# @include savR.R
#'@rdname savR
#@aliases savR,character-method
setMethod("savR", signature("character"), function(object) {
retval <- new("savProject", location=normalizePath(object))
retval@cycles <- 0L
retval@directions <- 0L
ri <- normalizePath(paste(object, "RunInfo.xml", sep="/"))
runinfo <- XML::xmlInternalTreeParse(ri)
retval@runid <- XML::xmlAttrs(XML::xpathApply(runinfo, "/RunInfo/Run")[[1]])["Id"]
retval@number <- as.integer(XML::xmlAttrs(xpathApply(runinfo, "/RunInfo/Run")[[1]])["Number"])
retval@flowcell <- XML::xmlValue(XML::xpathApply(runinfo, "/RunInfo/Run/Flowcell")[[1]])
retval@instrument <- XML::xmlValue(XML::xpathApply(runinfo, "/RunInfo/Run/Instrument")[[1]])
retval@date <- XML::xmlValue(XML::xpathApply(runinfo, "/RunInfo/Run/Date")[[1]])
reads <- c()
for (x in XML::xpathApply(runinfo, "/RunInfo/Run/Reads/Read")) {
index <- XML::xmlAttrs(x)["IsIndexedRead"]
index <- if(index=="Y") T else F
read <- new("illuminaRead", number=as.integer(XML::xmlAttrs(x)["Number"]),
reads <- c(reads, read)
retval@cycles <- retval@cycles + read@cycles
if (!read@index)
retval@directions <- retval@directions + 1L
retval@reads <- reads
layout <- XML::xpathApply(runinfo, "/RunInfo/Run/FlowcellLayout")[[1]]
layoutChildren <- XML::xmlChildren(layout)
tnc <- ""
if (length(layoutChildren) > 0) {
tnc <- XML::xmlAttrs(layoutChildren$TileSet)["TileNamingConvention"]
retval@layout <- new("illuminaFlowCellLayout", lanecount=as.integer(XML::xmlAttrs(layout)["LaneCount"]),
} )
#'@rdname savR
#@aliases savR,missing-method
setMethod("savR", signature("missing"), function() { savR(".") })
subsetSide <- function(data, side) {
if (side=="top") {
data <- data[grepl(".1..", data$tile),]
} else if (side=="bottom") {
data <- data[grepl(".2..", data$tile),]
#'@rdname plotIntensity
#@aliases plotIntensity,savProject,integer,character-method
setMethod("plotIntensity", signature(project="savProject", cycle="integer", base="character"), function(project, cycle=1L, base=c("A", "C", "G", "T")) {
x <- y <- NULL
if (cycle < 0)
stop ("Cycle out of range")
data <- project@parsedData[["savCorrectedIntensityFormat"]]@data
if (is.null(data))
stop("Corrected Intensity data not available")
val <- paste("avg_cor_called", c("A", "C", "G", "T"), sep="_")
names(val) <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
maxInt <- max(c(data[, val["A"]], data[, val["C"]], data[, val["G"]], data[, val["T"]]))
if(maxInt < 7000) {
maxInt <= 7000
data <- data[data$cycle==cycle,]
base <- match.arg(base)
p <- qplot(factor(x),y,fill=get(val[base]), data=data, geom="tile", position="dodge", main = paste("Intensity: ", base, ", Cycle ", cycle, sep="")) +
theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = "bottom") + scale_fill_continuous(guide = guide_colorbar(title=val, barwidth=10), limits=c(0,maxInt) ) +
facet_grid(~lane, space="free", scales="free") +
xlab("") + ylab("") + scale_x_discrete(labels="")
} )
#'@rdname plotIntensity
#@aliases plotIntensity,savProject,missing,missing-method
setMethod("plotIntensity", signature(project="savProject", cycle="missing", base="missing"), function(project) { plotIntensity(project, 1L, "A")})
#'@rdname plotIntensity
#@aliases plotIntensity,savProject,integer,missing-method
setMethod("plotIntensity", signature(project="savProject", cycle="integer", base="missing"), function(project, cycle) { plotIntensity(project, cycle, "A")})
#'@rdname plotIntensity
#@aliases plotIntensity,savProject,missing,character-method
setMethod("plotIntensity", signature(project="savProject", cycle="missing", base="character"), function(project, base) { plotIntensity(project, 1L, base)})
#'@rdname plotFWHM
#@aliases plotFWHM,savProject,integer,character-method
setMethod("plotFWHM", signature(project="savProject", cycle="integer", base="character"), function(project, cycle=1L, base=c("A", "C", "G", "T")) {
x <- y <- NULL
if (cycle < 0)
stop ("Cycle out of range")
data <- project@parsedData[["savExtractionFormat"]]@data
if (is.null(data))
stop("Extraction data not available")
data <- data[data$cycle==cycle,]
base <- match.arg(base)
val <- paste("FWHM", base, sep="_")
p <- qplot(factor(x),y,fill=get(val), data=data, geom="tile", position="dodge", main = paste("Intensity: ", base, ", Cycle ", cycle, sep="")) +
theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = "bottom") + scale_fill_continuous(guide = guide_colorbar(title=val, barwidth=10), limits=c(0,10) ) +
facet_grid(~lane, space="free", scales="free") +
xlab("") + ylab("") + scale_x_discrete(labels="")
} )
#'@rdname plotFWHM
#@aliases plotFWHM,savProject,missing,missing-method
setMethod("plotFWHM", signature(project="savProject", cycle="missing", base="missing"), function(project) { plotFWHM(project, 1L, "A")})
#'@rdname plotFWHM
#@aliases plotFWHM,savProject,integer,missing-method
setMethod("plotFWHM", signature(project="savProject", cycle="integer", base="missing"), function(project, cycle) { plotFWHM(project, cycle, "A")})
#'@rdname plotFWHM
#@aliases plotFWHM,savProject,missing,character-method
setMethod("plotFWHM", signature(project="savProject", cycle="missing", base="character"), function(project, base) { plotFWHM(project, 1L, base)})
#Get formatted data for Q GT30 plot
#@param data data.frame
#@param cycle cycle
getFormatQGT30 <- function(data, cycle=1L) {
#side <- match.arg(side)
#data <- subsetSide(data,side)
stats <- getFlowcellStats(data)
contenders <- as.integer(gsub("Q", "", colnames(data)[grepl("^Q", colnames(data))]))
lt30 <- paste("Q", 1:30, sep="")
gte30 <- paste("Q", 31:max(contenders), sep="")
return(cbind(data[data$cycle==cycle, c("cycle", "lane", "tile")],
x=factor(rep(1:(stats$nswath*stats$nsides*stats$nlanes), each=stats$ntiles)),
y=rep(1:stats$ntiles, stats$nswath*stats$nsides),
gte30=apply(data[data$cycle==cycle,], 1, function(x) {
return(sum(x[gte30])/(sum(x[c(lt30, gte30)])+.00001)*100 )
#'@rdname plotQGT30
#@aliases plotQGT30,savProject,integer-method
setMethod("plotQGT30", signature(project="savProject", cycle="integer"), function(project, cycle=1L) {
x <- y <- gte30 <- NULL
if (cycle < 0)
stop ("Cycle out of range")
data <- project@parsedData[["savQualityFormat"]]@data
if (is.null(data))
stop("Quality data not available")
cycleData <- getFormatQGT30(data, cycle)
p <- qplot(x, y, fill=gte30, data=cycleData, geom="tile", position="dodge", main = paste("Percent Q>=30, Cycle ", cycle, sep="")) +
theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = "bottom") + scale_fill_continuous(guide = guide_colorbar(title="%Q>=30", barwidth=10), limits=c(0,100) ) +
facet_grid(~lane, space="free", scales="free") +
xlab("") + ylab("") + scale_x_discrete(labels="")
} )
#'@rdname plotQGT30
#@aliases plotQGT30,savProject,missing-method
setMethod("plotQGT30", signature(project="savProject", cycle="missing"), function(project) { plotQGT30(project, 1L)})
#'@rdname pfBoxplot
#@aliases pfBoxplot,savProject-method
setMethod("pfBoxplot", signature("savProject"), function(project) {
lane <- value <- code <- NULL
data <- project@parsedData[["savTileFormat"]]@data
if (is.null(data))
stop("Tile data not available")
data <- data[data$code %in% c(100,101),]
data[data$code==100, "code"] <- "Clusters"
data[data$code==101, "code"] <- "PF"
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(data, ggplot2::aes(factor(lane), value)) + ggplot2::geom_boxplot(notch=F, ggplot2::aes(fill = code), alpha=.8) + ggplot2::ylim(0,max(data$value)) +
ggplot2::theme_bw() + ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
ggplot2::labs(list(y=expression(paste("Clusters/", mm^2, sep="")), x="Lane", fill=""))
} )
#format quality data
#@param data data
#@param lane lane
#@param cycles cycles
#@return formatted data
qFormat <- function(data,lane,cycles,collapse=T) {
data <- data[data$lane==lane & data$cycle %in% cycles, ]
quals <- paste("Q", 1:50, sep="")
mat <- reshape2::melt(data[,c("cycle",quals)], id=c("cycle"), measured=quals)
mat <- reshape2::dcast(mat, cycle ~ variable, sum)
mat <- reshape2::melt(mat, id=c("cycle"), measured=quals)
mat[,2] <- as.numeric(gsub("Q", "", mat[,2]))
colnames(mat) <- c("x", "y", "z")
#read number to vector of cycle numbers
#@param project SAV project
#@param read read number
#@return vector of cycle numbers
readToCycles <- function(project, read) {
cycles <- c()
indexed <- c()
for (x in project@reads) {
cycles <- c(cycles, x@cycles)
indexed <- c(indexed, x@index)
seqreadlen <- vector("integer", sum(!indexed))
r <- 0
for (i in 1:length(indexed)) {
if (!indexed[i]) {
r <- r + 1
seqreadlen[r] <- seqreadlen[r] + cycles[i]
start <- 1
end <- 0
result <- list()
for (r in 1:length(seqreadlen)) {
end <- end + seqreadlen[r]
result[[r]] <- start:end
start <- start + seqreadlen[r]
#'@rdname qualityHeatmap
#@aliases qualityHeatmap,savProject,integer,integer,logical-method
setMethod("qualityHeatmap", signature(project="savProject", lane="integer", read="integer", collapse="logical"), function(project, lane, read, collapse=T) {
y <- z <- ..level.. <- NULL
plots <- list()
nsegments <- directions(project)
if (!collapse)
nsegments <- length(reads(project))
# TODO: collapse segments
if (!all( read %in% 1:nsegments))
stop(paste("There are only", directions(project), "sequence read(s) and ", length(reads(project)), "total read segments on this flowcell, check read specification."))
formatName <- names(project@parsedData)[pmatch("savQualityFormat", names(project@parsedData))]
#Hotfix to not run on v6. Remove this when code is fixed for v6.
if(formatName == "savQualityFormatV6"){
stop("v6 of QMetricsOut.bin is not supported yet in qualityHeatmap()")
for (x in 1:length(read)) {
mat <- qFormat(data=project@parsedData[[formatName]]@data, lane=lane, cycles=readToCycles(project, read[x]), collapse)
plots[[x]] <- ggplot2::ggplot(mat, ggplot2::aes(x=x, y=y, z=z)) +
ggplot2::stat_contour(bins=50, geom="polygon", ggplot2::aes(fill=..level..)) + ggplot2::ylim(0,50) +
ggplot2::theme_bw() + ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient2(low="white", mid=scales::muted("green"), high="red", midpoint=quantile(mat$z, .99) ) +
xlab("cycle") + ylab("Q")
do.call(gridExtra::grid.arrange, c(plots, ncol=length(plots)))
} )
#'@rdname qualityHeatmap
#@aliases qualityHeatmap,savProject,numeric,numeric,missing-method
setMethod("qualityHeatmap", signature(project="savProject", lane="numeric", read="numeric", collapse="missing"), function(project, lane, read) { qualityHeatmap(project, as.integer(lane), as.integer(read), collapse=TRUE)})
#'@rdname buildReports
#@aliases buildReports,savProject,character-method
setMethod("buildReports", signature(project="savProject", destination="character"), function(project, destination="./savR-reports") {
path <- location(project)
if (!file.exists(path))
stop(paste("Project", path, "does not exist."))
reports <- normalizePath(destination, mustWork=F)
if (file.exists(reports))
stop(paste("Reports folder", reports, "already exists."))
for (f in c("ByCycle", "ErrorRate", "FWHM", "Intensity", "NumGT30")) {
assign(f, paste(reports, f, sep="/"))
dir.create(get(f), showWarnings=F, recursive=T)
# PF plot
Cairo::Cairo(file=paste(reports, "/NumClusters By Lane.png", sep=""), width=800, height=400, dpi=72, type="png", bg="white")
# intensity plots
path <- normalizePath(paste(reports, "Intensity", sep="/"))
for (cycle in 1:project@cycles) {
for (base in c("A", "C", "G", "T")) {
Cairo::Cairo(file=paste(path, "/Chart_", cycle, "_", tolower(base), ".png", sep=""), width=300, height=800, dpi=72, type="png", bg="white")
plotIntensity(project, cycle, base)
warning = function(w) {
error = function(e) {
warning("Unable to create intensity plot for cycle ", cycle , " base ", base, ": ", geterrmessage())
finally = {
try(dev.off(), silent=TRUE)
# Q>30 plots
path <- normalizePath(paste(reports, "NumGT30", sep="/"))
for (cycle in 1:project@cycles) {
Cairo::Cairo(file=paste(path, "/Chart_", cycle, ".png", sep=""), width=300, height=800, dpi=72, type="png", bg="white")
plotQGT30(project, cycle)
warning = function(w) {
error = function(e) {
warning("Unable to create Q>30 plot for cycle ", cycle, ": ", geterrmessage())
finally = {
try(dev.off(), silent=TRUE)
# plot lane quality
path <- normalizePath(paste(reports, "ByCycle", sep="/"))
for (lane in 1:project@layout@lanecount) {
Cairo::Cairo(file=paste(path, "/QScore_L", lane, ".png", sep=""), width=800, height=400, dpi=72, type="png", bg="white")
qualityHeatmap(project, lane, 1:project@directions)
warning = function(w) {
error = function(e) {
warning("Unable to create lane quality plot for lane ", lane, ": ", geterrmessage())
finally = {
try(dev.off(), silent=TRUE)
# FWHM plots
path <- normalizePath(paste(reports, "FWHM", sep="/"))
for (cycle in 1:project@cycles) {
for (base in c("A", "C", "G", "T")) {
Cairo::Cairo(file=paste(path, "/Chart_", cycle, "_", tolower(base), ".png", sep=""), width=300, height=800, dpi=72, type="png", bg="white")
plotFWHM(project, cycle, base)
warning = function(w) {
error = function(e) {
warning("Unable to create FWHM plot for cycle ", cycle, " base ", base, ": ", geterrmessage())
finally = {
try(dev.off(), silent=TRUE)
} )
#'@rdname buildReports
#@aliases buildReports,savProject,missing-method
setMethod("buildReports", signature(project="savProject", destination="missing"), function(project) { buildReports(project, "./savR-reports")})
#Generic binary parser
#@param project SAV project
#@param format savFormat subclass to define data types
#@return sorted data.frame of parsed data)
parseBin <- function(project, format) {
path <- getInterOpFilePath(project, format)
fh <- file(path, "rb")
vers <- readBin(fh, what="integer", endian="little", size=1, signed=F)
if (vers != format@version) {
warning(paste(" the generic savR parser currently only supports version", format@version, "of this SAV file.", format@filename, "is reported as version", vers, "."))
reclen <- readBin(fh, what="integer", endian="little", size=1, signed=F)
if (reclen != sum(format@lengths))
stop(paste("file's declared record size (", reclen, ") does not equal formats declared size (", sum(format@lengths), ")"))
data.f <- parseBinData(project,format,fh)
result <- new("savData", header=list(version=vers, record_length=reclen), data=data.f, accessor=format@accessor)
parseBinData <- function(project, format, fh) {
readlen <- 0
for (x in project@reads) {
readlen <- readlen + x@cycles
proj.size <- 0
if (project@layout@tilenamingconvention == "FiveDigit") {
proj.size <- project@layout@lanecount * project@layout@surfacecount *
project@layout@swathcount * project@layout@sectionperlane *
project@layout@lanepersection * project@layout@tilecount * readlen + 1
} else {
proj.size <- project@layout@lanecount * project@layout@surfacecount *
project@layout@swathcount * project@layout@tilecount * readlen + 1
data <- vector("list", proj.size)
r <- 1
while (!isIncomplete(fh)) {
dat <- c()
for (i in 1:length(format@lengths)) {
if (format@type[i] != "integer") {
dat <- c(dat, readBin(fh, what=format@type[i], size=format@lengths[i], endian="little"))
} else if (format@type[i] == "integer" & format@lengths[i] == 2L) {
dat <- c(dat, readBin(fh, what=format@type[i], size=format@lengths[i], endian="little", signed=F))
} else {
# R does not handle 32-bit unsigned int :/
dat <- c(dat, readBin(fh, what=format@type[i], size=format@lengths[i], endian="little"))
if (length(dat)==0)
if(length(dat) == length(format@lengths)) {
data[[r]] <- dat
} else {
warning(format@filename, " prematurely terminated with incomplete row at ", r)
r <- r + 1
# remove NULL rows
data.f <- as.data.frame(do.call("rbind", data[!unlist(lapply(data, is.null))] ))
colnames(data.f) <- format@name
actnum <- length(unique(data.f[,"lane"]))
if (format@filename == "ErrorMetricsOut.bin") {
# no consistent way to determine which lanes were called?
} else if (actnum != project@layout@lanecount) {
stop(paste("number of lanes in data file (", actnum, ") does not equal project configuration value (",
project@layout@lanecount, ") when parsing ", format@filename, sep=""))
data.f <- data.f[do.call(order, as.list(data.f[,format@order])),]
#validParser <- function(object) {
# if (length(object@format@name) != length(object@format@type) & length(object@format@type) != length(object@format@size))
# return("length of format parameters are not equal.")
#setValidity("savParser", validParser)
#Get basic flowcell statistics
#used to get flowcell information when data object has
#lane, cycle, and tile data.
#@param data.frame of parsed data
#@return list of statistics
getFlowcellStats <- function(object) {
retval <- list()
retval$sides <- as.numeric(substring(object$tile,1,1))
retval$swaths <- as.numeric(substring(object$tile,2,2))
retval$tiles <- as.numeric(substring(object$tile,3,4))
retval$nsides <- as.numeric(length(unique(substring(object$tile,1,1))))
retval$nswath <- as.numeric(length(unique(substring(object$tile,2,2))))
retval$ntiles <- as.numeric(substr(max(object$tile),3,4))
retval$ncycle <- max(object$cycle)
retval$nlanes <- max(object$lane)
#Add position data to parsed data
#Adds and x and a y column to parsed data. These are used for
#laying out tiles in a tile plot. Values are organized by
#lane, then by swath and surface.
#@param data data.frame of parsed data
#@return annotated data.frame
addPosition <- function(data) {
##< addPosition
### This is an internal method for annotating flowcell data with XY coordinates
### used in tile plots of flowcell lanes.
stats <- getFlowcellStats(data)
x=( (data$lane-1) * (stats$nswath*stats$nside) + 1 ) +
(stats$swaths-1) +
( (stats$sides-1) * stats$nsides + (stats$sides-1) ),
#y=rep(rep(1:stats$ntiles, stats$nswath*stats$nsides*stats$ncycle), stats$nlanes)
#Do parsing
#After everything is configured, initialize parsing of SAV files.
#@param project SAV project
init <- function(project) {
validFormats <- c("savCorrectedIntensityFormat",
#~ "savIndexFormat",
fileSuccess <- list()
for (x in validFormats) {
format <- new(x)
if (is.null(fileSuccess[[format@filename]])) {
fileSuccess[format@filename] <- FALSE
filePath <- suppressWarnings(normalizePath(paste(project@location, "InterOp", format@filename, sep="/") ))
if (file.exists(filePath)) {
if (fileSuccess[format@filename] == TRUE || !testVersion(project,format)) next
parsedData <- NULL
data <- NULL
success <- FALSE
if (format@default == T) {
parsedData <- parseBin(project, format)
} else {
f <- get(paste("parse", x, sep=""))
parsedData <- f(project, format)
success <- TRUE
error = function(e) {
warning("Unable to parse binary data: ", geterrmessage())
finally = {
if (success == FALSE) next
fileSuccess[format@filename] <- success
data <- parsedData@data
if (!is.null(data)) {
# don't add position data to tiles
if (class(format)[1] != "savTileFormat" )
data <- addPosition(data)
# removed unparsed date columns
if (class(format)[1] == "savExtractionFormat")
data <- data[,-c(12:13)]
parsedData@data <- data
project@parsedData[[x]] <- parsedData
# test the version of the file against the formatter
testVersion <- function(project, format) {
matched <- FALSE
path <- normalizePath(paste(project@location, "InterOp", format@filename, sep="/"))
fh <- file(path, "rb")
vers <- readBin(fh, what="integer", endian="little", size=1, signed=F)
if (length(vers) == 0) {
warning(paste("Unable to determine file version: empty", format@filename, "binary file?", sep=" "))
vers <- -1
if (vers == format@version) {
matched <- TRUE
getInterOpFilePath <- function(project, format) {
return(normalizePath(paste(project@location, "InterOp", format@filename, sep="/")))
# taken from: https://tracker.tgac.ac.uk/browse/MISO-138
# Quality Metrics (QMetricsOut.bin)
# Format:
# byte 0: file version number (5)
# byte 1: length of each record
# byte 2: quality score binning (byte flag representing if binning was on), if (byte 2 == 1) // quality score binning on
# byte 3: number of quality score bins, B
# bytes 4 - (4+B-1): lower boundary of quality score bins
# bytes (4+B) - (4+2*B-1): upper boundary of quality score bins
# bytes (4+2*B) - (4+3*B-1): remapped scores of quality score bins
# The remaining bytes are for the records, with each record in this format:
# 2 bytes: lane number (uint16)
# 2 bytes: tile number (uint16)
# 2 bytes: cycle number (uint16)
# 4 x 50 bytes: number of clusters assigned score (uint32) Q1 through Q50
# Where N is the record index
# variable length header SAV Quality Formatter (version 5)
parsesavQualityFormatV5 <- function(project, format) {
path <- getInterOpFilePath(project,format)
fh <- file(path, "rb")
vers <- readBin(fh, what="integer", endian="little", size=1, signed=F)
reclen <- readBin(fh, what="integer", endian="little", size=1, signed=F)
binning <- readBin(fh, what="integer", endian="little", size=1, signed=F)
lowB <- c()
upB <- c()
remapB <- c()
nBins <- 0
if (binning == 1) {
nBins <- readBin(fh, what="integer", endian="little", size=1, signed=F)
for (x in 1:nBins) {
lowB <- c(lowB, readBin(fh, what="integer", endian="little", size=1, signed=F))
for (x in 1:nBins) {
upB <- c(upB, readBin(fh, what="integer", endian="little", size=1, signed=F))
for (x in 1:nBins) {
remapB <- c(remapB, readBin(fh, what="integer", endian="little", size=1, signed=F))
# end header processing
parsedData <- new("savData",
header=list(version=vers, record_length=reclen, binning=binning, nBins=nBins,
lowBound=lowB, upperBound=upB, remappedScores=remapB),
#~ HiSeq X and HiSeq 3000/4000 instruments running RTA v.2.7.1 or newer produce the
#~ QMetricsOut.bin file in version 6 format:
#~ } byte 0: file version number (6)
#~ } byte 1: length of each record, L
#~ } byte 2: quality score binning (byte flag representing if binning was on)
#~ if (byte 2 == 1) // quality score binning on
#~ } byte 3: number of quality score bins, B
#~ } bytes 4 – (4+B-1): lower boundary of quality score bins
#~ } bytes (4+B) – (4+2*B-1): upper boundary of quality score bins
#~ } bytes (4+2*B) – (4+3*B-1): remapped scores of quality score bins
#~ } The rest of the file is composed of records of length L:
#~ } 2 bytes: lane number (uint16)
#~ } 2 bytes: tile number (uint16)
#~ } 2 bytes: cycle number (uint16) if(byte 2 == 1)
#~ } 4 x B bytes: number of clusters assigned to Q-score bins 1 – B (uint32) else
#~ } 4 x 50 bytes: number of clusters assigned score Q1 through Q50 (uint32)
#~ Where N is the record index
# variable length header and data SAV Quality Formatter (version 6)
parsesavQualityFormatV6 <- function(project, format) {
path <- getInterOpFilePath(project,format)
fh <- file(path, "rb")
vers <- readBin(fh, what="integer", endian="little", size=1, signed=F)
reclen <- readBin(fh, what="integer", endian="little", size=1, signed=F)
binning <- readBin(fh, what="integer", endian="little", size=1, signed=F)
lowB <- c()
upB <- c()
remapB <- c()
nBins <- 50
if (binning == 1) {
nBins <- readBin(fh, what="integer", endian="little", size=1, signed=F)
for (x in 1:nBins) {
lowB <- c(lowB, readBin(fh, what="integer", endian="little", size=1, signed=F))
for (x in 1:nBins) {
upB <- c(upB, readBin(fh, what="integer", endian="little", size=1, signed=F))
for (x in 1:nBins) {
remapB <- c(remapB, readBin(fh, what="integer", endian="little", size=1, signed=F))
#Header done, parse data
readlen <- 0
for (x in project@reads) {
readlen <- readlen + x@cycles
proj.size <- 0
if (project@layout@tilenamingconvention == "FiveDigit") {
proj.size <- project@layout@lanecount * project@layout@surfacecount *
project@layout@swathcount * project@layout@sectionperlane *
project@layout@lanepersection * project@layout@tilecount * readlen + 1
} else {
proj.size <- project@layout@lanecount * project@layout@surfacecount *
project@layout@swathcount * project@layout@tilecount * readlen + 1
data <- vector("list", proj.size)
r <- 1
while (!isIncomplete(fh)) {
laneNum <- readBin(fh, what="integer", endian="little", size=2L, signed=F)
tileNum <- readBin(fh, what="integer", endian="little", size=2L, signed=F)
cycleNum <- readBin(fh, what="integer", endian="little", size=2L, signed=F)
dat <- c(laneNum, tileNum, cycleNum)
for (i in 1:nBins) {
# R does not handle 32-bit unsigned int :/
dat <- c(dat, readBin(fh, what="integer", size=4L, endian="little"))
if (length(dat)==0){
if(length(dat) == nBins + 3) {
data[[r]] <- dat
} else {
warning(format@filename, " prematurely terminated with incomplete row at ", r)
r <- r + 1
# remove NULL rows
data.f <- as.data.frame(do.call("rbind", data[!unlist(lapply(data, is.null))] ))
colnames(data.f) <- c(format@name, paste("Q", 1:nBins, sep=""))
actnum <- length(unique(data.f[,"lane"]))
if (actnum != project@layout@lanecount) {
stop(paste("number of lanes in data file (", actnum, ") does not equal project configuration value (",
project@layout@lanecount, ") when parsing ", format@filename, sep=""))
data.f <- data.f[do.call(order, as.list(data.f[,format@order])),]
# end header processing
parsedData <- new("savData",
header=list(version=vers, record_length=reclen, binning=binning, nBins=nBins,
lowBound=lowB, upperBound=upB, remappedScores=remapB),
#'@rdname clusterQualityGtN
#'@aliases clusterQualityGtN,savProject,integer,integer,integer
setMethod("clusterQualityGtN", signature(project="savProject", lane="integer", cycle="integer", n="integer"),
function(project, lane, cycle, n=30L) {
if (!all(lane %in% 1:flowcellLayout(project)@lanecount)) {
stop(paste("lane" , lane, "is not consistent with number of lanes on flowcell (", flowcellLayout(project)@lanecount, ")", sep=" "))
formatName <- names(project@parsedData)[pmatch("savQualityFormat", names(project@parsedData))]
#Hotfix to not run on v6. Remove this when code is fixed for v6.
if(formatName == "savQualityFormatV6"){
stop("v6 of QMetricsOut.bin is not supported yet in clusterQualityGtN()")
qm <- qualityMetrics(project)
qm <- qm[qm$lane == lane,]
if (!all(cycle %in% 1:max(qm$cycle))) {
stop(paste("cycles" , cycle, "is not consistent with number of cycles (", max(qm@cycle), ")", sep=" "))
qm <- qm[qm$cycle %in% cycle, paste("Q", 1:50, sep="")]
tot <- sum(qm)
return(sum(qm[,paste("Q", n:50, sep="")])/tot)
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