loadGOTerms = function( species = "human", domain = "BP", min_num_genes = 5, use_archived = TRUE ) {
## Make sure a valid domain is specified
if( ! toupper(domain) %in% c("BP","CC","MF") ) {
stop( "Invalid domain" )
## Load the domains for each GO term from the GO.db package
domains = Ontology(GOTERM)
if( use_archived == TRUE ) {
## Load the gene annotations from the archived version within the package
go_genes_all = switch( toupper(species),
HUMAN = goSTAG::goSTAG_go_genes_human,
MOUSE = goSTAG::goSTAG_go_genes_mouse,
RAT = goSTAG::goSTAG_go_genes_rat,
stop( "Invalid species" )
## Filter the GO terms to only include those in the specified domain
go_genes = go_genes_all[ domains[names(go_genes_all)]==toupper(domain) ]
## Add full list of all annotated genes
go_genes[[ "ALL" ]] = go_genes_all[[ "ALL" ]]
} else {
## Set the correct BioMart dataset and gene symbol attribute for the specified species
ensembl_dataset = switch( toupper(species),
HUMAN = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl",
MOUSE = "mmusculus_gene_ensembl",
RAT = "rnorvegicus_gene_ensembl",
stop( "Invalid species" )
gene_symbol_attribute = switch( toupper(species),
HUMAN = "hgnc_symbol",
MOUSE = "mgi_symbol",
RAT = "rgd_symbol",
stop( "Invalid species" )
## Connect to BioMart using the biomaRt package
ensembl_mart = useMart( biomart="ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", host="grch37.ensembl.org", path="/biomart/martservice", dataset=ensembl_dataset )
## Get the complete list of GO terms and associated gene symbols from BioMart
query = getBM( attributes = c(gene_symbol_attribute,"go_id"), mart = ensembl_mart )
query = query[ query[,1]!="", ]
query = query[ query[,2]!="", ]
## Filter the BioMart query to only include valid GO terms from the specified domain
go_ids = unique(query[,2])
go_ids_filtered = go_ids[ domains[go_ids]==toupper(domain) ]
go_ids_filtered = go_ids_filtered[ ! is.na(go_ids_filtered) ]
query_filtered = query[ query[,2] %in% go_ids_filtered, ]
## Get the list of gene annotations for each GO term
go_genes = lapply( go_ids_filtered, function(x) unique(query_filtered[query_filtered[,2]==x,1]) )
names(go_genes) = go_ids_filtered
## Add full list of all annotated genes
go_genes[[ "ALL" ]] = unique(query[,1])
## Filter out any GO term with fewer that the specified minimum number of genes
go_genes[ lapply(go_genes,length) >= min_num_genes ]
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