
Defines functions TGI

Documented in TGI

##----- TGI -----
#TGI = (VC - VT)/(VC0 - VT0)
#where VC and VT are the median of control and treated growth curve respectively
#at the end of the study. VC0 and VT0 indicate the initial tumor volume for
#control and treated growth curve respectively.
#' tumor growth inhibition (TGI)
#' Computes the tumor growth inhibition (TGI) between two time-volume curves
#' @param contr.volume Volume vector for control
#' @param treat.volume Volume vector for treatment
#' @return Returns batch response object
#' @examples
#' contr.volume <- c(1.35, 6.57, 13.94, 20.39, 32.2, 39.26, 46.9, 53.91)
#' treat.volume <- c(0.4, 1.26, 2.59, 3.62, 5.77, 6.67, 7.47, 8.98, 9.29, 9.44)
#' TGI(contr.volume, treat.volume)
#' @export
TGI <- function(contr.volume, treat.volume)
  tgi = (contr.volume[length(contr.volume)] - treat.volume[length(treat.volume)])/
        (contr.volume[1] - treat.volume[1])
  rtx <- batch_response_class(name="TGI", value=tgi)
bhklab/Xeva documentation built on Nov. 30, 2024, 3:17 a.m.