#' Calculate positive control statistics
#' Calculate the linearity and scale factors of positive control genes, and
#' plot the expected vs. observed counts for each sample.
#' @export
#' @param ns NanoString data, processed by `processNanostringData` with
#' normalization set to 'none' or with output.format set to 'list'.
#' @param samples A subset of samples to analyze (either a vector of sample
#' names, or column indexes). If NULL (default), will include all samples.
#' @param expected The expected values of each positive control gene, as a
#' numeric vector. These are frequently provided by NanoString in the 'Name'
#' field of the genes, in which case those values will be read automatically
#' and this option can be left as NULL (the default).
#' @return A list object containing:
#' \item{tab}{The table of positive control statistics, included the positive
#' scale factor and the R-squared value for the expected vs. measured counts}
#' \item{plt}{An object containing the positive control plots. This gets
#' cumbersome if there are lots of samples.}
#' @examples
#' example_data <- system.file("extdata", "GSE117751_RAW", package = "NanoTube")
#' sample_data <- system.file("extdata",
#' "GSE117751_sample_data.csv",
#' package = "NanoTube")
#' # Process data first. Must be output as a "list" or without normalization to
#' # obtain positive control statistics
#' dat <- processNanostringData(example_data,
#' sampleTab = sample_data,
#' groupCol = "Sample_Diagnosis",
#' normalization = "nSolver",
#' bgType = "t.test",
#' bgPVal = 0.01,
#' output.format = "list")
#' # Generate positive QC metrics for all samples
#' posQC <- positiveQC(dat)
#' # View positive QC table & plot
#' head(posQC$tab)
#' posQC$plt
#' # Plot for only the first three samples
#' posQC <- positiveQC(dat, samples = 1:3)
#' posQC$plt
positiveQC <- function(ns, samples = NULL, expected = NULL) {
# Bind local variables
Expected <- Observed <- NULL
# Log-transform the expected values if provided.
if (!is.null(expected)) {
expected <- log2(expected)
if (is(ns, "list")) {
# For scale factors
dat.sf <- list(exprs = ns$exprs.raw,
dict = ns$dict.raw)
# For R-squared calculation
dat.pos <-
ns$dict.raw$CodeClass == "Positive", ]))
# Identify the expected value for each positive control
if (is.null(expected)) {
expected <-
gsub(".*\\(|\\)", "",
ns$dict.raw$Name[ns$dict.raw$CodeClass == "Positive"])))
} else {
if (ns$normalization[1] != "none") {
stop("Raw NanoString data must be provided. Use
normalization='none' or output.format='list' in
# For scale factors
dat.sf <- list(exprs = exprs(ns),
dict = fData(ns))
# For R-squared calculation
dat.pos <- as.data.frame(log2(exprs(ns)[
fData(ns)$CodeClass == "Positive",]))
# Identify the expected value for each positive control
if (is.null(expected)) {
expected <-
gsub(".*\\(|\\)", "",
fData(ns)$Name[fData(ns)$CodeClass == "Positive"])))
# Use a subset of samples, if indicated
if (!is.null(samples)) {
dat.pos <- dat.pos[,samples]
# Calculate positive scale factors
scale.factor <- normalize_pos_controls(dat = dat.sf)$pc.scalefactors
# Calculate r-squared for each sample
rsq <- vapply(dat.pos, function(vec) cor(vec, expected) ^ 2,
dat.pos$Expected <- expected
dat.pos.df <- reshape::melt(dat.pos, "Expected")
colnames(dat.pos.df)[2:3] <- c("Sample", "Observed")
samps <- unique(dat.pos.df$Sample)
xmin <- min(dat.pos.df$Expected)
xmax <- max(dat.pos.df$Expected)
ymin <- min(dat.pos.df$Observed)
ymax <- max(dat.pos.df$Observed)
pos.height <- (ncol(dat.pos)-1) * 2/3
# Scale factor table
pos.tab <- data.frame(Sample = colnames(dat.pos)[-ncol(dat.pos)],
Scale.Factor = scale.factor,
R.squared = rsq)
pos.plot <- ggplot(data=dat.pos.df, aes(x=Expected, y=Observed)) +
geom_point(colour = "black", fill = "grey70", pch=21, size=3) +
facet_wrap(~ Sample, ncol = 3) +
xlim(xmin, xmax) + ylim(ymin, ymax) + theme_bw()
return(list(tab = pos.tab,
plt = pos.plot))
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