#' Find transcripts overlapping first/last exons and alter their transcription start site or transcription end site
#' @param whippetDataSet whippetDataSet generated from \code{readWhippetDataSet()}
#' @param exons GRanges object made from a GTF containing exon coordinates
#' @param type type of Whippet event (TS/TE).
#' Note only one event type should be processed at a time.
#' @param unfilteredWDS unfiltered whippetDataSet generated from \code{readWhippetDataSet()}
#' Note that this should contain ALL TS/TE events, regardless of significance, as these are used to contruct the entire exon range.
#' @return GRanges object with transcripts containing alternative junctions.
#' @export
#' @importFrom rtracklayer import
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @importFrom dplyr inner_join
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @family whippet splicing isoform creation
#' @author Beth Signal
#' @examples
#' gtf <- rtracklayer::import(system.file("extdata", "gencode.vM25.small.gtf", package = "GeneStructureTools"))
#' exons <- gtf[gtf$type == "exon"]
#' g <- BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10::BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10
#' whippetFiles <- system.file("extdata", "whippet_small/",
#' package = "GeneStructureTools"
#' )
#' wds <- readWhippetDataSet(whippetFiles)
#' wds.TS <- filterWhippetEvents(wds, eventTypes = "TS", psiDelta = 0.1, probability = 0.95)
#' alterTranscriptStartEnds(whippetDataSet = wds.TS, exons = exons, unfilteredWDS = wds, type = "TS")
alterTranscriptStartEnds <- function(whippetDataSet,
type = NA) {
if (is.na(type)[1]) {
stop("Please specify event type as TS or TE")
} else {
type <- toupper(type)
if (type != "TS" & type != "TE") {
stop("Please specify event type as TS or TE")
colnames(mcols(exons))[which(colnames(mcols(exons)) == "transcript_biotype")] <- "transcript_type"
# check all are TS
whippetDataSet <- filterWhippetEvents(whippetDataSet,
probability = 0,
psiDelta = 0,
eventTypes = type
# wds.t_events=filterWhippetEvents(wds, eventTypes="TS", probability=0, psiDelta=0, idList=diffSplicingResults(whippetDataSet)$gene)
# filter out ALL ranges involved in each diff spliced cluster - these form a contigous range, which we need to characterise the true start/ends of the exon of interest
allEventRanges <- filterWhippetEvents(unfilteredWDS, eventTypes = type, probability = 0, psiDelta = 0, idList = diffSplicingResults(whippetDataSet)$gene)
## Group TS/E events into whole ranges ##
allEventCoords <- coordinates(allEventRanges)
## find ranges which join together
# make 2nd range with only the range starts so equal ends == exon starts at end +1
coordEnds <- allEventCoords
ranges(coordEnds) <- IRanges(start = start(coordEnds) - 1, end = start(coordEnds) - 1)
ol.ends <- findOverlaps(allEventCoords, coordEnds, type = "end")
# make 2nd range with only the range ends so equal starts == exon ends at start-1
coordStarts <- allEventCoords
ranges(coordStarts) <- IRanges(start = end(coordStarts) + 1, end = end(coordStarts) + 1)
ol.starts <- findOverlaps(allEventCoords, coordStarts, type = "start")
ol.coords <- rbind(as.data.frame(ol.ends), as.data.frame(ol.starts))
# find all overlapping combinations (as in above will only be pairs)
combinations <- unique(apply(ol.coords, 1, function(x) paste(sort(x), collapse = ",")))
totalInCombinations <- as.data.frame(table(unlist(stringr::str_split(combinations, ","))))
# loop through each with >1 combination
while (any(totalInCombinations$Freq > 1)) {
# index number of the first instance in >1 combination
index.n <- as.numeric(as.character(totalInCombinations[which(totalInCombinations$Freq > 1)[1], ]$Var1))
# index for those needed to recombine
index.combine <- which(unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(combinations, ","), function(x) any(x == index.n))))
# paste together
combinations.new <- paste(sort(as.numeric(unique(unlist(stringr::str_split(combinations[index.combine], ","))))), collapse = ",")
# replace old (non-joined) with new (joined)
combinations <- c(combinations[-index.combine], combinations.new)
totalInCombinations <- as.data.frame(table(unlist(stringr::str_split(combinations, ","))))
combinations <- combinations[order(as.numeric(unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(combinations, ","), "[[", 1))))]
# convert strings to vectors of indices
combinations.index <- lapply(combinations, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(unlist(stringr::str_split(x, ",")))))
combo.start <- unlist(lapply(combinations.index, function(x) min(start(allEventCoords[x]))))
combo.end <- unlist(lapply(combinations.index, function(x) max(end(allEventCoords[x]))))
combo.chrom <- unlist(lapply(combinations.index, function(x) as.character(seqnames(allEventCoords[x])[1])))
combo.strand <- unlist(lapply(combinations.index, function(x) as.character(strand(allEventCoords[x])[1])))
combo.replacementRanges <- paste0(combo.chrom, ":", combo.start, "-", combo.end)
# give each diff splicing event a 'group name' which has the entire range that the event should cover
# will need to remove all coord groups for which there is no contigous group (no CLUE WTF these ranges are supposed to represent, but they are in the minority)
allEventCoords$group_name[unlist(combinations.index)] <- unlist(mapply(function(x, y) rep(x, length(y)), x = combo.replacementRanges, y = combinations.index))
combinations.granges <- GRanges(
seqnames = combo.chrom,
ranges = IRanges(start = combo.start, end = combo.end),
strand = combo.strand,
group_name = combo.replacementRanges
# add in alternative up/down sites if not signif. for both directions
### TODO: add option to just compare to reference if no alt. up/down?
signifEvents <- diffSplicingResults(whippetDataSet)
signifEvents$group_name <- allEventCoords$group_name[match(signifEvents$coord, allEventCoords$id)]
# will need to remove all coord groups for which there is no contigous group (no CLUE WTF these ranges are supposed to represent, but they are in the minority)
rm <- which(is.na(signifEvents$group_name))
if (length(rm) > 0) {
signifEvents <- signifEvents[-rm, ]
signifEvents$direction <- ifelse(signifEvents$psi_delta > 0, "up", "down")
signif.groups <- unique(signifEvents$group_name)
# add in an alternative up/down regulated if one doesn't exist in the original filtering
add.up <- signif.groups[which(!(signif.groups %in% signifEvents$group_name[signifEvents$direction == "up"]))]
add.down <- signif.groups[which(!(signif.groups %in% signifEvents$group_name[signifEvents$direction == "down"]))]
allSignifEvents <- diffSplicingResults(allEventRanges)
allSignifEvents$group_name <- allEventCoords$group_name[match(allSignifEvents$coord, allEventCoords$id)]
allSignifEvents <- allSignifEvents[which(!(allSignifEvents$coord %in% signifEvents$coord)), ]
allSignifEvents$direction <- ifelse(allSignifEvents$psi_delta > 0, "up", "down")
# add event with next largest psi_delta (in the correct direction)
allSignifEvents <- allSignifEvents[order(allSignifEvents$psi_delta), ]
signifEvents <- plyr::rbind.fill(signifEvents, allSignifEvents[match(add.down, allSignifEvents$group_name), ])
allSignifEvents <- allSignifEvents[order(allSignifEvents$psi_delta, decreasing = TRUE), ]
signifEvents <- plyr::rbind.fill(signifEvents, allSignifEvents[match(add.up, allSignifEvents$group_name), ])
## find/replace transcription start sites
# rep overlaps for each up/down TSS
ol.combo <- as.data.frame(GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(combinations.granges, exons))
ol.combo <- cbind(ol.combo,
transcript_id = exons$transcript_id[ol.combo$subjectHits],
group_name = combinations.granges$group_name[ol.combo$queryHits]
ol.combo <- dplyr::inner_join(ol.combo, signifEvents[, c("group_name", "coord", "direction", "strand")], by = "group_name")
ol.combo$new_transcript_id <- paste0(ol.combo$transcript_id, "+AS", type, ifelse(ol.combo$direction == "up", "U", "D"), " ", ol.combo$group_name)
## table of transcripts overlapping the site
# tid: transcript id
tids <- unique(ol.combo$transcript_id)
## all transcripts for structural altercations
gtfTranscripts <- exons[exons$transcript_id %in% tids]
mcols(gtfTranscripts) <-
mcols(gtfTranscripts)[, c(
"gene_id", "transcript_id",
"transcript_type", "exon_id",
m <- match(gtfTranscripts$transcript_id, ol.combo$transcript_id)
# add new transcript id
gtfTranscripts$new_transcript_id <- ol.combo$new_transcript_id[m]
# duplicate core transcripts if needed
needsDuplicated <- which(!(ol.combo$new_transcript_id %in%
if (length(needsDuplicated) > 0) {
gtfTranscripts.add <- gtfTranscripts[
gtfTranscripts$transcript_id %in%
while (length(needsDuplicated) > 0) {
gtfTranscripts.add <- gtfTranscripts.add[
gtfTranscripts.add$transcript_id %in%
m <- match(
gtfTranscripts.add$new_transcript_id <- ol.combo$new_transcript_id[needsDuplicated][m]
gtfTranscripts <- c(gtfTranscripts, gtfTranscripts.add)
needsDuplicated <- which(!(ol.combo$new_transcript_id %in%
gtfTranscripts$from <- unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(
gtfTranscripts$new_transcript_id, "AS[A-Z]* "
), "[[", 2))
gtfTranscripts <- gtfTranscripts[order(
# find which exons to alter in the new GTF annotation
replaceWith <- as.data.frame(GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(combinations.granges, gtfTranscripts))
replaceWith$from_id <- combinations.granges$group_name[replaceWith$queryHits]
replaceWith$to_id <- gtfTranscripts$from[replaceWith$subjectHits]
replaceWith$new_transcript_id <- gtfTranscripts$new_transcript_id[replaceWith$subjectHits]
replaceWith <- replaceWith[replaceWith$from_id == replaceWith$to_id, ]
replaceWith$strand <- as.character(strand(combinations.granges[replaceWith$queryHits]))
# if(type == "TS"){
# rm=which((end(combinations.granges[replaceWith$queryHits]) != end(gtfTranscripts[replaceWith$subjectHits])) & replaceWith$strand == "+")
# if(length(rm)>0){replaceWith=replaceWith[-rm,]}
# rm=which((start(combinations.granges[replaceWith$queryHits]) != start(gtfTranscripts[replaceWith$subjectHits])) & replaceWith$strand == "-")
# if(length(rm)>0){replaceWith=replaceWith[-rm,]}
# }else if(type == "TE"){
# rm=which((end(combinations.granges[replaceWith$queryHits]) != end(gtfTranscripts[replaceWith$subjectHits])) & replaceWith$strand == "-")
# if(length(rm)>0){replaceWith=replaceWith[-rm,]}
# rm=which((start(combinations.granges[replaceWith$queryHits]) != start(gtfTranscripts[replaceWith$subjectHits])) & replaceWith$strand == "+")
# if(length(rm)>0){replaceWith=replaceWith[-rm,]}
# }
signifEvents$new_id <- paste0("AS", type, ifelse(signifEvents$direction == "up", "U", "D"), " ", signifEvents$group_name)
replaceWith$coord <- signifEvents$coord[match(unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(replaceWith$new_transcript_id, "[+]"), "[[", 2)), signifEvents$new_id)]
replaceWith$newstart <- unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(lapply(stringr::str_split(replaceWith$coord, "[-]"), "[[", 1), "[:]"), "[[", 2))
replaceWith$newend <- unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(replaceWith$coord, "[-]"), "[[", 2))
if (type == "TS") {
# check that the exon to be replaced is the first exon
overlaps_n_exon <- data.frame(new_transcript_id = gtfTranscripts$new_transcript_id[replaceWith$subjectHits], exon_number = as.numeric(as.character(gtfTranscripts$exon_number[replaceWith$subjectHits])))
cant_replace <- overlaps_n_exon$new_transcript_id[which(overlaps_n_exon$exon_number != 1)]
# check that the new start doesn't occur after the end of the exon
compare <- as.numeric(as.character(replaceWith$newstart[which(replaceWith$strand == "+")])) < end(gtfTranscripts[replaceWith$subjectHits][which(replaceWith$strand == "+")])
cant_replace <- c(cant_replace, replaceWith$new_transcript_id[which(replaceWith$strand == "+")][compare == FALSE])
start(gtfTranscripts[replaceWith$subjectHits][which(replaceWith$strand == "+")])[which(compare)] <- as.numeric(as.character(replaceWith$newstart[which(replaceWith$strand == "+")]))[which(compare)]
# check that the new end doesn't occur before the start of the exon
compare <- as.numeric(as.character(replaceWith$newend[which(replaceWith$strand == "-")])) > start(gtfTranscripts[replaceWith$subjectHits][which(replaceWith$strand == "-")])
cant_replace <- c(cant_replace, replaceWith$new_transcript_id[which(replaceWith$strand == "-")][compare == FALSE])
end(gtfTranscripts[replaceWith$subjectHits][which(replaceWith$strand == "-")])[which(compare)] <- as.numeric(as.character(replaceWith$newend[which(replaceWith$strand == "-")]))[which(compare)]
# remove any transcripts which were unable to be altered
gtfTranscripts <- gtfTranscripts[which(!(gsub("TS[UD]", "TS", gtfTranscripts$new_transcript_id) %in% gsub("TS[UD]", "TS", cant_replace)))]
gtfTranscripts$set <- ifelse(unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(lapply(stringr::str_split(gtfTranscripts$new_transcript_id, "[+]AS"), "[[", 2), "[ ]"), "[[", 1)) == "TSU", "tss_upregulated", "tss_downregulated")
} else if (type == "TE") {
# check that the exon to be replaced is the terminal exon
n_exons <- as.data.frame(table(gtfTranscripts$new_transcript_id))
overlaps_n_exon <- data.frame(new_transcript_id = gtfTranscripts$new_transcript_id[replaceWith$subjectHits], exon_number = as.numeric(as.character(gtfTranscripts$exon_number[replaceWith$subjectHits])))
n_exons <- dplyr::left_join(n_exons, overlaps_n_exon, by = c("Var1" = "new_transcript_id"))
cant_replace <- n_exons$Var1[which(n_exons$exon_number != n_exons$Freq)]
# check that the new end doesn't occur before the start of the exon
compare <- as.numeric(as.character(replaceWith$newend[which(replaceWith$strand == "+")])) > start(gtfTranscripts[replaceWith$subjectHits][which(replaceWith$strand == "+")])
cant_replace <- c(cant_replace, replaceWith$new_transcript_id[which(replaceWith$strand == "+")][compare == FALSE])
end(gtfTranscripts[replaceWith$subjectHits][which(replaceWith$strand == "+")])[which(compare)] <- as.numeric(as.character(replaceWith$newend[which(replaceWith$strand == "+")]))[which(compare)]
# check that the new start doesn't occur after the end of the exon
compare <- as.numeric(as.character(replaceWith$newstart[which(replaceWith$strand == "-")])) < end(gtfTranscripts[replaceWith$subjectHits][which(replaceWith$strand == "-")])
cant_replace <- c(cant_replace, replaceWith$new_transcript_id[which(replaceWith$strand == "-")][compare == FALSE])
start(gtfTranscripts[replaceWith$subjectHits][which(replaceWith$strand == "-")])[which(compare)] <- as.numeric(as.character(replaceWith$newstart[which(replaceWith$strand == "-")]))[which(compare)]
# remove any transcripts which were unable to be altered
gtfTranscripts <- gtfTranscripts[which(!(gsub("TE[UD]", "TE", gtfTranscripts$new_transcript_id) %in% gsub("TE[UD]", "TE", cant_replace)))]
gtfTranscripts$set <- ifelse(unlist(lapply(stringr::str_split(lapply(stringr::str_split(gtfTranscripts$new_transcript_id, "[+]AS"), "[[", 2), "[ ]"), "[[", 1)) == "TEU", "tes_upregulated", "tes_downregulated")
gtfTranscripts$event_id <- ol.combo$coord[match(gtfTranscripts$new_transcript_id, ol.combo$new_transcript_id)]
gtfTranscripts$from <- NULL
gtfTranscripts$transcript_id <- gtfTranscripts$new_transcript_id
gtfTranscripts$new_transcript_id <- NULL
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