# CORRECTIONS WRAPPER -----------------------------------------------------
#' Run Correction Pipeline
#' Run all correction algorithms selected by method and add corrected counts
#' as matrices to the data-set.
#' @keywords Batch-Effect Correction Pipeline
#' @param input.obj phyloseq object or numeric matrix (correct orientation is handeled internally)
#' @param model.vars two covariates of interest to select by first variable selects panels and second one determines coloring
#' @param type One of 'otu', 'tss' or 'clr' to determine the abundance matrix to use for evaluation.
#' @param method algorithms to use
#' @param nc.features (OPTIONAL) A vector of features names to be used as negative controls in RUV-3. If not supplied, the algorithm will use an 'lm' to find pseudo-negative controls
#' @return an object of class MbecDataSet
#' @export
#' @include mbecs_classes.R
#' @examples
#' # This call will use 'ComBat' for batch effect correction and store the new
#' # counts in a list-obj in the output.
#' study.obj <- mbecRunCorrections(input.obj=dummy.mbec,
#' model.vars=c("batch","group"), method=c("bat","bmc"))
#' # This call will use 'Percentile Normalization' for batch effect correction
#' # and replace the old count matrix.
#' study.obj <- mbecRunCorrections(dummy.mbec, model.vars=c("batch","group"),
#' method=c("pn"))
mbecRunCorrections <- function(input.obj, model.vars=c("batch","group"), type="clr",
nc.features=NULL) {
input.obj <- mbecProcessInput(input.obj, required.col=eval(model.vars))
if( all(dim(input.obj@clr) == 1) )
input.obj <- mbecTransform(input.obj, method="clr")
if( all(dim(input.obj@tss) == 1) )
input.obj <- mbecTransform(input.obj, method="tss")
for( m.idx in method ) {
if( m.idx == "pn" ) {
# because percentile norm is supposed to run on total sum scaled data
input.obj <- mbecCorrection(input.obj = input.obj, method = "pn",
} else {
input.obj <- mbecCorrection(input.obj = input.obj, method = eval(m.idx),
#' Batch Effect Correction Wrapper
#' Either corrects or accounts for (known) batch effects with one of several
#' algorithms.
#' The assessment methods 'lm, lmm, sva, ruv-2 and ruv-4" estimate the
#' significance of the batch effect and update the attribute 'assessments' with
#' vectors of p-values.
#' Linear (Mixed) Models: A simple linear mixed model with covariates
#' 'treatment' and 'batch', or respective variables in your particular data-set,
#' will be fitted to each feature and the significance for the treatment
#' variable extracted.
#' Surrogate variable Analysis (SVA): Surrogate Variable Analysis (SVA): Two
#' step approach that (1.) identify the number of latent factors to be estimated
#' by fitting a full-model with effect of interest and a null-model with no
#' effects. The function num.sv then calculates the number of latent factors.
#' In the next (2.) step, the sva function will estimate the surrogate
#' variables. And adjust for them in full/null-model . Subsequent F-test gives
#' significance values for each feature - these P-values and Q-values are
#' accounting for surrogate variables (estimated BEs).
#' Remove unwanted Variation 2 (RUV-2): Estimates unknown BEs by using negative
#' control variables that, in principle, are unaffected by treatment/biological
#' effect, i.e., aka the effect of interest in an experiment. These variables
#' are generally determined prior to the experiment. An approach to RUV-2
#' without the presence of negative control variables is the estimation of
#' pseudo-negative controls. To that end, an lm or lmm (depending on whether or
#' not the study design is balanced) with treatment is fitted to each feature
#' and the significance calculated. The features that are not significantly
#' affected by treatment are considered as pseudo-negative control variables.
#' Subsequently, the actual RUV-2 function is applied to the data and returns
#' the p-values for treatment, considering unwanted BEs (whatever that means).
#' Remove Unwanted Variation 4 (RUV-4): The updated version of RUV-2 also
#' incorporates the residual matrix (w/o treatment effect) to estimate the
#' unknown BEs. To that end it follows the same procedure in case there are no
#' negative control variables and computes pseudo-controls from the data via
#' l(m)m. As RUV-2, this algorithm also uses the parameter 'k' for the number of
#' latent factors. RUV-4 brings the function 'getK()' that estimates this factor
#' from the data itself. The calculated values are however not always reliable.
#' A value of k=0 fo example can occur and should be set to 1 instead. The
#' output is the same as with RUV-2.
#' The correction methods 'ruv3, bmc, bat, rbe, pn, svd' attempt to mitigate
#' the batch effect and update the attribute 'corrections' with the resulting
#' abundance matrices of corrected counts.
#' Remove Unwanted Variation 3 (RUV-3): This algorithm requires negative
#' control-features, i.e., OTUs that are known to be unaffected by the batch
#' effect, as well as technical replicates. The algorithm will check for the
#' existence of a replicate column in the covariate data. If the column is not
#' present, the execution stops and a warning message will be displayed.
#' Batch Mean Centering (BMC): For known BEs, this method takes the batches,
#' i.e., subgroup of samples within a particular batch, and centers them to
#' their mean.
#' Combat Batch Effects (ComBat): This method uses an non-/parametric empirical
#' Bayes framework to correct for BEs. Described by Johnson et al. 2007 this
#' method was initially conceived to work with gene expression data and is part
#' of the sva-package in R.
#' Remove Batch Effects (RBE): As part of the limma-package this method was
#' designed to remove BEs from Microarray Data. The algorithm fits the full-
#' model to the data, i.e., all relevant covariates whose effect should not be
#' removed, and a model that only contains the known BEs. The difference between
#' these models produces a residual matrix that (should) contain only the full-
#' model-effect, e.g., treatment. As of now the mbecs-correction only uses the
#' first input for batch-effect grouping. ToDo: think about implementing a
#' version for more complex models.
#' Percentile Normalization (PN): This method was actually developed
#' specifically to facilitate the integration of microbiome data from different
#' studies/experimental set-ups. This problem is similar to the mitigation of
#' BEs, i.e., when collectively analyzing two or more data-sets, every study is
#' effectively a batch on its own (not withstanding the probable BEs within
#' studies). The algorithm iterates over the unique batches and converts the
#' relative abundance of control samples into their percentiles. The relative
#' abundance of case-samples within the respective batches is then transformed
#' into percentiles of the associated control-distribution. Basically, the
#' procedure assumes that the control-group is unaffected by any effect of
#' interest, e.g., treatment or sickness, but both groups within a batch are
#' affected by that BE. The switch to percentiles (kinda) flattens the effective
#' difference in count values due to batch - as compared to the other batches.
#' This also introduces the two limiting aspects in percentile normalization. It
#' can only be applied to case/control designs because it requires a reference
#' group. In addition, the transformation into percentiles removes information
#' from the data.
#' Singular Value Decomposition (SVD): Basically perform matrix factorization
#' and compute singular eigenvectors (SEV). Assume that the first SEV captures
#' the batch-effect and remove this effect from the data. The interesting thing
#' is that this works pretty well (with the test-data anyway) But since the SEVs
#' are latent factors that are (most likely) confounded with other effects it is
#' not obvious to me that this is the optimal approach to solve this issue.
#' The input for this function is supposed to be an MbecData object that
#' contains total sum-scaled and cumulative log-ratio transformed abundance
#' matrices. Output will be as input, but assessments or corrections-lists will
#' contain the result of the respective chosen method.
#' @keywords Batch-Effect Correction and Assessment
#' @param input.obj An MbecData object with 'tss' and 'clr' matrices.
#' @param model.vars Vector of covariate names. First element relates to batch.
#' @param method Denotes the algorithms to use. One of 'lm, lmm, sva, ruv2,
#' ruv4' for assessment methods or one of 'ruv3, bmc, bat, rbe, pn, svd' for
#' correction algorithms.
#' @param type Which abundance matrix to use, one of 'otu, tss, clr'. DEFAULT is
#' 'clr' but percentile normalization is supposed to work on tss-abundances.
#' @param nc.features (OPTIONAL) A vector of features names to be used as
#' negative controls in RUV-2/3/4. If not supplied, the algorithm will use a
#' linear model to find pseudo-negative controls
#' @return An updated object of class MbecData.
#' @export
#' @include mbecs_classes.R
#' @examples
#' # This call will use 'ComBat' for batch effect correction on CLR-transformed
#' # abundances and store the new counts in the 'corrections' attribute.
#' study.obj <- mbecCorrection(input.obj=dummy.mbec,
#' model.vars=c("batch","group"), method="bat", type="clr")
#' # This call will use 'Percentile Normalization' for batch effect correction
#' # on TSS-transformed counts and store the new counts in the 'corrections'
#' # attribute.
#' study.obj <- mbecCorrection(dummy.mbec, model.vars=c("batch","group"),
#' method="pn", type="tss")
mbecCorrection <- function(input.obj, model.vars=c("batch","group"),
type="clr", nc.features=NULL) {
input.obj <- mbecProcessInput(input.obj, required.col=eval(model.vars))
## Check if 'method' was chosen correctly.
method <- match.arg(method, choices = c("lm","lmm","sva","ruv2","ruv4","ruv3",
if( method == "lm" ) {
message("Applying Linear Model (LM) to account for batch-effects.")
res.assess <- mbecLM(input.obj = input.obj, method = "lm",
} else if( method == "lmm" ) {
message("Applying Linear Mixed Model (LMM) to account for batch-effects.")
res.assess <- mbecLM(input.obj = input.obj, method = "lmm",
} else if( method == "sva" ) {
res.assess <- mbecSVA(input.obj, model.vars,
} else if( method == "ruv2" ) {
res.assess <- mbecRUV2(input.obj, model.vars,
type=eval(type), nc.features)
} else if( method == "ruv4" ) {
res.assess <- mbecRUV4(input.obj, model.vars,
type=eval(type), nc.features)
} else if( method == "ruv3" ) {
res.correct <- mbecRUV3(input.obj, model.vars,
type=eval(type), nc.features)
} else if( method == "bmc" ) {
res.correct <- mbecBMC(input.obj, model.vars,
} else if( method == "bat" ) {
res.correct <- mbecBat(input.obj, model.vars,
} else if( method == "rbe" ) {
res.correct <- mbecRBE(input.obj, model.vars,
} else if( method == "pn" ) {
# !This is supposed to work on TSS counts
res.correct <- mbecPN(input.obj, model.vars,
} else if( method == "svd" ) {
res.correct <- mbecSVD(input.obj, model.vars,
## figure out where to put the result
if( method %in% c("lm","lmm","sva","ruv2","ruv4") ) {
return.obj <- mbecSetData(input.obj = input.obj, new.cnts = res.assess,
type = "ass", label = eval(method))
} else if( method %in% c("ruv3","bmc","bat","rbe","pn", "svd") ) {
return.obj <- mbecSetData(input.obj = input.obj, new.cnts = res.correct,
type = "cor", label = eval(method))
## Point of no return. *badum tsss*
# ASSESSMENT FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------------------
#' Surrogate variable Analysis (SVA)
#' Two step approach that (1.) identify the number of latent factors to be
#' estimated by fitting a full-model with effect of interest and a null-model
#' with no effects. The function 'num.sv()' then calculates the number of latent
#' factors. In the next (2.) step, the sva function will estimate the surrogate
#' variables. And adjust for them in full/null-model . Subsequent F-test gives
#' significance values for each feature - these P-values and Q-values are
#' accounting for surrogate variables (estimated BEs).
#' The input for this function is supposed to be an MbecData object that
#' contains total sum-scaled and cumulative log-ratio transformed abundance
#' matrices. Output will be a vector of p-values.
#' @keywords Batch-Effect Assessment SVA
#' @param input.obj MbecData object
#' @param model.vars Vector of covariate names. First element relates to batch.
#' @param type Which abundance matrix to use, one of 'otu, tss, clr'. DEFAULT is
#' 'clr'.
#' @return A vector of p-values that indicate significance of the batch-effect
#' for the features.
#' @include mbecs_classes.R
mbecSVA <- function(input.obj, model.vars, type="clr") {
message("Applying Surrogate Variable Analysis (SVA) to account for batch-effects.")
# this should only match the uncorrected abundance matrices
type <- match.arg(type, choices = c("otu","clr","tss"))
tmp <- mbecGetData(input.obj=input.obj, orientation = "fxs", type=eval(type))
tmp.cnts <- tmp[[1]]; tmp.meta <- tmp[[2]]
tmp.mod <- stats::model.matrix( ~ tmp.meta[[model.vars[1]]])
tmp.mod0 <- stats::model.matrix( ~ 1, data=tmp.meta[[model.vars[1]]])
tmp.sva.n <- sva::num.sv(dat = as.matrix(tmp.cnts), mod = tmp.mod)
tmp.sva <- sva::sva(as.matrix(tmp.cnts), tmp.mod, tmp.mod0, n.sv = tmp.sva.n)
message("Number of significant surrogate variables is: ", tmp.sva$n.sv)
# do sth. that I have to understand yet
tmp.mod.bat <- cbind(tmp.mod, tmp.sva$sv)
tmp.mod0.bat <- cbind(tmp.mod0, tmp.sva$sv)
tmp.sva.trt_p <- sva::f.pvalue(as.matrix(tmp.cnts), tmp.mod.bat, tmp.mod0.bat)
tmp.sva.trt_adjp <- stats::p.adjust(tmp.sva.trt_p, method = 'fdr')
# RUV FUNCTIONS -----------------------------------------------------------
#' Remove unwanted Variation 2 (RUV-2)
#' Estimates unknown BEs by using negative control variables that, in principle,
#' are unaffected by treatment/study/biological effect (aka the effect of
#' interest in an experiment). These variables are generally determined prior
#' to the experiment. An approach to RUV-2 without the presence of negative
#' control variables is the estimation of pseudo-negative controls. To that end
#' an lm or lmm (depending on whether or not the study design is balanced) with
#' treatment is fitted to each feature and the significance calculated. The
#' features that are not significantly affected by treatment are considered as
#' pseudo-negative control variables. Subsequently, the actual RUV-2 function
#' is applied to the data and returns the p-values for treatment, considering
#' unwanted BEs (whatever that means).
#' The input for this function is supposed to be an MbecData object that
#' contains total sum-scaled and cumulative log-ratio transformed abundance
#' matrices. Output will be a vector of p-values.
#' @keywords Batch-Effect Correction Assessment
#' @param input.obj phyloseq object or numeric matrix (correct orientation is
#' handeled internally)
#' @param model.vars Vector of covariate names. First element relates to batch.
#' @param type Which abundance matrix to use, one of 'otu, tss, clr'. DEFAULT is
#' 'clr'.
#' @param nc.features (OPTIONAL) A vector of features names to be used as
#' negative controls in RUV-3. If not supplied, the algorithm will use an 'lm'
#' to find pseudo-negative controls
#' @return A vector of p-values that indicate significance of the batch-effect
#' for the features.
#' @include mbecs_classes.R
mbecRUV2 <- function(input.obj, model.vars, type="clr", nc.features=NULL) {
type <- match.arg(type, choices = c("otu","clr","tss"))
tmp <- mbecGetData(input.obj, orientation="sxf", type=eval(type))
tmp.cnts <- tmp[[1]]; tmp.meta <- tmp[[2]]
## check for neg. controls or generate pseudo negatives
if( !is.null(nc.features) ) {
tmp.nc <- colnames(tmp.cnts) %in% nc.features
names(tmp.nc) <- colnames(tmp.cnts)
} else {
message("No negative control features provided. Using pseudo-negative controls.")
tmp.group.p <- mbecLM(input.obj = input.obj, method = "lm", model.vars=model.vars, type=eval(type))
tmp.nc <- tmp.group.p > 0.05
message("Applying Remove Unwanted Variantion v2 (RUV-II) for batch-correction.")
tmp.ruv2 <- ruv::RUV2(Y = tmp.cnts, X = tmp.meta[[model.vars[1]]],
ctl = tmp.nc, k = 3) # k is subjective
tmp.ruv2.trt_p <- tmp.ruv2$p
tmp.ruv2.trt_adjp <- stats::p.adjust(tmp.ruv2.trt_p, method="fdr")
#' Remove Unwanted Variation 4 (RUV-4)
#' The updated version of RUV-2 also incorporates the residual matrix
#' (w/o treatment effect) to estimate the unknown BEs. To that end it follows
#' the same procedure in case there are no negative control variables and
#' computes pseudo-controls from the data via l(m)m. As RUV-2, this algorithm
#' also uses the parameter 'k' for the number of latent factors. RUV-4 brings
#' the function 'getK()' that estimates this factor from the data itself. The
#' calculated values are however not always reliable. A value of k=0 fo example
#' can occur and should be set to 1 instead.
#' The input for this function is supposed to be an MbecData object that
#' contains total sum-scaled and cumulative log-ratio transformed abundance
#' matrices. Output will be a vector of p-values.
#' @keywords Batch-Effect Correction Assessment
#' @param input.obj phyloseq object or numeric matrix (correct orientation is
#' handeled internally)
#' @param model.vars Vector of covariate names. First element relates to batch.
#' @param type Which abundance matrix to use, one of 'otu, tss, clr'. DEFAULT is
#' 'clr'.
#' @param nc.features (OPTIONAL) A vector of features names to be used as
#' negative controls in RUV-3. If not supplied, the algorithm will use an 'lm'
#' to find pseudo-negative controls
#' @return A vector of p-values that indicate significance of the batch-effect
#' for the features.
#' @include mbecs_classes.R
mbecRUV4 <- function(input.obj, model.vars, type="clr", nc.features=NULL) {
type <- match.arg(type, choices = c("otu","clr","tss"))
tmp <- mbecGetData(input.obj, orientation="sxf", type=eval(type))
tmp.cnts <- tmp[[1]]; tmp.meta <- tmp[[2]]
## check for neg. controls or generate pseudo negatives
if( !is.null(nc.features) ) {
tmp.nc <- colnames(tmp.cnts) %in% nc.features
names(tmp.nc) <- colnames(tmp.cnts)
} else {
message("No negative control features provided. Using pseudo-negative controls.")
tmp.group.p <- mbecLM(input.obj = input.obj, method = "lm", model.vars=model.vars, type=eval(type))
tmp.nc <- tmp.group.p > 0.05
message("Applying Remove Unwanted Variantion v4 (RUV-IV) for batch-correction.")
tmp.k <- ruv::getK(Y = tmp.cnts, X = tmp.meta$group, ctl = tmp.nc)
tmp.k <- ifelse(tmp.k$k !=0, tmp.k$k, 1)
tmp.ruv4 <- ruv::RUV4(Y = tmp.cnts, X = tmp.meta$group, ctl = tmp.nc, k = tmp.k)
tmp.ruv4.trt_p <- tmp.ruv4$p
tmp.ruv4.trt_adjp <- stats::p.adjust(tmp.ruv4.trt_p, method="fdr")
#' Remove Unwanted Variation 3 (RUV-3)
#' This algorithm requires negative control-features, i.e., OTUs that are known
#' to be unaffected by the batch effect, as well as technical replicates. The
#' algorithm will check for the existence of a replicate column in the covariate
#' data. If the column is not present, the execution stops and a warning message
#' will be displayed.
#' The input for this function is supposed to be an MbecData object that
#' contains total sum-scaled and cumulative log-ratio transformed abundance
#' matrices. Output will be a matrix of corrected abundances.
#' @keywords Batch-Effect Correction Assessment
#' @param input.obj phyloseq object or numeric matrix (correct orientation is
#' handeled internally)
#' @param model.vars Vector of covariate names. First element relates to batch.
#' @param type Which abundance matrix to use, one of 'otu, tss, clr'. DEFAULT is
#' 'clr'.
#' @param nc.features (OPTIONAL) A vector of features names to be used as
#' negative controls in RUV-3. If not supplied, the algorithm will use an 'lm'
#' to find pseudo-negative controls
#' @return A matrix of batch-effect corrected counts
#' @include mbecs_classes.R
mbecRUV3 <- function(input.obj, model.vars, type="clr", nc.features=NULL) {
type <- match.arg(type, choices = c("otu","clr","tss"))
tmp <- mbecGetData(input.obj, orientation="sxf", type=eval(type))
tmp.cnts <- tmp[[1]]; tmp.meta <- tmp[[2]]
## check for neg. controls or generate pseudo negatives
if( !is.null(nc.features) ) {
tmp.nc <- colnames(tmp.cnts) %in% nc.features
names(tmp.nc) <- colnames(tmp.cnts)
} else {
message("No negative control features provided. Using pseudo-negative controls.")
tmp.group.p <- mbecLM(input.obj = input.obj, method = "lm", model.vars=model.vars, type=eval(type))
tmp.nc <- tmp.group.p > 0.05
message("Applying Remove Unwanted Variantion v3 (RUV-III) for batch-correction.")
tmp.replicate <- tmp.meta$replicate
if( length(tmp.replicate) == length(unique(tmp.replicate)) ) {
warning("No technical replicates found. RUV-3 is not available for this data-set!")
} else {
tmp.replicate.matrix <- ruv::replicate.matrix(tmp.replicate)
corrected.cnts <- ruv::RUVIII(Y = tmp.cnts, M = tmp.replicate.matrix, ctl = tmp.nc)
rownames(corrected.cnts) <- rownames(tmp.cnts)
# CORRECTION FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------------------
#' Batch Mean Centering (BMC)
#' For known BEs, this method takes the batches, i.e., subgroup of samples
#' within a particular batch, and centers them to their mean.
#' The input for this function is supposed to be an MbecData object that
#' contains total sum-scaled and cumulative log-ratio transformed abundance
#' matrices. Output will be a matrix of corrected abundances.
#' @keywords BECA Batch Mean Centering
#' @param input.obj phyloseq object or numeric matrix (correct orientation is
#' handeled internally)
#' @param model.vars Vector of covariate names. First element relates to batch.
#' @param type Which abundance matrix to use, one of 'otu, tss, clr'. DEFAULT is
#' 'clr'.
#' @return A matrix of batch-effect corrected counts
#' @include mbecs_classes.R
mbecBMC <- function(input.obj, model.vars, type="clr") {
message("Applying Batch Mean-Centering (BMC) for batch-correction.")
type <- match.arg(type, choices = c("otu","clr","tss"))
tmp <- mbecGetData(input.obj, orientation="sxf", type=eval(type))
tmp.cnts <- tmp[[1]]; tmp.meta <- tmp[[2]]
# get unique batches
input.batches <- unique(tmp.meta[[model.vars[1]]])
corrected.cnts <- NULL
for( batch.idx in input.batches ) {
tmp <- scale(tmp.cnts[tmp.meta$sID[tmp.meta[[model.vars[1]]] %in% batch.idx], ], center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
corrected.cnts <- rbind.data.frame(corrected.cnts, tmp)
# reorder according to meta-table
corrected.cnts <- corrected.cnts[tmp.meta$sID,]
#' Combat Batch Effects (ComBat)
#' This method uses an non-/parametric empirical Bayes framework to correct
#' for BEs. Described by Johnson et al. 2007 this method was initially conceived
#' to work with gene expression data and is part of the sva-package in R.
#' The input for this function is supposed to be an MbecData object that
#' contains total sum-scaled and cumulative log-ratio transformed abundance
#' matrices. Output will be a matrix of corrected abundances.
#' @keywords BECA Batch Mean Centering
#' @param input.obj phyloseq object or numeric matrix (correct orientation is
#' handeled internally)
#' @param model.vars Vector of covariate names. First element relates to batch.
#' @param type Which abundance matrix to use, one of 'otu, tss, clr'. DEFAULT is
#' 'clr'.
#' @return A matrix of batch-effect corrected counts
#' @include mbecs_classes.R
mbecBat <- function(input.obj, model.vars, type="clr") {
message("Applying ComBat (sva) for batch-correction.")
## ComBat requires 'fxs' orientation for inputs
type <- match.arg(type, choices = c("otu","clr","tss"))
tmp <- mbecGetData(input.obj, orientation="fxs", type=eval(type))
tmp.cnts <- tmp[[1]]; tmp.meta <- tmp[[2]]
# ToDo: tmp model
if( length(model.vars) == 1 ) {
corrected.cnts <- sva::ComBat(tmp.cnts, batch = tmp.meta[[model.vars[1]]],
mod = 1, par.prior = FALSE,
prior.plots = FALSE)
} else {
tmp.mod <- stats::model.matrix( ~ tmp.meta[[model.vars[2]]]) # full model
corrected.cnts <- sva::ComBat(tmp.cnts, batch = tmp.meta[[model.vars[1]]],
mod = tmp.mod, par.prior = FALSE,
prior.plots = FALSE)
#' Remove Batch Effects (RBE)
#' As part of the limma-package this method was designed to remove BEs from
#' Microarray Data. The algorithm fits the full-model to the data, i.e., all
#' relevant covariates whose effect should not be removed, and a model that only
#' contains the known BEs. The difference between these models produces a
#' residual matrix that (should) contain only the full-model-effect, e.g.,
#' treatment. As of now the mbecs-correction only uses the first input for
#' batch-effect grouping. ToDo: think about implementing a version for more
#' complex models.
#' The input for this function is supposed to be an MbecData object that
#' contains total sum-scaled and cumulative log-ratio transformed abundance
#' matrices. Output will be a matrix of corrected abundances.
#' @keywords BECA Limma Remove Batch Effects
#' @param input.obj phyloseq object or numeric matrix (correct orientation is
#' handeled internally)
#' @param model.vars Vector of covariate names. First element relates to batch.
#' @param type Which abundance matrix to use, one of 'otu, tss, clr'. DEFAULT is
#' 'clr'.
#' @return A matrix of batch-effect corrected counts
#' @include mbecs_classes.R
mbecRBE <- function(input.obj, model.vars, type="clr") {
message("Applying 'removeBatchEffect' (limma) for batch-correction.")
## removeBatchEffect requires 'fxs' orientation for inputs
type <- match.arg(type, choices = c("otu","clr","tss"))
tmp <- mbecGetData(input.obj, orientation="fxs", type=eval(type))
tmp.cnts <- tmp[[1]]; tmp.meta <- tmp[[2]]
if( length(model.vars) == 1 ) {
corrected.cnts <- limma::removeBatchEffect(
batch = tmp.meta[[model.vars[1]]],design = matrix(1,ncol(tmp.cnts),1))
} else {
tmp.mod <- stats::model.matrix( ~ tmp.meta[[model.vars[2]]]) # full model
corrected.cnts <- limma::removeBatchEffect(
tmp.cnts, batch = tmp.meta[[model.vars[1]]],design = tmp.mod)
#' Percentile Normalization (PN)
#' This method was actually developed specifically to facilitate the integration
#' of microbiome data from different studies/experimental set-ups. This problem
#' is similar to the mitigation of BEs, i.e., when collectively analyzing two or
#' more data-sets, every study is effectively a batch on its own
#' (not withstanding the probable BEs within studies). The algorithm iterates
#' over the unique batches and converts the relative abundance of control
#' samples into their percentiles. The relative abundance of case-samples within
#' the respective batches is then transformed into percentiles of the associated
#' control-distribution. Basically, the procedure assumes that the control-group
#' is unaffected by any effect of interest, e.g., treatment or sickness, but
#' both groups within a batch are affected by that BE. The switch to percentiles
#' (kinda) flattens the effective difference in count values due to batch - as
#' compared to the other batches. This also introduces the two limiting aspects
#' in percentile normalization. It can only be applied to case/control designs
#' because it requires a reference group. In addition, the transformation into
#' percentiles removes information from the data.
#' The input for this function is supposed to be an MbecData object that
#' contains total sum-scaled and cumulative log-ratio transformed abundance
#' matrices. Output will be a matrix of corrected abundances.
#' @keywords BECA Duvallet Percentile Normalisation
#' @param input.obj phyloseq object or numeric matrix (correct orientation is
#' handeled internally)
#' @param model.vars Vector of covariate names. First element relates to batch.
#' @param type Which abundance matrix to use, one of 'otu, tss, clr'. DEFAULT is
#' 'tss'.
#' @return A matrix of batch-effect corrected counts
#' @include mbecs_classes.R
mbecPN <- function(input.obj, model.vars, type="tss") {
message("Applying Percentile Normalization (PN) for batch-correction.")
## Percentile Normalization requires 'sxf' orientation for inputs
type <- match.arg(type, choices = c("tss","otu","clr"))
tmp <- mbecGetData(input.obj, orientation="sxf", type=eval(type))
tmp.cnts <- tmp[[1]]; tmp.meta <- tmp[[2]]
# check for case/control design
if( nlevels(tmp.meta[,eval(model.vars[2])]) != 2 ) {
warning("Grouping/Treatment contains ",
" different categories. Percentile normalization is designed to work
with 2 classes only, i.e., case/control studies.")
# check/adjust for zero-values
if( any(tmp.cnts == 0) ) {
warning("Abundances contain zero values. Adding small uniform offset.")
tmp.cnts <- apply(tmp.cnts, c(1,2),
function(x) ifelse(x == 0, stats::runif(1,0,10^-9),x))
# do normalisation
corrected.cnts <- percentileNorm(tmp.cnts, tmp.meta[,eval(model.vars)])
#' Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
#' Basically perform matrix factorization and compute singular eigenvectors
#' (SEV). Assume that the first SEV captures the batch-effect and remove this
#' effect from the data. The interesting thing is that this works pretty well.
#' But since the SEVs are latent factors that are (most likely) confounded with
#' other effects it is not obvious to me that this is the optimal approach to
#' solve this issue.
#' ToDo: IF I find the time to works on "my-own-approach" then this is the
#' point to start from!!!
#' The input for this function is supposed to be an MbecData object that
#' contains total sum-scaled and cumulative log-ratio transformed abundance
#' matrices. Output will be a matrix of corrected abundances.
#' @keywords BECA Duvallet Percentile Normalisation
#' @param input.obj phyloseq object or numeric matrix (correct orientation is
#' handeled internally)
#' @param model.vars Vector of covariate names. First element relates to batch.
#' @param type Which abundance matrix to use, one of 'otu, tss, clr'. DEFAULT is
#' 'clr'.
#' @return A matrix of batch-effect corrected counts
#' @include mbecs_classes.R
mbecSVD <- function(input.obj, model.vars, type="clr") {
message("Applying Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) for batch-correction.")
## SVD requires 'sxf' orientation for inputs
type <- match.arg(type, choices = c("otu","clr","tss"))
tmp <- mbecGetData(input.obj, orientation="sxf", type=eval(type))
tmp.cnts <- tmp[[1]]; tmp.meta <- tmp[[2]]
# sd, mean, scale
tmp.sd <- apply(tmp.cnts, 2, stats::sd)
tmp.mean <- apply(tmp.cnts, 2, mean)
# center and scale
tmp.cnts.scale <- scale(tmp.cnts, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
# produce square matrix
tmp.cnts.square <- crossprod(tmp.cnts.scale)
# apply singular value decomposition
svd.res <- svd(tmp.cnts.square)
# extract 1st singular vectors
svd.u1 <- svd.res$u[ ,1]
svd.v1 <- svd.res$v[ ,1]
# deflate component 1 from the data
tmp.t1 <- tmp.cnts.scale %*% svd.u1 / drop(sqrt(crossprod(svd.u1)))
tmp.c1 <- crossprod(tmp.cnts.scale, tmp.t1) / drop(crossprod(tmp.t1))
tmp.svd.defl <- tmp.cnts.scale - tmp.t1 %*% t(tmp.c1)
# add mean and standard deviation
corrected.cnts <- tmp.cnts
corrected.cnts[,] <- NA
for( c.idx in seq_len(dim(corrected.cnts)[2]) ) {
for( r.idx in seq_len(dim(corrected.cnts)[1]) ) {
corrected.cnts[r.idx, c.idx] <- tmp.svd.defl[r.idx, c.idx] *
tmp.sd[c.idx] + tmp.mean[c.idx]
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