#' @name BASiCS_DetectVG
#' @aliases BASiCS_DetectHVG BASiCS_DetectLVG BASiCS_DetectHVG_LVG
#' @title Detection method for highly (HVG) and lowly (LVG) variable genes
#' @description Functions to detect highly and lowly variable genes. If the
#' BASiCS_Chain object was generated using the regression approach,
#' BASiCS finds the top highly variable genes based on the posteriors of the
#' epsilon parameters. Otherwise, the old approach is used, which initially
#' performs a variance decomposition.
#' @param Chain an object of class \code{\linkS4class{BASiCS_Chain}}
#' @param Task Search for highly variable genes (\code{Task="HVG"})
#' or lowly variable genes (\code{Task="LVG"}).
#' @param PercentileThreshold Threshold to detect a percentile of variable genes
#' (must be a positive value, between 0 and 1).
#' Default: \code{PercentileThreshold = NULL}.
#' @param VarThreshold Variance contribution threshold
#' (must be a positive value, between 0 and 1). This is only used when the
#' BASiCS non-regression model was used to generate the Chain object.
#' Default: \code{VarThreshold = NULL}.
#' @param ProbThreshold Optional parameter. Posterior probability threshold
#' (must be a positive value, between 0 and 1). If \code{EFDR = NULL}, the
#' posterior probability threshold for the test will be set to
#' \code{ProbThreshold}.
#' @param EpsilonThreshold Threshold for residual overdispersion above which
#' @param EFDR Target for expected false discovery rate related
#' to HVG/LVG detection. If \code{EFDR = NULL}, EFDR calibration is
#' not performed and the posterior probability threshold is set equal to
#' \code{ProbThreshold}. Default \code{EFDR = 0.10}.
#' @param OrderVariable Ordering variable for output.
#' Possible values: \code{'GeneIndex'}, \code{'GeneName'} and \code{'Prob'}.
#' Default \code{ProbThreshold = 'Prob'}
#' @param Plot If \code{Plot = TRUE} error control and
#' expression versus HVG/LVG probability plots are generated.
#' @param MinESS The minimum effective sample size for a gene to be included
#' in the HVG or LVG tests. This helps to remove genes with poor mixing from
#' detection of HVGs/LVGs.
#' Default is 100. If set to NA, genes are
#' not checked for effective sample size the tests are performed.
#' @param ... Graphical parameters (see \code{\link[graphics]{par}}).
#' @return An object of class \code{\link[BASiCS]{BASiCS_ResultVG}}.
#' @details
#' In some cases, the EFDR calibration step may fail to find probability
#' threshold that controls the EFDR at the chosen level. In cases like
#' @examples
#' # Loads short example chain (non-regression implementation)
#' data(ChainSC)
#' # Highly and lowly variable genes detection (within a single group of cells)
#' DetectHVG <- BASiCS_DetectHVG(ChainSC, VarThreshold = 0.60,
#' EFDR = 0.10, Plot = TRUE)
#' DetectLVG <- BASiCS_DetectLVG(ChainSC, VarThreshold = 0.40,
#' EFDR = 0.10, Plot = TRUE)
#' # Loads short example chain (regression implementation)
#' data(ChainSCReg)
#' # Highly and lowly variable genes detection (within a single group of cells)
#' DetectHVG <- BASiCS_DetectHVG(ChainSCReg, PercentileThreshold = 0.90,
#' EFDR = 0.10, Plot = TRUE)
#' DetectLVG <- BASiCS_DetectLVG(ChainSCReg, PercentileThreshold = 0.10,
#' EFDR = 0.10, Plot = TRUE)
#' ## Highly and lowly variable genes detection based on residual overdispersion
#' ## threshold
#' DetectHVG <- BASiCS_DetectHVG(ChainSCReg, EpsilonThreshold = log(2), Plot = TRUE)
#' DetectLVG <- BASiCS_DetectLVG(ChainSCReg, EpsilonThreshold = -log(2), Plot = TRUE)
#' @details See vignette
#' @seealso \code{\linkS4class{BASiCS_Chain}}
#' @author Catalina A. Vallejos \email{cnvallej@@uc.cl}
#' @author Nils Eling \email{eling@@ebi.ac.uk}
#' @references
#' Vallejos, Marioni and Richardson (2015). PLoS Computational Biology.
#' @rdname BASiCS_DetectVG
#' @export
BASiCS_DetectVG <- function(
Task = c("HVG", "LVG"),
PercentileThreshold = NULL, # 0.1,
VarThreshold = NULL, # 0.5,
ProbThreshold = 2/3, # 0.5,
EpsilonThreshold = NULL,
EFDR = 0.1,
OrderVariable = c("Prob", "GeneIndex", "GeneName"),
Plot = FALSE,
MinESS = 100,
) {
# Check valid input values
Task <- match.arg(Task)
Chain = Chain,
PercentileThreshold = PercentileThreshold,
EpsilonThreshold = EpsilonThreshold,
VarThreshold = VarThreshold,
Plot = Plot
OrderVariable <- match.arg(OrderVariable)
.CheckProbEFDR(ProbThreshold, EFDR)
# Define LVG/HVG criteria
operator <- if (Task == "HVG") `>` else `<`
if (!is.null(Chain@parameters$beta) & !is.null(PercentileThreshold)) {
Method <- "Percentile"
} else if (!is.null(EpsilonThreshold)) {
Method <- "Epsilon"
} else {
Method <- "Variance"
# Prepare template for output table
GeneIndex <- seq_along(Chain@parameters$mu)
GeneName <- colnames(Chain@parameters$mu)
Table <- cbind.data.frame(
GeneIndex = GeneIndex,
GeneName = GeneName,
Mu = as.vector(matrixStats::colMedians(Chain@parameters$mu)),
Delta = as.vector(matrixStats::colMedians(Chain@parameters$delta))
if (Method == "Percentile") {
# Find the epsilon threshold that correspond to the 'PercentileThreshold'
Epsilon <- as.vector(matrixStats::colMedians(Chain@parameters$epsilon))
EpsilonThreshold <- stats::quantile(
na.rm = TRUE
Table <- cbind.data.frame(Table, Epsilon = Epsilon)
# Auxiliary variable to calculate H/LVG prob for a given epsilon threshold
ProbAux <- operator(Chain@parameters$epsilon, EpsilonThreshold)
Threshold <- PercentileThreshold
} else if (Method == "Epsilon") {
## Directly supply epsilon threshold
Epsilon <- as.vector(matrixStats::colMedians(Chain@parameters$epsilon))
Table <- cbind.data.frame(Table, Epsilon = Epsilon)
# Auxiliary variable to calculate H/LVG prob for the given epsilon threshold
ProbAux <- operator(Chain@parameters$epsilon, EpsilonThreshold)
Threshold <- EpsilonThreshold
} else if (Method == "Variance") {
# Variance decomposition
VarDecomp <- HiddenVarDecomp(Chain)
Table <- cbind.data.frame(Table,
Sigma = as.vector(matrixStats::colMedians(VarDecomp$BioVarGlobal)))
# Auxiliary variable to calculate H/LVG prob for a given variance threshold
ProbAux <- operator(VarDecomp$BioVarGlobal, VarThreshold)
Threshold <- VarThreshold
# Calculate tail posterior probabilities
Prob <- as.vector(matrixStats::colMeans2(ProbAux))
# EFDR calibration
Aux <- .ThresholdSearch(
Task = paste(Task, "detection")
# Output preparation
VG <- Prob > Aux$OptThreshold[1]
Table <- cbind.data.frame(
Prob = Prob,
VG = VG,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
colnames(Table)[[which(colnames(Table)=="VG")]] <- Task
# Re-order the table of results
orderVar <- switch(
"GeneIndex" = GeneIndex,
"GeneName" = GeneName,
"Prob" = Prob
Table <- Table[order(orderVar, decreasing = TRUE, na.last = TRUE), ]
# output object
out <- new("BASiCS_ResultVG",
Table = Table,
Name = Task,
ProbThreshold = Aux$OptThreshold[[1]],
ProbThresholds = Aux$ProbThresholds,
EFDRgrid = Aux$EFDRgrid,
EFNRgrid = Aux$EFNRgrid,
EFDR = Aux$OptThreshold[[2]],
EFNR = Aux$OptThreshold[[3]],
Method = Method,
Threshold = Threshold,
RowData = DataFrame(GeneName = GeneName)
if (Plot) {
Plots <- list()
# EFDR / EFNR plot
Plots$Grid <- BASiCS_PlotVG(out, Plot = "Grid")
# Output plot : mean vs prob
Plots$VG <- BASiCS_PlotVG(out, Plot = "VG")
# Append to existing output object
out@Extras = list(Plots = Plots)
#' @name BASiCS_DetectHVGLVG
#' @aliases BASiCS_DetectHVG BASiCS_DetectLVG BASiCS_DetectHVG_LVG
#' @rdname BASiCS_DetectVG
#' @export
BASiCS_DetectLVG <- function(Chain, ...) {
# .Deprecated("BASiCS_DetectVG")
BASiCS_DetectVG(Chain = Chain, Task = "LVG", ...)
#' @name BASiCS_DetectHVGLVG
#' @aliases BASiCS_DetectHVG BASiCS_DetectLVG BASiCS_DetectHVG_LVG
#' @rdname BASiCS_DetectVG
#' @export
BASiCS_DetectHVG <- function(Chain, ...) {
# .Deprecated("BASiCS_DetectVG")
BASiCS_DetectVG(Chain = Chain, Task = "HVG", ...)
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