#' @inheritParams .params
#' @return \code{generateResultsTable} returns a
#' data.frame that contains the nodes below the \code{p.score} threshold
#' from an enrichment analysis
#' @name export-funs
#' @rdname export-funs
#' @import igraph
#' @export
generateResultsTable <- function(
method = "diffusion",
threshold = 0.05,
plimit = 15,
nlimit = 250,
LabelLengthAtPlot = 45,
capPscores = 1e-6,
object = NULL,
data = NULL,
...) {
if (!is.FELLA.DATA(data)) {
stop("'data' is not a FELLA.DATA object")
} else if (getStatus(data) != "loaded"){
stop("'data' points to an empty FELLA.DATA object")
checkArgs <- checkArguments(
method = method,
threshold = threshold,
plimit = plimit,
nlimit = nlimit,
LabelLengthAtPlot = LabelLengthAtPlot,
object = object,
data = data)
if (!checkArgs$valid)
stop("Bad argument when calling function 'generateResultsGraph'.")
if (is.na(getValid(object, method)) | !getValid(object, method)) {
"Mehod ", method, " has not been executed yet. ",
"Returning NULL...")
if (method == "hypergeom") {
message("Writing hypergeom results...")
pscores <- sort(getPscores(object, "hypergeom"))
if (pscores[1] >= threshold) {
message("No pathway is below the p-value threshold.")
} else {
pscores <- head(pscores[pscores < threshold], plimit)
# Info to display
paths <- names(pscores)
pathnames <- as.character(data@keggdata@id2name[paths])
pathhits <- object@hypergeom@pathhits[paths]
pathbackground <- object@hypergeom@pathbackground[paths]
# Build the dataframe
out.hypergeom <- data.frame(
"KEGG id" = paths,
"KEGG name" = pathnames,
"CompoundHits" = pathhits,
"CompoundsInPathway" = pathbackground,
"p.value" = pscores,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(out.hypergeom) <- NULL
} else {
# Diffusion and pagerank
message("Writing ", method, " results...")
pscores <- sort(getPscores(object, method))
pscores[pscores < capPscores] <- capPscores
if (pscores[1] >= threshold) {
message("No node is below the p-score threshold.")
} else {
pscores <- head(pscores[pscores < threshold], nlimit)
pscores <- pscores[order(names(pscores))]
nodeIds <- names(pscores)
# Take names (1st name in KEGG, abbreviate if it's too long)
nodeNames <- as.character(vapply(nodeIds, function(id) {
ans <- data@keggdata@id2name[[id]]
if (length(ans) == 0)
ans <- ans[1]
if (nchar(ans) > LabelLengthAtPlot)
ans <- paste0(substr(ans, 1, LabelLengthAtPlot), "...")
}, FUN.VALUE = character(1)))
nodeCom <- V(getGraph(data))[nodeIds]$com
nodeTypes <- listCategories()[nodeCom]
out <- data.frame(
"KEGG id" = nodeIds,
"Entry type" = nodeTypes,
"KEGG name" = nodeNames,
"p.score" = pscores,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[order(nodeCom), ]
rownames(out) <- NULL
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