#' Denoising of Covariance matrix using Random Matrix Theory
#' @name estRMT
#' @details
#' This method takes in data as a matrix object. It then
#' fits a marchenko pastur density to eigenvalues of the correlation matrix. All
#' eigenvalues above the cutoff are retained and ones below the cutoff are
#' replaced such that the trace of the correlation matrix is 1 or non-significant
#' eigenvalues are deleted and diagonal of correlation matrix is changed to 1.
#' Finally, correlation matrix is converted to covariance matrix. This function
#' was taken and modified from the covmat package (https://github.com/cran/covmat)
#' which has since been deprecated on CRAN.
#' @importFrom Matrix nearPD
#' @importFrom RMTstat dmp qmp
#' @param R input matrix
#' @param Q ratio of rows/size. Can be supplied externally or fit using data
#' @param cutoff takes two values max/each. If cutoff is max, Q is fitted and
#' cutoff for eigenvalues is calculated. If cutoff is each, Q is set to
#' row/size. Individual cutoff for each eigenvalue is calculated and used
#' for filteration.
#' @param eigenTreat takes 2 values, average/delete. If average then the noisy
#' eigenvalues are averged and each value is replaced by average. If delete
#' then noisy eigenvalues are ignored and the diagonal entries of the
#' correlation matrix are replaced with 1 to make the matrix psd.
#' @param numEig number of eigenvalues that are known for variance calculation.
#' Default is set to 1. If numEig = 0 then variance is assumed to be 1.
#' @return A denoised RMT object
#' @examples
#' rand_cor_mat <- cor(matrix(rnorm(100), nrow = 10))
#' denoised_rand_cor_mat <- estRMT(rand_cor_mat)$cov
#' @author Rohit Arora
#' @export
estRMT <- function(R, Q = NA, cutoff = c("max", "each"),
eigenTreat = c("average", "delete") , numEig = 1) {
.data <- as.matrix(R)
T <- nrow(.data)
M <- ncol(.data)
if (T < M) stop("Does not work when nrow < ncol")
if(!is.na(Q)) if(Q < 1) stop("Does not work for Q<1")
cutoff <- cutoff[1]; if(!cutoff %in% c("max", "each")) stop("Invalid cutoff")
if(cutoff == "each") Q <- T/M
eigenTreat <- eigenTreat[1];
if(!eigenTreat %in% c("average", "delete")) stop("Invalid eigenTreat option")
if (numEig < 0) stop("Number of eigenvalues must be non-negative")
#eigenvalues can be negative. To avoid this e need a positive-definite matrix
S <- cov(.data); S <- as.matrix(Matrix::nearPD(S)$mat)
D <- diag(diag(S)); C <- cov2cor(S);
# Marchenko Pastur density is defined for eigenvalues of correlation matrix
eigen.C <- eigen(C,symmetric=T)
lambdas <- eigen.C$values; sigma.sq <- mean(lambdas)
sigma.sq <- 1 - sum(head(lambdas,numEig))/M
#minimize log-likelihood.
loglik.marpas <- function(theta, sigma.sq) {
Q <- theta
val <- sapply(lambdas, function(x) RMTstat::dmp(x,svr = Q, var=sigma.sq))
val <- val[val > 0]
ifelse(is.infinite(-sum(log(val))), .Machine$double.xmax, -sum(log(val)))
if( is.na(Q) && cutoff != "each") {
lb <- 1
ub <- max(T/M,5)
starts <- seq(lb, ub, length.out = 50)
# this would be a logical place to use BiocParallel::bpapply
fit.marpas <- do.call(rbind,
function(start) {
idx <- grep("CONVERGENCE",unlist(fit.marpas[,"message"]))
vals <- fit.marpas[idx,c("par","value")] # wtf is going on here
Q <- unlist(vals[which.min(vals[,"value"]),"par"])
lambda.max <- RMTstat::qmp(1, svr=Q, var = sigma.sq)
# now that we have a fit. lets denoise eigenvalues below the cutoff
if(cutoff == "max") {
idx <- which(lambdas > lambda.max)
} else if(cutoff == "each") {
cutoff.each <- sapply(2:length(lambdas), function(i) {
eigr <- lambdas[i:M]
mean(eigr)*(1 + (M - i + 1)/T + 2*sqrt((M - i + 1)/T))
idx <- c(1, 1 + which(lambdas[-1] > cutoff.each))
if (length(idx) == 0) return(S)
val <- eigen.C$values[idx]; vec <- eigen.C$vectors[,idx,drop=FALSE]
sum <- 0; for (i in 1:ncol(vec)) sum <- sum + val[i]*vec[,i] %*% t(vec[,i])
# trace of correlation matrix is 1. Use this to determine all the remaining
# eigenvalues
lambdas.cleaned <- c()
clean.C <- if (eigenTreat == "average") {
lambdas.cleaned <- c(val, rep(1,M))
sum + sum(eigen.C$values[-idx])/M * diag(rep(1,M))
} else if (eigenTreat == "delete") {
lambdas.cleaned <- c(val, rep(0,M))
diag(sum) <- 1
# convert correlation to covariance matrix and return
clean.S <- D^0.5 %*% clean.C %*% D^0.5
fit <- list(cov = clean.S, Q = Q, var = sigma.sq, eigVals = lambdas,
eigVals.cleaned = lambdas.cleaned, lambdascutoff = lambda.max)
class(fit) <- "RMT"
#' Wrapper to denoise a correlation matrix using a Random Matrix Theory approach
#' @name getDenoisedMatrix
#' @param obj SummarizedExperiment object with rowRanges for each feature and colnames
#' @param res The resolution desired (default is a megabase 1e6)
#' @param chr Which chromosome to perform the denoising
#' @param genome Which genome (default is hg19)
#' @param iter How many iterations to perform denoising
#' @param targets Samples/cells to shrink towards
#' @param prior.means The means of the bin-level prior distribution (default will compute them for you)
#' @param assay What assay type this is ("rna", "atac")
#' @return A denoised correlation matrix object for plotting with plotCorMatrix
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import scales
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("k562_scrna_chr14", package = "compartmap")
#' denoised_cor_mat <- getDenoisedCorMatrix(k562_scrna_chr14, genome = "hg19", assay = "rna")
getDenoisedCorMatrix <- function(obj, res = 1e6, chr = "chr14",
genome = c("hg19", "hg38", "mm9", "mm10"),
iter = 2, targets = NULL, prior.means = NULL,
assay = c("rna", "atac", "array")) {
## this is a wrapper to give back a denoised correlation matrix to plot
#match the assay args
assay <- match.arg(assay)
#match the genome if given
genome <- match.arg(genome)
#double check the obj class is compatible
if (!checkAssayType(obj)) stop("Input needs to be a SummarizedExperiment")
#subset to selected chromosome(s)
obj <- keepSeqlevels(obj, chr, pruning.mode = "coarse")
#get the prior means
if (is.null(prior.means)) {
prior.means <- getGlobalMeans(obj=obj, targets=targets,
} else {
message("Assuming the prior means passed were derived from the full sample set.")
#shrink bins
message("Shrinking bins with the JSE.")
bin.mat <- shrinkBins(x = obj, original.x = obj, prior.means = prior.means,
chr = chr, res = res, targets = targets,
jse = TRUE, assay = assay, genome = genome)
#get the raw correlation matrix
cor.mat <- getCorMatrix(binmat = bin.mat, squeeze = FALSE)
#denoise with RMT
message("Denoising the correlation matrix using RMT.")
cor.mat.denoise <- compartmap::estRMT(cor.mat$binmat.cor)$cov
if (iter >= 2) {
for (i in 2:iter) {
message("Iterative denoising. Iteration: ", i)
cor.mat.denoise <- compartmap::estRMT(cor.mat.denoise)$cov
cor.mat.denoise <- scales::rescale(cor.mat.denoise,
to = c(0,1))
#tidy up
colnames(cor.mat.denoise) <- rownames(cor.mat.denoise) <- as.character(granges(cor.mat$gr.cor))
#' Plot a denoised correlation matrix
#' @name plotCorMatrix
#' @param denoised.cor.mat The denoised correlation matrix object from getDenoisedMatrix
#' @param midpoint The midpoint for the coloring (default is 0.3)
#' @param return.plot.obj Whether to return the ggplot object
#' @param uppertri Whether to keep the upper triangle of the matrix
#' @param lowertri Whether to keep the lower triangle of the matrix
#' @return Either a ggplot object or plot
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import reshape2
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dummy <- matrix(rnorm(10000), ncol=25)
#' set.seed(1000)
#' my_plot <- plotCorMatrix(dummy, return.plot.obj = TRUE)
plotCorMatrix <- function(denoised.cor.mat,
midpoint = 0.3,
return.plot.obj = FALSE,
uppertri = FALSE,
lowertri = FALSE) {
## upper tri
if (uppertri) {
denoised.cor.mat[upper.tri(denoised.cor.mat)] <- 0
if (lowertri) {
denoised.cor.mat[lower.tri(denoised.cor.mat)] <- 0
diag(denoised.cor.mat) <- 1
## melt for plotting
cor.mat.melt <- reshape2::melt(denoised.cor.mat)
## plot
p <- ggplot(cor.mat.melt, aes(x = Var2, y = Var1, fill = value)) +
geom_raster() +
scale_fill_gradient2(low = "white", mid = "white", high = "red3", midpoint = midpoint,
name = "Correlation") +
theme_minimal() +
axis.title = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_blank(),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
plot.margin= grid::unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "in")
if (return.plot.obj) {
} else {
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