
Defines functions limmaToFGSEA

Documented in limmaToFGSEA

#' Run gene set enrichment analysis using DE results.
#' Use the fgsea library to run gene set enrichment analysis from the Limma
#' analysis results. Genes will be ranked by their log2 fold changes
#' or t-statistics (specified using 'rank.by').
#' Limma returns matrices of coefficients and t statistics with 
#' columns for each column in the design matrix. This function will conduct a
#' separate enrichment analysis on each column from the relevant matrix. Because
#' the first column may be an "intercept" term, which is generally not relevant
#' for enrichment analysis, the user may want to skip analysis for that term
#' (using skip.first = TRUE, the default).
#' @export
#' @param limmaResults Result from runLimmaAnalysis.
#' @param gene.sets Gene set file name, in .rds (list), .gmt, or .tab format;
#' or a list object containing the gene sets. Gene names must be
#' in the same form as in the ranked.list.
#' @param sourceDB Source database to include (only if using a .tab-format 
#' geneset.file from CPDB).
#' @param min.set Number of genes required to conduct analysis on a given gene 
#' set (default = 1). If fewer than this number of genes from limmaResults are 
#' included in a gene set, that gene set will be skipped for this analysis.
#' @param rank.by Rank genes by log2 fold changes ('coefficients', default) or 
#' t-statistics ('t').
#' @param skip.first Logical: Skip the first factor for gene set analysis?
#' Frequently the first factor is the 'Intercept', which is generally 
#' uninteresting for GSEA (default TRUE).
#' @return A list containing data frames with the fgsea results for each 
#' comparison. 
#' @examples 
#' data("ExamplePathways")
#' data("ExampleResults") # Results from runLimmaAnalysis
#' # Use the default settings
#' fgseaResults <- limmaToFGSEA(ExampleResults, gene.sets = ExamplePathways)
#' # Only include gene sets with at least 5 genes in the NanoString data set,
#' # and rank genes by their "t" statistics.
#' fgseaResults <- limmaToFGSEA(ExampleResults, gene.sets = ExamplePathways,
#'                              min.set = 5, rank.by = "t")

limmaToFGSEA <- function(limmaResults, gene.sets, sourceDB = NULL,
                         min.set = 1, rank.by = c('coefficients', 't'),
                         skip.first = TRUE) {

    if (is(gene.sets, "list")) {
        gene.set.list <- gene.sets
    } else {
        file.type <- substr(gene.sets, start = nchar(gene.sets)-2, 
                            stop = nchar(gene.sets))
        if (file.type == "rds") {
            gene.set.list <- readRDS(gene.sets)
        } else if (file.type == "gmt") {
            gene.set.list <- fgsea::gmtPathways(gene.sets)
        } else if (file.type == "tab") {
            gene.set.list <- read_cpdb_tab(gene.sets, sourceDB)
        } else {
            stop("gene.sets must be in .rds (list object), .gmt, 
                 or .tab format")
    rank.by <- rank.by[1]
    if (!(rank.by) %in% c('coefficients', 't')) {
        stop("rank.by must be either 'coefficeints' or 't'.")
    if (skip.first) {
        analysis.factors <- colnames(limmaResults[[rank.by]])[-1]
    } else {
        analysis.factors <- colnames(limmaResults[[rank.by]])
    fgsea.res <- list()
    for (i in analysis.factors) {
        fgsea.res[[i]] <- fgsea::fgseaMultilevel(pathways = gene.set.list,
                                          stats = limmaResults[[rank.by]][,i],
                                          minSize = min.set)
calebclass/NanoTube documentation built on Jan. 25, 2025, 3:22 a.m.