#' Transform/normalize compartment calls using TF-IDF
#' @name transformTFIDF
#' @param obj n x p input matrix (n = samples/cells; p = compartments)
#' @param scale.factor Scaling factor for the term-frequency (TF)
#' @return A TF-IDF transformed matrix of the same dimensions as the input
#' @import Matrix
#' @examples
#' m <- 1000
#' n <- 100
#' mat <- round(matrix(runif(m*n), m, n))
#' #Input needs to be a tall matrix
#' tfidf <- transformTFIDF(mat)
#' @export
transformTFIDF <- function(obj, scale.factor = 1e5) {
#this filters using TF-IDF on a *matrix* object
if (!is(obj, "matrix") & !is(obj, "Matrix")) {
stop("Input needs to be a matrix.")
# FIXME: cite the following in the docs
#the following code was modeled after or taken from:
#binarize the matrix
#this assumes n x p matrix (e.g. a wide matrix)
#check and transpose as needed
#input matrix is tall
if (dim(obj)[1] > dim(obj)[2]) obj <- t(obj)
#make sparse
obj.binary <- Matrix(.binarizeMatrix(t(obj)), sparse = TRUE)
#compute term-frequency
tf <- t(t(obj.binary) / Matrix::colSums(obj.binary))
tf@x <- log1p(tf@x * scale.factor)
#inverse-document frequency smooth
idf <- log(1 + ncol(obj.binary) / Matrix::rowSums(obj.binary))
tfidf <- .tfidf(tf, idf)
#cast back to a matrix since things like UMAP don't like sparse matrices
tfidf <- as.matrix(tfidf)
#helper function
.binarizeMatrix <- function(obj) {
#set positive values to 1 and negative to 0
#open chromatin in atac or RNA is 1
#closed chromatin in bisulfite or arrays is 1
#just associate 1 with signal
obj[obj > 0] <- 1
obj[obj < 0] <- 0
#helper function for TF-IDF transform
#modeled after http://andrewjohnhill.com/images/posts/2019-5-6-dimensionality-reduction-for-scatac-data/analysis.html
.tfidf <- function(tf, idf) {
tf = t(tf)
tf@x <- tf@x * rep.int(idf, diff(tf@p))
tf = t(tf)
#' Transform/normalize compartment calls using TF-IDF on HDF5-backed objects
#' @name hdf5TFIDF
#' @param h5 SummarizedExperiment object, DelayedMatrix, or a normal matrix
#' @param scale.factor Scaling factor for the term-frequency (TF)
#' @param return.dense Whether to return a dense, in memory matrix
#' @param return.se Whether to return the TF-IDF matrix as a new assay in the SummarizedExperiment
#' @return A TF-IDF transformed matrix of the same dimensions as the input
#' @import Matrix
#' @import DelayedMatrixStats
#' @import DelayedArray
#' @import HDF5Array
#' @examples
#' m <- 1000
#' n <- 100
#' mat <- round(matrix(runif(m*n), m, n))
#' #Input needs to be a tall matrix
#' tfidf <- hdf5TFIDF(mat)
#' @export
hdf5TFIDF <- function(h5, scale.factor = 1e5,
return.dense = FALSE,
return.se = FALSE) {
if (is(h5, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
if (!is(assay(h5), "DelayedMatrix")) {
#coerce to hdf5 backing to work with any SE
assay(h5) <- as(assay(h5), "HDF5Matrix")
assay(h5)[assay(h5) > 0] <- 1
#tall matrix
h5.mat <- assay(h5)
if (is(h5, "DelayedMatrix")) {
#make the matrix tall if needed
if (dim(h5)[1] < dim(h5)[2]) h5 <- t(h5)
h5[h5 > 0] <- 1
h5.mat <- h5
if (is(h5, "matrix")) {
h5[h5 > 0] <- 1
h5.mat <- as(h5, "HDF5Matrix")
#term frequency
message("Computing term frequency.")
tf <- t(t(h5.mat)/DelayedMatrixStats::colSums2(h5.mat))
tf <- log1p(tf * scale.factor)
#inverse document frequency
message("Computing inverse document frequency.")
idf <- log(1 + ncol(h5.mat)/DelayedMatrixStats::rowSums2(h5.mat))
#cast the tf matrix back to a sparse matrix
#TODO: fix this ugliness...
tf.mat <- as.matrix(tf)
tf.sparse <- Matrix(tf.mat, sparse = TRUE)
#transpose for TF-IDF
tf.sparse <- t(tf.sparse)
#TF-IDF applied
tf.sparse@x <- tf.sparse@x * rep.int(idf, diff(tf.sparse@p))
#transpose again
tf.sparse <- t(tf.sparse)
#coerce back to dense matrix
if (return.dense) {
message("WARNING: This might blow up!")
message("If you get a cholmod error: problem too large, set return.dense to FALSE.")
message("You will get a sparse matrix returned instead.")
if (return.se) {
if (!is(h5, "SummarizedExperiment")) {
message("Returning the TF-IDF matrix into the SummarizedExperiment.")
assays(h5)$tfidf <- tf.sparse
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