#' @title Produces \code{pat} files for H-CBN
#' @description \code{doPatForCBN} produces a binary matrix with dimensions
#' patients x pathways, to be used as input by H-CBN. It can also write the
#' matrix to a file.
#' @param groupsList list with as many elements as mutually exclusive groups,
#' each element consists of the genes assigned to the respective pathway
#' @param genesMat binary alteration matrix with rows representing patients
#' and columns representing genes, where an 1 indicates that a gene has been
#' altered in one patient
#' @param write boolean, indicating whether to also write the output matrix to
#' a file. Default to FALSE.
#' @param path path where the output matrix should be written. Default to
#' "~/Dropbox/PathTiMEx/RPathTiMEx/txts".
#' @param name name of the file to be written. Default to "outCBN".
#' @details The matrix returned by this function is the binary alteration matrix
#' on the basis of which order constraints between pathways are inferred. The
#' input to this function are the assignment of genes to pathways (as a list)
#' and the binary alteration matrix on the level of genes. A pathway is
#' considered to be altered as soon as at least one of its gene members is
#' altered. If \code{write=TRUE} and if \code{path} and \code{name} are
#' provided, the matrix is written to the file \code{path/name.pat}.
#' @return binary alteration matrix representing the alteration of pathways
#' in patients.
#' @author Simona Constantinescu, \email{simona.constantinescu@@bsse.ethz.ch}
#' @aliases doPatForCBN
#' @export
if (missing(write))
if (missing(path))
if (missing(name))
for (i in 1:noPaths)
if (length(genesNow)>1) # if the current pathway has more than one gene
if (write)
#' @title Writes a poset to a file
#' @description \code{writePosetForCBN} writes the input poset to a file, in
#' a form accepted as input by H-CBN.
#' @param poset the binary input matrix representing the order constraints
#' between events
#' @param path path where the output poset should be written. Default to
#' "~/Dropbox/PathTiMEx/RPathTiMEx/txts".
#' @param name name of the file to be written. Default to "outCBN".
#' @details The poset encodes order constraints between events and it is either
#' used as starting solution for H-CBN, or the final result of the H-CBN
#' structure otpimization. The poset is written to file in a form compatible to
#' H-CBN, namely on the first line the number of events, on each of the
#' following lines a directed edge representing an order constraint, and on
#' the last line the number 0. If \code{path} and \code{name} are provided,
#' the poset is written to \code{path/name.poset}.
#' @return nothing
#' @author Simona Constantinescu, \email{simona.constantinescu@@bsse.ethz.ch}
#' @aliases writePosetForCBN
#' @export
if (missing(path))
if (missing(name))
edges<-which(poset==1,arr.ind = TRUE)
write.table(edges,file=paste(path,"/",name,".poset",sep=""),row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)
write(0,file=paste(path,"/",name,".poset",sep=""),append = TRUE)
#' @title Runs H-CBN
#' @description \code{runCBN} runs the H-CBN program from the the command line,
#' for already existing .pat (binary alteration matrix) and .poset (initial
#' solution for structure) files.
#' @param path path where the folder containing the initial results is created,
#' as well as where the final results are written. In the H-CBN help file,
#' this is the path where the \code{filestem} directory is created.
#' @param name name of the directory where results are initially written.
#' @param optionsSA string representing the command-line options of the
#' simmulated annealing optimization routine.
#' @param noThreads number of threads on which to run H-CBN.
#' @details The folder were results of the H-CBN run are initially saved is
#' \code{completeFilestem=path/name} (which, if not existent, is created).
#' After running this function, five files are written: the optimized
#' structure (poset), written to \code{path/name/00000.poset} and also to
#' \code{path/name.poset}, replacing the initial poset and becoming the initial
#' solution for the next iteration of the simmulated annealing optimization;
#' the optimized lambda parameters, written to \code{path/name.lambda} and also
#' to \code{path/name/paramsEps.lambda}, where it also includes the estimate of
#' the error-rate epsilon; and the log of the simmulated annealing
#' repetitions, which are written to \code{path/name.log}. The returned optimal
#' structure contains an additional dummy row and column identically set to
#' 0, in preparation for the format required by the local group optimization.
#' @return list consisting of
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{optStruct}} {a square matrix of dimension input number of
#' pathways plus 1, representing the inferred optimal structure. The last row
#' and column correspond to a dummy pathway and are identically zero.}
#' \item{\code{eps}} {H-CBN estimate for the gene-wise error rate (positive real
#' number)}
#' \item{\code{alpha}} {H-CBN estimate for alpha (positive real number).}
#' \item{\code{loglik}} {H-CBN estimate for the log likelihood.}
#' \item{\code{lamobs}} {H-CBN estimate for the waiting time rate of the
#' observation time (fixed to 1).}
#' \item{\code{lams}} {vector, H-CBN estimate for the waiting time rates of the
#' events (pathways).}
#' }
#' @author Simona Constantinescu, \email{simona.constantinescu@@bsse.ethz.ch}
#' @aliases runCBN
#' @export
# create directory where to write the poset
dir.create(completeFilestem, showWarnings = FALSE)
# no threads
# 1. run CBN for the given .pat and .poset files with the specified simulated annealing options
# write optimized structure to completeFilestem/00000.poset
# writes optimized lambda parameters to path/name.lambda
system(paste(OMPthreads, "h-cbn -f", completeFilestem, optionsSA, "-w"))
# 2. read in and store the optimized structure form completeFilestem/00000.poset
# add an extra NULL node, in preparation for the local group optimization
optEdges<-matrix(optEdges,ncol=2,byrow = TRUE)
# 3. replace the initial solution for poset with the estimated one,
# to be used as initial solution in the next iteration
system(paste("mv ", completeFilestem, "/", "00000.poset", " ", completeFilestem, ".poset",sep=""))
# 4. re-run again parameter estimation for the given poset for epsilon, as epsilon was not saved
# save the parameters (eps, loglik, lambda_obs, lambdas) in the file completeFilestem/paramsEps.lambda
system(paste(OMPthreads, " h-cbn -f ", completeFilestem, " -w -> ", completeFilestem, "/paramsEps.lambda",sep=""))
# 5. store the estimated parameters
params<-read.table(paste(completeFilestem,"/paramsEps.lambda",sep=""),sep="\t",header = TRUE)
#' @title Transforms poset
#' @description \code{transformAndWritePoset} transforms the existing optimal
#' poset from the previous optimization step to a new compatible poset, to be
#' used as starting solution by the next run of H-CBN.
#' @param path path where the new compatible poset is written
#' @param name name of the poset file to be written
#' @param oldStruct the old poset to be transformed, encoding order relations
#' between pathways at the previous optimization step
#' @param newPathMat current binary alteration matrix at the level of pathways,
#' with rows representing samples and columns pathways, where an 1 represents
#' that a pathway is altered in a sample
#' @details The role of this function is to create a compatible starting
#' poset for the new H-CBN optimization step, on the basis of the current
#' optimal poset. This is done by simply removing any edge from between events
#' which do not longer exist as pathways. The numbering of the evnets is kept
#' as in the current poset, without checking for consistency between pathways
#' between the old and current groupings. The new poset is written to the file
#' path/name.poset.
#' @return nothing
#' @author Simona Constantinescu, \email{simona.constantinescu@@bsse.ethz.ch}
#' @aliases transformAndWritePoset
#' @export
# number of events for the new poset
# if needed, remove edges between events which are no longer there
#edgesOld<-which(oldStruct==1,arr.ind = TRUE)
#if (max(allOldEvents)>noEventsNow)
# oldStruct[c((noEventsNow+1):dim(oldStruct)[1]),]<-0
# oldStruct[,c((noEventsNow+1):dim(oldStruct)[1])]<-0
oldStruct<-make_linear_poset(p = noEventsNow)
edgesOldToWrite<-which(oldStruct==1,arr.ind = TRUE)
write.table(edgesOldToWrite,file=paste(path,"/",name,".poset",sep=""), row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)
write(0,file=paste(path,"/",name,".poset",sep=""),append = TRUE)
# every time, a linear poset is used as the initial solution
oldStruct<-make_linear_poset(p = noEventsNow)
edgesOldToWrite<-which(oldStruct==1,arr.ind = TRUE)
write.table(edgesOldToWrite,file=paste(path,"/",name,".poset",sep=""), row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)
write(0,file=paste(path,"/",name,".poset",sep=""),append = TRUE)
# the initially used recycling of the initial solution
# number of events for the new poset
# if needed, remove edges between events which are no longer there
edgesOld<-which(oldStruct==1,arr.ind = TRUE)
if (max(allOldEvents)>noEventsNow)
edgesOldToWrite<-which(oldStruct==1,arr.ind = TRUE)
write.table(edgesOldToWrite,file=paste(path,"/",name,".poset",sep=""), row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)
write(0,file=paste(path,"/",name,".poset",sep=""),append = TRUE)
# number of events for the new poset
# if needed, remove edges between events which are no longer there
#edgesOld<-which(oldStruct==1,arr.ind = TRUE)
#if (max(allOldEvents)>noEventsNow)
# oldStruct[c((noEventsNow+1):dim(oldStruct)[1]),]<-0
# oldStruct[,c((noEventsNow+1):dim(oldStruct)[1])]<-0
oldStruct<-make_linear_poset(p = noEventsNow)
edgesOldToWrite<-which(oldStruct==1,arr.ind = TRUE)
write.table(edgesOldToWrite,file=paste(path,"/",name,".poset",sep=""), row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)
write(0,file=paste(path,"/",name,".poset",sep=""),append = TRUE)
#' @title Compares two posets
#' @description \code{compareStructs} compares two posets of same size,
#' encoded as binary matrices. It returns various metrics comparing the two
#' matrices.
#' @param oldStruct the first of the two structures to compare, corresponding to
#' the previous optimization step.
#' @param newStruct the second of the two structures to compare, corresponding
#' to the current optimization step.
#' @details For computing the false posive and false negative rates, it is
#' assumed that the first argument (oldStruct) is the real structure. In this
#' help page, fhe first structure is referred to as the old structure, while
#' the new structure is referred to as the new structure. The number of all
#' possible directed edges, often used to compute rates, equals twice the
#' number of events choose 2. In case the two structures are equal, the
#' \code{accuracy} measure is 1.
#' @return list consisting of
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{falseNeg}} {number of edges which are in the old structure,
#' but not in the new structure, divided by the number of all possible directed
#' edges.}
#' \item{\code{falsePos}} {number of edges which are in the new structure,
#' but not in the old structure, divided by the number of all possible directed
#' edges.}
#' \item{\code{accuracy}} {measure of similarity of the two structures, equal
#' to 1 - number of mismatches divided by the number of all possible directed
#' edges. In case the two structures are equal, \code{accuracy = 1}.}
#' \item{\code{noMismatches}} {the number of edges which are found in only one
#' of either of the two structures}
#' \item{\code{densOld}} {number of edges in the old structure.}
#' \item{\code{densNew}} {number of edges in the new structure.}
#' }
#' @author Simona Constantinescu, \email{simona.constantinescu@@bsse.ethz.ch}
#' @aliases compareStructs
#' @export
measures<-list("falseNeg" = falseNeg,"falsePos" = falsePos,
"accuracy" = accuracy, "noMismatches" = noMismatches,
"densOld" = densOld, "densNew" = densNew)
# function to map two CBN structures of the same size, for comparison
# code is just copied from the main text and wrapped as a function
for (idxC in uniqueClust)
clustMapped[idxC]<-unique(vecAssignNow[membersOld]) # the new indices of clusters
# the adjacency matrix of the old structure, mapped to be compared to the new structure
# add a coat of zeroes to both rows and columns, for comparison
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