#' @title Function for downsampling peaks in ChIP-data
#' to simulate failed antibody
#' @description
#' Function to downsample bam files: reads ChIP and Input
#' bam files, calles peaks and removes randomly 60percent
#' of the reads from the peaks. Returns a downsampled ChIP dataframe.
#' downsample_ChIPpeaks
#' @param chip.data data-structure with tag information reads from bam file
#' (see readBamFile())
#' @param input.data data-structure with tag information reads from bam file
#' (see readBamFile())
#' @param read_length Integer, length of the reads
#' @param annotationID String, indicating the genome assembly (Default="hg19")
#' @param mc Integer, the number of CPUs for parallelization (default=1)
#' @param debug Boolean, to enter debugging mode. Intermediate files are
#' saved in working directory
#' @return chip.dataDownSampeld, data-structure with downsampled tags
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## This command is time intensive to run
#' ## To run this example code the user MUST provide 2 bam files: one for ChIP
#' ## and one for the input". Here we used ChIP-seq data from ENCODE. Two
#' ## example files can be downloaded using the following link:
#' ## https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF000BFX/
#' ## https://www.encodeproject.org/files/ENCFF000BDQ/
#' ## and save them in the working directory (here given in the temporary
#' ## directory "filepath"
#' mc=4
#' \dontrun{
#' filepath=tempdir()
#' setwd(filepath)
#' data("chipSubset", package = "ChIC.data", envir = environment())
#' chipBam=chipSubset
#' data("inputSubset", package = "ChIC.data", envir = environment())
#' inputBam=inputSubset
#' chip.dataNew=downsample_ChIPpeaks(chip.data=chipBam,
#' input.data=inputBa, read_length=read_length,
#' annotationID="hg19", mc=mc, debug=FALSE)
#' message(" downsampling from", sum(unlist(lapply(chipBam$tags,length)))," to ",
#' sum(unlist(lapply(chip.dataNew$tags,length))))
downsample_ChIPpeaks <- function(chip.data, input.data,read_length,
annotationID = "hg19", mc = 1, debug = FALSE)
start_time <- Sys.time()
########## check if input format is ok
if (!(is.list(chip.data) & (length(chip.data) == 2L)))
stop("Invalid format for data")
if (!(is.list(input.data) & (length(input.data) == 2L)))
stop("Invalid format for data")
if (!is.numeric(read_length))
stop("read_length must be numeric")
if (read_length < 1)
stop("read_length must be > 0")
if (!is.numeric(mc)) {
warning("mc must be numeric")
mc <- 1
if (mc < 1) {
warning("mc set to 1")
mc <- 1
## plot and calculate cross correlation and phantom
## characteristics for the ChIP
message("\ncalculating binding characteristics for ChIP... ")
estimating_fragment_length_range <- c(0, 500)
estimating_fragment_length_bin <- 5
#switch cluster on
if (mc > 1) {
cluster <- parallel::makeCluster( mc )
srange = estimating_fragment_length_range,
bin = estimating_fragment_length_bin,
accept.all.tags = TRUE, cluster = cluster)
#switch cluster off
if (mc > 1) {
parallel::stopCluster( cluster )
message("\n***Calculating cross correlation QC-metrics for Chip...***")
crossvalues_Chip <- getCrossCorrelationScores(chip.data,
read_length = read_length,
savePlotPath = NULL,
mc = mc,
annotationID = annotationID)
## save the tag.shift
final.tag.shift <- crossvalues_Chip$tag.shift
## get chromosome information and order chip and input by it
chrl_final <- intersect(names(chip.data$tags), names(input.data$tags))
chip.data$tags <- chip.data$tags[chrl_final]
chip.data$quality <- chip.data$quality[chrl_final]
input.data$tags <- input.data$tags[chrl_final]
input.data$quality <- input.data$quality[chrl_final]
## remove singular positions with extremely high tag counts with respect
## to the neighbourhood
message("\nremoving loval tag anomalies...")
selectedTags <- removeLocalTagAnomalies(chip.data, input.data,
#cleaning up memory space
input.dataSelected <- selectedTags$input.dataSelected
chip.dataSelected <- selectedTags$chip.dataSelected
if ( debug) {
save(chip.dataSelected, input.dataSelected,
file = file.path(getwd(),"dataSelected.RData"))
#chrorder <- paste("chr", c(seq_len(22), "X", "Y"), sep = "")
## call broad regions
current_window_size <- 1000
## pb$tick()
message("\nBroad regions of enrichment")
current_zthresh <- 4
message("checking chromosomes")
chip.dataSelected <- f_clearChromStructure(chip.dataSelected,annotationID)
input.dataSelected <-f_clearChromStructure(input.dataSelected,annotationID)
message("calling broad peak enrichments... ")
broad.clusters <- spp::get.broad.enrichment.clusters(chip.dataSelected,
window.size = current_window_size,
z.thr = current_zthresh,
tag.shift = final.tag.shift)
if (debug)
message("Debugging mode ON")
### start end logE znrichment write.broadpeak.info(broad.clusters,
### paste('broadRegions', chip.data.samplename,
## input,input.data.samplename, 'window', current_window_size, 'zthresh',
## current_zthresh,'broadPeak', sep='.'))
md <- f_convertFormatBroadPeak(broad.clusters)
broadPeakRangesObject <- f_makeGRangesObject(Chrom = md$chr,
Start = md$start,
End = md$end)
message("Starting with downsampling.... ")
for (chrID in unique(broadPeakRangesObject@seqnames)){
for (i in seq(1,nrow(select)))
##Total region to be downsampeled (INDEX)
frameToDel_indexed=which((abs(chip.data$tags[[chrID]])<=end) & (abs(chip.data$tags[[chrID]])>=start))
##take a random number from 1 to 9, take it as percentage and downsample it
##deletes final elements
removeIndexes=c(removeIndexes,sample(frameToDel_indexed, numbersToDownSample))
message(" downsampling from", sum(unlist(lapply(chip.data$tags,length)))," to ",
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