# Utility functions
#' Retrieve description of a tag by name.
#' @description
#' Given one or multiple tags, prints the associated description
#' and functions where the tag is explicitly used.
#' @param tags A character vector of tag names
#' @importFrom rlang sym
#' @return `NULL`
#' @export
#' @family dynamic vars
#' @examples
#' inspect_tags(c("chromosome", "project_id", "x"))
inspect_tags <- function(tags) {
all_tags <- available_tags()
desc_msg <- purrr::map(tags, ~ {
tag_desc <- all_tags |>
dplyr::filter(.data$tag == .x) |>
if (purrr::is_empty(tag_desc)) {
c(paste("* TAG:", .x),
x = "Tag not found in available tags"
functions <- (all_tags |>
dplyr::filter(.data$tag == .x) |>
functions <- paste0(functions, collapse = ", ")
c(paste("* TAG:", .x),
i = paste("Description:", tag_desc),
i = paste("Functions that use it:", functions)
purrr::walk(desc_msg, ~ rlang::inform(.x, class = "tag_inspect"))
#' Define custom dynamic vars.
#' @description
#' This set of function allows users to specify custom look-up tables for
#' dynamic variables.
#' For more details, refer to the dedicated vignette
#' `vignette("workflow_start", package="ISAnalytics")`.
#' * `set_mandatory_IS_vars()` sets the look-up table for mandatory IS vars.
#' @template vars_lookuptable_str
#' @param specs Either a named vector or a data frame with specific format.
#' See details.
#' @return `NULL`
#' @export
#' @aliases vars_setters
#' @family dynamic vars
#' @examples
#' tmp_mand_vars <- tibble::tribble(
#' ~names, ~types, ~transform, ~flag, ~tag,
#' "chrom", "char", ~ stringr::str_replace_all(.x, "chr", ""), "required",
#' "chromosome",
#' "position", "int", NULL, "required", "locus",
#' "strand", "char", NULL, "required", "is_strand",
#' "gap", "int", NULL, "required", NA_character_,
#' "junction", "int", NULL, "required", NA_character_
#' )
#' set_mandatory_IS_vars(tmp_mand_vars)
#' print(mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE))
#' reset_mandatory_IS_vars()
set_mandatory_IS_vars <- function(specs) {
# Check structure
err <- c("Input format error",
i = paste(
"The input must follow the specification",
"in the documentation, see ?set_mandatory_IS_vars",
"for details"
new_vars <- .new_IS_vars_checks(specs, err, "mand_vars")
options(ISAnalytics.mandatory_is_vars = new_vars)
if (getOption("ISAnalytics.verbose", TRUE)) {
rlang::inform("Mandatory IS vars successfully changed")
#' Resets dynamic vars to the default values.
#' @description
#' Reverts all changes to dynamic vars to the default values.
#' For more details, refer to the dedicated vignette
#' `vignette("workflow_start", package="ISAnalytics")`.
#' * `reset_mandatory_IS_vars()` re-sets the look-up table for
#' mandatory IS vars.
#' @return `NULL`
#' @export
#' @aliases vars_resetters
#' @family dynamic vars
#' @examples
#' reset_mandatory_IS_vars()
reset_mandatory_IS_vars <- function() {
options(ISAnalytics.mandatory_is_vars = "default")
if (getOption("ISAnalytics.verbose", TRUE)) {
rlang::inform("Mandatory IS vars reset to default")
#' Current dynamic vars specifications getters.
#' @description Fetches the look-up tables for different categories of dynamic
#' vars.
#' For more details, refer to the dedicated vignette
#' `vignette("workflow_start", package="ISAnalytics")`.
#' * `mandatory_IS_vars` returns the look-up table of variables that are
#' used to uniquely identify integration events
#' @param include_types If set to `TRUE` returns both the names and the types
#' associated, otherwise returns only a character vector of names
#' @return A character vector or a data frame
#' @export
#' @aliases vars_getters
#' @family dynamic vars
#' @examples
#' # Names only
#' mandatory_IS_vars()
#' # Names and types
#' mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE)
mandatory_IS_vars <- function(include_types = FALSE) {
opt <- getOption("ISAnalytics.mandatory_is_vars", "default")
if (!include_types) {
if (all(opt == "default")) {
default_vars <- .default_mandatory_IS_vars()
if (all(opt == "default")) {
default_vars <- .default_mandatory_IS_vars()
#' @rdname set_mandatory_IS_vars
#' @description
#' * `set_annotation_IS_vars()` sets the look-up table for genomic annotation
#' IS vars.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tmp_annot_vars <- tibble::tribble(
#' ~names, ~types, ~transform, ~flag, ~tag,
#' "gene", "char", NULL, "required",
#' "gene_symbol",
#' "gene_strand", "char", NULL, "required", "gene_strand"
#' )
#' print(annotation_IS_vars(TRUE))
#' reset_annotation_IS_vars()
set_annotation_IS_vars <- function(specs) {
# Check structure
err <- c("Input format error",
i = paste(
"The input must follow the specification",
"in the documentation, see ?set_annotation_IS_vars",
"for details"
new_vars <- .new_IS_vars_checks(specs, err, "annot_vars")
options(ISAnalytics.genomic_annotation_vars = new_vars)
if (getOption("ISAnalytics.verbose", TRUE)) {
rlang::inform("Annotation IS vars successfully changed")
#' @rdname reset_mandatory_IS_vars
#' @description
#' * `reset_annotation_IS_vars()` re-sets the look-up table for
#' genomic annotation IS vars.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' reset_annotation_IS_vars()
reset_annotation_IS_vars <- function() {
options(ISAnalytics.genomic_annotation_vars = "default")
if (getOption("ISAnalytics.verbose", TRUE)) {
rlang::inform("Annotation IS vars reset to default")
#' @rdname mandatory_IS_vars
#' @description
#' * `annotation_IS_vars()` returns the look-up table of variables that
#' contain genomic annotations
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Names only
#' annotation_IS_vars()
#' # Names and types
#' annotation_IS_vars(TRUE)
annotation_IS_vars <- function(include_types = FALSE) {
opt <- getOption("ISAnalytics.genomic_annotation_vars", "default")
if (!include_types) {
if (all(opt == "default")) {
default_vars <- .default_annotation_IS_vars()
if (all(opt == "default")) {
default_vars <- .default_annotation_IS_vars()
#' @rdname set_mandatory_IS_vars
#' @description
#' * `set_af_columns_def()` sets the look-up table for association file columns
#' vars
#' @export
#' @examples
#' temp_af_cols <- tibble::tribble(
#' ~names, ~types, ~transform, ~flag, ~tag,
#' "project", "char", NULL, "required",
#' "project_id",
#' "pcr_id", "char", NULL, "required", "pcr_repl_id",
#' "subject", "char", NULL, "required", "subject"
#' )
#' set_af_columns_def(temp_af_cols)
#' print(association_file_columns(TRUE))
#' reset_af_columns_def()
set_af_columns_def <- function(specs) {
# Check structure
err <- c("Input format error",
i = paste(
"The input must follow the specification",
"in the documentation, see ?set_af_columns_def",
"for details"
new_vars <- .new_IS_vars_checks(specs, err, "af_vars")
options(ISAnalytics.af_specs = new_vars)
if (getOption("ISAnalytics.verbose", TRUE)) {
rlang::inform("Association file columns specs successfully changed")
#' @rdname reset_mandatory_IS_vars
#' @export
#' @description
#' * `reset_af_columns_def()` re-sets the look-up table for
#' association file columns vars
#' @examples
#' reset_af_columns_def()
reset_af_columns_def <- function() {
options(ISAnalytics.af_specs = "default")
if (getOption("ISAnalytics.verbose", TRUE)) {
rlang::inform("Association file columns specs reset to default")
#' @rdname mandatory_IS_vars
#' @description
#' * `association_file_columns()` returns the look-up table of variables that
#' contains information on how metadata is structured
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Names only
#' association_file_columns()
#' # Names and types
#' association_file_columns(TRUE)
association_file_columns <- function(include_types = FALSE) {
opt <- getOption("ISAnalytics.af_specs", "default")
if (!include_types) {
if (all(opt == "default")) {
default_vars <- .default_af_cols()
if (all(opt == "default")) {
default_vars <- .default_af_cols()
#' @rdname set_mandatory_IS_vars
#' @description
#' * `set_iss_stats_specs()` sets the look-up table for VISPA2 pool statistics
#' vars
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tmp_iss_vars <- tibble::tribble(
#' ~names, ~types, ~transform, ~flag, ~tag,
#' "pool", "char", NULL, "required",
#' "vispa_concatenate",
#' "tag", "char", NULL, "required", "tag_seq",
#' "barcode", "int", NULL, "required", NA_character_
#' )
#' set_iss_stats_specs(tmp_iss_vars)
#' iss_stats_specs(TRUE)
#' reset_iss_stats_specs()
set_iss_stats_specs <- function(specs) {
# Check structure
err <- c("Input format error",
i = paste(
"The input must follow the specification",
"in the documentation, see ?set_iss_stats_specs",
"for details"
new_vars <- .new_IS_vars_checks(specs, err, "iss_vars")
options(ISAnalytics.iss_stats_specs = new_vars)
if (getOption("ISAnalytics.verbose", TRUE)) {
rlang::inform("ISS stats specs successfully changed")
#' @rdname reset_mandatory_IS_vars
#' @description
#' * `reset_iss_stats_specs()` re-sets the look-up table for VISPA2 pool
#' statistics vars
#' @export
#' @examples
#' reset_iss_stats_specs()
reset_iss_stats_specs <- function() {
options(ISAnalytics.iss_stats_specs = "default")
if (getOption("ISAnalytics.verbose", TRUE)) {
rlang::inform("ISS stats specs reset to default")
#' @rdname mandatory_IS_vars
#' @description
#' * `iss_stats_specs()` returns the look-up table of variables that
#' contains information on the format of pool statistics files produced
#' automatically by VISPA2
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Names only
#' iss_stats_specs()
#' # Names and types
#' iss_stats_specs(TRUE)
iss_stats_specs <- function(include_types = FALSE) {
opt <- getOption("ISAnalytics.iss_stats_specs", "default")
if (!include_types) {
if (all(opt == "default")) {
default_vars <- .default_iss_stats_specs()
if (all(opt == "default")) {
default_vars <- .default_iss_stats_specs()
#' @rdname mandatory_IS_vars
#' @description
#' * `matrix_file_suffixes()` returns the look-up table of variables that
#' contains all default file names for each quantification type and it is
#' used by automated import functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Names only
#' matrix_file_suffixes()
matrix_file_suffixes <- function() {
opt <- getOption("ISAnalytics.matrix_file_suffix", "default")
if (all(opt == "default")) {
defaults_params <- as.list(formals(set_matrix_file_suffixes))
default_vars <- do.call(.generate_suffix_specs, args = defaults_params)
#' Sets the look-up table for matrix file suffixes.
#' @description
#' The function automatically produces and sets a look-up table of matrix file
#' suffixes based on user input.
#' @param quantification_suffix A named list - names must be quantification
#' types in `quantification_types()`, and values must be single strings,
#' containing the associated suffix. Please note that ALL quantification
#' types must be specified or the function will produce an error.
#' @param annotation_suffix A named list - names must be `annotated` and
#' `not_annotated`, values must be single strings,
#' containing the associated suffix. Please note that both names must be
#' present in the list or the function will produce an error.
#' @param file_ext The file extension (e.g. `tsv`, `tsv.gz`)
#' @param glue_file_spec A string specifying the pattern used to form the
#' entire suffix, as per \code{\link[glue:glue]{glue::glue()}} requirements.
#' The string should contain the reference to `quantification_suffix`,
#' `annotation_suffix` and `file_ext`.
#' @family dynamic vars
#' @return `NULL`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set_matrix_file_suffixes(
#' quantification_suffix = list(
#' seqCount = "sc",
#' fragmentEstimate = "fe",
#' barcodeCount = "barcodeCount",
#' cellCount = "cellCount",
#' ShsCount = "ShsCount"
#' ),
#' annotation_suffix = list(annotated = "annot", not_annotated = "")
#' )
#' matrix_file_suffixes()
#' reset_matrix_file_suffixes()
set_matrix_file_suffixes <- function(
quantification_suffix = list(
seqCount = "seqCount",
fragmentEstimate = "fragmentEstimate",
barcodeCount = "barcodeCount",
cellCount = "cellCount",
ShsCount = "ShsCount"
annotation_suffix = list(
annotated = ".no0.annotated",
not_annotated = ""
file_ext = "tsv.gz",
glue_file_spec = "{quantification_suffix}_matrix{annotation_suffix}.{file_ext}") {
stopifnot(is.list(quantification_suffix) &&
stopifnot(is.list(annotation_suffix) &&
glue_file_spec <- glue_file_spec[1]
if (!all(quantification_types() %in% names(quantification_suffix))) {
warn_msg <- c("Warning: some quantification types are missing from specs",
i = paste(
"Missing: ",
quantification_types()[!quantification_types() %in%
i = paste(
"Missing quantifications specs may cause problems",
"when trying to import files.",
"See documentation with `?set_matrix_file_suffixes`"
rlang::inform(warn_msg, class = "missing_quant_specs")
quantification_suffix <- quantification_suffix[
names(quantification_suffix) %in% quantification_types()
if (!all(c("annotated", "not_annotated") %in% names(annotation_suffix))) {
err_msg <- c(paste(
"Error: a value for both 'annotated'",
"and 'not_annotated' is requested. Quitting."
rlang::abort(err_msg, class = "miss_annot_suff_specs")
final_specs <- .generate_suffix_specs(
options(ISAnalytics.matrix_file_suffix = final_specs)
if (getOption("ISAnalytics.verbose", TRUE)) {
rlang::inform("Matrix suffixes specs successfully changed")
#' @rdname reset_mandatory_IS_vars
#' @description
#' * `reset_matrix_file_suffixes()` re-sets the matrix file suffixes look-up
#' table
#' @export
#' @examples
#' reset_matrix_file_suffixes()
reset_matrix_file_suffixes <- function() {
options(ISAnalytics.matrix_file_suffix = "default")
if (getOption("ISAnalytics.verbose", TRUE)) {
rlang::inform("Matrix suffixes specs reset to default")
#' @rdname reset_mandatory_IS_vars
#' @description
#' * `reset_dyn_vars_config()` re-sets all look-up tables
#' @export
#' @examples
#' reset_dyn_vars_config()
reset_dyn_vars_config <- function() {
#' Easily retrieve the name of the pcr id column.
#' @description The function is a shortcut to retrieve the currently set
#' pcr id column name from the association file column tags look-up table.
#' This column is needed every time a joining operation with metadata
#' needs to be performed
#' @return The name of the column
#' @family dynamic vars
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pcr_id_column()
pcr_id_column <- function() {
af_cols_specs <- association_file_columns(TRUE)
selected_tags <- .check_required_cols(
list("pcr_repl_id" = "char"),
af_cols_specs, "error"
#' Apply transformations to an arbitrary number of columns.
#' @description
#' This function takes a named list of purr-style lambdas where names are the
#' names of the columns in the data frame that must be transformed.
#' NOTE: the columns are overridden, not appended.
#' @details
#' Lambdas provided in input must be transformations, aka functions that take
#' in input a vector and return a vector of the same length as the input.
#' If the input transformation list contains column names that are not present
#' in the input data frame, they are simply ignored.
#' @param df The data frame on which transformations should be operated
#' @param transf_list A named list of purrr-style lambdas, where names
#' are column names the function should be applied to.
#' @importFrom rlang sym
#' @return A data frame with transformed columns
#' @export
#' @family Utilities
#' @examples
#' df <- tibble::tribble(
#' ~A, ~B, ~C, ~D,
#' 1, 2, "a", "aa",
#' 3, 4, "b", "bb",
#' 5, 6, "c", "cc"
#' )
#' lambdas <- list(A = ~ .x + 1, B = ~ .x + 2, C = ~ stringr::str_to_upper(.x))
#' transform_columns(df, lambdas)
transform_columns <- function(df, transf_list) {
transf_list <- transf_list[names(transf_list) %in% colnames(df)]
if (purrr::is_empty(transf_list)) {
transf_list_mod <- purrr::map2(names(transf_list), transf_list, ~ {
}) |>
return(dplyr::mutate(df, !!!transf_list_mod))
skip_transform = function() {
string_list <- paste(names(transf_list), transf_list,
sep = " = ", collapse = "; "
err_msg <- c(
"Encountered a problem while applying transformations",
"to columns. Skipping this."
i = paste(
"Check the correctness of your input,",
"see the documentation"
i = paste("Your input: ", string_list)
if (getOption("ISAnalytics.verbose", TRUE)) {
rlang::inform(err_msg, class = "skip_col_transform")
error = function(cnd) {
res <- findRestart("skip_transform")
#' Obtain a single integration matrix from individual quantification
#' matrices.
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' Takes a list of integration matrices referring to different quantification
#' types and merges them into a single data frame with multiple
#' value columns, each renamed according to their quantification type
#' of reference.
#' @param x A named list of integration matrices, ideally obtained via
#' \link{import_parallel_Vispa2Matrices}. Names must be
#' quantification types in `quantification_types()`.
#' @param fragmentEstimate The name of the output column for fragment
#' estimate values
#' @param seqCount The name of the output column for sequence
#' count values
#' @param barcodeCount The name of the output column for barcode count
#' values
#' @param cellCount The name of the output column for cell count values
#' @param ShsCount The name of the output column for Shs count values
#' @param value_col_name Name of the column containing the corresponding
#' values in the single matrices
#' @importFrom rlang .data `:=`
#' @family Utilities
#' @seealso \link{quantification_types}
#' @return A single data frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sc <- tibble::tribble(
#' ~chr, ~integration_locus, ~strand, ~CompleteAmplificationID, ~Value,
#' "1", 45324, "+", "ID1", 543,
#' "2", 52423, "-", "ID1", 42,
#' "6", 54623, "-", "ID2", 67,
#' "X", 12314, "+", "ID3", 8
#' )
#' fe <- tibble::tribble(
#' ~chr, ~integration_locus, ~strand, ~CompleteAmplificationID, ~Value,
#' "1", 45324, "+", "ID1", 56.76,
#' "2", 52423, "-", "ID1", 78.32,
#' "6", 54623, "-", "ID2", 123.45,
#' "X", 12314, "+", "ID3", 5.34
#' )
#' comparison_matrix(list(
#' fragmentEstimate = fe,
#' seqCount = sc
#' ))
comparison_matrix <- function(
fragmentEstimate = "fragmentEstimate",
seqCount = "seqCount",
barcodeCount = "barcodeCount",
cellCount = "cellCount",
ShsCount = "ShsCount",
value_col_name = "Value") {
stopifnot(is.list(x) & !is.data.frame(x))
stopifnot(all(names(x) %in% quantification_types()))
stopifnot(is.character(fragmentEstimate) & length(fragmentEstimate) == 1)
stopifnot(is.character(seqCount) & length(seqCount) == 1)
stopifnot(is.character(barcodeCount) & length(barcodeCount) == 1)
stopifnot(is.character(cellCount) & length(cellCount) == 1)
stopifnot(is.character(ShsCount) & length(ShsCount) == 1)
stopifnot(is.character(value_col_name) & length(value_col_name) == 1)
param_names <- c(
fragmentEstimate = fragmentEstimate,
seqCount = seqCount, barcodeCount = barcodeCount,
cellCount = cellCount, ShsCount = ShsCount
x <- purrr::map2(x, names(x), function(matrix, quant_type) {
quant_name <- param_names[names(param_names) %in% quant_type]
matrix |> dplyr::rename(!!quant_name := dplyr::all_of(value_col_name))
result <- purrr::reduce(x, function(matrix1, matrix2) {
commoncols <- dplyr::intersect(colnames(matrix1), colnames(matrix2))
matrix1 |>
dplyr::full_join(matrix2, by = commoncols)
na_introduced <- purrr::map_lgl(param_names, function(p) {
if (any(na_introduced) & getOption("ISAnalytics.verbose", TRUE) == TRUE) {
rlang::inform(.nas_introduced_msg(), class = "comp_nas")
#' Separate a multiple-quantification matrix into single quantification
#' matrices.
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' The function separates a single multi-quantification integration
#' matrix, obtained via \link{comparison_matrix}, into single
#' quantification matrices as a named list of tibbles.
#' @param x Single integration matrix with multiple quantification
#' value columns, obtained via \link{comparison_matrix}.
#' @param fragmentEstimate Name of the fragment estimate values column
#' in input
#' @param seqCount Name of the sequence count values column
#' in input
#' @param barcodeCount Name of the barcode count values column
#' in input
#' @param cellCount Name of the cell count values column
#' in input
#' @param ShsCount Name of the shs count values column
#' in input
#' @param key Key columns to perform the joining operation
#' @family Utilities
#' @return A named list of data frames, where names are quantification types
#' @seealso \link{quantification_types}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("integration_matrices", package = "ISAnalytics")
#' separated <- separate_quant_matrices(
#' integration_matrices
#' )
separate_quant_matrices <- function(
fragmentEstimate = "fragmentEstimate",
seqCount = "seqCount",
barcodeCount = "barcodeCount",
cellCount = "cellCount",
ShsCount = "ShsCount",
key = c(
)) {
if (!all(key %in% colnames(x))) {
rlang::abort(.missing_user_cols_error(key[!key %in% colnames(x)]))
num_cols <- .find_exp_cols(x, key)
if (purrr::is_empty(num_cols)) {
stopifnot(is.character(fragmentEstimate) & length(fragmentEstimate) == 1)
stopifnot(is.character(seqCount) & length(seqCount) == 1)
stopifnot(is.character(barcodeCount) & length(barcodeCount) == 1)
stopifnot(is.character(cellCount) & length(cellCount) == 1)
stopifnot(is.character(ShsCount) & length(ShsCount) == 1)
param_col <- c(
fragmentEstimate = fragmentEstimate,
seqCount = seqCount, barcodeCount = barcodeCount,
cellCount = cellCount,
ShsCount = ShsCount
to_copy <- if (any(!num_cols %in% param_col)) {
if (all(!num_cols %in% param_col)) {
num_cols[!num_cols %in% param_col]
num_cols <- param_col[param_col %in% num_cols]
if (!purrr::is_empty(to_copy) &
getOption("ISAnalytics.verbose", TRUE) == TRUE) {
separated <- purrr::map(num_cols, function(quant) {
x |>
dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(c(key, to_copy, quant))) |>
dplyr::rename(Value = dplyr::all_of(quant))
}) |> purrr::set_names(names(num_cols))
#' Create a blank association file.
#' @description
#' Produces a blank association file to start using
#' both VISPA2 and ISAnalytics
#' @param path The path on disk where the file should be written - must be a
#' file
#' @return `NULL`
#' @export
#' @family Utilities
#' @examples
#' temp <- tempfile()
#' generate_blank_association_file(temp)
generate_blank_association_file <- function(path) {
af <- data.frame(matrix(
ncol = length(association_file_columns()),
nrow = 0
colnames(af) <- association_file_columns()
path <- fs::as_fs_path(path)
dir <- fs::path_dir(path)
if (!fs::dir_exists(dir)) {
fs::dir_create(dir, recurse = TRUE)
readr::write_tsv(af, file = path)
#' Creates a reduced association file for a VISPA2 run,
#' given project and pool
#' @description
#' The function selects the appropriate columns and prepares a file for the
#' launch of VISPA2 pipeline for each project/pool pair specified.
#' @details
#' Note: the function is vectorized, meaning you can specify more than
#' one project and more than one pool as vectors of characters, but you must
#' ensure that:
#' * Both `project` and `pool` vectors have the same length
#' * You correclty type names in corresponding positions, for example
#' c("PJ01", "PJ01") - c("POOL01", "POOL02").
#' If you type a pool in the position of a corresponding
#' project that doesn't match no file will be produced since that pool doesn't
#' exist in the corresponding project.
#' @section Required tags:
#' The function will explicitly check for the presence of these tags:
#' ```{r echo=FALSE, results="asis"}
#' cat(paste0("* ", reduced_AF_columns()$tag, collapse = "\n"))
#' ```
#' The names of the pools in the `pool` argument is checked against the
#' column corresponding to the `pool_id` tag.
#' @param association_file The imported association file (via
#' `import_association_file()`)
#' @param project A vector of characters containing project names
#' @param pool A vector of characters containing pool names
#' @param path A single string representing the path to the folder where files
#' should be written. If the folder doesn't exist it will be created.
#' @importFrom rlang sym
#' @family Utilities
#' @return `NULL`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' temp <- tempdir()
#' data("association_file", package = "ISAnalytics")
#' generate_Vispa2_launch_AF(association_file, "PJ01", "POOL01", temp)
generate_Vispa2_launch_AF <- function(
path) {
stopifnot(length(project) == length(pool))
stopifnot(is.character(path) & length(path) == 1)
path <- fs::as_fs_path(path)
if (!fs::file_exists(path)) {
af_min_cols <- reduced_AF_columns()
concat_col <- .check_required_cols("vispa_concatenate",
vars_df = association_file_columns(TRUE),
duplicate_politic = "error"
concat_col <- concat_col$names
to_check <- c(af_min_cols$names, concat_col)
if (!all(to_check %in% colnames(association_file))) {
rlang::abort(.missing_af_needed_cols(to_check[!to_check %in%
proj_col <- af_min_cols |>
dplyr::filter(.data$tag == "project_id") |>
pool_col <- af_min_cols |>
dplyr::filter(.data$tag == "pool_id") |>
tag_id_col <- af_min_cols |>
dplyr::filter(.data$tag == "tag_id") |>
tissue_col <- af_min_cols |>
dplyr::filter(.data$tag == "tissue") |>
tp_col <- af_min_cols |>
dplyr::filter(.data$tag == "tp_days") |>
fusion_col <- af_min_cols |>
dplyr::filter(.data$tag == "fusion_id") |>
pcr_id_col <- af_min_cols |>
dplyr::filter(.data$tag == "pcr_repl_id") |>
cm_col <- af_min_cols |>
dplyr::filter(.data$tag == "cell_marker") |>
vec_id_col <- af_min_cols |>
dplyr::filter(.data$tag == "vector_id") |>
process_proj_pool <- function(x, y) {
selected_cols <- association_file |>
dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(to_check)) |>
.data[[proj_col]] == x,
.data[[pool_col]] == y
) |>
dplyr::mutate(TagID2 = .data[[tag_id_col]]) |>
dplyr::mutate(PoolName = dplyr::if_else(
)) |>
tag_id_col, "TagID2", tissue_col, tp_col, fusion_col,
pcr_id_col, cm_col, proj_col, vec_id_col, pool_col,
files <- purrr::map2(project, pool, process_proj_pool) |>
purrr::set_names(paste0(project, "-", pool, "_AF.tsv"))
purrr::walk2(files, names(files), function(x, y) {
complete_path <- fs::path(path, y)
if (nrow(x) > 0) {
readr::write_tsv(x, complete_path, col_names = FALSE)
} else {
msg <- c(paste("Nothing to write for ", y, ", skipping."))
rlang::inform(msg, class = "launch_af_empty")
#' Converts tidy integration matrices in the original sparse matrix
#' form.
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This function is particularly useful when a sparse matrix structure
#' is needed by a specific function (mainly from other packages).
#' @param x A single tidy integration matrix or a list of integration
#' matrices. Supports also multi-quantification matrices
#' obtained via \link{comparison_matrix}
#' @param single_value_col Name of the column containing the values when
#' providing a single-quantification matrix
#' @param fragmentEstimate For multi-quantification matrix support:
#' the name of the fragment estimate values column
#' @param seqCount For multi-quantification matrix support:
#' the name of the sequence count values column
#' @param barcodeCount For multi-quantification matrix support:
#' the name of the barcode count values column
#' @param cellCount For multi-quantification matrix support:
#' the name of the cell count values column
#' @param ShsCount For multi-quantification matrix support:
#' the name of the Shs Count values column
#' @param key The name of the sample identifier fields (for aggregated
#' matrices can be a vector with more than 1 element)
#' @family Utilities
#' @return Depending on input, 2 possible outputs:
#' * A single sparse matrix (data frame) if input is a single quantification
#' matrix
#' * A list of sparse matrices divided by quantification if input
#' is a single multi-quantification matrix or a list of matrices
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("integration_matrices", package = "ISAnalytics")
#' sparse <- as_sparse_matrix(integration_matrices)
as_sparse_matrix <- function(
single_value_col = "Value",
fragmentEstimate = "fragmentEstimate",
seqCount = "seqCount",
barcodeCount = "barcodeCount",
cellCount = "cellCount",
ShsCount = "ShsCount",
key = pcr_id_column()) {
param_cols <- c(
fragmentEstimate, seqCount, barcodeCount, cellCount,
ShsCount, single_value_col
## -- Internal for processing single df
process_single_df <- function(df) {
if (.check_mandatory_vars(df) == FALSE) {
if (!all(key %in% colnames(df))) {
rlang::abort(.missing_needed_cols(key[!key %in% colnames(df)]))
id_cols <- c(mandatory_IS_vars())
if (.is_annotated(df)) {
id_cols <- c(id_cols, annotation_IS_vars())
id_cols <- c(id_cols, key)
num_cols <- .find_exp_cols(df, id_cols)
if (purrr::is_empty(num_cols)) {
pivot_dfs <- purrr::map(num_cols, ~ {
if (.x %in% param_cols) {
pivoted <- df |>
c(id_cols, .x)
)) |>
names_from = dplyr::all_of(key),
values_from = dplyr::all_of(.x)
}) |>
pivot_dfs <- pivot_dfs[purrr::map_lgl(pivot_dfs, ~ !is.null(.x))]
if (length(pivot_dfs) == 1) {
pivot_dfs <- pivot_dfs[[1]]
if (is.data.frame(x)) {
} else {
sparse_m <- purrr::map(x, process_single_df)
#### ---- Utilities for tests and examples ----####
#' A utility function to unzip and use example file systems included in the
#' package
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' From `ISAnalytics 1.5.4` this function is defunct, since the package
#' doesn't include example tabular files anymore. Use the function
#' `generate_default_folder_structure()` to generate a default folder
#' structure for running tests and play with the package import functions.
#' If you don't need to test import functions, you can simply load
#' package included data via `data("integration_matrices")` or
#' `data("association_file")`.
#' @param zipfile The zipped file to decompress
#' @param name The name of the folder in the zipped archive ("fs" or "fserr")
#' @export
#' @return A path to reference
#' @keywords internal
unzip_file_system <- function(zipfile, name) {
when = "1.5.4",
what = "unzip_file_system()",
with = "generate_default_folder_structure()",
details = "Function will be removed in the next release cycle."
#' Generate a default folder structure, following VISPA2 standards
#' @description
#' The function produces a folder structure in the file system at the provided
#' path that respects VISPA2 standards, with package-included data.
#' @section Required tags:
#' The function will explicitly check for the presence of these tags:
#' ```{r echo=FALSE, results="asis"}
#' all_tags <- available_tags()
#' needed <- all_tags |>
#' dplyr::mutate(
#' in_fun = purrr::map_lgl(.data$needed_in,
#' ~ "generate_default_folder_structure" %in% .x)
#' ) |>
#' dplyr::filter(in_fun == TRUE) |>
#' dplyr::distinct(.data$tag) |>
#' dplyr::pull("tag")
#' cat(paste0("* ", needed, collapse="\n"))
#' ```
#' @param type One value between `"correct"`, `"incorrect"` and `"both"`.
#' Tells the function wheter to produce a correct structure or introduce some
#' errors (mainly for testing purposes).
#' @param dir Path to the folder in which the structure will be produced
#' @param af Either `"default"` for the association file provided as example
#' in the package or a custom association file as a data frame
#' @param matrices Either `"default"` for integration matrices
#' provided as example
#' in the package or a custom multi-quantification matrix
#' @importFrom rlang sym
#' @family Utilities
#' @return A named list containing the path to the association file and
#' the path to the top level folder(s) of the structure
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fs_path <- generate_default_folder_structure(type = "correct")
#' fs_path
generate_default_folder_structure <- function(
type = "correct",
dir = tempdir(),
af = "default",
matrices = "default") {
type <- type[1]
stopifnot(type %in% c("correct", "incorrect", "both"))
dir <- dir[1]
stopifnot(is.data.frame(af) || (is.character(af) & af == "default"))
stopifnot(is.data.frame(matrices) || (is.character(matrices) &
matrices == "default"))
# Process association file
association_file <- .process_af_for_gen(af)
tag_list <- association_file$tag_list
association_file <- association_file$af
cols_selected <- colnames(
)[colnames(association_file) %in% association_file_columns()]
association_file_reduced <- association_file |>
# Process matrices
sep_matrices <- .process_m_for_gen(matrices, association_file, tag_list)
# Process VISPA stats
sep_stats <- .process_iss_for_gen(association_file, tag_list)
if (is.null(sep_stats) & getOption("ISAnalytics.verbose", TRUE) == TRUE) {
no_stats_msg <- c(paste("No VISPA2 stats column found in af,
skipping this step"))
rlang::inform(no_stats_msg, class = "no_stats_warn")
# ---- Write files
if (!dir_exists(dir)) {
af_tmp_file <- fs::path(dir, "asso_file.tsv")
readr::write_tsv(association_file_reduced, file = af_tmp_file, na = "")
if (type == "both") {
path_corr <- .generate_correct(dir, sep_matrices, sep_stats)
path_incorr <- .generate_incorrect(dir, sep_matrices, sep_stats)
af = af_tmp_file, root_corr = path_corr,
root_inc = path_incorr
root <- if (type == "correct") {
.generate_correct(dir, sep_matrices, sep_stats)
} else {
.generate_incorrect(dir, sep_matrices, sep_stats)
return(list(af = af_tmp_file, root = root))
#### ---- Configurations and others ----####
#' Export a dynamic vars settings profile.
#' @description This function allows exporting the currently set dynamic
#' vars in json format so it can be quickly imported later. Dynamic
#' variables need to be properly set via the setter functions before calling
#' the function. For more details, refer to the dedicated vignette
#' `vignette("workflow_start", package="ISAnalytics")`.
#' @param folder The path to the folder where the file should be saved. If
#' the folder doesn't exist, it gets created automatically
#' @param setting_profile_name A name for the settings profile
#' @return `NULL`
#' @family Utilities
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tmp_folder <- tempdir()
#' export_ISA_settings(tmp_folder, "DEFAULT")
export_ISA_settings <- function(folder, setting_profile_name) {
if (!requireNamespace("jsonlite", quietly = TRUE)) {
jsonify <- function(df) {
tmp <- df |>
dplyr::mutate(transform = purrr::map(.data$transform, ~ {
if (is.null(.x)) {
} else {
all_specs_json <- list(
mandatory_IS_vars = jsonify(mandatory_IS_vars(TRUE)),
annotation_IS_vars = jsonify(annotation_IS_vars(TRUE)),
association_file_columns = jsonify(association_file_columns(TRUE)),
iss_stats_specs = jsonify(iss_stats_specs(TRUE)),
matrix_file_suffixes = matrix_file_suffixes()
file_name <- paste0(setting_profile_name, "_ISAsettings.json")
all_specs_json |>
jsonlite::write_json(path = fs::path(folder, file_name))
if (getOption("ISAnalytics.verbose", TRUE) == TRUE) {
success_msg <- c("Settings profile correctly saved",
i = paste("Saved at:", fs::path(folder, file_name))
#' Import a dynamic vars settings profile.
#' @description The function allows the import of an existing dynamic vars
#' profile in json format. This is a quick and convenient way to set up
#' the workflow, alternative to specifying lookup tables manually through
#' the corresponding setter functions. For more details,
#' refer to the dedicated vignette
#' `vignette("workflow_start", package="ISAnalytics")`.
#' @param path The path to the json file on disk
#' @return `NULL`
#' @family Utilities
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tmp_folder <- tempdir()
#' export_ISA_settings(tmp_folder, "DEFAULT")
#' import_ISA_settings(fs::path(tmp_folder, "DEFAULT_ISAsettings.json"))
#' reset_dyn_vars_config()
import_ISA_settings <- function(path) {
if (!requireNamespace("jsonlite", quietly = TRUE)) {
lookup_tbls <- jsonlite::fromJSON(path)
unjsonify <- function(df, tbl_name) {
tmp <- df |>
tibble::as_tibble() |>
mutate(transform = purrr::map(.data$transform, ~ {
if (.x == "NULL") {
} else {
return(rlang::new_formula(NULL, rlang::parse_expr(.x)))
if (tbl_name == "association_file_columns") {
} else {
function_name <- paste0("set_", tbl_name)
rlang::exec(function_name, specs = tmp)
matrix_suffixes_tbl <- lookup_tbls$matrix_file_suffixes
lookup_tbls <- lookup_tbls[names(lookup_tbls) != "matrix_file_suffixes"]
purrr::walk2(lookup_tbls, names(lookup_tbls), unjsonify)
options(ISAnalytics.matrix_file_suffix = tibble::as_tibble(
if (getOption("ISAnalytics.verbose", TRUE)) {
rlang::inform("Matrix suffixes specs successfully changed")
#' Enable global progress bars for ISAnalytics functions.
#' This is a simple wrapper around functions from the package
#' `progressr`. To customize the appearance of the progress bar,
#' please refer to [progressr](https://progressr.futureverse.org/)
#' documentation.
#' @return `NULL`
#' @family Utilities
#' @export
#' @examples
#' enable_progress_bars()
#' progressr::handlers(global = FALSE) # Deactivate
enable_progress_bars <- function() {
if (!requireNamespace("progressr", quietly = TRUE)) {
progressr::handlers(global = TRUE)
format = paste(
":spin :current/:total (:message)",
"[:bar] :percent in :elapsed ETA: :eta"
msg <- c(
"Progress bars enabled globally",
i = paste(
"To customise the appearance of the progress bar see",
"the documentation of package `progressr`"
#' Launch the shiny application NGSdataExplorer.
#' @return Nothing
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' NGSdataExplorer()
#' }
NGSdataExplorer <- function() {
required_pkgs <- c("shiny", "shinyWidgets", "datamods", "DT", "bslib")
installed <- purrr::map_lgl(
~ requireNamespace(.x, quietly = TRUE)
if (any(installed == FALSE)) {
app <- shiny::shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.