metaplot.surv <- function( mn, se=NULL, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, nn=NULL,
labels=NULL, conf.level = .95, xlab = "", ylab = "", xlim = NULL,
summn = NULL, sumse = NULL, sumlower = NULL, sumupper = NULL,
sumnn = NULL, summlabel = "Summary", logeffect = FALSE,
lwd = 2, boxsize = 1, zero = as.numeric(logeffect),
colors, xaxt="s", logticks=TRUE, ... ) {
x[ (i-1) %% length(x) +1]
if(missing(colors)) { colors <- rmeta::meta.colors() }
ci.value <- -qnorm( ( 1 - conf.level ) / 2 )
ok <- is.finite( mn + se )
if ( is.null( xlim ) )
xlim <- c( min( mn[ok] - ci.value * se[ok], na.rm = TRUE ),
max( mn[ok] + ci.value * se[ok], na.rm = TRUE ) )
##par( pty="s" )
n <- length( mn )
if ( logeffect ) {
xlog <- "x"
nxlim <- exp( xlim )
else {
xlog <- ""
nxlim <- xlim
if ( !is.null( labels ) ) {
if ( logeffect )
nxlim[1] <- nxlim[1] / sqrt( nxlim[2] / nxlim[1] )
nxlim[1] <- nxlim[1] - 0.5 * ( nxlim[2] - nxlim[1] )
par( xaxt = "n",yaxt = "n", bg=colors$background )
plot( nxlim,c( 1,-n-2-3 * !is.null( summn ) ),
type = "n", bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
log = xlog, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,..., col.lab=colors$axes )
par( xaxt = "s" )
if (xaxt=="s"){
if (logeffect) {
if (logticks){
ats<-round( 10 ^ pretty( log( exp( xlim ),10), 8,min.n=6 ), 2 )
ats<-ats[ats> exp(xlim[1]) & ats< 10^(par("usr")[2])]
axis( 1, at = ats, col= colors$axes, col.axis= colors$axes)
} else {
ats<-pretty(exp(xlim),8, min.n=6)
ats<-ats[ats> exp(xlim[1]) & ats <10^(par("usr")[2])]
axis( 1, at=ats, col= colors$axes, col.axis= colors$axes)
} else {
ats<-pretty(xlim, 6)
##ats<-ats[ats> xlim[1] & ats <xlim[2]]
axis( 1, at=ats, col= colors$axes, col.axis= colors$axes)
if ( !is.null( zero )&& zero>leftedge )
abline( v = zero, lty = 2, lwd = 2 ,col=colors$zero)
if(is.null(lower) || is.null(upper)){
ci.value <- -qnorm( ( 1 - conf.level ) / 2 )
lower <- mn - ci.value * se
upper <- mn + ci.value * se
if ( logeffect ){
lower <- exp( lower )
upper <- exp( upper )
for ( i in 1:n ){
if ( lower[i]+upper[i] ) )
lines( c( lower[i], upper[i] ), c( -i, -i ), lwd = lwd, col=nth(colors$lines,i),... )
if ( !is.null( labels ) )
text( rep( nxlim[1], n ), -( 1:n ), labels,..., col=rep(colors$text,length.out=n),adj=0 )
if (is.null(nn) && !is.null(se)){
nn <- se ^ -2
} else {
nn <- 1
yscale <- 0.3 * boxsize / max( sqrt( nn ), na.rm = TRUE )
if ( logeffect ) {
scale <- ( nxlim[2] / nxlim[1] ) ^ ( yscale / ( 4 + n ) )
xl <- exp( mn ) * ( scale ^ -sqrt( nn ) )
xr <- exp( mn ) * ( scale ^ sqrt( nn ) )
else {
scale <- yscale * ( nxlim[2] - nxlim[1] ) / ( 4 + n )
xl <- mn - scale * sqrt( nn )
xr <- mn + scale * sqrt( nn )
yb <- ( 1:n ) - yscale * sqrt( nn )
yt <- ( 1:n ) + yscale * sqrt( nn )
for ( i in 1:n ) {
if ( !is.finite( mn[i] ) )
rect( xl[i], -yb[i], xr[i], -yt[i], col = nth(colors$box,i),border=nth(colors$box,i))
if ( !is.null( summn ) ) {
if ( logeffect ) {
x0 <- exp( summn )
if(is.null(lower) || is.null(upper)){
xl <- exp( summn - ci.value * sumse )
xr <- exp( summn + ci.value * sumse )
} else {
xl <- exp(sumlower)
xr <- exp(sumupper)
x0 <- summn
if(is.null(lower) || is.null(upper)){
xl <- summn - ci.value * sumse
xr <- summn + ci.value * sumse
} else {
xl <- sumlower
xr <- sumupper
y0 <- n + 3
yb <- n + 3 - sqrt( sumnn ) * yscale
yt <- n + 3 + sqrt( sumnn ) * yscale
polygon( c( xl, x0, xr, x0 ), -c( y0, yt, y0, yb ),
col = colors$summary, border = colors$summary )
text( nxlim[1], -y0, labels = summlabel, adj = 0,col=colors$text )
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