#' Make differential expression results file.
#' Make a data frame or text file containing coefficients, p-, and q-values
#' from Limma differential expression analysis. If returns == "all", will also
#' center the log-expression data on the median of base.group expression, and
#' include the expression data in the output.
#' @export
#' @param limmaResults Result from runLimmaAnalysis
#' @param filename The desired name for the output tab-delimited text file. If
#' NULL (default) the resulting table will be returned as an R data frame.
#' @param returns If "all" (default), will center the log-expression
#' data on median of base.group expression and include the expression data in
#' the output. If "stats", will only include the differential expression
#' statistics.
#' @param skip.first Logical: Skip the first factor for gene set analysis?
#' Frequently the first factor is the 'Intercept', which is generally
#' uninteresting for GSEA (default TRUE).
#' @return A table of differential expression results
#' @examples
#' data("ExampleResults") # Results from runLimmaAnalysis
#' # Include expression data in the results table
#' deResults <- makeDiffExprFile(ExampleResults, returns = "all")
#' # Only include statistics, and save to a .txt file
#' \donttest{
#' makeDiffExprFile(ExampleResults, file = "DE.txt",
#' returns = "stats")
#' }
makeDiffExprFile <- function(limmaResults, filename = NULL,
returns = c("all", "stats"),
skip.first = TRUE) {
# If groups are not provided, center by overall median.
if(is.null(limmaResults$eset$group)) {
dat.scaled <- exprs(limmaResults$eset) -
apply(exprs(limmaResults$eset), 1, median)
else { # If groups are provided, center by base group.
dat.scaled <- exprs(limmaResults$eset) -
apply(exprs(limmaResults$eset)[,limmaResults$eset$group ==
1, median)
dat.scaled <- dat.scaled[,order(limmaResults$eset$group)]
limma.dat <- list()
inc <- colnames(limmaResults$t)
if (skip.first) inc <- inc[-1]
for (i in inc) {
limma.dat[[i]] <- cbind(limmaResults$coefficients[,i],
colnames(limma.dat[[i]]) <-
paste0(c("Log2FC (", "t (", "p-val (", "q-val ("), i, ")")
limma.tab <- do.call(cbind, limma.dat)
if (returns == "stats") {
limma.tab <- signif(limma.tab, digits = 2)
if (!is.null(filename)) {
dat.xpt <- cbind(rownames(limma.tab), limma.tab)
colnames(dat.xpt)[1] <- "Symbol"
write.table(dat.xpt, filename,
row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE,
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE)
} else {
} else {
dat.xpt <- cbind(limma.tab, dat.scaled)
if (!is.null(filename)) {
dat.xpt <- cbind(rownames(dat.xpt), dat.xpt)
colnames(dat.xpt)[1] <- "Symbol"
write.table(dat.xpt, filename,
row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE,
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE)
} else {
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