#' @include classDefinitions.R
#' Create an \code{seHandle/rseHandle} object
#' \code{yoloHandleMake} takes the a minimum of three parameters specified below
#' and creates either a \code{seHandle} or an \code{rseHandle}
#' object which can be subset and
#' manipulated without reading any data off the disk. At a minimum,
#' the rowData, colData, and backend file are needed. By default, we
#' assume that the file format will be an sqlite file and the format
#' will be sparse, but these can be differentially specified to an
#' HDF5 file.
#' A series of QC measures will be called when running this function.
#' First, if the rowData input is a \code{GRanges} object, then the output
#' will be an \code{rseHandle}. If the rowData input is a \code{DataFrame}
#' object, then the resulting object will be an \code{seHandle} object.
#' The length of the rowData input after coercion must be equal to the maximum
#' index of the row in the particular file/table.
#' Next, the colData length must be equal to the maximum index of the column
#' in the linked file/table.
#' These maximums will be pulled on constuction, which ensures that the table
#' name, by default is 'data' exists in the sql file.
#' The sparse format demands that there are three columns
#' in the file/table being referenced; two of which contain
#' 'row' and 'column' as labels that indicate the index of
#' the row and column elements.
#' The normal format demands that there are n columns in the
#' file/table being referenced where n is the numerb of samples
#' and the columns are named
#' @param rowData A \code{GRanges} object is when constructing an \code{rseHandle}.
#' Otherwise,
#' @param colData A data frame of per-sample annotations
#' @param lookupFileName String pointing to the file backend
#' @param lookupTableName = "data" Name of data table in file backend
#' @param lookupFileFormat = "sqlite" can also be "HDF5". The format of the
#' file providing the data backend of this constructed object.
#' @param lookupFileType = "sparse" can also be "normal". The type of matrix
#' contained in the file/table.
#' @return Returns either a \code{seHandle} or \code{rseHandle} object.
#' @examples
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' nm <- c("chr", "start", "stop")
#' rt <- read.table(system.file("extdata", "dat1_row.bed", package="yolo"))
#' rowData <- GRanges(setNames(rt, nm))
#' colData <- read.table(system.file("extdata", "dat1_col.txt", package="yolo"))
#' sqlf <- system.file("extdata", "dat1.sqlite", package="yolo")
#' d1 <- yoloHandleMake(rowData, colData, lookupFileName=sqlf)
#' @import RSQLite
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5ls
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "yoloHandleMake", def = function(rowData, colData, lookupFileName,
lookupTableName = "data", lookupFileType = "sqlite", lookupFileFormat = "sparse")
#' @rdname yoloHandleMake
setMethod("yoloHandleMake", signature("ANY", "ANY", "character", "ANY"),
definition = function(rowData, colData, lookupFileName, lookupTableName = "data",
lookupFileType = "sparse", lookupFileFormat = "sqlite") {
beast <- ifelse(as.character(class(rowData)) == "GRanges", "rse", "se")
stopifnot(lookupFileFormat %in% c("HDF5", "sqlite"))
stopifnot(lookupFileType %in% c("normal", "sparse"))
if(lookupFileType == "HDF5" & lookupFileFormat == "sparse") stop("HDF5/sparse combination not supported...")
rowdim <- ifelse(beast == "rse", length(rowData), dim(rowData)[1])
coldim <- dim(colData)[1]
# Grab Max and Min ranges and ensure that file exists
if(lookupFileFormat == "sqlite" & lookupFileType == "sparse"){
con <- RSQLite::dbConnect(drv=RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname=lookupFileName)
rowmax <- as.numeric(RSQLite::dbGetQuery(conn=con, statement= paste0('select max(row) from ', lookupTableName)))
columnmax <- as.numeric(RSQLite::dbGetQuery(conn=con, statement= paste0('select max(column) from ', lookupTableName)))
} else if(lookupFileFormat == "HDF5" & lookupFileType == "normal"){
rxc <- h5ls("dat.hdf5")[h5ls("dat.hdf5")$name == basename(lookupTableName), 5]
if(length(rxc) != 1) stop("Couldn't discern a single table from specification; check HDF5 file")
rc <- as.numeric(trimws(strsplit(rxc, "x")[[1]]))
rowmax <- rc[1]
columnmax <- rc[2]
} else if(lookupFileFormat == "sqlite" & lookupFileType == "normal"){
con <- RSQLite::dbConnect(drv=RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname=lookupFileName)
columnmax <- length(dbListFields(con, lookupTableName)) -1
sqlcmd <- paste0("SELECT Count(*) FROM ", lookupTableName)
rowmax <- as.numeric(dbGetQuery(conn=con, statement=sqlcmd))
} else {
stop("Invalid specification of lookupFileFormat and lookupFileType")
if(rowdim != rowmax) stop("Dimension of rows in file/table and rowData don't match!")
if(coldim != columnmax) stop("Dimension of columns in file/table and colData don't match!")
# Marry file backend attributes
colData$lookupFileName <- lookupFileName
colData$lookupTableName <- lookupTableName
colData$lookupFileType <- lookupFileType
colData$lookupFileFormat <- lookupFileFormat
colData$lookupFileName <- as.factor(colData$lookupFileName)
colData$lookupTableName <- as.factor(colData$lookupTableName)
colData$lookupFileType <- as.factor(colData$lookupFileType)
colData$lookupFileFormat <- as.factor(colData$lookupFileFormat)
# Constructor
if(beast == "rse"){
rse <- SummarizedExperiment(rowRanges=rowData, colData=DataFrame(colData))
rowMap <- seq_len(dim(rse)[1])
names(rowMap) <- as.character(rowMap)
colMap <- seq_len(dim(rse)[2])
names(colMap) <- as.character(colMap)
b <- new("rseHandle", rse, rowMap = rowMap, colMap = colMap)
} else {
se <- SummarizedExperiment(rowData=DataFrame(rowData), colData=DataFrame(colData))
rowMap <- seq_len(dim(se)[1])
names(rowMap) <- as.character(rowMap)
colMap <- seq_len(dim(se)[2])
names(colMap) <- as.character(colMap)
b <- new("seHandle", se, rowMap = rowMap, colMap = colMap)
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