#' Simulate synthetic microbial abundance observations with SparseDOSSA2
#' \code{SparseDOSSA2} generates synthetic microbial abundance observations
#' from either pre-trained template, or user-provided fitted results from
#' \code{fit_SparseDOSSA2} or \code{fitCV_SparseDOSSA2}. Additional options
#' are available for simulating associations between microbial features
#' and metadata variables.
#' @param template can be 1) a character string (\code{"Stool"}, \code{"Vaginal"},
#' or \code{"IBD"}) indicating one of the pre-trained templates in SparseDOSSA2,
#' or 2) user-provided, fitted results. In the latter case this should be an output
#' from \code{fit_SparseDOSSA2} or \code{fitCV_SparseDOSSA2}.
#' @param n_sample number of samples to simulate
#' @param new_features \code{TRUE}/\code{FALSE} indicator for whether or not new
#' features should be simulated. If \code{FALSE} then the same set of features
#' in \code{template} will be simulated.
#' @param n_feature number of features to simulate. Only relevant when
#' \code{new_features} is \code{TRUE}
#' @param spike_metadata for metadata spike-in configurations. Must be one of two things:
#' a) ,
#' \itemize{
#' \item a character string of \code{"none"}, \code{"both"} \code{"abundance"},
#' or \code{"prevalence"}, indicating whether or not
#' association with metadata will be spiked in. For the spiked-in case, it
#' indicates if features' abundance/prevalence/both characteristics will be associated
#' with metadata (also see explanations for \code{metadata_effect_size} and
#' \code{perc_feature_spiked_metadata})
#' \item a data.frame for detailed spike-in configurations. This is the more
#' advanced approach, where detailed specification for metadata-microbial
#' feature associations are provided. Note: if \code{spike_metadata} is provided
#' as a data.frame, then \code{metadata_matrix} must be provided as well
#' (cannot be generated automatically). In this case, \code{spike_metadata}
#' must have exactly four columns: \code{metadata_datum}, \code{feature_spiked},
#' \code{associated_property}, and \code{effect_size}. Each row of the data.frame
#' configures one specific metadata-microbe association. Specifically:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{metadata_datum} (integer) indicates the column number for the metadata
#' variable to be associated with the microbe
#' \item \code{feature_spiked} (character) indicates the microbe name to be associated
#' with the metadata variable
#' \item \code{associated_property} (character, either \code{"abundance"} or
#' \code{"prevalence"}), indicating the property of the microbe to be modified.
#' If you want the microbe to be associated with the metadata variable
#' in both properties, include two rows in \code{spike_metadata}, one for
#' abundance and one for prevalence
#' \item \code{effect_size} (numeric) indicating the strength of the association.
#' This corresponds to log fold change in non-zero abundance for
#' \code{"abundance"} spike-in, and log odds ratio for \code{"prevalence"}
#' spike-in
#' }
#' }
#' @param metadata_effect_size (for when \code{spike_metadata} is \code{"abundance"},
#' \code{"prevalence"}, or \code{"both"}) effect size of the spiked-in associations. This is
#' non-zero log fold change for abundance spike-in, and log odds ratio for prevalence spike-in
#' @param perc_feature_spiked_metadata (for when \code{spike_metadata} is \code{"abundance"},
#' \code{"prevalence"}, or \code{"both"})
#' percentage of features to be associated with metadata
#' @param metadata_matrix the user can provide a metadata matrix to use for spiking-in
#' of feature abundances. If using default (\code{NULL}) two variables will be generated:
#' one continous, and a binary one of balanced cases and controls. Note: if
#' \code{spike_metadata} is provided as a data.frame, then the user must provide
#' \code{metadata_matrix} too
#' @param median_read_depth targeted median per-sample read depth
#' @param verbose whether detailed information should be printed
#' @return a list with the following component:
#' \describe{
#' \item{simulated_data}{
#' feature by sample matrix of simulated microbial count observations
#' }
#' \item{simulated_matrices}{
#' list of all simulated data matrices, including that of null (i.e. not spiked-in) absolute
#' abundances, spiked-in absolute abundances, and normalized relative abundances
#' }
#' \item{params}{
#' parameters used for simulation. These are provided in \code{template}.
#' }
#' \item{spike_metadata}{
#' list of variables provided or generated for metadata spike-in. This include
#' \code{spike_metadata} for the original \code{spike_metadata} parameter provided
#' by the user, \code{metadata_matrix} for the
#' metadata (either provided by the user or internally generated), and
#' \code{feature_metadata_spike_df}
#' for detailed specification of which metadata variables were used to spike-in associations
#' with which features, in what properties at which effect sizes. This is the
#' same as \code{spike_metadata} if the latter was provided as a data.frame.
#' }
#' }
#' @export
#' @author Siyuan Ma, \email{syma.research@gmail.com}
#' @examples
#' ## Using one of the pre-trained SparseDOSSA2 templates:
#' sim <- SparseDOSSA2(template = "stool", n_sample = 200, new_features = FALSE)
#' ## Using user-provided trained SparseDOSSA2 model:
#' data("Stool_subset")
#' fitted <- fit_SparseDOSSA(data = Stool_subset)
#' sim <- SparseDOSSA2(template = fitted, n_sample = 200, new_features = FALSE)
SparseDOSSA2 <- function(template = "Stool",
n_sample = 100,
new_features = TRUE,
n_feature = 100,
spike_metadata = "none",
metadata_effect_size = 1,
perc_feature_spiked_metadata = 0.05,
metadata_matrix = NULL,
median_read_depth = 50000,
verbose = TRUE) {
if(is.character(template)) {
if(!template %in% c("Stool", "Vaginal", "IBD"))
stop("Pre-trained template must be one of \"Stool\", \"Vaginal\", or \"IBD\"!")
template <- get(template)
# generate per-feature params
feature_param_template <- cbind("pi0" = template$EM_fit$fit$pi0,
"mu" = template$EM_fit$fit$mu,
"sigma" = template$EM_fit$fit$sigma)
if(!new_features) {
message("new_features is FALSE, ",
"adopt per-feature parameters from template ",
"(n_feature will be ignored)...")
n_feature <- nrow(feature_param_template)
feature_param <- feature_param_template
Omega <- template$EM_fit$fit$Omega
# check that Omega and Sigma should agree
if(max(abs(Omega %*% template$EM_fit$fit$Sigma -
diag(rep(1, length(template$EM_fit$fit$pi0))))) > 1e-10)
stop("Omega shoud be the inverse of Sigma!")
} else {
message("new_features is TRUE, ",
"generating new per-feature parameters, based on template...")
feature_param <-
generate_featureParam(F_fit = template$F_fit,
param_original = feature_param_template,
n_feature = n_feature)
Omega <- diag(rep(1, nrow(feature_param)))
features <-
rownames(Omega) <-
colnames(Omega) <-
# generate null absolute abundance matrix
message("Generating null absolute abundance matrix...")
mat_null <- generate_a(n = n_sample,
feature_param = feature_param,
Omega = Omega)
# generate spiked-in association with metadata
if(!(is.character(spike_metadata) | is.data.frame(spike_metadata)))
stop("spike_metadata must be either character or a data.frame!")
if(is.character(spike_metadata)) {
spike_metadata <- match.arg(spike_metadata,
choices = c("none", "abundance",
"prevalence", "both"))
if(identical(spike_metadata, "none")) {
message("spike_metadata is \"none\", ",
"no metadata association will be simulated...")
mat_spiked_metadata <- mat_null
feature_metadata_spike_df <- NULL
} else {
message("Spiking in metadata association...")
# metadata_matrix
if(is.null(metadata_matrix)) {
stop("spike_metadata is provided as a data.frame. User must specify ",
"metadata_matrix as well!")
message("metadata_matrix is not provided; ",
"simulating default metadata_matrix...")
metadata_matrix <- cbind(rnorm(n = n_sample),
rbinom(n = n_sample,
size = 1,
prob = 0.5))
rownames(metadata_matrix) <- colnames(mat_null)
} else {
stop("metadata_matrix must be a matrix ",
"(model matrix where categorical variables are dummified)!")
if(nrow(metadata_matrix) != n_sample)
stop("n_sample does not agree with number of samples in ",
colnames(mat_null) <- rownames(metadata_matrix)
n_metadata <- ncol(metadata_matrix)
# metadata_effect_size
if(length(metadata_effect_size) != 1 &
length(metadata_effect_size) != n_metadata)
stop("Length of metadata_effect_size can only be either 1 or number of ",
"columns of metadata_matrix!")
if(length(metadata_effect_size) == 1)
metadata_effect_size <- rep(metadata_effect_size, n_metadata)
# feature_metadata_spike_df
if(is.data.frame(spike_metadata)) {
if(verbose) {
message("spike_metadata is provided as a data.frame; ",
"will use for simulating metadata association ",
"(metadata_effect_size and perc_feature_spiked_metadata will ",
"be ignored)...")
# check format
"effect_size") %in%
stop("spike_metadata does not follow the correct format! ",
"Must have the following columns: metadata_datum, ",
"feature_spiked, associated_property, and effect_size.")
if(!all(spike_metadata$feature_spiked %in%
stop("feature_spiked in spike_metadata must provide the ",
"spiked feature names!")
if(!all(spike_metadata$metadata_datum %in%
seq(1, n_metadata)))
stop("metadata_datum in spike_metadata must provide the ",
"associated metadata column number!")
if(!all(spike_metadata$associated_property %in%
c("prevalence", "abundance")))
stop("associated_property in spike_metadata must be ",
"either \"prevalence\" or \"abundance\"!")
feature_metadata_spike_df <- spike_metadata
} else {
message("spike_metadata is specified as ", spike_metadata, "; ",
"generating default metadata association...")
feature_metadata_spike_df <-
features = features,
perc_feature_spiked_metadata = perc_feature_spiked_metadata,
n_metadata = n_metadata,
effect_size = metadata_effect_size,
spike_metadata = spike_metadata)
message("Generating feature abundances with spiked-in metadata ",
mat_spiked_metadata <-
spike_a_metadata(null = mat_null,
feature_param = feature_param,
metadata = metadata_matrix,
spike_df = feature_metadata_spike_df)
mat_rel <- apply(mat_spiked_metadata, 2, TSS)
if(any(is.na(template$depth_fit))) {
mat_count <- mat_rel
} else {
message("Generating count matrix...")
# generate read depth
depth_new <- generate_depth(mu_depth = template$depth_fit["mu_depth"],
sigma_depth = template$depth_fit["sigma_depth"],
n = n_sample,
median_depth = median_read_depth)
# generate read counts
mat_count <- generate_count(rel = mat_rel,
depth = depth_new)
return(list(simulated_data = mat_count,
simulated_matrices = list(rel = mat_rel,
a_spiked = mat_spiked_metadata,
a_null = mat_null),
params = list(feature_param = feature_param,
Omega = Omega),
template = template,
spike_metadata = list(spike_metadata = spike_metadata,
metadata_matrix = metadata_matrix,
feature_metadata_spike_df =
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