# ADImpute predicts unmeasured gene expression values from single cell
# RNA-sequencing data (dropout imputation). This R-package combines multiple
# dropout imputation methods, including a novel gene regulatory
# network-based method. Copyright (C) 2020 Ana Carolina Leote This program
# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
# of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the
# GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
# <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#' @title Method choice per gene
#' @usage ChooseMethod(real, masked, imputed, write.to.file = TRUE)
#' @description \code{ChooseMethod} determines the method for dropout
#' imputation based on performance on each gene in training data
#' @param real matrix; original gene expression data, i.e. before masking
#' (genes as rows and samples as columns)
#' @param masked matrix, logical indicating which entries were masked
#' (genes as rows and samples as columns)
#' @param imputed list; list of matrices with imputation results for all
#' considered methods
#' @param write.to.file logical; should the output be written to a file?
#' @details The imputed values are compared to the real ones for every masked
#' entry in \code{real}. The Mean Squared Error
#' is computed for all masked entries per gene and the method with the best
#' performance is chosen for each gene.
#' @return character; best performing method in the training set for each gene
#' @seealso \code{\link{ComputeMSEGenewise}}
ChooseMethod <- function(real, masked, imputed, write.to.file = TRUE) {
if (!all(colnames(real) == colnames(masked)) &&
all(rownames(real) == rownames(masked)))
stop("Error! Dimnames before and after masking don't match.\n")
which_masked <- (real != 0) & (masked == 0) # distinguishes masked values
# from dropouts in the original data
MSE <- lapply(imputed, function(x) vapply(rownames(real), function(g) {
if (g %in% rownames(x)) {
ComputeMSEGenewise(real = real[g, ], masked = which_masked[g, ],
imputed = x[g, ], baseline = identical(x, imputed$Baseline))
} else {
}, FUN.VALUE = 1))
MSE <- do.call(cbind, MSE)
# keep cases where at least 2 methods are available for comparison
MSE <- MSE[which(rowSums(!is.na(MSE)) >= 2), ]
message(paste("Imputation errors computed for", nrow(MSE), "genes\n"))
best_method <- vapply(apply(MSE, 1, which.min),
function(x) colnames(MSE)[x], FUN.VALUE = "Method_name")
if (write.to.file)
WriteTXT(cbind(MSE, best_method), "method_choices.txt")
#' @title Computation of MSE per gene
#' @usage ComputeMSEGenewise(real, masked, imputed, baseline)
#' @description \code{ComputeMSEGenewise} computes the MSE of dropout
#' imputation for a given gene.
#' @param real numeric; vector of original expression of a given gene (before
#' masking)
#' @param masked logical; vector indicating which entries were masked for a
#' given gene
#' @param imputed matrix; imputation results for a given imputation method
#' @param baseline logical; is this baseline imputation?
#' @return MSE of all imputations indicated by \code{masked}
ComputeMSEGenewise <- function(real, masked, imputed, baseline) {
if (baseline) {
index <- masked # Baseline always imputes
if (sum(index) == 0) {
mse <- NA
} else {
mse <- sum((imputed[index] - real[index])^2, na.rm = TRUE)/
sum(index, na.rm = TRUE)
} else {
index <- masked & (imputed != 0) # not assess if value is not imputed
if (sum(index) == 0) {
mse <- NA
} else {
mse <- sum((imputed[index] - real[index])^2, na.rm = TRUE)/
sum(index, na.rm = TRUE)
#' @title Preparation of training data for method evaluation
#' @usage CreateTrainData(data, train.ratio = .7, train.only = TRUE, mask = .1,
#' write = FALSE)
#' @description \code{CreateTrainingData} selects a subset of cells to use as
#' training set and sets a portion (\code{mask}) of the non-zero entries in each
#' row of the subset to zero
#' @param data matrix; raw counts (genes as rows and samples as columns)
#' @param train.ratio numeric; ratio of the samples to be used for training
#' @param train.only logical; if TRUE define only a training dataset, if
#' FALSE writes both training and validation sets (defaults to TRUE)
#' @param mask numeric; ratio of total non-zero samples to be masked per gene
#' (defaults to .1)
#' @param write logical; should the output be written to a file?
#' @return list with resulting matrix after subsetting and after masking
CreateTrainData <- function(data, train.ratio = 0.7, train.only = TRUE,
mask = 0.1, write = FALSE) {
# Split data for training
train_norm <- SplitData(data, ratio = train.ratio, write.to.file = write,
train.only = train.only)
# Mask selected training data
masked_train_norm <- MaskData(train_norm, write.to.file = write,
mask = mask)
return(list(train = train_norm, mask = masked_train_norm))
#' @title Masking of entries for performance evaluation
#' @usage MaskData(data, write.to.file = FALSE, mask = .1)
#' @description \code{MaskData} sets a portion (\code{mask}) of the non-zero
#' entries of each row of \code{data} to zero
#' @param data matrix; raw counts (genes as rows and samples as columns)
#' @param write.to.file logical; should the output be written to a file?
#' @param mask numeric; ratio of total non-zero samples to be masked per gene
#' (defaults to .1)
#' @details Sets a portion (\code{mask}) of the non-zero entries of each row of
#' \code{data} to zero. Result is written to \code{filename}.
#' @return matrix containing masked raw counts (genes as rows and samples as
#' columns)
MaskData <- function(data, write.to.file = FALSE, mask = 0.1) {
message("Masking training data\n")
data <- DataCheck_Matrix(data)
# Original matrix sparcity
sparcity <- sprintf("%.2f", sum(data == 0)/length(data))
message("original sparcity", sparcity, "\n")
rowmask <- round(mask * ncol(data)) # samples to be masked per gene
maskable <- data != 0 # maskable samples (originally not dropouts)
maskidx <- t(vapply(seq_len(nrow(maskable)),
function(x) MaskerPerGene(maskable[x, ], rowmask = rowmask),
FUN.VALUE = rep(FALSE, ncol(data))))
data[maskidx] <- 0
sparcity <- sprintf("%.2f", sum(data == 0)/length(data))
message("final sparcity", sparcity, "\n")
# Write to file
if (write.to.file)
WriteTXT(data, "masked_data.txt")
#' @title Helper mask function
#' @usage MaskerPerGene(x, rowmask)
#' @description Helper mask function, per feature.
#' @param x logical; data to mask
#' @param rowmask numeric; number of samples to be masked per gene
#' @return logical containing positions to mask
MaskerPerGene <- function(x, rowmask) {
if (sum(x) > rowmask) {
# Randomly pick samples to mask
tomask <- sample(which(x), rowmask)
out <- rep(FALSE, length(x))
out[tomask] <- TRUE
names(out) <- names(x)
} else {
# Not enough non-dropout samples to mask up to defined ratio, mask all
#' @title Selection of samples for training
#' @description \code{SplitData} selects a portion (\code{ratio}) of samples
#' (columns in \code{data}) to be used as training set
#' @usage SplitData(data, ratio = .7, write.to.file = FALSE, train.only = TRUE)
#' @param data matrix; raw counts (genes as rows and samples as columns)
#' @param ratio numeric; ratio of the samples to be used for training
#' @param write.to.file logical; should the output be written to a file?
#' @param train.only logical; if TRUE define only a training dataset, if
#' FALSE writes both training and validation sets (defaults to TRUE)
#' @details Selects a portion (\code{ratio}) of samples (columns in \code{data})
#' to be used as training set and writes to file 'training_raw.txt'.
#' @return matrix containing raw counts (genes as rows and samples as columns)
SplitData <- function(data, ratio = 0.7, write.to.file = FALSE,
train.only = TRUE) {
message("Selecting training data\n")
# Randomly select samples according to given ratio
train_samples <- sample(colnames(data))[seq_len(round(ncol(data) * ratio))]
train_data <- data[, train_samples]
# Write to file
if (write.to.file)
WriteTXT(train_data, "training.txt")
# Optionally create and write validation dataset
if (!train.only) {
validation_data <- data[, !(colnames(data) %in% train_samples)]
if (write.to.file)
WriteTXT(validation_data, "validation.txt")
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