# TEST ANALYSIS FUNCTIONS -------------------------------------------------
test_that("mbecRLE works", {
model.vars <- c("batch","group")
# check out the returned data
rle.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecRLE(dummy.mbec, model.vars = eval(model.vars), type="otu", return.data = TRUE))
# expect class data.frame
expect_s3_class(rle.test$result, "data.frame")
# expect #n.sample rows and #n.sample + #covariate columns
expect_equal(dim(rle.test$result), c(nrow(dummy.mbec@sam_data) * ncol(dummy.mbec@otu_table), (dim(dummy.mbec@sam_data)[2] + 3)))
# expect #n.sample rows and 3 columns
expect_identical(colnames(rle.test$result), c("specimen", "values", colnames(dummy.mbec@sam_data), "plot.order"))
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(rle.test, NA)
# now put in plotting function and test that this produces a 'gtable'
test_that("mbecPCA works", {
# check out the returned data
pca.otu.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecPCA(dummy.mbec, model.vars = c("batch","group"), pca.axes = c(1,2), type="otu", return.data = TRUE))
# expect #n.sample rows and #n.sample + #covariate columns
expect_equal(dim(pca.otu.test$result[[1]]), c(nrow(dummy.mbec@sam_data), nrow(dummy.mbec@sam_data)+ncol(dummy.mbec@sam_data)))
# expect #n.sample rows and 3 columns
expect_equal(dim(pca.otu.test$result[[2]]), c(nrow(dummy.mbec@sam_data), 3))
# expect colnames to be c("var.explained","axis.min","axis.max")
expect_identical(colnames(pca.otu.test$result[[2]]), c("var.explained", "axis.min", "axis.max"))
# expect that used axes are listed correctly
expect_equal(pca.otu.test$result[[3]], c(1,2))
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(pca.otu.test, NA)
# now put in plotting function and test that this produces a 'gtable'
model.vars=c("batch","group"), pca.axes=pca.otu.test$result[[3]]),
# crepeat with different data, axes and only single covariate
pca.clr.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecPCA(dummy.mbec, model.vars = c("batch"), pca.axes = c(3,4), type="clr", return.data = TRUE))
# expect #n.sample rows and #n.sample + #covariate columns - but it will use all of them
expect_equal(dim(pca.clr.test$result[[1]]), c(nrow(dummy.mbec@sam_data), nrow(dummy.mbec@sam_data)+ncol(dummy.mbec@sam_data)))
# expect #n.sample rows and 3 columns
expect_equal(dim(pca.clr.test$result[[2]]), c(nrow(dummy.mbec@sam_data), 3))
# expect colnames to be c("var.explained","axis.min","axis.max")
expect_identical(colnames(pca.clr.test$result[[2]]), c("var.explained", "axis.min", "axis.max"))
# expect that used axes are listed correctly
expect_equal(pca.clr.test$result[[3]], c(3,4))
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(pca.clr.test, NA)
# now put in plotting function and test that this produces a 'gtable'
model.vars=c("batch"), pca.axes=pca.clr.test$result[[3]]),
test_that("mbecBox works", {
# check out the returned data
box.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecBox(dummy.mbec, method = "TOP", n = 10, model.var = "batch", type="otu", label=character(),
return.data = TRUE))
# expect #n.sample rows and #n + 2
expect_equal(dim(box.test$result[[1]]), c(nrow(dummy.mbec@sam_data), 12))
# expect #n.sample rows and 3 columns
expect_equal(length(box.test$result[[2]]), 10)
# expect colnames
expect_true(all(box.test$result[[2]] %in% colnames(box.test$result[[1]])))
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(box.test, NA)
# now put in plotting function for further testing
box.plot.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecBoxPlot(box.test$result[[1]], box.test$result[[2]], "batch"))
# expect list of 10 grobs
expect_equal(length(box.plot.test$result), 10)
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(box.plot.test, NA)
# repeat for method 'ALL'
# check out the returned data
box.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecBox(dummy.mbec, method = "ALL", model.var = "batch", type="otu", label=character(),
return.data = TRUE))
# expect #n.sample rows and #n + 2
expect_equal(dim(box.test$result[[1]]), c(nrow(dummy.mbec@sam_data), ncol(dummy.mbec@otu_table) + ncol(dummy.mbec@sam_data) + 1))
# expect #n.sample rows and 3 columns
expect_equal(length(box.test$result[[2]]), ncol(dummy.mbec@otu_table))
# expect colnames
expect_true(all(box.test$result[[2]] %in% colnames(box.test$result[[1]])))
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(box.test, NA)
# now put in plotting function for further testing
box.plot.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecBoxPlot(box.test$result[[1]], box.test$result[[2]], "batch"))
# expect list of 500 grobs
expect_equal(length(box.plot.test$result), ncol(dummy.mbec@otu_table))
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(box.plot.test, NA)
# repeat for method selection of OTUs
# check out the returned data
otu.select <- c("OTU1","OTU2","OTU3","OTU4","OTU5","OTU6","OTU7","OTU8","OTU9","OTU10")
box.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecBox(dummy.mbec, method = otu.select, model.var = "batch", type="otu", label=character(),
return.data = TRUE))
# expect #n.sample rows and #n + 2
expect_equal(dim(box.test$result[[1]]), c(nrow(dummy.mbec@sam_data), 12))
# expect #n.sample rows and 3 columns
expect_equal(length(box.test$result[[2]]), 10)
# expect colnames
expect_true(all(box.test$result[[2]] %in% otu.select))
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(box.test, NA)
# now put in plotting function for further testing
box.plot.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecBoxPlot(box.test$result[[1]], box.test$result[[2]], "batch"))
# expect list of 10 grobs
expect_equal(length(box.plot.test$result), 10)
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(box.plot.test, NA)
test_that("mbecHeat works", {
# check out the returned data
heat.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecHeat(dummy.mbec, model.vars = c("batch", "group"),
method = "TOP", n = 10, type="otu", label=character(),
return.data = TRUE))
# expect #n.sample rows and #n + 2
expect_equal(dim(heat.test$result[[1]]), c(10, nrow(dummy.mbec@sam_data)))
# expect #n.sample rows and 3 columns
expect_equal(dim(heat.test$result[[2]]), dim(dummy.mbec@sam_data))
# expect colnames
expect_true(all(heat.test$result$sID %in% colnames(heat.test$result[[1]])))
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(heat.test, NA)
# now put in plotting function for further testing
heat.plot.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecHeatPlot(center=T, scale=T, heat.test$result[[1]], heat.test$result[[2]], c("batch", "group")))
# expect list of 10 grobs
expect_s3_class(heat.plot.test$result, "pheatmap")
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(heat.plot.test, NA)
# check out the returned data for method 'ALL'
heat.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecHeat(dummy.mbec, model.vars = c("batch", "group"),
method = "ALL", type="otu", label=character(),
return.data = TRUE))
# expect #n.sample rows and #n + 2
expect_equal(dim(heat.test$result[[1]]), c(ncol(dummy.mbec@otu_table), nrow(dummy.mbec@sam_data)))
# expect #n.sample rows and 3 columns
expect_equal(dim(heat.test$result[[2]]), dim(dummy.mbec@sam_data))
# expect colnames
expect_true(all(heat.test$result$sID %in% colnames(heat.test$result[[1]])))
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(heat.test, NA)
# now put in plotting function for further testing
heat.plot.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecHeatPlot(center=T, scale=T, heat.test$result[[1]], heat.test$result[[2]], c("batch", "group")))
# expect list of 10 grobs
expect_s3_class(heat.plot.test$result, "pheatmap")
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(heat.plot.test, NA)
# check out the returned data for selected OTUs
otu.select <- c("OTU1","OTU2","OTU3","OTU4","OTU5","OTU6","OTU7","OTU8","OTU9","OTU10")
heat.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecHeat(dummy.mbec, model.vars = c("batch", "group"),
method = otu.select, type="otu", label=character(),
return.data = TRUE))
# expect #n.sample rows and #n + 2
expect_equal(dim(heat.test$result[[1]]), c(length(otu.select), nrow(dummy.mbec@sam_data)))
# expect #n.sample rows and 3 columns
expect_equal(dim(heat.test$result[[2]]), dim(dummy.mbec@sam_data))
# expect colnames
expect_true(all(heat.test$result$sID %in% colnames(heat.test$result[[1]])))
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(heat.test, NA)
# now put in plotting function for further testing
heat.plot.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecHeatPlot(center=T, scale=T, heat.test$result[[1]], heat.test$result[[2]], c("batch", "group")))
# expect list of 10 grobs
expect_s3_class(heat.plot.test$result, "pheatmap")
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(heat.plot.test, NA)
test_that("mbecMosaic works", {
mosaic.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecMosaic(dummy.mbec,
model.vars = c("batch", "group"),
return.data = TRUE))
expect_true(all(colnames(mosaic.test$result) %in% c("Var1", "Var2", "Freq", "Freq.scaled")))
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(mosaic.test, NA)
# now put in plotting function for further testing
mosaic.plot.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecMosaicPlot(mosaic.test$result, c("batch", "group")))
# expect list of 10 grobs
expect_s3_class(mosaic.plot.test$result, "gtable")
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(mosaic.plot.test, NA)
# TEST VARIANCE CALCULATIONS ----------------------------------------------
test_that("mbecModelVariance LM works", {
tmp <- mbecGetData(input.obj = dummy.mbec, orientation = "sxf",
required.col = c("batch", "group"), type="clr", label=character())
# test 'lm' modelling
mvar.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecModelVariance(dummy.mbec, model.vars = c("batch", "group"),
method = "lm",
model.form = NULL, type = "clr", label=character(), no.warning = TRUE,
na.action = NULL))
# expect dimension
expect_equal(dim(mvar.test$result), c(ncol(dummy.mbec@otu_table), 4))
# expect colnames
expect_true(all(colnames(mvar.test$result) %in% c("batch","group","Residuals","type")))
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(mvar.test, NA)
# build directly from 'mbecModelVarianceLM(model.form, model.vars, tmp.cnts, tmp.meta, type)'
lm.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecModelVarianceLM(model.form=NULL, model.vars = c("batch", "group"), tmp.cnts=tmp[[1]], tmp.meta=tmp[[2]], type="clr"))
expect_identical(mvar.test$result, lm.test$result)
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(lm.test, NA)
test_that("mbecModelVariance LMM works", {
tmp <- mbecGetData(input.obj = dummy.mbec, orientation = "sxf",
required.col = c("batch", "group"), type="clr", label=character())
# test 'lmm' modelling
mvar.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecModelVariance(dummy.mbec, model.vars = c("batch", "group"),
method = "lmm",
model.form = NULL, type = "clr", label=character(), no.warning = TRUE,
na.action = NULL))
# expect dimension
expect_equal(dim(mvar.test$result), c(ncol(dummy.mbec@otu_table), 4))
# expect colnames
expect_true(all(colnames(mvar.test$result) %in% c("batch","groupB","Residuals","type")))
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(mvar.test, NA)
# build directly from 'mbecModelVarianceLM(model.form, model.vars, tmp.cnts, tmp.meta, type)'
lmm.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecModelVarianceLMM(model.form=NULL, model.vars = c("batch", "group"), tmp.cnts=tmp[[1]], tmp.meta=tmp[[2]], type="clr"))
expect_identical(mvar.test$result, lmm.test$result)
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(lmm.test, NA)
test_that("mbecModelVariance RDA works", {
tmp <- mbecGetData(input.obj = dummy.mbec, orientation = "sxf",
required.col = c("batch", "group"), type="clr", label=character())
# test 'rda' modelling
mvar.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecModelVariance(dummy.mbec, model.vars = c("batch", "group"),
method = "rda",
model.form = NULL, type = "clr", label=character(), no.warning = TRUE,
na.action = NULL))
# expect dimension
expect_equal(dim(mvar.test$result), c(1, 3))
# expect colnames
expect_true(all(colnames(mvar.test$result) %in% c("batch","group","type")))
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(mvar.test, NA)
# build directly from 'mbecModelVarianceLM(model.form, model.vars, tmp.cnts, tmp.meta, type)'
rda.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecModelVarianceRDA(model.vars = c("batch", "group"), tmp.cnts=tmp[[1]], tmp.meta=tmp[[2]], type="clr"))
expect_identical(mvar.test$result, rda.test$result)
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(rda.test, NA)
test_that("mbecModelVariance PVCA works", {
tmp <- mbecGetData(input.obj = dummy.mbec, orientation = "sxf",
required.col = c("batch", "group"), type="clr", label=character())
# test 'pvca' modelling
mvar.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecModelVariance(dummy.mbec, model.vars = c("batch", "group"),
method = "pvca",
model.form = NULL, type = "clr", label=character(), no.warning = TRUE,
na.action = NULL))
# expect dimension
expect_equal(dim(mvar.test$result), c(1, 5))
# expect colnames
expect_true(all(colnames(mvar.test$result) %in% c("batch.group","group","batch","Residual","type")))
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(mvar.test, NA)
# build directly from 'mbecModelVarianceLM(model.form, model.vars, tmp.cnts, tmp.meta, type)'
pvca.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecModelVariancePVCA(model.vars = c("batch", "group"), tmp.cnts=tmp[[1]], tmp.meta=tmp[[2]], type="clr",pct_threshold = 0.5876))
expect_identical(mvar.test$result, pvca.test$result)
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(pvca.test, NA)
test_that("mbecModelVariance S.COEF works", {
tmp <- mbecGetData(input.obj = dummy.mbec, orientation = "sxf",
required.col = c("batch", "group"), type="clr", label=character())
# test 's.coef' modelling
mvar.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecModelVariance(dummy.mbec, model.vars = c("batch", "group"),
method = "s.coef",
model.form = NULL, type = "clr", label=character(), no.warning = TRUE,
na.action = NULL))
# expect dimension
expect_equal(dim(mvar.test$result), c(4, 4))
# expect colnames
expect_true(all(colnames(mvar.test$result) %in% c("variable","cluster","sil.coefficient","type")))
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(mvar.test, NA)
# build directly from 'mbecModelVarianceSCOEF(model.form, model.vars, tmp.cnts, tmp.meta, type)'
scoef.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecModelVarianceSCOEF(model.vars = c("batch", "group"), tmp.cnts=tmp[[1]], tmp.meta=tmp[[2]], type="clr"))
expect_identical(mvar.test$result, scoef.test$result)
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(scoef.test, NA)
# TEST VARIANCE STATISTICS ------------------------------------------------
test_that("mbecVarianceStats LM works", {
tmp <- mbecGetData(input.obj = dummy.mbec, orientation = "sxf",
required.col = c("batch", "group"), type="clr", label=character())
# test 'lm' modelling
mvar.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecModelVariance(dummy.mbec, model.vars = c("batch", "group"),
method = "lm",
model.form = NULL, type = "clr", label=character(), no.warning = TRUE,
na.action = NULL))
tmp.formula = stats::as.formula(paste("y", " ~ ", paste(c("batch", "group"), collapse = " + ")))
model.variances <- NULL
y <- tmp[[1]][[1]]
model.variances <- mbecVarianceStats(stats::lm(tmp.formula, data = tmp[[2]]))
# expect same result
expect_equal(mvar.test$result[1,1:3], data.frame(model.variances))
test_that("mbecVarianceStats LMM works", {
model.vars <- c("batch", "group")
tmp <- mbecGetData(input.obj = dummy.mbec, orientation = "sxf",
required.col = model.vars, type="clr", label=character())
# test 'lm' modelling
mvar.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecModelVariance(dummy.mbec, model.vars = model.vars,
method = "lmm",
model.form = NULL, type = "clr", label=character(), no.warning = TRUE,
na.action = NULL))
control = lme4::lmerControl(calc.derivs = TRUE, check.rankX = "stop.deficient")
f.terms <- paste("(1|", model.vars, ")", sep = "")
tmp.formula <- stats::as.formula(paste(paste("y", paste(model.vars[-1], collapse = " + "), sep = " ~ "),
paste(f.terms[1], collapse = " + "), sep = " + "))
y <- tmp[[1]][[1]]
model.variances <- evaluate_promise(mbecVarianceStats(lme4::lmer(tmp.formula, data = tmp[[2]], control = control)))
expect_equal(mvar.test$result[1,1:3], data.frame(model.variances$result))
test_that("mbecMixedvariance works", {
model.vars <- c("batch", "group")
tmp <- mbecGetData(input.obj = dummy.mbec, orientation = "sxf",
required.col = model.vars, type="clr", label=character())
control = lme4::lmerControl(calc.derivs = TRUE, check.rankX = "stop.deficient")
f.terms <- paste("(1|", model.vars, ")", sep = "")
tmp.formula <- stats::as.formula(paste(paste("y", paste(model.vars[-1], collapse = " + "), sep = " ~ "),
paste(f.terms[1], collapse = " + "), sep = " + "))
y <- tmp[[1]][[1]]
mvar.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecMixedVariance(lme4::lmer(tmp.formula, data = tmp[[2]], control = control)))
expect_equal(length(mvar.test$result), 3)
# expect no warnings
expect_warning(mvar.test, NA)
test_that("mbecValidateModel works", {
model.vars <- c("batch", "group")
tmp <- mbecGetData(input.obj = dummy.mbec, orientation = "sxf",
required.col = model.vars, type="clr", label=character())
# expect warning
mval.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecValidateModel(lme4::lmer(tmp[[1]][,1] ~ group + (1|batch),data=tmp[[2]]), colinearityThreshold = 0.5))
expect_true(grepl("Some covariates are strongly *", mval.test$result))
# expect no problems
mval.test <- evaluate_promise(mbecValidateModel(lme4::lmer(tmp[[1]][,1] ~ group + (1|batch),data=tmp[[2]]), colinearityThreshold = 0.999))
expect_identical(mval.test$result, NULL)
test_that("colinScore works", {
cnts <- matrix(1:16, nrow=4, ncol=4,
dimnames=list(c("A","B","C","D"), c("F1","F2","F3","F4")))
meta <- data.frame("sID"=c("A","B","C","D"),
"batch"=factor(c(1,2,1,2)), row.names = "sID")
# expect warning
mval.test <- evaluate_promise(colinScore(lme4::lmer(cnts[,1] ~ group + (1|batch),data=meta)))
expect_equal(mval.test$result[1], 6.3220273e-08)
expect_identical(names(attributes(mval.test$result)), "vcor")
expect_warning(mval.test, NA)
# VARIANCE CALCULATION ----------------------------------------------------
test_that("SOMETHING works", {
# Works with list, phyloseq and MbecDdata input due to 'mbecProcessInput'
# model is estimable and return value is NULL
model.vars=c("group","batch")), NULL)
# 'model.form' is class formula and is estimable
model.form=stats::as.formula("y ~ group + batch")), NULL)
# problem with estimability and return value is a character vector
# covariates and model-formula are missing
"Please supply covariates and/or model-formula.")
# will construct generic model-formula if input is not class 'formula'
form.res <- evaluate_promise(mbecTestModel(input.obj=dummy.mbec,
model.form="y ~ group + batch"))
expect_true(any(grepl("lm-formula", form.res$messages)))
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