#' @importFrom stats complete.cases
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
## Rank genes based on drug effect in the Connectivity Map
## inputs:
## - data: gene expression data matrix
## - drugpheno: sensititivity values fo thr drug of interest
## - type: cell or tissue type for each experiment
## - duration: experiment duration in hours
## - batch: experiment batches
## - single.type: Should the statitsics be computed for each cell/tissue type separately?
## - nthread: number of parallel threads (bound to the maximum number of cores available)
## outputs:
## list of datafraes with the statistics for each gene, for each type
## Notes: duration is not taken into account as only 4 perturbations lasted 12h, the other 6096 lasted 6h
rankGeneDrugSensitivity <- function (data, drugpheno, type, batch,
single.type=FALSE, standardize = "SD",
nthread=1, verbose=FALSE,
modeling.method = c("anova", "pearson"),
inference.method = c("analytic", "resampling"), req_alpha = 0.05) {
if (nthread != 1) {
availcore <- parallel::detectCores()
if ((missing(nthread) || nthread < 1 || nthread > availcore) && verbose) {
warning("nthread undefined, negative or larger than available cores. Resetting to maximum number of cores.")
nthread <- availcore
modeling.method <- match.arg(modeling.method)
inference.method <- match.arg(inference.method)
if(modeling.method == "anova" && inference.method == "resampling") {
stop("Resampling based inference for anova model is not yet implemented.")
drugpheno <- data.frame(drugpheno)
} else if(!is(drugpheno, "data.frame")) {
drugpheno <- as.data.frame(drugpheno)
if (missing(type) || all(is.na(type))) {
type <- array("other", dim=nrow(data), dimnames=list(rownames(data)))
if (missing(batch) || all(is.na(batch))) {
batch <- array(1, dim=nrow(data), dimnames=list(rownames(data)))
if (any(c(nrow(drugpheno), length(type), length(batch)) != nrow(data))) {
stop("length of drugpheno, type, duration, and batch should be equal to the number of rows of data!")
rownames(drugpheno) <- names(type) <- names(batch) <- rownames(data)
res <- NULL
utype <- sort(unique(as.character(type)))
ltype <- list("all"=utype)
if (single.type) {
ltype <- c(ltype, as.list(utype))
names(ltype)[-1] <- utype
res <- NULL
ccix <- complete.cases(data, type, batch, drugpheno)
nn <- sum(ccix)
if(modeling.method == "anova"){
##### FIX NAMES!!! This is important
nc <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(drugpheno)), function(i){
est <- paste("estimate", i, sep=".")
se <- paste("se", i, sep=".")
tstat <- paste("tstat", i, sep=".")
nc <- c(est, se, tstat)
nc <- c(nc, n=nn, "fstat"=NA, "pvalue"=NA, "fdr")
} else {
nc <- c("estimate", "se", "n", "tstat", "fstat", "pvalue", "df", "fdr")
} else {
nc <- c("estimate", "se", "n", "tstat", "fstat", "pvalue", "df", "fdr")
} else if (modeling.method == "pearson") {
nc <- c("estimate", "n", "df", "significant", "pvalue", "lower", "upper")
for (ll in seq_len(length(ltype))) {
iix <- !is.na(type) & is.element(type, ltype[[ll]])
# ccix <- complete.cases(data[iix, , drop=FALSE], drugpheno[iix,,drop=FALSE], type[iix], batch[iix]) ### HACK???
ccix <- rowSums(!is.na(data)) > 0 | rowSums(!is.na(drugpheno)) > 0 | is.na(type) | is.na(batch)
ccix <- ccix[iix]
# ccix <- !vapply(seq_len(NROW(data[iix,,drop=FALSE])), function(x) {
# return(all(is.na(data[iix,,drop=FALSE][x,])) || all(is.na(drugpheno[iix,,drop=FALSE][x,])) || all(is.na(type[iix][x])) || all(is.na(batch[iix][x])))
# }, FUN.VALUE=logical(1))
if (sum(ccix) < 3) {
## not enough experiments
rest <- list(matrix(NA, nrow=ncol(data), ncol=length(nc), dimnames=list(colnames(data), nc)))
res <- c(res, rest)
} else {
# splitix <- parallel::splitIndices(nx=ncol(data), ncl=nthread)
# splitix <- splitix[vapply(splitix, length, FUN.VALUE=numeric(1)) > 0]
mcres <- parallel::mclapply(seq_len(ncol(data)), function(x, data, type, batch, drugpheno, standardize, modeling.method, inference.method, req_alpha) {
if(modeling.method == "anova"){
res <- t(apply(data[ , x, drop=FALSE], 2, geneDrugSensitivity, type=type, batch=batch, drugpheno=drugpheno, verbose=verbose, standardize=standardize))
} else if(modeling.method == "pearson") {
res <- t(apply(data[ , x, drop=FALSE], 2, geneDrugSensitivityPCorr,
req_alpha = req_alpha))
} else {
res <- t(apply(data[ , x, drop=FALSE], 2, function(dataIn) {
req_alpha = req_alpha)}))
}, data=data[iix, , drop=FALSE],
type=type[iix], batch=batch[iix],
modeling.method = modeling.method,
inference.method = inference.method,
req_alpha = req_alpha, mc.cores = nthread, mc.preschedule = TRUE)
rest <- do.call(rbind, mcres)
rest <- cbind(rest, "fdr"=p.adjust(rest[ , "pvalue"], method="fdr"))
# rest <- rest[ , nc, drop=FALSE]
res <- c(res, list(rest))
names(res) <- names(ltype)
## End
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