#' @title Perform segmentation on a \code{MethCP} object.
#' @usage
#' segmentMethCP(
#' methcp.object, bs.object,
#' region.test = c(
#' "fisher", "stouffer", "weighted-variance", "weighted-coverage"),
#' min.width = 2, sig.level = 0.01,
#' presegment_dist = 600, BPPARAM = bpparam(), ...)
#' @description Perform CBS algorithm that segments the genome into
#' similar levels of sigficance.
#' @details
#' The \code{MethCP} object \code{methcp.object} can be generated from
#' functions \code{calcLociStat}, \code{calcLociStatTimeCourse}, or
#' \code{methcpFromStat}.
#' If \code{region.test = "fisher"}, Fisher's combined probability test is used.
#' If \code{region.test = stouffer} Stouffer's test is applied.
#' If \code{region.test = "weighted-variance"} we use the variance of the
#' test to combine per-cytosine based statistcis into a region-based statistic.
#' If \code{region.test = "weighted-coverage"} we use the coverage of the
#' test to combine per-cytosine based statistcis into a region-based statistic.
#' @param methcp.object a \code{MethCP} object.
#' @param bs.object a \code{BSseq} object from the \code{bsseq} package.
#' @param region.test The meta-analysis method used to create region-based
#' test statistics.
#' @param min.width the minimum width for the segments, which is used as
#' termination rule for the segmentation algorithm.
#' @param sig.level the significance level of the segments, which is used as
#' termination rule for the segmentation algorithm.
#' @param presegment_dist the maximum distance between cytosines for the
#' presegmentation.
#' @param BPPARAM An optional BiocParallelParam instance determining the
#' parallel back-end to be used during evaluation, or a list of
#' BiocParallelParam instances, to be applied in sequence for nested calls
#' to BiocParallel functions. Default bpparam().
#' @param ... argument to be passed to segment function in DNAcopy package
#' @return a \code{MethCP} object that is not segmented.
#' @examples
#' library(bsseq)
#' # Simulate a small dataset with 2000 cyotsine and 6 samples,
#' # 3 in the treatment group and 3 in the control group. The
#' # methylation ratio are generated using Binomial distribution
#' # with probability 0.3.
#' nC <- 2000
#' sim_cov <- rnbinom(6*nC, 5, 0.5) + 5
#' sim_M <- vapply(
#' sim_cov, function(x) rbinom(1, x, 0.3), FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
#' sim_cov <- matrix(sim_cov, ncol = 6)
#' sim_M <- matrix(sim_M, ncol = 6)
#' # methylation ratios in the DMRs in the treatment group are
#' # generated using Binomial(0.7)
#' DMRs <- c(600:622, 1089:1103, 1698:1750)
#' sim_M[DMRs, 1:3] <- vapply(
#' sim_cov[DMRs, 1:3], function(x) rbinom(1, x, 0.7),
#' FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
#' # sample names
#' sample_names <- c(paste0("treatment", 1:3), paste0("control", 1:3))
#' colnames(sim_cov) <- sample_names
#' colnames(sim_M) <- sample_names
#' # create a bs.object
#' bs_object <- BSseq(gr = GRanges(
#' seqnames = "Chr01", IRanges(start = (1:nC)*10, width = 1)),
#' Cov = sim_cov, M = sim_M,
#' sampleNames = sample_names)
#' DMRs_pos <- DMRs*10
#' methcp_obj1 <- calcLociStat(
#' bs_object,
#' group1 = paste0("treatment", 1:3),
#' group2 = paste0("control", 1:3),
#' test = "methylKit")
#' methcp_obj1 <- segmentMethCP(
#' methcp_obj1, bs_object,
#' region.test = "fisher")
#' @importFrom DNAcopy CNA segment
#' @importFrom bsseq getCoverage
#' @import BiocParallel
#' @export
#' @aliases segmentMethCP
segmentMethCP <- function(
methcp.object, bs.object,
region.test = c(
"fisher", "stouffer", "weighted-variance", "weighted-coverage"),
min.width = 2, sig.level = 0.01,
presegment_dist = 600, BPPARAM = bpparam(), ...)
object <- methcp.object
if (!is(object, "MethCP")){
stop("Input must be an object of class \"MethCP\".")
if (test(object) == "methylKit" &
region.test %in% c("weighted-variance", "weigxhted-coverage")){
"can not apply weighted effect size method",
"with methylKit."))
if (length(segmentation(object)) != 0){
a <- readline(paste(
"Object has been segmented.",
"Remove previous segmentation? (y/n) > "))
if (a == "y") {
message("Removed. Start running new segmentation ...")
segmentation(object) <- GRanges()
} else {
if (test(object) == "methylKit") {
stat(object) <- GRangesList(lapply(names(stat(object)), function(o){
tmp <- stat(object)[[o]]
tmp$stat <- .pvalToStat(tmp$pval, tmp$methDiff)
# calculate total coverage and methylated counts for each loci
stat(object) <- GRangesList(
lapply(seq_len(length(stat(object))), function(o){
tmp <- stat(object)[[o]]
ovrlp <- findOverlaps(granges(bs.object), tmp)
tmp$CovGroup1 <- rowSums(
getCoverage(bs.object)[from(ovrlp), group1(object)]))
tmp$CovGroup2 <- rowSums(
getCoverage(bs.object)[from(ovrlp), group2(object)]))
segments <- list()
for (chr in seq_len(length(stat(object)))) {
o <- stat(object)[[chr]]
pos <- start(o)
presegments <- split(
cumsum(c(TRUE, abs(diff(pos)) >= presegment_dist)))
res <- BiocParallel::bplapply(
cp.object <- CNA(
invisible(capture.output(segment.cp.object <- segment(
cp.object, verbose = 1, min.width = min.width,
alpha = sig.level, ...)))
res <- do.call("rbind", res)
res$ID <- NULL
res$seg.mean <- NULL
colnames(res)[4] <- "nC.valid"
segments[[chr]] <- res
segments <- as.data.frame(do.call("rbind", segments))
segments <- GRanges(segments)
# calculate region summary
ovrlp <- findOverlaps(granges(bs.object), segments)
segments$nC <- as.numeric(table(to(ovrlp)))
M1 <- as.numeric(by(getCoverage(
bs.object, type = "M")[from(ovrlp), group1(object)], to(ovrlp), sum))
M2 <- as.numeric(by(getCoverage(
bs.object, type = "M")[from(ovrlp), group2(object)], to(ovrlp), sum))
Cov1 <- as.numeric(by(getCoverage(bs.object)[
from(ovrlp), group1(object)], to(ovrlp), sum))
Cov2 <- as.numeric(by(getCoverage(bs.object)[
from(ovrlp), group2(object)], to(ovrlp), sum))
segments$mean.diff <- M1/Cov1 - M2/Cov2
segments$mean.cov <- (Cov1 + Cov2)/length(
c(group1(object), group2(object)))/segments$nC.valid
# calculate region statistics
ovrlp <- findOverlaps(unlist(stat(object)), segments)
if (region.test == "fisher"){
segments$region.pval <- as.numeric(tapply(
to(ovrlp), .calcFisherPval))
} else if (region.test == "stouffer"){
segments$region.pval <- as.numeric(tapply(
to(ovrlp), .calcStoufferPvalOneSided))
} else if (region.test == "weighted-variance"){
if (is.null(stat(object)[[1]]$mu)){
"weighted test not applicable,",
"consider Stouffer's test or Fisher's test."))
segments$region.pval <- as.numeric(by(
elementMetadata(unlist(stat(object)))[from(ovrlp), ], to(ovrlp),
function(x) .calcWeightedPval(x$mu, x$se, 1/x$se)))
} else if (region.test == "weighted-coverage"){
if (is.null(stat(object)[[1]]$mu)){
"weighted test not applicable,",
"consider Stouffer's test or Fisher's test."))
segments$region.pval <- as.numeric(by(
elementMetadata(unlist(stat(object)))[from(ovrlp), ], to(ovrlp),
.calcWeightedPval(x$mu, x$se, x$CovGroup1 + x$CovGroup2)))
segmentation(methcp.object) <- segments
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