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##### FUNCTIONS QC-metrics for global read distribution ####################
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#'@title Wrapper function to calculate GM metrics from global read distribution
#' @description
#' This set of values is based on the global read distribution along the genome
#' for immunoprecipitation and input data (Diaz et al., 2012). The genome is
#' binned and the read coverage counted for each bin. Then the function
#' computes the cumulative distribution of reads density per genomic bin and
#' plots the fraction of the coverage on the y-axis and the fraction of bins
#' on the x-axis. Then different values can be sampled from the cumulative
#' distribution: like the fraction of bins without reads for in
#' immunoprecipitation and input,the point of the maximum distance between the
#' ChIP and the input (x-axis, y-axis for immunoprecipitation and input,
#' distance (as absolute difference), the sign of the differences), the
#' fraction of reads in the top 1 percent bin for immunoprecipitation and
#' input. Finally, the funciton returns 9 QC-measures.
#' qualityScores_GM
#' @param selectedTagsChip Data-structure with selected tag information for ChIP
#' (returned by qualityScores_EM).
#' @param selectedTagsInput Data-structure with selected tag information for Input
#' (returned by qualityScores_EM)
#' @param tag.shift, Integer containing the value of the tag shif, calculated
#' by getCrossCorrelationScores()
#' @param annotationID String, indicating the genome assembly
#' @param savePlotPath if set the plot will be saved under "savePlotPath".
#' Default=NULL and plot will be forwarded to stdout.
#' @param mc Integer, the number of CPUs for parallelization (default=1)
#' @param returnDensities Boolean, default FALSE. Whether smoothed Chip and Input reads densities should be returned. This is used only for optimizing the flow od fata in the ChIC_wrapper function
#' @return finalList List with 9 QC-values
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## This command is time intensive to run
#' ##
#' ## To run the example code the user must provide two bam files for the ChIP
#' ## and the input and read them with the readBamFile() function. To make it
#' ## easier for the user to run the example code we provide tow bam examples
#' ## (chip and input) in our ChIC.data package that have already been loaded
#' ## with the readBamFile() function.
#' mc=4
#' finalTagShift=98
#' \dontrun{
#' filepath=tempdir()
#' setwd(filepath)
#' data("chipSubset", package = "ChIC.data", envir = environment())
#' chipBam=chipSubset
#' data("inputSubset", package = "ChIC.data", envir = environment())
#' inputBam=inputSubset
#' ## calculate binding characteristics
#' chip_binding.characteristics<-spp::get.binding.characteristics(
#' chipBam, srange=c(0,500), bin=5,accept.all.tags=TRUE)
#' input_binding.characteristics<-spp::get.binding.characteristics(
#' inputBam, srange=c(0,500), bin=5,accept.all.tags=TRUE)
#' ##get chromosome information and order chip and input by it
#' chrl_final=intersect(names(chipBam$tags),names(inputBam$tags))
#' chipBam$tags=chipBam$tags[chrl_final]
#' chipBam$quality=chipBam$quality[chrl_final]
#' inputBam$tags=inputBam$tags[chrl_final]
#' inputBam$quality=inputBam$quality[chrl_final]
#' ##remove sigular positions with extremely high read counts with
#' ##respect to the neighbourhood
#' selectedTags=removeLocalTagAnomalies(chipBam, inputBam,
#' chip_binding.characteristics, input_binding.characteristics)
#' inputBamSelected=selectedTags$input.dataSelected
#' chipBamSelected=selectedTags$chip.dataSelected
#' ##smooth input and chip tags
#' smoothedChip <- tagDensity(chipBamSelected,
#' tag.shift = finalTagShift, mc = mc)
#' smoothedInput <- tagDensity(inputBamSelected,
#' tag.shift = finalTagShift, mc = mc)
#' Ch_Results <- qualityScores_GM(densityChip = smoothedChip,
#' densityInput = smoothedInput, savePlotPath = filepath)
qualityScores_GM <- function(selectedTagsChip, selectedTagsInput, tag.shift,
annotationID, savePlotPath = NULL, mc=1, returnDensities=FALSE)
message("***Calculating GM metrics...***")
pb <- progress_bar$new(format = "(:spin) [:bar] :percent",total = 5,
clear = FALSE, width = 60)
########## check if input format is ok
if (!is.list(selectedTagsChip))
stop("Invalid format for selectedChip")
if (!is.list(selectedTagsInput))
stop("Invalid format for selectedInput")
if ( !is.numeric(tag.shift) )
stop( "tag.shift must be numeric" )
if ( tag.shift < 1 )
stop( "tag.shift must be > 0" )
## objects of smoothed tag density for ChIP and Input
densityChip <- tagDensity(selectedTagsChip, tag.shift,
annotationID = annotationID, mc = mc)
densityInput <- tagDensity(selectedTagsInput, tag.shift,
annotationID = annotationID, mc = mc)
## shorten frame and reduce resolution
message("shorten frame...")
chip.smoothed.density <- f_shortenFrame(densityChip)
input.smoothed.density <- f_shortenFrame(densityInput)
chip <- unlist(lapply(chip.smoothed.density,
FUN = function(list_element) {
input <- unlist(lapply(input.smoothed.density,
FUN = function(list_element) {
## create cumulative function for chip and input
cumSumChip <- f_sortAndBinning(chip)
cumSumInput <- f_sortAndBinning(input)
## caluclate QCvalues for chip
message("\nCalculate GM for ChIP ...")
chipFracTopPercent <- (1-cumSumChip[(which(cumSumChip$x >= 0.99)[1]),"pj"])
chipFracOfBinsWithoutReads <- cumSumChip$x[(which(cumSumChip$pj > 0)[1])]
## caluclate QCvalues for input
message("\nCalculate GM for Input ...")
inputFracTopPercent <- (1-
cumSumInput[(which(cumSumInput$x >= 0.99)[1]),"pj"])
inputFracWithoutReads <- cumSumInput$x[(which(cumSumInput$pj > 0)[1])]
## get the point of maximum distance between the two functions
## and the sign of the distance
sign_sign <- sign(max(cumSumInput$pj - cumSumChip$pj)) ###input-chip
arrowx <- cumSumChip[which.max(abs(cumSumInput$pj - cumSumChip$pj)), ]$x
## get the distance between the curves
yIn <- round(
cumSumInput[which.max(abs(cumSumInput$pj - cumSumChip$pj)), ]$pj, 3)
yCh <- round(
cumSumChip[which.max(abs(cumSumInput$pj - cumSumChip$pj)), ]$pj, 3)
dist <- abs(yIn - yCh)
## prepare list to be returned
finalList <- list(Ch_X.axis = round(arrowx, 3),
Ch_Y.Input = yIn, Ch_Y.Chip = yCh,
Ch_sign_chipVSinput = sign_sign,
Ch_FractionReadsTopbins_chip = round(chipFracTopPercent, 3),
Ch_FractionReadsTopbins_input = round(inputFracTopPercent, 3),
Ch_Fractions_without_reads_chip = round(chipFracOfBinsWithoutReads, 3),
Ch_Fractions_without_reads_input = round(inputFracWithoutReads, 3),
Ch_DistanceInputChip = dist)
if (returnDensities) {
finalList <-c(finalList,
## create Fingerprint plot
f_fingerPrintPlot(cumSumChip, cumSumInput, savePlotPath = savePlotPath)
if (!is.null(savePlotPath))
message("pdf saved under ", savePlotPath)
## return QC values
message("Calculation of GM metrics done!")
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