#' Fits a random forest from a matrix or features X and a vector y.
#' @param X n x m numerical matrix of features (missing values will be removed by sample).
#' @param y Length n vector of numerical values (missing values will be removed by column).
#' @param W n row numerical matrix of confounders to be included in each model (after selection).
#' @param k Integer number of cross validation cycles to perform.
#' @param n Number of features to be considered in the model (after correlation filter).
#' @param vc Variance cut off for feature selection.
#' @return A list with components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{model_table}{A table with the following columns: \cr
#' feature: the column names of X. \cr
#' RF.imp.mean: an estimate of the importance of that feature for model accuracy. \cr
#' the standard deviation of the importance estimate. \cr
#' RF.imp.stability: the proportion of models that used this feature. \cr
#' rank: the rank of the feature in terms of importance for the model. \cr
#' MSE: the mean-squared error of the model. \cr
#' the standard error of the MSE. \cr
#' R2: the \eqn{R^2} of the model. \cr
#' PearsonScore: the Pearson correlation of predicted and observed responses. \cr
#' }
#' \item{predictions}{A vector of the responses predicted by the random forest.}
#' }
#' @export
random_forest <- function(X,
k = 10,
n = 500,
vc = 0.01){
y.clean <- y[is.finite(y)] # only finite/non-missing values
X.clean <- X[, apply(X, 2, function(x) all(is.finite(x)))]
# make sure data aligns
cl <- sample(dplyr::intersect(rownames(X.clean), names(y.clean))) # overlapping rows (sample randomizes)
X.clean <- X.clean[cl,] # selects overlapping lines from X
y.clean <- y.clean[cl] # selects overlapping lines from y
colnames(X.clean) %<>% make.names() # ensure unique column names
N = floor(length(cl)/k) # size of each test set (dataset size/cv cycles)
yhat_rf <- y.clean # vector to store predicted values of y
SS = tibble() # empty table to store output
# run cross validation k times
for (kx in 1:k) {
test <- cl[((kx - 1) * N + 1):(kx * N)] # select test set (N points)
if (kx == k) test <- cl[((kx - 1) * N + 1):length(cl)]
train <- dplyr::setdiff(cl, test) # everything else is training
# select training and test data from X, assumes no NAs in X
X_train <- X.clean[train, , drop=F]
X_test <- X.clean[test, , drop=F]
X_train <- X_train[,apply(X_train,2,var) > vc] # remove columns with variance less than vc
# select top n correlated features in X (this filters to "relevant" features)
# allows for faster model fitting
X_train <- X_train[ ,rank(-abs(stats::cor(X_train, y.clean[train]))) <= n]
# append confounders if applicable
if (!is.null(W)) {
X_train <- cbind(X_train, W[train, ])
X_test <- cbind(X_test, W[test, ])
# fit a random forest model using the ranger package
# uses impurity as variable importance metric
rf <- ranger::ranger(y ~ .,
data =, y = y.clean[train])),
importance = "impurity")
# add predictions for test set to prediction vector
yhat_rf[test] <- predict(rf, data =[, colnames(X_train), drop = F]))$predictions
# extract variable importance metrics from RF model
ss <- tibble::tibble(feature = names(rf$variable.importance),
RF.imp = rf$variable.importance / sum(rf$variable.importance),
fold = kx)
# add results from this step of cross-validation to overall model
SS %<>%
# importances table in matrix form (feature by CV run with values as importances)
RF.importances <- SS %>%
dplyr::distinct(feature, RF.imp, fold) %>%
reshape2::acast(feature ~ fold, value.var = "RF.imp")
# RF table with average importance values across validation runs
# mean and sd are of the importance values
# stability measures how many models used a feature (divided by number of CV folds)
RF.table <- tibble::tibble(feature = rownames(RF.importances),
RF.imp.mean = RF.importances %>%
apply(1, function(x) mean(x, na.rm = T)), = RF.importances %>%
apply(1, function(x) sd(x, na.rm = T)),
RF.imp.stability = RF.importances %>%
apply(1, function(x) mean(! %>%
# only keep features used in > half the models
dplyr::filter((RF.imp.stability > 0.5), feature != "(Intercept)") %>%
dplyr::arrange(desc(RF.imp.mean)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(rank = 1:n())
# model level statistics
# MSE = mean-squared error of predictions, = standard deviation of MSE
# R2 and Pearson are measures of model accuracy
mse <- mean((yhat_rf - y.clean)^2) <- sqrt(var((yhat_rf - y.clean)^2))/sqrt(length(y.clean))
r2 <- 1 - (mse/var(y.clean))
ps <- cor(y.clean, yhat_rf, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
RF.table %<>%
dplyr::mutate(MSE = mse, =,
R2 = r2,
PearsonScore = ps)
# return importance table and predictions
return(list("model_table" = RF.table,
"predictions" = yhat_rf))
#' Fits a random forest from a matrix or features X and a vector y using gausscov for feature selection.
#' @param X n x m numerical matrix of features (missing values will be removed by sample).
#' @param y Length n vector of numerical values (missing values will be removed by column).
#' @param W n row numerical matrix of confounders to be included in each model (after selection).
#' @param k Integer number of cross validation cycles to perform.
#' @param vc Variance cut off for feature selection.
#' @param lm The maximum number of linear approximations for gausscov.
#' @param nu The order statistic of Gaussian covariates used for comparison for gausscov.
#' @param p0 The P-value cut-off for gausscov.
#' @return A list with components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{model_table}{A table with the following columns: \cr
#' feature: the column names of X. \cr
#' RF.imp.mean: an estimate of the importance of that feature for model accuracy. \cr
#' the standard deviation of the importance estimate. \cr
#' RF.imp.stability: the proportion of models that used this feature. \cr
#' rank: the rank of the feature in terms of importance for the model. \cr
#' MSE: the mean-squared error of the model. \cr
#' the standard error of the MSE. \cr
#' R2: the \eqn{R^2} of the model. \cr
#' PearsonScore: the Pearson correlation of predicted and observed responses. \cr
#' }
#' \item{predictions}{A vector of the responses predicted by the random forest.}
#' }
#' @export
random_forest_gauss <- function(X, y,
k = 10,
vc = 0.01,
lm = 25,
nu = 10,
p0 = 0.01){
y.clean <- y[is.finite(y)] # only finite/non-missing values
X.clean <- X[, apply(X, 2, function(x) all(is.finite(x)))]
# make sure data aligns
cl <- sample(dplyr::intersect(rownames(X.clean), names(y.clean))) # overlapping rows (sample randomizes)
X.clean <- X.clean[cl,] # selects overlapping lines from X
y.clean <- y.clean[cl] # selects overlapping lines from y
colnames(X.clean) %<>% make.names() # ensure unique column names
N = floor(length(cl)/k) # size of each test set (dataset size/cv cycles)
yhat_rf <- rep(NA, length(y.clean)) # vector to store predicted values of y
names(yhat_rf) <- names(y.clean) # transfer column names
SS = tibble() # empty table to store output
# run cross validation k times
for (kx in 1:k) {
test <- cl[((kx - 1) * N + 1):(kx * N)] # select test set (N points)
if (kx == k) test <- cl[((kx - 1) * N + 1):length(cl)]
train <- dplyr::setdiff(cl, test) # everything else is training
# select training and test data from X, assumes no NAs in X
X_train <- X.clean[train, , drop=F]
X_test <- X.clean[test, , drop=F]
# remove columns with variance lower than vc
X_train <- X_train[, apply(X_train, 2, var) > vc, drop = F]
# use gausscov to identify features to use in the model
b <- gausscov::f2st(y.clean[train], X_train, lm=lm, nu=nu, p0=p0)
features <- colnames(X_train)[b[[1]][,2]]
# make sure features were found
if (length(features > 0)) {
X_train <- X_train[ , features, drop = F]
# append confounders if applicable
if (!is.null(W)) {
X_train <- cbind(X_train, W[train, ])
X_test <- cbind(X_test, W[test, ])
# fit a random forest model using ranger
# uses impurity as varaible importance metric
rf <- ranger::ranger(y = y.clean[train], x = X_train,
importance = "impurity")
# add predictions for test set to prediction vector
yhat_rf[test] <- predict(rf, data =[, colnames(X_train), drop = F]))$predictions
# extract variable importance metrics from RF model
ss <- tibble::tibble(feature = names(rf$variable.importance),
RF.imp = rf$variable.importance / sum(rf$variable.importance),
fold = kx)
# add results from this step of cross-validation to overall model
SS %<>%
if (nrow(SS) > 0) {
# importances table in matrix form (feature by CV run with values as importances)
RF.importances <- SS %>%
dplyr::distinct(feature, RF.imp, fold) %>%
reshape2::acast(feature ~ fold, value.var = "RF.imp", fill = 0)
# RF table with average importance values across validation runs
# mean and sd are of the importance values
# stability measures how many models used a feature (divided by number of CV folds)
RF.table <- tibble::tibble(feature = rownames(RF.importances),
RF.imp.mean = RF.importances %>%
apply(1, mean), = RF.importances %>%
apply(1, function(x) sd(x, na.rm = T)),
RF.imp.stability = RF.importances %>%
apply(1, function(x) sum(x > 0)/k)) %>%
# only keep features used in > half the models
dplyr::filter(feature != "(Intercept)") %>%
dplyr::arrange(desc(RF.imp.mean)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(rank = 1:n())
# model level statistics
# MSE = mean-squared error of predictions, = standard deviation of MSE
# R2 and Pearson are measures of model accuracy
mse <- mean((yhat_rf - y.clean)^2) <- sqrt(var((yhat_rf - y.clean)^2))/sqrt(length(y.clean))
r2 <- 1 - (mse/var(y.clean))
ps <- cor(y.clean, yhat_rf, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
RF.table %<>%
dplyr::mutate(MSE = mse, =,
R2 = r2,
PearsonScore = ps)
# return importance table and predictions
return(list("model_table" = RF.table,
"predictions" = yhat_rf))
} else {
return(list("model_table" = tibble(),
"predictions" = tibble()))
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