`concordance.index` <-
function(x, surv.time, surv.event, cl, weights, comppairs=10, strat, alpha=0.05, outx=TRUE, method=c("conservative", "noether", "nam"), alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), na.rm=FALSE) {
method <- match.arg(method)
alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
if(!missing(weights)) {
if(length(weights) != length(x)) { stop("bad length for parameter weights!") }
if(min(weights, na.rm=TRUE) < 0 && max(weights, na.rm=TRUE) > 1) { stop("weights must be a number between 0 and 1!") }
} else { weights <- rep(1, length(x)) }
if(!missing(strat)) {
if(length(strat) != length(x)) { stop("bad length for parameter strat!") }
} else { strat <- rep(1, length(x)) }
if(missing(cl) && (missing(surv.time) || missing(surv.event))) { stop("binary classes and survival data are missing!") }
if(!missing(cl) && (!missing(surv.time) || !missing(surv.event))) { stop("choose binary classes or survival data but not both!") }
msurv <- FALSE
if(missing(cl)) { ## survival data
msurv <- TRUE
cl <- rep(0, length(x))
} else { surv.time <- surv.event <- rep(0, length(x)) } ## binary classes
cc.ix <- complete.cases(x, surv.time, surv.event, cl, weights, strat)
if(sum(cc.ix) < 3) {
## not enough observations
if(msurv) { data <- list("x"=x, "surv.time"=surv.time, "surv.event"=surv.event) } else { data <- list("x"=x, "cl"=cl) }
return(list("c.index"=NA, "se"=NA, "lower"=NA, "upper"=NA, "p.value"=NA, "n"=sum(cc.ix), "data"=data, "comppairs"=NA))
if(any(!cc.ix) & !na.rm) { stop("NA values are present!") }
## remove samples whose the weight is equal to 0 to speed up the computation of the concordance index
cc.ix <- cc.ix & weights != 0
x2 <- x[cc.ix]
cl2 <- cl[cc.ix]
st <- surv.time[cc.ix]
se <- surv.event[cc.ix]
if(msurv && sum(se) == 0) {
warning("\nno events, the concordance index cannot be computed!")
data <- list("x"=x, "surv.time"=surv.time, "surv.event"=surv.event)
return(list("c.index"=NA, "se"=NA, "lower"=NA, "upper"=NA, "p.value"=NA, "n"=0, "data"=data, "comppairs"=NA))
if(!msurv && length(unique(cl2)) == 1) {
warning("\nonly one class, the concordance index cannot be computed!")
data <- list("x"=x, "cl"=cl)
return(list("c.index"=NA, "se"=NA, "lower"=NA, "upper"=NA, "p.value"=NA, "n"=0, "data"=data, "comppairs"=NA))
weights <- weights[cc.ix]
strat <- strat[cc.ix]
strat <- as.numeric(as.factor(strat))
ustrat <- sort(unique(strat)) ## to check later
N <- sum(weights) ##length(x2)
if(N <= 1) {
warning("\nweights of observations are too small (sum should be > 1), the concordance index cannot be computed!")
if(msurv) { data <- list("x"=x, "surv.time"=surv.time, "surv.event"=surv.event) } else { data <- list("x"=x, "cl"=cl) }
return(list("c.index"=NA, "se"=NA, "lower"=NA, "upper"=NA, "p.value"=NA, "n"=length(x2), "data"=data, "comppairs"=NA))
ch <- dh <- uh <- rph <- rep(0, times=length(strat))
lenS <- length(strat)
lenU <- length(ustrat)
out <- .C(.C_concordanceIndexC, as.integer(as.logical(msurv)), as.integer(ustrat), as.double(x2),
as.integer(cl2), as.double(st), as.integer(se), as.double(weights), as.integer(strat),
as.integer(N), as.integer(as.logical(outx)), ch = as.numeric(ch), dh = as.numeric(dh),
uh = as.numeric(uh), rph = as.numeric(rph), as.integer(lenS), as.integer(lenU), PACKAGE="survcomp")
ch <- out$ch
dh <- out$dh
uh <- out$uh
rph <- out$rph
cscount <- sum(ch + dh) ## comparable pairs
if(sum(ch)==0 || sum(dh)==0 || sum(ch * (ch - 1))==0 || sum(dh * (dh - 1))==0 || sum(ch * dh)==0 || cscount < comppairs){
if(msurv) { data <- list("x"=x, "surv.time"=surv.time, "surv.event"=surv.event) } else { data <- list("x"=x, "cl"=cl) }
return(list("c.index"=NA, "se"=NA, "lower"=NA, "upper"=NA, "p.value"=NA, "n"=length(x2), "data"=data, "comppairs"=cscount))
pc <- (1 / (N * (N - 1))) * sum(ch)
pd <- (1 / (N * (N - 1))) * sum(dh)
cindex <- pc / (pc + pd)
pcc <- (1 / (N * (N - 1) * (N - 2))) * sum(ch * (ch - 1))
pdd <- (1 / (N * (N - 1) * (N - 2))) * sum(dh * (dh - 1))
pcd <- (1 / (N * (N - 1) * (N - 2))) * sum(ch * dh)
varp <- (4 / (pc + pd)^4) * (pd^2 * pcc - 2 * pc * pd * pcd + pc^2 * pdd)
if((varp / N) > 0) {
ci <- qnorm(p=alpha / 2, lower.tail=FALSE) * sqrt(varp / N)
lower <- cindex - ci
upper <- cindex + ci
"two.sided"={ p <- pnorm((cindex - 0.5) / sqrt(varp / N), lower.tail=cindex < 0.5) * 2 },
"less"={ p <- pnorm((cindex - 0.5) / sqrt(varp / N), lower.tail=TRUE) },
"greater"={ p <- pnorm((cindex - 0.5) / sqrt(varp / N), lower.tail=FALSE) }
} else { ci <- lower <- upper <- p <- NA }
C <- cindex
## pc and pd have been computed previously
w <- (2 * qnorm(p=alpha / 2, lower.tail=FALSE)^2) / (N * (pc + pd))
ci <- sqrt(w^2 + 4 * w * C * (1 - C)) / (2 * (1 + w))
point <- (w + 2 * C) / (2 * (1 + w))
lower <- point - ci
upper <- point + ci
cindex <- C
p <- NA
varp <- NA
stop("method not implemented!")
#bound the confidence interval
lower <- ifelse(lower < 0, 0, lower)
lower <- ifelse(lower > 1, 1, lower)
upper <- ifelse(upper < 0, 0, upper)
upper <- ifelse(upper > 1, 1, upper)
if(msurv) { data <- list("x"=x, "surv.time"=surv.time, "surv.event"=surv.event) } else { data <- list("x"=x, "cl"=cl) }
if(!is.na(varp) && (varp / N) > 0) { se <- sqrt(varp / N) } else { se <- NA }
return(list("c.index"=cindex, "se"=se, "lower"=lower, "upper"=upper, "p.value"=p, "n"=length(x2), "data"=data, "comppairs"=cscount))
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