
Defines functions check_extrainfo filter_motifs

Documented in filter_motifs

#' Filter a list of motifs.
#' Filter motifs based on the contents of available [universalmotif-class]
#' slots. If the input motifs are not of [universalmotif-class], then
#' they will be converted for the duration of the [filter_motifs()] operation.
#' @param motifs `list` See [convert_motifs()] for acceptable
#'    formats.
#' @param name `character` Keep motifs by names.
#' @param altname `character` Keep motifs by altnames.
#' @param family `character` Keep motifs by family.
#' @param organism `character` Keep motifs by organism.
#' @param width `numeric(1)` Keep motifs with minimum width.
#' @param alphabet `character` Keep motifs by alphabet.
#' @param type `character` Keep motifs by type.
#' @param icscore `numeric(1)` Keep motifs with minimum total IC.
#' @param nsites `numeric(1)` Keep motifs with minimum number of target sites.
#' @param strand `character` Keeps motifs by strand.
#' @param pval `numeric(1)` Keep motifs by max P-value.
#' @param qval `numeric(1)` Keep motifs by max Q-value.
#' @param eval `numeric(1)` Keep motifs by max E-val.
#' @param extrainfo `character` Named character vector of items that must be
#'    present in motif `extrainfo` slots.
#' @return `list` Motifs. An attempt will be made to preserve the original
#'    class, see [convert_motifs()] for limitations.
#' @examples
#' ## By minimum IC:
#' jaspar <- read_jaspar(system.file("extdata", "jaspar.txt",
#'                                   package = "universalmotif"))
#' jaspar.ic3 <- filter_motifs(jaspar, icscore = 3)
#' ## Starting from version 1.10.0 of the universalmotif package, one
#' ## could instead make use of the universalmotif_df structure:
#' jaspar.ic3 <- jaspar |> to_df() |> subset(icscore > 3) |> to_list()
#' ## By organism:
#' \dontrun{
#' library(MotifDb)
#' motifs <- convert_motifs(MotifDb)
#' motifs <- filter_motifs(motifs, organism = c("Athaliana", "Mmusculus"),
#'                         extrainfo = c("dataSource" = "cisbp_1.02"))
#' ## Or:
#' motifs <- convert_motifs(MotifDb) |> to_df() |>
#'   subset(organism %in% c("Athaliana", "Mmusculus") &
#'     dataSource == "cisbp_1.02") |> to_list()
#' }
#' @author Benjamin Jean-Marie Tremblay, \email{benjamin.tremblay@@uwaterloo.ca}
#' @export
filter_motifs <- function(motifs, name, altname, family, organism, width,
                          alphabet, type, icscore, nsites, strand, pval, qval,
                          eval, extrainfo) {

  # param check --------------------------------------------
  args <- as.list(environment())
  char_check <- check_fun_params(list(name = args$name, altname = args$altname,
                                      family = args$family, organism = args$organism,
                                      alphabet = args$alphabet, type = args$type,
                                      strand = args$strand, extrainfo = args$extrainfo),
                                 rep(0, 8), rep(TRUE, 8), TYPE_CHAR)
  num_check <- check_fun_params(list(width = args$width, icscore = args$icscore,
                                     nsites = args$nsites, pval = args$pval,
                                     qval = args$qval, eval = args$eval),
                                rep(0, 6), rep(TRUE, 6), TYPE_NUM)
  all_checks <- c(char_check, num_check)
  if (length(all_checks) > 0) stop(all_checks_collapse(all_checks))

  if (is.list(motifs)) CLASS_IN <- vapply(motifs, .internal_convert, character(1))
  else CLASS_IN <- .internal_convert(motifs)
  motifs <- convert_motifs(motifs)
  if (!is.list(motifs)) motifs <- list(motifs)

  if (!missing(name)) {
    motif_names <- vapply(motifs, function(x) x@name, character(1))
    motifs <- motifs[motif_names %in% name]

  if (!missing(altname)) {
    motif_altnames <- sapply(motifs, function(x) x@altname)
    motifs <- motifs[motif_altnames %in% altname]

  if (!missing(family)) {
    motif_families <- sapply(motifs, function(x) x@family)
    motifs <- motifs[motif_families %in% family]

  if (!missing(organism)) {
    motif_organisms <- sapply(motifs, function(x) x@organism)
    motifs <- motifs[motif_organisms %in% organism]

  if (!missing(width)) {
    motif_widths <- vapply(motifs, function(x) ncol(x@motif), numeric(1))
    motifs <- motifs[motif_widths >= width]

  if (!missing(alphabet)) {
    motif_alphabets <- vapply(motifs, function(x) x@alphabet, character(1))
    motifs <- motifs[motif_alphabets %in% alphabet]

  if (!missing(type)) {
    motif_types <- vapply(motifs, function(x) x@type, character(1))
    motifs <- motifs[motif_types %in% type]

  if (!missing(icscore)) {
    motif_icscores <- vapply(motifs, function(x) x@icscore, numeric(1))
    motifs <- motifs[motif_icscores >= icscore]

  if (!missing(nsites)) {
    motif_nsites <- apply(motifs, function(x) x@nsites)
    motifs <- motifs[motif_nsites >= nsites]

  if (!missing(strand)) {
    motif_strands <- vapply(motifs, function(x) x@strand, character(1))
    motifs <- motifs[motif_strands %in% strand]

  if (!missing(pval)) {
    motif_pvals <- sapply(motifs, function(x) x@pval)
    motifs <- motifs[motif_pvals <= pval]

  if (!missing(qval)) {
    motif_qvals <- sapply(motifs, function(x) x@qval)
    motifs <- motifs[motif_qvals <= qval]

  if (!missing(eval)) {
    motif_evals <- sapply(motifs, function(x) x@eval)
    motifs <- motifs[motif_evals <= eval]

  if (!missing(extrainfo)) {
    motif_extrainfo <- lapply(motifs, function(x) x@extrainfo[names(extrainfo)])
    motif_extrainfo <- vapply(motif_extrainfo,
                              function(x) check_extrainfo(x, extrainfo),
    motifs <- motifs[motif_extrainfo]

  motifs <- .internal_convert(motifs, unique(CLASS_IN))



check_extrainfo <- function(x, extrainfo) {

  if (any(is.na(x))) return(FALSE)

  en <- names(extrainfo)
  ok <- TRUE
  for (i in seq_along(extrainfo)) {
    if (x[en[i]] != extrainfo[en[i]]) {
      ok <- FALSE


bjmt/universalmotif documentation built on Nov. 16, 2024, 7:38 a.m.