#' @name mWISE.annotation
#' @title Function to perform the complete annotation pipeline of mWISE
#' @description
#' Wrapper function that performs the complete workflow of mWISE to
#' annotate a peak-intensity matrix.
#' @param Peak.List
#' Data frame containing the LC-MS features.
#' Columns should contain:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Peak.Id}{ for a peak identifier}
#' \item{mz}{ for a mass-to-charge ratio value}
#' \item{rt}{ for the retention time}
#' \item{Intensities}{ for each sample}
#' }
#' @param force.mass.range
#' Logical. If TRUE, the m/z range is computed
#' using the user-defined
#' ppm tolerance or mz.range (Def: TRUE).
#' @param mass.range.type
#' A character indicating if the m/z range
#' computation is performed
#' using tolerance in ppm ("ppm.mode").
#' or m/z uncertainty ("mz.range") (Def: "ppm.mode").
#' @param mz.range
#' If mass.range.type = "mz.range", it
#' indicates the m/z range
#' uncertainty (i.e. mz.range = 0.001).
#' @param ppm
#' If mass.range.type = "ppm.mode", it
#' indicates the tolerance
#' in ppm (i.e. ppm = 10).
#' @param polarity
#' Acquisition mode of the study.
#' It can be "positive" or "negative".
#' @param Add.List
#' List of adducts or fragments to consider.
#' @param Cpd.Add
#' Compound to adduct matrix. It can be built using
#' \code{CpdaddPreparation} function.
#' @param Intensity.idx
#' Numeric vector indicating the column
#' index for the intensities
#' @param Rt.05
#' Retention time value to get a similarity of 0.5.
#' @param method
#' A character string indicating which correlation coefficient
#' is to be computed. One of "pearson" (default), "kendall", or "spearman".
#' @param Freq
#' Minimum observed frequency to consider an
#' adduct or a fragment
#' to apply the cluster-based filter.
#' @param Add.Id
#' It indicates the adduct(s) or fragment(s)
#' that are considered to
#' apply the cluster-based filter.
#' If NULL, those adducts with an observed
#' frequency equal or higher
#' than 0.10 will be used.
#' @param diffusion.input.type
#' Diffusion input type per compound.
#' "binary" 1 if the compound is proposed.
#' "probability" computes the probability
#' of existence of each compound.
#' @param background
#' Vector containing a list of KEGG identifiers
#' which will be
#' set to 0 in the diffusion process.
#' This will have an
#' effect in the normalization process
#' performed when using the z score.
#' If NULL, the background will be set to
#' all the compounds available in df.
#' @param Unique.Annotation
#' Logical (only available when input type="binary").
#' If TRUE, the binary diffusion input is computed
#' by only considering those peaks with a
#' unique annotation (Def: FALSE).
#' @param graph
#' Diffusion graph where nodes correspond to
#' KEGG compounds.
#' If NULL, the diffusion graph indicated in
#' \code{graph.name} will be loaded.
#' @param graph.name
#' Name of the diffusion graphs available in mWISE.
#' The options are "fella", "RClass3levels" or
#' "RClass2levels" (Def: "fella").
#' @param K
#' Regularised Laplacian kernel. If NULL,
#' it will be computed
#' using the \code{regularisedLaplacianKernel}
#' function
#' from DiffuStats R package.
#' @param score
#' Method of diffusion. Def: c("raw", "ber_s", "z")
#' @param do.Par
#' TRUE if parallel computing is required (Def: TRUE)
#' @param nClust
#' Number of clusters that may be used (Def: 2)
#' @return
#' Function \code{mWISE.annotation} returns a list containing
#' a table with all the annotations (Annotated.Tab), a
#' table containing the features clustering (Clustered.Tab),
#' a filtered table (MH.Tab), a table containing the diffusion
#' scores (Diff.Tab) and the final ranked table (Ranked.Tab).
#' @examples
#' data("sample.keggDB")
#' Cpd.Add <- CpdaddPreparation(KeggDB = sample.keggDB,
#' do.Par = FALSE)
#' data(sample.dataset)
#' Peak.List <- sample.dataset$Negative$Input
#' Intensity.idx <- seq(27,38)
#' data("sample.graph")
#' g.metab <- igraph::as.undirected(sample.graph)
#' Annotated.List <- mWISE.annotation(Peak.List = Peak.List,
#' polarity = "negative",
#' diffusion.input.type = "binary",
#' score = "raw",
#' Cpd.Add = Cpd.Add,
#' graph = g.metab,
#' Unique.Annotation = TRUE,
#' Intensity.idx = Intensity.idx,
#' do.Par = FALSE)
#' @export
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
mWISE.annotation <- function(Peak.List, force.mass.range = TRUE,
mass.range.type = "ppm.mode",mz.range = NULL,
ppm = 10, polarity = "positive", Add.List = NULL,
Cpd.Add, Intensity.idx, Rt.05 = 5,
use = "everything", method = "pearson",
Freq = 0.50, Add.Id = NULL, background = NULL,
diffusion.input.type = "probability",
Unique.Annotation = FALSE, graph = NULL, K = NULL,
score = "z", graph.name = "fella",
nClust = 2, do.Par = TRUE) {
if (do.Par){
Annotated.List <- matchingStage(Peak.List = Peak.List,
force.mass.range = force.mass.range,
mass.range.type = mass.range.type,
mz.range = mz.range, ppm = ppm,
polarity = polarity, Add.List = Add.List,
Cpd.Add = Cpd.Add, do.Par = do.Par,
nClust = nClust)
Annotated.Tab <- Annotated.List$Peak.Cpd
clustered <- featuresClustering(Peak.List = Peak.List,
Intensity.idx = Intensity.idx,
Rt.05 = Rt.05, use = use, method = method,
do.Par = do.Par, nClust = nClust)
Annotated.Tab <- merge(Annotated.Tab,
clustered$Peak.List[,c("Peak.Id", "pcgroup")],
by = "Peak.Id")
MH.Tab <- clusterBased.filter(df = Annotated.Tab, Add.Id = Add.Id,
Freq = Freq, polarity = polarity)
Annotated.Tab <- modifiedTabs(df = Annotated.Tab, do.Par = do.Par,
nClust = nClust)
MH.Tab <- modifiedTabs(df = MH.Tab, do.Par = do.Par, nClust = nClust)
Input.diffusion <- diffusion.input(df = MH.Tab, background = background,
input.type = diffusion.input.type,
Unique.Annotation = Unique.Annotation,
do.Par = do.Par, nClust = nClust)
diff.Cpd <- set.diffusion(df = Input.diffusion, scores = score,
graph = graph, K = K, graph.name = graph.name,
do.Par = do.Par, nClust = nClust)
Diffusion.Results <- diff.Cpd$Diffusion.Results
MH.Tab <- recoveringPeaks(Annotated.Tab = Annotated.Tab, MH.Tab = MH.Tab)
Diff.Tab <- merge(x = MH.Tab, y = Diffusion.Results,
by = "Compound", all.x = TRUE)
Ranked.Tab <- finalResults(Diff.Tab = Diff.Tab, score = score)
return(list(Annotated.Tab = Annotated.Tab, Clustered.Tab = clustered,
MH.Tab = MH.Tab, Diff.Tab = Diff.Tab, Ranked.Tab = Ranked.Tab))
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