#' @title TODO
#' @description TODO
#' @param gds an object of class \link[gdsfmt]{gdsn.class} (a GDS node), or
#' \link[gdsfmt]{gds.class} (a GDS file) containing the information about
#' 1000 Genome (1kG).
#' @param nbSamples a single positive \code{integer}.
#' @return a \code{data.frame} containing those columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{sample.id} { TODO }
#' \item{pop.group} { TODO }
#' \item{superPop} { TODO }
#' }
#' @examples
#' # TODO
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschênes and Alex Krasnitz
#' @importFrom gdsfmt index.gdsn read.gdsn
#' @importFrom S4Vectors isSingleNumber
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export
select1KGPop <- function(gds, nbSamples) {
## Validate that nbSamples is a single positive numeric
if(! (isSingleNumber(nbSamples) && nbSamples > 0)) {
stop("The \'nbSamples\' parameter must be a single positive integer.")
listRef <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "sample.ref"))
listKeep <- which(listRef == 1)
sample.annot <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "sample.annot"))[listKeep,]
sample.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "sample.id"))[listKeep]
listPop <- unique(sample.annot$pop.group)
listSel <- list()
for(i in seq_len(length(listPop))) {
listGroup <- which(sample.annot$pop.group == listPop[i])
tmp <- sample(listGroup, min(nbSamples, length(listGroup)))
listSel[[i]] <- data.frame(sample.id=sample.id[tmp],
df <- do.call(rbind, listSel)
#' @title TODO
#' @description TODO
#' @param gdsSampleFile a \code{character} string representing the file name
#' of the GDS file containing the information about the samples to be opened.
#' @param listSampleRef a \code{character} string TODO
#' @param data.id.profile a \code{character} string TODO
#' @param studyDF TODO
#' @param nbSim a single positive \code{integer} representing the number of
#' simulations per combination of sample and profile. Default: \code{1}.
#' @param prefId a \code{character} string TODO
#' @param pRecomb a single \code{numeric} between 0 and 1 TODO.
#' Default: \code{0.01}.
#' @param minProb a single \code{numeric} TODO. Default: \code{0.999}.
#' @param seqError a single \code{numeric} TODO. Default: \code{0.001}.
#' @return \code{0L} when successful.
#' @examples
#' # TODO
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschênes and Alex Krasnitz
#' @importFrom gdsfmt index.gdsn read.gdsn
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export
prepSynthetic <- function(gdsSampleFile,
nbSim = 1,
prefId = "",
pRecomb = 0.01,
seqError=0.001) {
gdsSample <- openfn.gds(gdsSampleFile, readonly = FALSE) #
study.SRC <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsSample, "study.annot"))
posStudy <- which(study.SRC$data.id == data.id.profile)
if(length(posStudy) != 1){
stop("Error with the data.id of the profile for synthetic data ",
data.id.profile, "\n")
sampleSim <- paste(paste0(prefId, ".",data.id.profile),
seq_len(nbSim), sep="."), sep = ".")
if(length(which(sampleSim %in% study.SRC$data.id)) > 0) {
stop("Error data.id of the simulation exists change prefId\n")
study.list <- data.frame(study.id=studyDF$study.id,
pedSim <- data.frame(Name.ID=sampleSim,
Case.ID=rep(listSampleRef, each=nbSim),
Sample.Type=rep("Synthetic", length(listSampleRef) * nbSim),
length(listSampleRef) * nbSim),
Source=rep("Synthetic", length(listSampleRef) * nbSim),
addStudyGDSSample(gdsSample, pedSim, batch=1, listSamples=NULL, study.list)
#' @title TODO
#' @description TODO
#' @param gds an object of class \code{gds} opened
#' @param gdsRefAnnot an object of class \code{gds} opened
#' @param gdsSampleFile a \code{character} string representing the file name of
#' the GDS file containing the information about the samples.
#' @param listSampleRef a \code{character} string TODO
#' @param data.id.profile a \code{character} string TODO
#' @param nbSim a single positive \code{integer} TODO
#' @param prefId a \code{string} TODO
#' @param pRecomb a \code{numeric} between 0 and 1 TODO. Default: \code{0.01}.
#' @param minProb a single \code{numeric} TODO. Default: \code{0.999}.
#' @param seqError a single \code{numeric} TODO. Default: \code{0.001}.
#' @return \code{OL} when the function is successful.
#' @examples
#' # TODO
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschênes and Alex Krasnitz
#' @importFrom gdsfmt index.gdsn read.gdsn
#' @importFrom stats rmultinom
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export
syntheticGeno <- function(gds,
nbSim = 1,
prefId = "",
pRecomb = 0.01,
seqError=0.001) {
gdsSample <- openfn.gds(filename=gdsSampleFile, readonly=FALSE) #
sampleSim <- paste(paste0(prefId, ".", data.id.profile),
seq_len(nbSim), sep="."), sep = ".")
sample.id <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsSample, "sample.id"))
if(length(which(sampleSim %in% sample.id)) > 0){
stop("Error data.id of the simulation exists change prefId\n")
sample.1kg <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "sample.id"))
listPosRef <- which(sample.id %in% listSampleRef)
listPosRef.1kg <- which(sample.1kg %in% listSampleRef)
superPop <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "sample.annot/superPop"))[listPosRef.1kg]
if(all.equal(sample.id[listPosRef], sample.1kg[listPosRef.1kg]) != TRUE){
stop("Order between 1kg and the sample are not the same\n")
# Get the index of the snp.id from gdsSample in the gds1KG
list1KG <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsSample, "snp.index"))
infoSNV <- data.frame(count.tot = read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsSample,
lap = read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsSample, "lap")))
nbSNV <- nrow(infoSNV)
# Define a table for each "count.tot","lap" and, Freq (number of occurence)
# to reduce the numbe of sampling call later
df <- as.data.frame(table(infoSNV[,c("count.tot","lap")]))
df <- df[df$Freq > 0,]
df <- df[order(df$count.tot, df$lap),]
# order of SNV relatively to df
listOrderSNP <- order(infoSNV$count.tot, infoSNV$lap)
# pos in listOrderSNP of each entries of df
# df[i, ] where i < nrow(df) link to
# infoSNV[listOrderSNP[(posDF[i]+1):(posDF[i+1])],]
posDF <- c(0,cumsum(df$Freq))
block.Annot <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsRefAnnot, "block.annot"))
posSP <- data.frame(EAS=which(block.Annot$block.id == "EAS.0.05.500k"),
EUR=which(block.Annot$block.id == "EUR.0.05.500k"),
AFR=which(block.Annot$block.id == "AFR.0.05.500k"),
AMR=which(block.Annot$block.id == "AMR.0.05.500k"),
SAS=which(block.Annot$block.id == "SAS.0.05.500k"))
#g <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "genotype"), start=c(1,i), count = c(-1,1))[listSNP]
blockDF <- data.frame(EAS=read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsRefAnnot, "block"),
start=c(1,posSP$EAS), count = c(-1,1))[list1KG],
EUR=read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsRefAnnot, "block"),
start=c(1,posSP$EUR), count = c(-1,1))[list1KG],
AFR=read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsRefAnnot, "block"),
start=c(1,posSP$AFR), count = c(-1,1))[list1KG],
AMR=read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsRefAnnot, "block"),
start=c(1,posSP$AMR), count = c(-1,1))[list1KG],
SAS=read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsRefAnnot, "block"),
start=c(1,posSP$SAS), count = c(-1,1))[list1KG])
# prec <- -1
# minCur <- 3
# Better to have a field with the seg in the GDS
#infoSNV$zone <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsSample, "segment"))
# For each reference simulate
for(r in seq_len(length(listPosRef))) {
curSynt <- listPosRef[r]
r.1kg <- which(sample.id[listPosRef[r]] == sample.1kg)
# get the genotype of the sample r
g <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsSample, "genotype"),
start = c(1,curSynt),
count = c(-1,1))
# Order the SNV by count.tot and, lap
gOrder <- g[listOrderSNP]
matSim1 <- matrix(nrow=sum(df$Freq), ncol=nbSim)
matSim2 <- matrix(nrow=sum(df$Freq), ncol=nbSim)
# Loop on the read.count and lap
# Faster to group the read.count and lap
# to run rmultinom
for(i in seq_len(nrow(df))){
lap <- as.numeric(as.character(df$lap[i]))
# number of SNV heterozygote corresponding to
# df$count.tot[i] and df$lap[i]
hetero <- which(gOrder[(posDF[i]+1):(posDF[i+1])] == 1)
nbHetero <- length(hetero)
# Define the tree prob for the muultinomial
p1 <- lap * (1- 3 *seqError) +
(1 - lap) * seqError
p2 <- (1 - lap) * (1- 3 *seqError) +
lap * seqError
p3 <- 2 * seqError
tmp <- rmultinom(nbHetero * nbSim,
c(p1, p2, p3))
# depht of allele 1
matSim1[listOrderSNP[hetero + posDF[i]],] <- matrix(tmp[1,],
# depht of allele 2
matSim2[listOrderSNP[hetero + posDF[i]],] <- matrix(tmp[2,],
# number of SNV homozygote corresponding to
# df$count.tot[i] and df$lap[i]
nbHomo <- df$Freq[i] - nbHetero
homo <- which(gOrder[(posDF[i]+1):(posDF[i+1])] != 1)
tmpHomo <- rmultinom(nbHomo * nbSim,
c(1- 3 * seqError,
# The order between between ref and alt is done with the phase
# later
matSim1[listOrderSNP[homo + posDF[i]],] <- matrix(tmpHomo[1,],
matSim2[listOrderSNP[homo + posDF[i]],] <- matrix(tmpHomo[2,],
# superPop of the 1kg sample r is the same
# for 1kg in list listPosRef.1kg and listPosRef
curSP <- superPop[r]
# define a negative block for SNV not in block
#blockDF[,curSP][which(blockDF[,curSP] == 0)] <- -1*seq_len(length(which(blockDF[,curSP] == 0)))
if(length(which(blockDF[,curSP] == 0)) > 0){
stop("There is block set to 0\n")
listB <- unique(blockDF[,curSP])
# block where the phase switch
recombSwitch <- matrix(sample(x=c(0, 1), size=nbSim *(length(listB)),
prob=c(1-pRecomb, pRecomb)), ncol=nbSim)
#rownames(recombSwitch) <- listB
# indice for each zone with the same phase
blockZone <- apply(recombSwitch, 2, cumsum)
rownames(blockZone) <- listB
# We have to manage multipple simulation which mean
# different number of zone for the different simulation
LAPparent <- matrix(nrow = nbSNV, ncol = nbSim)
for(i in seq_len(nbSim)){
# list of zone with the same phase relatively to 1KG
listZone <- unique(blockZone[,i])
# matrix if the lap is the first entry in the phase or the second for each zone
lapPos <- matrix(sample(x=c(0,1), size=1 *(length(listZone)),
replace=TRUE), ncol=1)
rownames(lapPos) <- listZone
#LAPparent <- matrix(nr=nbSNV, nc=nbSim)
LAPparent[, i] <- lapPos[as.character(blockZone[as.character(blockDF[,curSP]),i]),]
phaseVal <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsRefAnnot, "phase"),
start = c(1,listPosRef.1kg[r]),
count = c(-1,1))[list1KG]
# mat1 is lap mat2 is 1-lap
# LAPparent if 0 lap left and 1 lap is right
# Ok note phaseVal must be the first allele
tmp <- phaseVal + g * LAPparent
refC <- matSim1 * ((tmp+1) %% 2) + matSim2 * ((tmp) %% 2)
altC <- matSim1 * ((tmp) %% 2) + matSim2 * ((tmp+1) %% 2)
rm(phaseVal, tmp)
# infoSNV$count.tot
listCount <- table(infoSNV$count.tot)
cutOffA <- data.frame(count = unlist(vapply(as.integer(names(listCount)),
FUN=function(x, minProb, eProb){return(max(2,qbinom(minProb, x,eProb)))},
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1), minProb=minProb, eProb= 2 * seqError )),
allele = unlist(vapply(as.integer(names(listCount)),
FUN=function(x, minProb, eProb){return(max(2,qbinom(minProb, x,eProb)))},
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1), minProb=minProb, eProb=seqError)))
row.names(cutOffA) <- names(listCount)
gSyn <- matrix(rep(-1, nbSim * nrow(infoSNV)), nrow = nrow(infoSNV))
# g <- -1 if infoSNV$count.tot - (refC + altC) >= cutOffA[as.character(infoSNV$count.tot), "count"]
# g <- 0 if altC == 0 & infoSNV$count.tot - (refC + altC) < cutOffA[as.character(infoSNV$count.tot), "count"]
# g <- 1 if altR > 0 & infoSNV$count.tot - (refC + altC) < cutOffA[as.character(infoSNV$count.tot), "count"]
# g <- 2 if altR == 0 & infoSNV$count.tot - (refC + altC) < cutOffA[as.character(infoSNV$count.tot), "count"]
gSyn <- gSyn +
(infoSNV$count.tot - (refC + altC) < cutOffA[as.character(infoSNV$count.tot), "count"]) * # multiply by 0 if too much error
( (refC == 0 | altC == 0) + # 1 if homozygot
(refC >= cutOffA[as.character(infoSNV$count.tot), "allele"]) *
(altC >= cutOffA[as.character(infoSNV$count.tot), "allele"]) # 1 if both allele are higher than cutoff hetero
) * # 1 if homozygote or hetero and 0 if both > 0 both can't decide if error or hetero
(1 + (altC > 0) * (1 + (refC == 0) ) ) # if altC == 0 than 1, altC > 0 and refC == 0 than 3
appendGDSSampleOnly(gdsSample, paste(paste0(prefId, ".",
seq_len(nbSim), sep="."),
sep = "."))
appendGDSgenotypeMat(gdsSample, gSyn)
#' @title TODO
#' @description TODO
#' @param gds an object of class
#' \code{\link[SNPRelate:SNPGDSFileClass]{SNPRelate::SNPGDSFileClass}}, a SNP
#' GDS file.
#' @param gdsSample TODO
#' @param study.id TODO
#' @param popName TODO
#' @return \code{data.frame} TODO study.annot with study.annot == study.id and
#' with the column popName.
#' @examples
#' ## TODO
#' gds <- "TODO"
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschênes and Alex Krasnitz
#' @importFrom gdsfmt index.gdsn read.gdsn
#' @importFrom stats rmultinom
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export
prepPedSynthetic1KG <- function(gds, gdsSample, study.id, popName){
study.annot <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gdsSample, "study.annot"))
studyCur <- study.annot[which(study.annot$study.id == study.id),]
dataRef <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "sample.annot"))
if(! popName %in% colnames(dataRef)){
stop(paste0("The population ", popName, " is not supported"))
row.names(dataRef) <- read.gdsn(index.gdsn(gds, "sample.id"))
studyCur[[popName]] <- dataRef[studyCur$case.id, popName]
rownames(studyCur) <- studyCur$data.id
#' @title TODO
#' @description TODO
#' @param matKNN TODO
#' @param pedCall TODO see return of prepPedSynthetic1KG
#' @param refCall TODO column name in pedCall with the call
#' @param predCall TODO column name in matKNN with the call
#' @param listCall TODO array of the possible call
#' @return \code{list} TODO
#' with the column popName.
#' @examples
#' ## TODO
#' gds <- "TODO"
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschênes and Alex Krasnitz
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export
computeSyntheticConfMat <- function(matKNN, pedCall, refCall, predCall, listCall){
matAccuracy <- data.frame(pcaD = matKNN$D[1],
K = matKNN$K[1],
Accu.CM = numeric(1),
CM.CI = numeric(1),
N = nrow(matKNN),
NBNA = length(which(is.na(matKNN[[predCall]])) ))
i <- 1
if(length(unique(matKNN$D)) != 1 | length(unique(matKNN$K)) != 1){
stop("Compute synthetic accuracy with different pca dimension or K\n")
#matCur <- matKNN[which(matKNN$D == pcaD & matKNN$K == k),]
listKeep <- which(!(is.na(matKNN[[predCall]])) )
fCall <- factor(pedCall[matKNN$sample.id[listKeep], refCall],
levels = listCall,
labels = listCall)
fP <- factor(matKNN[[predCall]][listKeep],
levels = listCall,
labels = listCall)
cm <- table(fCall,
matAccuracy[i, 3] <- sum(diag(cm[rownames(cm) %in% listCall,
colnames(cm) %in% listCall])) /
nrow(pedCall[matKNN$sample.id, ][listKeep,])
matAccuracy[i, 4] <- 1.96 * (matAccuracy[i, 3] * (1 - matAccuracy[i, 3]) /
nrow(pedCall[matKNN$sample.id, ][listKeep,]))^0.5
res <- list(confMat = cm,
matAccuracy = matAccuracy)
#' @title TODO
#' @description TODO
#' @param matKNN TODO
#' @param pedCall TODO see return of prepPedSynthetic1KG
#' @param refCall TODO column name in pedCall with the call
#' @param predCall TODO column name in matKNN with the call
#' @param listCall TODO array of the possible call
#' @return \code{list} TODO
#' with the column popName.
#' @examples
#' ## TODO
#' gds <- "TODO"
#' @author Pascal Belleau, Astrid Deschênes and Alex Krasnitz
#' @importFrom pROC multiclass.roc roc
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export
computeSyntheticROC <- function(matKNN, pedCall, refCall, predCall, listCall){
matAccuracy <- data.frame(pcaD = matKNN$D[1],
K = matKNN$K[1],
ROC.AUC = numeric(1),
ROC.CI = numeric(1),
N = nrow(matKNN),
NBNA = length(which(is.na(matKNN[[predCall]])) ) )
i <- 1
if(length(unique(matKNN$D)) != 1 | length(unique(matKNN$K)) != 1){
stop("Compute synthetic accuracy with different pca dimension or K\n")
#matCur <- matKNN[which(matKNN$D == pcaD & matKNN$K == k),]
listKeep <- which(!(is.na(matKNN[[predCall]])) )
#listKeep <- which(!(is.na(pedCall[matKNN$sample.id, refCall])) & fCall %in% listCall)
fCall <- factor(pedCall[matKNN$sample.id[listKeep], refCall],
levels = listCall,
labels = listCall)
predMat <- t(vapply(matKNN[[predCall]][listKeep], FUN=function(x, listCall){
p <- numeric(length(listCall))
p[which(listCall == x)] <- 1
listCall = listCall))
colnames(predMat) <- listCall
listAccuPop <- list()
df <- data.frame(pcaD = matKNN$D[1],
K = matKNN$K[1],
Call = listCall,
L = NA,
H = NA,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
resROC <- multiclass.roc(fCall[listKeep], predMat)
matAccuracy[i, 3] <- as.numeric(resROC$auc)
matAccuracy[i, 4] <- 0
# matAccuracy[i, 6] <- ciBS(fCall[listKeep], predMat, 1,100)
listROC <- list()
for(j in seq_len(length(listCall))){
fCur <- rep(0, length(listKeep))
fCur[fCall[listKeep] == listCall[j]] <- 1
if(length(which(fCur == 1))>0){
listROC[[listCall[j]]] <- roc(fCur ~ predMat[,j], ci=TRUE)
pos <- which(df$Call == listCall[j])
for(r in seq_len(3)){
df[pos, r + 3] <- as.numeric(listROC[[j]]$ci[r])
listROC[[listCall[j]]] <- NA
res <- list(matAUROC.All = matAccuracy,
matAUROC.Call = df,
listROC.Call = listROC)
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