#' Convert NanoString ExpressionSet to NanoStringSet
#' Convert ExpressionSet from processNanoStringData to a NanoStringSet for use
#' with the NanoStringDiff package.
#' @export
#' @param eset NanoString data ExpressionSet, from processNanostringData
#' @param designs Design matrix. If NULL, will look for "groups" column in
#' pData(eset).
#' @return A NanoStringSet for NanoStringDiff
#' @examples
#' # Example data
#' example_data <- system.file("extdata", "GSE117751_RAW", package = "NanoTube")
#' sample_data <- system.file("extdata", "GSE117751_sample_data.csv",
#' package = "NanoTube")
#' # Load data without normalization
#' dat <- processNanostringData(nsFiles = example_data,
#' sampleTab = sample_data, groupCol = "Sample_Diagnosis",
#' normalization = "none")
#' # Convert to NanoStringSet
#' dat.ns <- makeNanoStringSetFromEset(dat)
makeNanoStringSetFromEset <- function(eset, designs = NULL) {
# Order positive control data (required for NanoStringDiff)
pos.unordered <- eset[grep("positive", fData(eset)$CodeClass, ignore.case = TRUE),]
pos.ordered <- exprs(pos.unordered)[order(fData(pos.unordered)$Name),]
# Look for group info
if (is.null(designs)) {
if ("groups" %in% colnames(pData(eset))) {
designs <- model.matrix(~0 + eset$groups)
# Clean up column names
colnames(designs) <- gsub("eset\\$groups", "", colnames(designs))
} else {
stop("Must input design matrix, or include groups
in sample info of eset.")
# Build NanoStringSet
nsSet <- NanoStringDiff::createNanoStringSet(
endogenous = exprs(eset)[grep("endogenous", fData(eset)$CodeClass, ignore.case = TRUE),],
positiveControl = pos.ordered,
negativeControl = exprs(eset)[grep("negative", fData(eset)$CodeClass, ignore.case = TRUE),],
housekeepingControl = exprs(eset)[
grep("housekeeping", fData(eset)$CodeClass, ignore.case = TRUE),],
designs = designs)
fData(nsSet) <- fData(eset)[grep("endogenous", fData(eset)$CodeClass, ignore.case = TRUE),]
rownames(nsSet) <- fData(nsSet)$Name
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