shiny_panel_discover <- fluidPage(
tags$link(rel = "stylesheet", type = "text/css", href = ""),
div(style = "position: relative;", box(width = 6,
# UI to choose counts table
hidden(textInput("get_table_name", "Custon Table Name")),
textInput("number_of_signatures", "Number of signatures", value = 5),
radioButtons("Method", "Method",
choices = list("Latent Dirichlet Allocation (lda)" = "lda",
"Negative Matrix Factorization (nmf)" = "nmf")),
textInput("n_start", "Number of random starts", value = 10),
# UI to set result name. Default name of the counts table.
actionButton("discover_signatures", "Discover Signatures"),
"Update the musica object to contain the discovery results
(signatures and exposures of each sample).",
placement = "bottom", trigger = "hover", options = NULL),
tags$a(href = "#",
tags$i(class = "fas fa-question-circle"),
title = "Need help?",
`data-toggle` = "popover",
`data-trigger` = "focus",
`data-content` = "Mutational signatures and exposures are discovered using a Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) or a Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) algorithms.
These algorithms will deconvolute the mutation count matrix into two matrices: 1) a “signature” matrix containing the probability of each mutation type in each sample and
2) an “exposure” matrix containing the estimated counts for each signature in each sample. Select a modality, number of signatures, algorithm, specify the result list name
and model ID, then click “Discover signatures”.",
`data-html` = "true",
`data-placement` = "left",
style = "position: absolute; top: 5px; right: 5px; cursor: pointer;"),
"Method to use for mutational signature discovery.",
placement = "left", trigger = "hover", options = NULL),
"Number of signatures to discover.",
placement = "bottom", trigger = "hover", options = NULL),
"Modality to use for signature discovery.",
placement = "bottom", trigger = "hover", options = NULL),
"Number of independent random starts used in the mutatinoal
signature algorithms.",
placement = "bottom", trigger = "hover", options = NULL),
shinybusy::use_busy_spinner(spin = "double-bounce")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.