.resample loop
if(i == 1){
tuned.methods <-
optimize.model(trainVars = trainVars,
trainGroup = trainGroup,
method = method,
k.folds = k.folds,
repeats = repeats,
res = res,
grid = tuning.grid,
metric = metric,
allowParallel = allowParallel,
verbose = verbose,
theDots = theDots)
finalModel <- tuned.methods$finalModel
names(tuned.methods$bestTune) <- method
# Fit remainder of resamples with initial best parameters
#if(i == 2){
tmp <- vector("list", length(method))
names(tmp) <- method
for(d in seq(along = method)){
tmp[[d]] <-
training(data = trainData,
method = method[d],
tuneValue = tuned.methods$bestTune[[d]],
obsLevels = grp.levs,
theDots = theDots)$fit
finalModel <- append(finalModel, tmp)
} # end of single optimization loop
# end of optimizing loops
names(theDots) <- paste(".", names(theDots), sep="")
# sequester appropriate parameters
args.seq <- sequester(theDots, method)
# remove arguments used from theDots - also remove '.' from each
names(theDots) <- sub(".", "", names(theDots))
moreDots <- theDots[!names(theDots) %in% args.seq$pnames]
if(length(moreDots) == 0){
moreDots <- NULL
#moreDots <- theDots[-names(args.seq)]
finalModel <- vector("list", length(method))
for(q in seq(along = method)){
finalModel[[q]] <-
training(data = trainData,
method = method[q],
tuneValue = args.seq$parameters[[q]],
obsLevels = grp.levs,
theDots = moreDots)
# end of non-optimized model fitting
# end of bagging loop
# sort models together (e.g. first 5 are "plsda", next 5 "gbm", etc.)
method.names <-
FUN = function(x) paste(c(rep(x, bags)),
seq(bags), sep = "."))
names(finalModel) <- paste(method,
rep(seq(bags), each = length(method)),
sep = ".")
finalModel <- finalModel[match(method.names, names(finalModel))]
#names(finalModel) <- orig.method.names
# Create empty list for features identified by each chosen algorithm
features <- vector("list", length(method))
names(features) <- tolower(method)
for(j in seq(along = method)){
### Extract important features
# pam requires a special mydata argument
mydata <- vector("list", bags)
if(method[j] == "pam"){
for(t in 1:bags){
mydata[[t]] <-
geneid = as.character(colnames(trainVars.list[[t]])))
# svm requires training data for RFE
for(t in 1:bags){
mydata[[t]] <- trainVars.list[[t]]
if(j == 1){
start <- 1
end <- bags
if(method[j] == "svm" | method[j] == "pam" | method[j] == "glmnet"){
bt <- vector("list", bags)
for(l in seq(bags)){
if(optimize == TRUE){
if(optimize.resample == FALSE){
bt[[l]] <- tuned.methods$bestTune[[j]]
bt[[l]] <- tuned.methods$bestTune[[l]]
bt <- vector("list", bags)
if(method[j] == "plsda"){
cc <- vector("list", bags)
for(c in seq(bags)){
if(optimize == TRUE){
if(optimize.resample == FALSE){
cc[[c]] <- tuned.methods$bestTune[[j]]
cc[[c]] <- tuned.methods$bestTune[[c]]
finalModel.bag <- finalModel[start:end]
tmp <- vector("list", bags)
for(s in seq(bags)){
tmp[[s]] <- extract.features(
x = finalModel.bag[s],
dat = mydata[[s]],
grp = trainGroup.list[[s]],
# add in gbm best tune trees???
bestTune = bt[[s]],
model.features = FALSE,
method = method[j],
f = NULL,
#similarity.metric = similarity.metric,
comp.catch = cc)
if(method[j] == "glmnet"){
features[[j]] <- data.frame(
do.call("cbind", unlist(unlist(tmp, recursive = FALSE),
recursive = FALSE)))
features[[j]] <- do.call("cbind", unlist(tmp, recursive = FALSE))
if(class(features[[j]]) != "data.frame"){
features[[j]] <- data.frame(features[[j]])
rownames(features[[j]]) <- colnames(X)
start <- start + bags
end <- end + bags
### Ensemble Aggregation
#convert to numeric & set rownames
features.num <-
FUN = function(z){
sapply(z, FUN = function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))
features.num <- lapply(features.num, function(x) {
rownames(x) <- var.names
# Generate summary lists of each algorithm
agg <- lapply(features.num,
FUN = function(x){
aggregation(efs = x, metric = aggregation.metric, f = f)
# Basic ensemble model parameters
ensemble.results <- list(Methods = method,
ensemble.results = agg,
Number.Bags = bags,
Agg.metric = aggregation.metric,
Number.features = f)
out <- list(results = ensemble.results,
bestTunes = resample.tunes)
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