## Define a general class to store a MOFA trained model ##
#' @title Class to store a Multi-Omics Factor Analysis (MOFA) model
#' @description
#' The \code{MOFAmodel} is an S4 class used to store all
#' relevant data to analyse a MOFA model.
#' @slot InputData the input data before being parsed to Training Data.
#' Either a MultiAssayExperiment object or a list of matrices, one per view.
#' @slot TrainData the parsed data used to fit the MOFA model
#' A list with one matrix per view.
#' @slot ImputedData the parsed data with the missing
#' values imputed using the MOFA model.
#' A list with one matrix per view.
#' @slot Expectations expected values of the different
#' variables of the model. A list of matrices, one per variable.
#' The most relevant are "W" for weights and "Z" for factors.
#' @slot TrainStats list with training statistics such as evidence lower bound (ELBO),
#' number of active factors, etc.
#' @slot DataOptions list with the data processing options such as
#' whether to center or scale the data.
#' @slot TrainOptions list with the training options such as
#' maximum number of iterations, tolerance for convergence, etc.
#' @slot ModelOptions list with the model options such as
#' likelihoods, number of factors, etc.
#' @slot FeatureIntercepts list with the feature-wise intercepts.
#' Only used internally.
#' @slot Dimensions list with the relevant dimensionalities of the model.
#' N for the number of samples, M for the number of views,
#' D for the number of features of each view and K for the number of infered latent factors.
#' @slot Status Auxiliary variable indicating whether the model has been trained.
#' @name MOFAmodel
#' @rdname MOFAmodel
#' @aliases MOFAmodel-class
#' @exportClass MOFAmodel
setClass("MOFAmodel", slots=c(
InputData = "MultiAssayExperiment", TrainData = "list", ImputedData = "list",
Expectations = "list", TrainStats = "list", Dimensions = "list",
DataOptions = "list", TrainOptions = "list", ModelOptions = "list", FeatureIntercepts = "list",
Status = "character")
setValidity("MOFAmodel", function(object) {
if(!Status(object) %in% c("trained", "untrained")){
return("Status(object) needs to be trained or untrained")
if(Status(object) == "trained"){
if(length(Expectations(object)) == 0)
return("Status(object) = trained but no expectations present")
if(!identical(sort(c("W","Z","Theta","Tau","Alpha","Y")), sort(names(Expectations(object)))))
return("Expectation names need to be W, Z, Theta, Tau, Alpha,Y.")
if( !is.matrix(Expectations(object)[["Z"]]) |
!is.list(Expectations(object)[["W"]]) |
!(all(vapply(Expectations(object)[["W"]], is.matrix, logical(1)))) |
!(is.list(Expectations(object)[["Y"]])) |
! (all(vapply(Expectations(object)[["Y"]], is.matrix, logical(1)))) |
! (is.list(Expectations(object)[["Tau"]])) |
! (all(vapply(Expectations(object)[["Tau"]], is.numeric, logical(1)))) |
! (is.list(Expectations(object)[["Alpha"]])) |
! (all(vapply(Expectations(object)[["Alpha"]], is.numeric, logical(1))))
) return("Expectations need to be a list of matrices Z and lists W, Y, Tau and Alpha of matrices")
# Printing method
setMethod("show", "MOFAmodel", function(object) {
if(!.hasSlot(object,"Dimensions") | length(getDimensions(object)) == 0)
stop("Error: Dimensions not defined")
if(!.hasSlot(object,"Status") | length(Status(object)) == 0)
stop("Error: Status not defined")
if (Status(object) == "trained") {
# check whether the intercept was learnt (depreciated, included for compatibility with old models)
if(is.null(ModelOptions(object)[["learnIntercept"]])) {
learnIntercept <- FALSE
} else {
learnIntercept <- ModelOptions(object)[["learnIntercept"]]
dims <- getDimensions(object)
nfactors <- dims[["K"]]
if (learnIntercept) { nfactors <- nfactors-1 }
cat(sprintf("Trained MOFA model with the following characteristics:
Number of views: %d \n View names: %s
Number of features per view: %s
Number of samples: %d
Number of factors: %d ",
dims[["M"]], paste(viewNames(object),collapse=" "),
paste(as.character(dims[["D"]]),collapse=" "),
dims[["N"]], nfactors))
} else {
dims <- getDimensions(object)
cat(sprintf("Untrained MOFA model with the following characteristics:
Number of views: %d
View names: %s
Number of features per view: %s
Number of samples: %d ",
dims[["M"]], paste(viewNames(object),collapse=" "),
paste(as.character(dims[["D"]]),collapse=" "),
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