#' Generate Position Weight Matrices (PWMs)
#' @description Generate Position Weight Matrices (PWMs) for a table containing
#' centered substrate peptide sequences for a list of kinases. The output of
#' this function is to be used for scoring PWM matches to peptides via
#' scoreSequences()
#' @param kinase_table A data.frame of substrate sequences and kinase names.
#' Format of data must be as follows: column 1 - kinase/kinase family
#' name/GeneID, column 2 - centered peptide seqeuence.
#' @param wild_card Letter to describe sequences that are outside of the protein
#' after centering on the phosphosite (e.g ___MERSTRELCLNF). Default: "_".
#' @param substrate_length Full length of substrate sequence (default is 15).
#' Will be trimmed automatically or report error if sequences in kinase_table
#' are not long enough.
#' @param substrates_n Number of sequences used to build a PWM model. Low
#' sequence counts will produce poor representative PWM models. Default: "10"
#' @param pseudo Small number to add to values for PWM log transformation to
#' prevent log transformation of zero. Default = 0.01
#' @param remove_center Remove all peptide seqeuences with the central amino
#' acid matching a character (e.g. "y"). Default = FALSE
#' @param verbose Print progress to screen. Default=FALSE
#' @examples
#' ## Build PWM models from phosphositeplus data with default of minimum
#' ## of 10 substrate sequences for building a PWM model.
#' data(phosphositeplus_human)
#' ##randomly sample 1000 substrates for demonstration.
#' set.seed(1)
#' sample_pwm <- phosphositeplus_human[sample(nrow(phosphositeplus_human),
#' 1000),]
#' pwms <- buildPWM(sample_pwm)
#' ## Data frame of models built and number of sequences used to build each
#' ## PWM model:
#' head(pwms$kinase)
#' @return Output is a list containing two tables, "pwm" and "kinase". To access
#' PWMs: pwms$pwm and Table of Kinase and sequence counts:
#' pwms$kinase
#' @export buildPWM
buildPWM <- function(kinase_table = NULL,
wild_card = "_",
substrate_length = 15,
substrates_n = 10,
pseudo = 0.01,
remove_center = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE) {
#format checks:
if (is.null(kinase_table))
stop("kinase_table not provided; you must provide an input table")
if (!is.matrix(kinase_table))
stop("kinase_table is not a table; you must provide an
input table")
#remove NA's
kinase_table <- kinase_table[!is.na(kinase_table[, 2]),]
#remove problematic characters (creates row/column name issues)
kinase_table[,1] <- gsub("/", "_", kinase_table[,1])
if (substrate_length < 3)
"substrate_length needs to be greater than 2; increase the
length of substrate window size"
if ((lapply(substrate_length, "%%", 2) == 0) == TRUE)
stop("substrate_length must be an odd number! I.e. centered sequence
of ++X++")
#call trim_seq function and trim sequences:
kinase_table[, 2] <-
trimSeqs(kinase_table[, 2],
seq_length = substrate_length,
verbose = verbose)
kinase_table[, 2] <- toupper(kinase_table[, 2])
#remove peptides with a certain center character:
if (remove_center != FALSE) {
half_window <- (substrate_length + 1) / 2
center_aa <-
substr(kinase_table[, 2], half_window, half_window)
if (verbose) {
message("You have selected to remove",
length(which(center_aa == toupper(remove_center))),
"peptide sequences for building PWMs that contain a centered
letter of:",
kinase_table <-
kinase_table[center_aa != toupper(remove_center),]
kinase_table <- unique(kinase_table)
if (verbose) {
message(nrow(kinase_table), "unique kinase:substrate sequences in
table provided."
#initialise table for kinase count data
kinase_summary <-
data.frame("kinase" = unique(as.character(kinase_table[, 1])), "n" = NA)
kinase_summary$n <-
c(sapply(seq_len(nrow(kinase_summary)), function(i)
length(kinase_table[, 1][kinase_table[, 1] == kinase_summary[i, 1]])))
#filter the list here which is used to build pwms:
kinase_summary <-
kinase_summary[kinase_summary$n >= substrates_n, ]
#generate PWM list:
pwm_list <-
c(lapply(seq_len(nrow(kinase_summary)), function(i)
as.character(kinase_table[, 2][kinase_table[, 1] ==
kinase_summary[i, 1]]),
substrate_length = substrate_length,
wild_card = wild_card,
pseudo = pseudo
return(list("pwm" = pwm_list, "kinase" = kinase_summary))
# this helper function performs the calculations for building the PWMs
scorePWM <- function(input_data,
wild_card = "_",
pseudo = 0.01) {
#reformat input_data; build a matrix of the sequences (split into individual
# AA's) = substrate_length
input_data <-
data.frame(matrix(unlist(strsplit(input_data , "")) ,
ncol = substrate_length , byrow = TRUE))
uniq_AA <- c(wild_card, "A", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "K", "L",
"M", "N", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "V", "W", "Y")
# 1. Build PFM
pwm <-
t(cbind(sapply(seq_along(uniq_AA), function(i)
sapply(seq_len(ncol(input_data)), function(j)
ifelse(as.character(input_data[, j]) ==
as.character(uniq_AA[i]), 1, 0)
rownames(pwm) <- uniq_AA
colnames(pwm) <- paste("p", seq_len(ncol(pwm)), sep = "")
# remove wildcard from motif scoring
pwm <- pwm[!rownames(pwm) %in% c(wild_card),]
# 2. PPM calculation
pwm_rownames <- rownames(pwm)
pwm_colnames <- colnames(pwm)
col_counts <- apply(pwm, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
pwm <- sapply(seq_len(ncol(pwm)), function(i)
pwm[,i] / col_counts[i])
# carry labels forward
rownames(pwm) <- pwm_rownames
colnames(pwm) <- pwm_colnames
# 3. Calculate Position Weight Matrix
# addition of pseduo count to avoid log zero
pwm <- log2((pwm / (1 / nrow(pwm)))+pseudo)
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