#' @name filtering-funs
#' @aliases featuresClustering
#' @title Functions to apply cluster-based filtering
#' @description
#' Function \code{featuresClustering} performs spectral clustering
#' to group those features
#' that come from the same metabolite. It uses \code{dataPrep},
#' \code{.LaplacianNg}, \code{k.optimization}
#' and \code{eps.optimization} functions. The correlation is computed using the
#' function \code{cor(use = "pairwise.complete.obs")}.
#' @param Peak.List
#' Data frame containing the LC-MS features.
#' Columns should contain:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Peak.Id}{ for a peak identifier}
#' \item{mz}{ for a mass-to-charge ratio value}
#' \item{rt}{ for the retention time}
#' \item{Intensities for each sample}
#' }
#' @param Intensity.idx
#' Numeric vector indicating the column index
#' for the intensities
#' @param Rt.05
#' Retention time value to get a similarity of 0.5.
#' @param use
#' An optional character string giving a method for computing correlations
#' in the presence of missing values. Default is "everything", but when
#' missing values are present, "pairwise.complete.obs" is required.
#' @param method
#' A character string indicating which correlation coefficient
#' is to be computed. One of "pearson" (default), "kendall", or "spearman".
#' @param do.Par
#' TRUE if parallel computing is required. Def: TRUE
#' @param nClust
#' Number of cores that may be used if do.Par = TRUE.
#' @return
#' Function \code{featuresClustering} returns the input peak list
#' with an additional column named pcgroup
#' that indicates the clustering.
#' @examples
#' data(sample.dataset)
#' Peak.List <- sample.dataset$Positive$Input
#' Intensity.idx <- seq(27,38)
#' clustered <- featuresClustering(Peak.List = Peak.List,
#' Intensity.idx = Intensity.idx,
#' do.Par = FALSE)
#' @export
#' @importFrom dbscan dbscan
#' @importFrom stats prcomp
featuresClustering <- function(Peak.List, Intensity.idx, use = "everything",
method = "pearson", Rt.05 = 5,
do.Par = TRUE, nClust) {
cat("Preparing the data for clustering...")
IData <- Peak.List[,Intensity.idx]
Rt <- Peak.List$rt
data.prep <- dataPrep(IData = IData, Rt = Rt, Rt.05 = Rt.05,
use = use, method = method)
comb.mat.clustering <- sqrt(data.prep$Rt.sim*data.prep$I.sim)
data.prep$Rt.sim <- data.prep$Rt.sim-diag(1,dim(data.prep$Rt.sim)[1],
data.prep$I.sim <- data.prep$I.sim-diag(1,dim(data.prep$I.sim)[1],
data.prep$Rt.sim[data.prep$Rt.sim == 0] <- 1e-16
data.prep$I.sim[data.prep$I.sim == 0] <- 1e-16
comb.mat <- sqrt(data.prep$Rt.sim*data.prep$I.sim)
Lapl.mat <- .LaplacianNg(mat = comb.mat)
pca.tune <- prcomp(Lapl.mat, center = TRUE, scale. = TRUE)
rownames(pca.tune$x) <- rownames(comb.mat)
# Parameters optimization
cat("Computing optimized parameters for spectral clustering...")
k.tuned <- k.optimization(pca.to.tune = pca.tune, data.prep = data.prep,
IData = IData, nrow.List = nrow(Peak.List),
use = use, method = method,
do.Par = do.Par, nClust = nClust)
eps.tuned <- eps.optimization(pca.to.tune = pca.tune,
data.prep = data.prep,
IData = IData, k.tuned = k.tuned,
use = use, method = method,
do.Par = do.Par, nClust = nClust)
cat("Clustering peaks...")
Lapl.mat <- .LaplacianNg(mat = comb.mat.clustering)
pca.obj <- prcomp(Lapl.mat, center = TRUE, scale. = TRUE)
rownames(pca.obj$x) <- rownames(comb.mat.clustering)
# Clustering with tuned parameters
dbscan.clustering <- dbscan::dbscan(x = pca.obj$x[,seq_len(k.tuned)],
eps = eps.tuned, minPts = 1)
Peak.List$pcgroup <- dbscan.clustering$cluster
return(list(Peak.List = Peak.List,
k.tuned = k.tuned,
eps.tuned = eps.tuned))
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