#' Cluster gene set analysis results
#' Groups the pathway analysis results (using limmaToFGSEA or nsdiffToFGSEA)
#' based on the enriched gene sets' leading edges. If the calculated distance
#' metric is lower than the given threshold (i.e. the gene sets have highly
#' overlapping leading edge genes), these gene sets will be joined to a single
#' gene set "cluster." Or if 'ngroups' is specified, gene sets will be clustered
#' by similarity into that number of groups.
#' @export
#' @param gsea.res Results from pathway analysis for a single comparison,
#' using limmaToFSEA.
#' @param l.edge Leading edge result from fgseaToLEdge.
#' @param join.threshold The threshold distance to join gene sets. Gene sets
#' with a distance below this value will be joined to a single "cluster."
#' @param ngroups The desired number of gene set groups. Either
#' 'join.threshold' or 'ngroups' must be specified, 'ngroups' takes priority
#' if both are specified.
#' @param dist.method Method for distance calculation (see options for dist()).
#' We recommend the 'binary' (also known as Jaccard) distance.
#' @param returns Either "signif" or "all". This argument defines whether only
#' significantly enriched gene sets are included in the output table, or if
#' the full results are included. Regardless of this selection, only
#' significantly enriched gene sets are clustered.
#' @return A data frame including the FGSEA results, plus two additional
#' columns for the clustering results:
#' @return \item{Cluster}{The cluster that the gene set was assigned to. Gene
#' sets in the same cluster have a distance below the join.threshold.}
#' @return \item{best}{Whether the gene set is the most enriched (by p-value)
#' in a given cluster.}
#' @examples
#' data("ExamplePathways")
#' data("ExampleResults") # Results from runLimmaAnalysis
#' fgseaResults <- limmaToFGSEA(ExampleResults, gene.sets = ExamplePathways,
#' min.set = 5, rank.by = "t")
#' leadingEdge <- fgseaToLEdge(fgseaResults, cutoff.type = "padj",
#' cutoff = 0.25)
#' # Group the results, and only returns those satisfying the cutoff specified
#' # in leadingEdge()
#' groupedResults <- groupFGSEA(fgseaResults$Autoimmune.retinopathy,
#' leadingEdge$Autoimmune.retinopathy,
#' join.threshold = 0.5,
#' returns = "signif")
groupFGSEA <- function(gsea.res, l.edge,
join.threshold = NULL,
ngroups = NULL,
dist.method = "binary",
returns = c("signif", "all")) {
# Convert fgsea results to be usable for this
if (colnames(gsea.res)[2] != "p.val") {
colnames(gsea.res)[c(2,3)] <- c("p.val", "p.adj")
gsea.res <- as.data.frame(gsea.res[,seq_len(7)])
rownames(gsea.res) <- gsea.res$pathway
gsea.sub <- gsea.res[rownames(gsea.res) %in% colnames(l.edge),]
gsea.sub <- gsea.sub[order(gsea.sub$p.adj, gsea.sub$p.val,
decreasing = FALSE),]
l.edge <- l.edge[,rownames(gsea.sub)]
d <- dist(t(l.edge), method = dist.method)
groups <- cutree(hclust(d), h = join.threshold, k = ngroups)
gsea.sub$Cluster <- groups
gsea.sub$Cluster.Max <- ifelse(duplicated(groups), yes = "", no = "x")
# Use "signif" if no returns option specified
returns <- returns[1]
if (returns == "signif") {
gsea.return <- cbind(gsea.sub, t(l.edge))
gsea.return <- gsea.return[order(gsea.return$Cluster,
} else {
gsea.non <- gsea.res[!(rownames(gsea.res) %in% colnames(l.edge)),]
gsea.non$Cluster <- NA
gsea.non$Cluster.Max <- ""
gsea.return <- rbind(gsea.sub, gsea.non)
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