#' Unsupervised meta-analytical discovery and validation of discrete clustering
#' structures in microbial abundance data
#' \code{discrete_discover} takes as input sample-by-sample dissimilarity
#' measurements (generated from microbial abundance profiles), and performs
#' unsupervised clustering within each batch across a range of cluster numbers.
#' It then evaluates the support for each cluster number with both internal
#' (i.e., samples within the batch) and external (i.e., samples in other
#' batches) data. Internal evaluation is realized with
#' \code{\link[fpc]{prediction.strength}} and external evaluation is based on
#' a generalized version of the same method. \code{discrete_discover} generates
#' as output the evaluation statistics for each cluster number. A cluster number
#' with good support from both internal and external evaluations provides
#' meta-analytical evidence for discrete structures in the microbial abundance
#' profiles.
#' \code{control} should be provided as a named list of the following components
#' (can be a subset).
#' \describe{
#' \item{k_max}{
#' integer. Maximum number of clusters to evaluate. \code{discrete_discover}
#' will evaluate clustering structures corresponding to cluster numbers ranging
#' from 2 to \code{k_max}. Default to 10.
#' }
#' \item{cluster_function}{
#' an interface function. This function will be used for unsupervised clustering
#' for discrete structure evaluation. This corresponds to the
#' \code{clustermethod} parameter in
#' \code{\link[fpc]{prediction.strength}}, and similarly, should also follow the
#' specifications as detailed in \code{\link[fpc]{clusterboot}}. Default to
#' \code{\link[fpc:kmeansCBI]{claraCBI}}
#' }
#' \item{classify_method}{
#' character. Classification method used to assign observations in the method's
#' internal and external evaluation stage. Corresponds to the
#' \code{classification} parameter in \code{\link[fpc]{prediction.strength}},
#' and can only be either \code{"centroid"} or \code{"knn"}. Default to
#' "centroid".
#' }
#' \item{M}{
#' integer. Number of random iterations to partition the batch during method's
#' internal evaluation. Corresponds to the \code{M} parameter in
#' \code{\link[fpc]{prediction.strength}}. Default to 30.
#' }
#' \item{nnk}{
#' integer. Numbber of nearest neighbors if \code{classify_method="knn"}.
#' Corresponds to the \code{nnk} parameter in
#' \code{\link[fpc]{prediction.strength}}. Default to 1.
#' }
#' \item{diagnostic_plot}{
#' character. Name for the generated diagnostic figure file. Default to
#' \code{"discrete_diagnostic.pdf"}. Can be set to \code{NULL} in which
#' case no output will be generated.}
#' \item{verbose}{
#' logical. Indicates whether or not verbose information will be printed.
#' }
#' }
#' @param D sample-by-sample dissimilarity measurements. Should be provided as
#' a \code{\link[stats]{dist}} object.
#' @param batch name of the batch variable. This variable in data should be a
#' factor variable and will be converted to so with a warning if otherwise.
#' @param data data frame of metadata, columns must include batch.
#' @param control a named list of additional control parameters. See details.
#' @return a list, with the following components:
#' \describe{
#' \item{internal_mean, internal_se}{
#' matrices of internal clustering structure evaluation measurements
#' (prediction strengths). Columns and rows corresponds to different batches and
#' different numbers of clusters, respectively. \code{internal_mean} and
#' \code{internal_se}, as the names suggest, are the mean and standard error of
#' prediction strengths for each batch/cluster number.
#' }
#' \item{external_mean, external_se}{
#' same structure as \code{internal_mean} and \code{internal_se}, but records
#' external clustering structure evaluation measurements (generalized prediction
#' strength).
#' }
#' \item{control}{list of additional control parameters used in the function
#' call.
#' }
#' }
#' @importFrom stats as.dist
#' @export
#' @author Siyuan Ma, \email{siyuanma@@g.harvard.edu}
#' @examples
#' data("CRC_abd", "CRC_meta")
#' # Calculate Bray-Curtis dissimilarity between the samples
#' library(vegan)
#' D <- vegdist(t(CRC_abd))
#' fit_discrete <- discrete_discover(D = D,
#' batch = "studyID",
#' data = CRC_meta)
discrete_discover <- function(D,
control) {
control <- match_control(default = control_discrete_discover,
control = control)
verbose <- control$verbose
# Check data formats
# Check dissimilarity
D_all <- check_D(D)
# Check metadata data frame
data <- as.data.frame(data)
samples <- check_samples_D(D = D_all,
data = data)
# Check batch is included in metadata data frame
if(length(batch) > 1)
stop("Only one batch variable is supported!")
df_batch <- check_metadata(data = data,
variables = batch)
# Check batch variable
df_batch[[batch]] <- check_batch(df_batch[[batch]], min_n_batch = 2)
n_batch <- nlevels(x = df_batch[[batch]])
lvl_batch <- levels(df_batch[[batch]])
message("Found ", n_batch, " batches")
# Check some control variables
k_max <- check_k(control$k_max, df_batch[[batch]])
classify_method <- check_options(control$classify_method,
c("centroid", "knn"))
# Clustering validation
stats_internal <- replicate(k_max - 1, list(list()))
stats_external <- replicate(k_max - 1, list(list()))
for(k in 2:k_max) {
if(verbose) message("Now evaluating clustering for k = ", k, "...")
# Cluster each study first individually
clusterings <- list()
for(i in seq_len(n_batch)) {
i_batch <- lvl_batch[i]
clusterings[[i]] <- control$cluster_function(
data = as.dist(D_all[df_batch[[batch]] == i_batch,
df_batch[[batch]]== i_batch]),
k = k)}
# Validation
classifications <- list()
for(i in seq_len(n_batch)) {
i_batch <- lvl_batch[i]
if(verbose) message("Study is ", i_batch)
if(verbose) message("Performing internal validation...")
i_result_internal <- fpc::prediction.strength(
xdata = as.dist(D_all[df_batch[[batch]] == i_batch,
df_batch[[batch]] == i_batch]),
Gmin = k,
Gmax = k,
clustermethod = control$cluster_function,
classification = classify_method,
M = control$M,
nnk = control$nnk,
distances = TRUE,
count = FALSE)
stats_internal[[k - 1]][[i]] <-
c("mean" = mean(i_result_internal$predcorr[[k]]),
"sd" = sd(i_result_internal$predcorr[[k]]))
if(verbose) message("Performing external validation...")
i_clustering <- rep(-1, nrow(data))
i_clustering[df_batch[[batch]] == i_batch] <- clusterings[[i]]$partition
classifications[[i]] <-
clustering = i_clustering,
method = classify_method,
centroids = clusterings[[i]]$result$medoids,
nnk = control$nnk)
i_result_external <- matrix(NA, n_batch, k)
for (j in setdiff(seq_len(n_batch), i)) {
j_batch <- lvl_batch[[j]]
ctable <- fpc::xtable(
classifications[[i]][df_batch[[batch]] == j_batch], k)
for (kk in seq_len(k)) {
i_result_external[j, kk] <- sum(ctable[kk, ]^2 - ctable[kk,])
cpjk <- clusterings[[j]]$partition == kk
njk <- sum(cpjk)
if (njk > 1)
i_result_external[j, kk] <-
i_result_external[j, kk]/(njk * (njk - 1))
else i_result_external[j, kk] <- 1
i_result_external <- apply(i_result_external[setdiff(seq_len(n_batch), i), ,
drop = FALSE],
1, min)
stats_external[[k - 1]][[i]] <- c(mean = mean(i_result_external),
sd = sd(i_result_external))
# If required, generate diagnostic plots
if(!is.null(control$diagnostic_plot)) {
diagnostic_discrete_discover(stats_internal = stats_internal,
stats_external = stats_external,
lvl_batch = shorten_name(lvl_batch),
output = control$diagnostic_plot)
# compile results for output
internal_mean <- t(vapply(stats_internal,
function(i.stat) i.stat["mean"],
rep_len(0.0, n_batch)))
internal_se <- t(vapply(stats_internal,
function(i.stat) i.stat["sd"],
rep_len(0.0, n_batch)))
external_mean <- t(vapply(stats_external,
function(i.stat) i.stat["mean"],
rep_len(0.0, n_batch)))
external_se <- t(vapply(stats_external,
function(i.stat) i.stat["sd"],
rep_len(0.0, n_batch)))
dimnames(internal_mean) <-
dimnames(internal_se) <-
dimnames(external_mean) <-
dimnames(external_se) <- list(as.character(2:k_max),
return(list(internal_mean = internal_mean,
internal_se = internal_se,
external_mean = external_mean,
external_se = external_se,
control = control))
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