# Estimate the hierarchy edge by edge
# in each step only a pair of nodes is involved
pairwise.posterior = function (D, control, verbose = TRUE)
# Sgenes
Sgenes <- setdiff(unlist(control$map[intersect(names(control$map), colnames(D))]),"time")
nrS <- length(Sgenes)
nrTest <- nrS*(nrS-1)/2
if(verbose) cat(nrS,"perturbed genes ->", nrTest, "pairwise tests (lambda = ", control$lambda,")\n")
# priors
if (is.null(control$Pm)) control$Pm <- matrix(0, ncol=nrS, nrow=nrS, dimnames=list(Sgenes,Sgenes))
if (is.null(control$Pmlocal)) control$Pmlocal <- rep(0.25,4)
control$Pe <- matrix(1/nrS,nrow=nrow(D),ncol=nrS, dimnames=list(rownames(D),Sgenes))
# init output
graph <- diag(nrS)
dimnames(graph) <- list(Sgenes,Sgenes)
scores <- matrix(nrow=nrTest,ncol=5)
dimnames(scores) <- list(as.character(1:nrTest),c("..","->","<-","<->","support"))
ix <- 1
for (i in 1:(nrS - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1):nrS) {
# get data
x <- Sgenes[i]
y <- Sgenes[j]
sel <- which(colnames(D)==x | colnames(D)==y)
D.xy <- D[, sel]
sel2 <- which(rowSums(D.xy) != 0)
D.xy <- D.xy[sel2, , drop = FALSE]
# get local priors
sel <- c(i,j)
controltmp = control
controltmp$Pe <- control$Pe[sel2, sel, drop=FALSE]
controltmp$Pe[rowSums(controltmp$Pe) == 0,] = 1e-10
controltmp$Pm <- control$Pm[sel, sel, drop=FALSE]
support <- nrow(D.xy)
# four models per edge: x..y x->y x<-y x<->y
models <- enumerate.models(2,name=c(x,y),trans.close=control$trans.close, verbose=FALSE)
if(support > 0){
# score
ss <- score(models, D.xy, controltmp, verbose = FALSE)
post <- exp(ss$mLL) *control$Pmlocal
post <- post/sum(post)
post[is.na(post)] = 0
post = matrix(0,nrow=1,ncol=4)
# winner
winner <- models[[which.max(post)]]
graph[i, j] <- winner[1, 2]
graph[j, i] <- winner[2, 1]
# scores
scores[ix, ] <- c(post, support)
rownames(scores)[ix] <- paste(c(x, y), collapse = "~")
ix <- ix + 1
# counter
if (verbose) cat(".")
if (verbose) cat("\n")
# estimate effect positions
if (verbose) cat("estimating effect positions\n")
graph = transitive.closure(graph,mat=TRUE)
ep <- score(list(graph), D,
# output
# graph <- graph - diag(nrS)
# graph <- as(graph,"graphNEL")
# res <- list(graph=graph,mLL=ep$mLL[[1]],pos=ep$pos[[1]],mappos=ep$mappos[[1]],scores=scores,type=type,para=para,hyperpara=hyperpara,lam=lambda,selected=ep$selected,delta=delta)
res <- list(graph=ep$graph,mLL=ep$mLL[[1]],pos=ep$pos[[1]],mappos=ep$mappos[[1]],control=control, selected=ep$selected, LLperGene=ep$LLperGene[[1]], scores=scores, para=ep$para[[1]]) # output: data likelihood under given model!
class(res) <- "pairwise"
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