#' Covariate adjusted meta-analytical differential abundance testing
#' \code{lm_meta} runs differential abundance models on microbial profiles
#' within individual studies/batches, and aggregates per-batch effect sizes with
#' a meta-analysis fixed/random effects model. It takes as input a
#' feature-by-sample microbial abundance table and the accompanying meta data
#' data frame which should includes the batch indicator variable, the main
#' exposure variable for differential abundance testing, and optional covariates
#' and random covariates. The function first runs
#' \code{\link[Maaslin2]{Maaslin2}} models on the exposure with optional
#' covariates/random covariates in each batch. The per-batch effect sizes are
#' then aggregated with \code{\link[metafor]{rma.uni}} and reported as output.
#' Additional parameters, including those for both
#' \code{\link[Maaslin2]{Maaslin2}} and \code{\link[metafor]{rma.uni}} can be
#' provided through \code{control} (see details).
#' \code{control} should be provided as a named list of the following components
#' (can be a subset).
#' \describe{
#' \item{normalization}{
#' character. \code{normalization} parameter for Maaslin2. See
#' \code{\link[Maaslin2]{Maaslin2}} for details and allowed values. Default to
#' \code{"TSS"} (total sum scaling).
#' }
#' \item{transform}{
#' character. \code{transform} parameter for Maaslin2. See
#' \code{\link[Maaslin2]{Maaslin2}} for details and allowed values. Default to
#' \code{"AST"} (arcsine square root transformation).
#' }
#' \item{analysis_method}{
#' character. \code{analysis_method} parameter for Maaslin2. See
#' \code{\link[Maaslin2]{Maaslin2}} for details and allowed values. Default to
#' \code{"LM"} (linear modeling).
#' }
#' \item{rma_method}{
#' character. \code{method} parameter for rma.uni. See
#' \code{\link[metafor]{rma.uni}} for details and allowed values. Default to
#' \code{"REML"} (estricted maximum-likelihood estimator).
#' }
#' \item{output}{
#' character. Output directory for intermediate Maaslin2 output and the optional
#' forest plots. Default to \code{"MMUPHin_lm_meta"}.
#' }
#' \item{forest_plot}{
#' character. Suffix in the name for the generated forest plots visualizing
#' significant meta-analyitical differential abundance effects. Default to
#' \code{"forest.pdf"}. Can be set to \code{NULL} in which case no output will
#' be generated.
#' }
#' \item{rma_conv}{
#' numeric. Convergence threshold for rma.uni (corresponds to
#' \code{control$threshold}. See \code{\link[metafor]{rma.uni}} for details.
#' Default to 1e-4.
#' }
#' \item{rma_maxit}{
#' integer. Maximum number of iterations allowed for rma.uni (corresponds to
#' \code{control$maxiter}. See \code{\link[metafor]{rma.uni}} for details.
#' Default to 1000.
#' }
#' \item{verbose}{
#' logical. Indicates whether or not verbose information will be printed.
#' }
#' }
#' @param feature_abd feature-by-sample matrix of abundances (proportions or
#' counts).
#' @param batch name of the batch variable. This variable in data should be a
#' factor variable and will be converted to so with a warning if otherwise.
#' @param exposure name of the exposure variable for differential abundance
#' testing.
#' @param covariates names of covariates to adjust for in Maaslin2
#' differential abundance testing models.
#' @param covariates_random names of random effects grouping covariates to
#' adjust for in Maaslin2 differential abundance testing models.
#' @param data data frame of metadata, columns must include exposure, batch,
#' and covariates and covariates_random (if specified).
#' @param control a named list of additional control parameters. See details.
#' @return a list, with the following components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{meta_fits}{
#' data frame of per-feature meta-analyitical differential abundance results,
#' including columns for effect sizes, p-values and q-values, heterogeneity
#' statistics such as \eqn{\tau^2} and \eqn{I^2}, as well as weights for
#' individual batches. Many of these statistics are explained in detail in
#' \code{\link[metafor]{rma.uni}}.
#' }
#' \item{maaslin_fits}{
#' list of data frames, each one corresponding to the fitted results of
#' Maaslin2 in a individual batch. See \code{\link[Maaslin2]{Maaslin2}} on
#' details of these output.
#' }
#' \item{control}{list of additional control parameters used in the function
#' call.
#' }
#' }
#' @export
#' @author Siyuan Ma, \email{siyuanma@@g.harvard.edu}
#' @examples
#' data("CRC_abd", "CRC_meta")
#' fit_meta <- lm_meta(feature_abd = CRC_abd,
#' exposure = "study_condition",
#' batch = "studyID",
#' covariates = c("gender", "age"),
#' data = CRC_meta)$meta_fits
lm_meta <- function(feature_abd,
covariates = NULL,
covariates_random = NULL,
control) {
# Check and construct controls
control <- match_control(default = control_lm_meta,
control = control)
verbose <- control$verbose
# Check data formats
# Check feature abundance table
feature_abd <- as.matrix(feature_abd)
# type_feature_abd <- check_feature_abd(feature_abd = feature_abd)
# Check metadata data frame
data <- as.data.frame(data)
samples <- check_samples(feature_abd = feature_abd,
data = data)
# Check variables are included in metadata data frame
if(length(batch) > 1)
stop("Only one batch variable is supported!")
df_batch <- check_metadata(data = data,
variables = batch)
df_meta <- check_metadata(data = data,
variables = c(exposure,
no_missing = FALSE)
# Check batch variable
var_batch <- check_batch(df_batch[[batch]], min_n_batch = 2)
n_batch <- nlevels(var_batch)
lvl_batch <- levels(var_batch)
message("Found ", n_batch, " batches")
# Determine if exposure can be fitted on each batch
# First if exposure is character change to factor
df_meta[[exposure]] <-
levels = stringr::str_sort(unique(df_meta[[exposure]])))
ind_exposure <- check_exposure(df_meta[[exposure]], var_batch)
warning("Exposure variable is missing or has only one non-missing value",
" in the following batches; Maaslin2 won't be fitted on them\n",
paste(lvl_batch[!ind_exposure], collapse = ", "))
# Determine if/which covariates can be fitted on each batch
ind_covariates <- check_covariates(df_meta[covariates], var_batch)
for(covariate in covariates) {
if(any(ind_exposure & !ind_covariates[, covariate]))
warning("Covariate ", covariate,
" is missing or has only one non-missing value",
" in the following batches; will be excluded from model for",
" these batches:\n",
paste(lvl_batch[ind_exposure & !ind_covariates[, covariate]],
collapse = ", "))
# Determine if/which random covariates can be fitted on each batch
ind_covariates_random <- check_covariates_random(df_meta[covariates_random],
for(covariate in covariates_random) {
if(!any(ind_exposure & ind_covariates_random[, covariate]))
warning("Random covariate ", covariate,
" has no clustered observations!")
else if(verbose)
message("Random covariate ", covariate,
"will be fitted for the following batches:\n",
paste(lvl_batch[ind_exposure &
ind_covariates_random[, covariate]],
collapse = ", "))
# Create temporary output for Maaslin output files
dir.create(control$output, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
# Fit individual models
maaslin_fits <- list()
for(i in seq_len(n_batch)) {
i_batch <- lvl_batch[i]
if(!ind_exposure[i_batch]) next
if(verbose) message("Fitting Maaslin2 on batch ", i_batch, "...")
i_feature_abd <- feature_abd[, var_batch == i_batch, drop = FALSE]
i_data <- df_meta[var_batch == i_batch, , drop = FALSE]
i_covariates <- covariates[ind_covariates[i_batch, , drop = TRUE]]
i_covariates_random <- covariates_random[
ind_covariates_random[i_batch, , drop = TRUE]]
i_output <- paste0(control$output, "/", i_batch)
dir.create(i_output, showWarnings = FALSE)
i_maaslin <- Maaslin2_wrapper(
feature_abd = i_feature_abd,
data = i_data,
exposure = exposure,
covariates = i_covariates,
covariates_random = i_covariates_random,
output = i_output,
normalization = control$normalization,
transform = control$transform,
analysis_method = control$analysis_method
maaslin_fits[[i_batch]] <- i_maaslin
maaslin_fits[[i_batch]]$batch <- i_batch
# Fit fixed/random effects models
if(verbose) message("Fitting meta-analysis model.")
meta_fits <- rma_wrapper(maaslin_fits,
method = control$rma_method,
output = control$output,
forest_plot = control$forest_plot,
rma_conv = control$rma_conv,
rma_maxit = control$rma_maxit,
verbose = verbose)
return(list(meta_fits = meta_fits,
maaslin_fits = maaslin_fits,
control = control))
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