#' @include generateEnzymesTable.R
#' @description
#' Function \code{generateResultsGraph}
#' gives a sub-network, plottable through
#' \code{plotGraph}, witht the nodes with
#' the lowest \code{p.score} from an enrichment analysis.
#' Function \code{addGOToGraph} can be applied to such
#' sub-networks to overlay GO labels and
#' similarity to a user-defined GO term.
#' @details
#' Function \code{generateResultsGraph} returns an
#' \pkg{igraph}
#' object with a relevant sub-network
#' for manual examination.
#' A \code{\link{FELLA.USER}}
#' object with a successful enrichment analysis and the corresponding
#' \code{\link{FELLA.DATA}} must be supplied.
#' Graph nodes are prioritised by \code{p.score} and selected through
#' the most stringent between (1) p.score \code{threshold} and
#' (2) maximum number of nodes \code{nlimit}.
#' There is an additional filtering feature for tiny connected components,
#' controllable through \code{thresholdConnectedComponent}
#' (smaller is stricter).
#' The user can choose to turn off this filter by setting
#' \code{thresholdConnectedComponent = 1}.
#' The idea is to discard connected components so small
#' that are likely to arise from random selection of nodes.
#' Let \code{k} be the order of the current sub-network.
#' A connected component of order \code{r} will
#' be kept only if the probability that a
#' random subgraph from the whole KEGG knowledge model
#' of order \code{k} contains a
#' connected component of order at least \code{r}
#' is smaller than \code{thresholdConnectedComponent}.
#' Such probabilities are estimated during
#' \code{\link[=data-funs]{buildDataFromGraph}}; the amount of random
#' trials can be controlled by its \code{niter} argument.
#' @inheritParams .params
#' @return \code{generateResultsGraph} returns
#' an \pkg{igraph}
#' object: a sub-network from the whole
#' KEGG knowledge model under the specified thresholds
#' (\code{threshold} and \code{thresholdConnectedComponent})
#' @rdname export-funs
#' @import igraph
#' @export
generateResultsGraph <- function(
method = "diffusion",
threshold = 0.05,
plimit = 15,
nlimit = 250,
thresholdConnectedComponent = 0.05,
LabelLengthAtPlot = 22,
object = NULL,
data = NULL,
...) {
if (!is.FELLA.DATA(data)) {
stop("'data' is not a FELLA.DATA object")
} else if (getStatus(data) != "loaded"){
stop("'data' points to an empty FELLA.DATA object")
checkArgs <- checkArguments(
method = method,
threshold = threshold,
plimit = plimit,
nlimit = nlimit,
thresholdConnectedComponent = thresholdConnectedComponent,
LabelLengthAtPlot = LabelLengthAtPlot,
object = object,
data = data)
if (!checkArgs$valid)
stop("Bad argument when calling function 'generateResultsGraph'.")
valid <- getValid(object, method)
if (is.na(valid) || !valid) {
"Method ", method, " has not been executed yet. ",
"Returning NULL...")
if (method == "hypergeom") {
pscores <- getPscores(object, "hypergeom")
g.data <- getGraph(data)
# Select pathways and compounds
n.paths <- sum(pscores < threshold)
if (n.paths < 1) {
message("Graph is empty. None of the pathways is significant.")
} else {
path.hypergeom <- names(head(
sort(pscores[pscores < threshold]),
comp.hypergeom <- intersect(
rownames(getMatrix(data, "hypergeom")))
# Build the bipartite graph
incidence <- getMatrix(data, "hypergeom")[
comp.hypergeom, path.hypergeom, drop = FALSE]
graph.bipartite <- graph.incidence(incidence = incidence)
graph.bipartite <- induced.subgraph(
vids = (degree(graph.bipartite) > 0))
# The com attribute for each node
V(graph.bipartite)$com <- V(g.data)[V(graph.bipartite)$name]$com
V(graph.bipartite)$label <- vapply(
function(name.aux) {
if (length(name.aux) == 0) return(NA_character_)
# Take first name
name.first <- name.aux[[1]]
name.def <- substr(name.first, 1, LabelLengthAtPlot)
if (nchar(name.first) > LabelLengthAtPlot)
name.def <- paste0(name.def, "...")
FUN.VALUE = character(1)
} else {
pscores <- getPscores(object, method)
input <- getInput(object)
n.nodes <- sum(pscores < threshold)
if (n.nodes < 1) {
message("Graph is empty.")
} else if (n.nodes > nlimit) {
" nodes below the threshold have been limited to ",
" nodes."))
nodes <- names(pscores)[sort(head(order(pscores), nlimit))]
} else {
nodes <- names(pscores)[pscores < threshold]
graph <- induced.subgraph(graph = getGraph(data), vids = nodes)
if (method == "diffusion") graph <- as.undirected(graph)
# Define labels for the plot
vertex.labels <- character(vcount(graph))
vertex.labels <- vapply(
function(name.aux) {
if (length(name.aux) == 0) return(NA_character_)
# Take first name
name.first <- name.aux[[1]]
name.def <- substr(name.first, 1, LabelLengthAtPlot)
if (nchar(name.first) > LabelLengthAtPlot)
name.def <- paste0(name.def, "...")
FUN.VALUE = character(1)
V(graph)$label <- vertex.labels
V(graph)$input <- V(graph)$name %in% input
# Filter out small CCs
n.nodes.graph <- vcount(graph)
# Connected components
graph.clust <- clusters(graph)
# Size cannot exceed 250 to
# calculate p-values... we will approximate
if (n.nodes.graph > 250) {
"The number of nodes of the whole solution, which is ",
", exceeds 250. Small connected components ",
"will be filtered using 250 nodes instead.")
n.nodes.graph <- 250
# p-values of largest cc size (they are decreasing in
# CC size)
tab.significant <- getPvaluesSize(data)[, n.nodes.graph]
# Minimum size to consider "significant"
csize.significant <- which(
tab.significant <= thresholdConnectedComponent)[1]
if (length(csize.significant) == 0) {
"None of the connected components are below the ",
"'thresholdConnectedComponent'. Returning empty graph...")
return(igraph::induced_subgraph(graph, NULL))
# Graph is not empty
# Select the biggest CCs only
clust.select <- which(graph.clust$csize >= csize.significant)
graph.ans <- igraph::induced_subgraph(
vids = which(graph.clust$membership %in% clust.select)
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