
Defines functions processBlockChr groupChr1KGSNV groupChrPruning snvListVCF

Documented in groupChr1KGSNV groupChrPruning processBlockChr snvListVCF

#' @title Generate a VCF with the information from the SNPs that pass
#' a cut-off threshold
#' @description This function extract the SNPs that pass a frequency cut-off
#' in at least one super population
#' from a GDS SNP information file and save the retained SNP information into
#' a VCF file.
#' @param gds an object of class
#' \code{\link[SNPRelate:SNPGDSFileClass]{SNPRelate::SNPGDSFileClass}}, a SNP
#' GDS file.
#' @param fileOUT a \code{character} string representing the path and file
#' name of the VCF file that will be created wit the retained SNP information.
#' @param offset a single \code{integer} that is added to the SNP position to
#' switch from 0-based to 1-based coordinate when needed (or reverse).
#' Default: \code{0L}.
#' @param freqCutoff a single positive \code{numeric} specifying the cut-off to
#' keep a SNP. If \code{NULL}, all SNPs are retained. Default: \code{NULL}.
#' @return The integer \code{0} when successful.
#' @examples
#' ## Path to the demo pedigree file is located in this package
#' data.dir <- system.file("extdata", package="RAIDS")
#' ## TODO
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschênes and Alexander Krasnitz
#' @importFrom gdsfmt read.gdsn
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom S4Vectors isSingleNumber
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export
snvListVCF <- function(gds, fileOUT, offset=0L, freqCutoff=NULL) {

    ## Validate that gds is an object of class SNPGDSFileClass
    if (! is(gds, "SNPGDSFileClass")) {
        stop("The \'gds\' parameter must be an object of ",
             "class \'SNPGDSFileClass\'.")

    ## Validate that offset is a single integer
    if (! isSingleNumber(offset)) {
        stop("The \'offset\' must be a single integer.")

    ## Validate that freqCutoff is a single numeric or NULL
    if (! isSingleNumber(freqCutoff) && ! is.null(freqCutoff)) {
        stop("The \'freqCutoff\' must be a single numeric or NULL.")

    snp.chromosome <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "snp.chromosome"))
    snp.position <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "snp.position"))
    snp.allele <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "snp.allele"))

    allele <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(snp.allele, "\\/")), nrow=2)

    df <- NULL

        snp.AF = read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "snp.AF"))
        df <- data.frame(CHROM=snp.chromosome,
                            POS=as.integer(snp.position + offset),
                            ID=rep(".", length(snp.chromosome)),
                            QUAL=rep(".", length(snp.chromosome)),
                            FILTER=rep(".", length(snp.chromosome)),
                            INFO=paste0("AF=", snp.AF),
    } else {
        freqDF <- data.frame(snp.AF=read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "snp.AF")),
                        snp.EAS_AF=read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "snp.EAS_AF")),
                        snp.EUR_AF=read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "snp.EUR_AF")),
                        snp.AFR_AF=read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "snp.AFR_AF")),
                        snp.AMR_AF=read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "snp.AMR_AF")),
                        snp.SAS_AF=read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "snp.SAS_AF")))

        listKeep <- which(rowSums(freqDF[,2:6] >= freqCutoff &
                                        freqDF[,2:6] <= 1 - freqCutoff) > 0)
        df <- data.frame(CHROM=snp.chromosome[listKeep],
                            POS=as.integer(snp.position[listKeep] + offset),
                            ID=rep(".", length(listKeep)),
                            QUAL=rep(".", length(listKeep)),
                            FILTER=rep(".", length(listKeep)),
                            INFO=paste0("AF=", freqDF$snp.AF[listKeep]),

    ## Add the header
    ##FILTER=<ID=PASS,Description="All filters passed">
    ##INFO=<ID=AF,Number=A,Type=Float,Description="Estimated allele frequency in the range (0,1)">
    #CHROM  POS     ID      REF     ALT     QUAL    FILTER  INFO

    cat(paste0('##fileformat=VCFv4.3', "\n"), file = fileOUT)
    cat(paste0('##FILTER=<ID=PASS,Description="All filters passed">',
               "\n"), file = fileOUT, append=TRUE)
                'Description="Estimated allele frequency in the range (0,1)">',
                "\n"), file = fileOUT, append=TRUE)
    cat('#', file = fileOUT, append=TRUE)

    write.table(df, file=fileOUT, sep="\t", append=TRUE, row.names=FALSE,
                    col.names=TRUE, quote=FALSE)


#' @title Merge the pruning files by chromosome in one file
#' @description TODO
#' @param filePref TODO
#' @param fileOUT TODO
#' @return TODO a \code{vector} of \code{numeric}
#' @examples
#' ## Path to the demo pedigree file is located in this package
#' data.dir <- system.file("extdata", package="RAIDS")
#' ## TODO
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschênes and Alexander Krasnitz
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @keywords internal
groupChrPruning <- function(PATHPRUNED, filePref, fileOUT) {

    prunedList <- list()

    # Read the content of each file (one file per chromosome)
    for(i in seq_len(22)) {
        fileChr <- file.path(PATHPRUNED, paste0(filePref, i, ".rds"))

        if(file.exists(fileChr)) {
            prunedList[[i]] <- readRDS(fileChr)
        } else {
            stop("Problem with the file: ", fileChr)

    ## Merge the content of all files
    pruned <- do.call(c, prunedList)

    ## Save all the information into one file
    saveRDS(pruned, fileChr <- file.path(PATHPRUNED, fileOUT))

#' @title Merge the genotyping files per chromosome into one file
#' @description This function merge all the genotyping files associated to one
#' specific sample into one file. That merged VCF file will be saved in a
#' specified directory and will have the name of the sample. It will also be
#' compressed (bzip). The function will merge the
#' files for all samples present in the input directory.
#' @param PATHGENOCHR a \code{character} string representing the path where
#' the genotyping files for each sample and chromosome are located. The path
#' must contains sub-directories (one per chromosome) and the genotyping files
#' must be present in those sub-directories.
#' The path must exists.
#' @param PATHOUT a \code{character} string representing the path where
#' the merged genotyping files for each sample will be created.
#' The path must exists.
#' @return The integer \code{0} when successful.
#' @examples
#' ## Path to the demo pedigree file is located in this package
#' data.dir <- system.file("extdata", package="RAIDS")
#' ## TODO
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschênes and Alexander Krasnitz
#' @importFrom utils write.csv2 read.csv2
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export
groupChr1KGSNV <- function(PATHGENOCHR, PATHOUT) {

    ## Validate that the input path for the genotyping files exists
    if (! file.exists(PATHGENOCHR)) {
        stop("The path \'", PATHGENOCHR, "\' does not exist.")

    ## Validate that the output path for the genotyping files exists
    if (! file.exists(PATHOUT)) {
        stop("The path \'", PATHOUT, "\' does not exist.")

    ## Obtain the comprehensive list of samples
    listFiles <- dir(file.path(PATHGENOCHR, "chr1"), ".+\\.chr1\\.vcf\\.bz2")
    listSamples <- gsub("\\.chr1\\.vcf\\.bz2", "", listFiles)

    ## Merge files associated to each samples into one csv file
    for(sampleId in listSamples) {
        listGeno <- list()

        ## Read each genotyping file and append the information
        for(chr in seq_len(22)) {
            geno <- read.csv2(file.path(PATHGENOCHR, paste0("chr", chr),
                                paste0(sampleId, ".chr", chr,".vcf.bz2")),
                                sep="\t", row.names=NULL)

            listGeno[[paste0("chr", chr)]] <- geno

        genoAll <- do.call(rbind, listGeno)

        ## Save the genotyping information into one file
        write.csv2(genoAll, file=bzfile(file.path(PATHOUT,
                            paste0(sampleId, ".csv.bz2"))), row.names=FALSE)


#' @title TODO
#' @description TODO
#' @param snp.keep TODO
#' @param superPop TODO
#' @param chr TODO
#' @return the a \code{array} with the sample from pedDF keept
#' @examples
#' # TODO
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschênes and Alexander Krasnitz
#' @importFrom gdsfmt add.gdsn
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @keywords internal
processBlockChr <- function(snp.keep, PATHBLOCK, superPop, chr) {

    blockChr <- read.delim(file.path(PATHBLOCK,
                            paste0("block.sp.", superPop, ".f0.05.chr", chr,
                                            ".blocks.det")), sep="")

    z <- cbind(c(blockChr$BP1, snp.keep, blockChr$BP2+1),
                    rep(0, length(snp.keep)), -1*seq_len(nrow(blockChr))))

    z <- z[order(z[,1]),]
    block.snp <- cumsum(z[,2])[z[,2] == 0]

    curStart <- 0
    activeBlock <- 0
    blockState <- 0
    block.inter <- rep(0, length(which(block.snp == 0)))
    k <- 1
    for(i in seq_len(length(block.snp))){
        if(block.snp[i] == 0){
            if(activeBlock == 1){
                if(snp.keep[i] - curStart >= 10000) {
                    blockState <- blockState - 1

                    curStart <- snp.keep[i]
            } else{
                blockState <- blockState - 1
                curStart <- snp.keep[i]
                curStart <- snp.keep[i]
                activeBlock <- 1
            block.inter[k] <- blockState
            k <- k + 1
            activeBlock <- 0
    block.snp[block.snp == 0] <- block.inter

belleau/aicsPaper documentation built on Aug. 4, 2022, 1:12 a.m.