#' Function for extracting peptide sequences from multimapped or complex
#' annotated data
#' @description This function extracts unique peptide:annotation combinations
#' from complex annotated data and formats for further analysis using KinSwingR.
#' For instance, example input annotation may be:
#' "A0A096MIX2|Ddx17|494|RSRYRTTSSANNPN". This function will extract the peptide
#' sequence into a second column and associate it all annotations. See vignette
#' for more details.
#' @param input_data A data.frame of phosphopeptide data. Must contain 4 columns
#' and the following format must be adhered to. Column 1 - Annotation, Column 2
#' - centered peptide sequence, Column 3 - Fold Change [-ve to +ve], Column 4
#' - p-value [0-1]. This will extract the peptide sequences from Column1 and
#' replace all values in Column2 to be used in scoreSequences(). Where
#' peptide sequences have not been extracted from the annotation, leave
#' Column2 as NA's.
#' @param annotation_delimiter The character used to delimit annotations.
#' Default="|"
#' @param multi_protein_delimiter The character used to delimit multi-protein
#' assignments. Default=":". E.g. Ddx17:Ddx2
#' @param multi_site_delimiter The character used to delimit multi-site
#' assignments. Default=";". E.g. 494;492
#' @param seq_number The annotation frame that contains the sequence after
#' delimitation. E.g. The sequence "RSRYRTTSSANNPN" is contained in the 4th
#' annotation frame of the following annotation:
#' "A0A096MIX2|Ddx17|494|RSRYRTTSSANNPN" and would therefore set seq_number=4.
#' Default=4
#' @param replace Replace a letter that describes sequences outside of the
#' protein after centering on the phosphosite (e.g X in XXXMERSTRELCLNF). Use in
#' combination with replace_search and replace_with to replace amino acids.
#' Options are "TRUE" or "FALSE". Default="FALSE".
#' @param replace_search Amino Acid to search for when replacing sequences.
#' Default="X"
#' @param replace_with Amino Acid to replace with when replacing sequences.
#' Default="_"
#' @param verbose Print progress to screen. Default=FALSE
#' @examples
#' ## Extract peptide sequences from annotation data:
#' data(example_phosphoproteome)
#' ## The following will extract all the uniquely annotated peptide
#' ## sequences from the "annotation" column and place these in the
#' ## "peptide" column. Where multi-mapped peptide sequences are input,
#' ## these are placed on a new line.
#' ##
#' ## Here, sequences with a "X" and also replaced with a "_". This is ensure
#' ## that PWMs are built correctly.
#' ## Sample data for demonstration:
#' sample_data <- head(example_phosphoproteome)
#' annotated_data <- cleanAnnotation(input_data = sample_data,
#' annotation_delimiter = "|",
#' multi_protein_delimiter = ":",
#' multi_site_delimiter = ";",
#' seq_number = 4,
#' replace = TRUE,
#' replace_search = "X",
#' replace_with = "_")
#'## Return the annotated data with extracted peptides:
#' head(annotated_data)
#' @return A data.table with the peptides extracted from the annotation column
#' @export cleanAnnotation
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @importFrom sqldf sqldf
cleanAnnotation <- function(input_data = NULL,
annotation_delimiter = "|",
multi_protein_delimiter = ":",
multi_site_delimiter = ";",
seq_number = 4,
replace = FALSE,
replace_search = "X",
replace_with = "_",
verbose = FALSE) {
#format checks:
if (is.null(input_data))
stop("input_data not provided; you must provide an input table")
if (!is.data.frame(input_data))
stop("input_data is not a data.frame; you must provide an
input table")
if (replace == TRUE) {
if (!is.character(replace_search) && !is.character(replace_with)) {
stop("replace_search AND replace_with MUST both be characters")
colnames(input_data) <- c("annotation", "peptide", "fc", "pval")
#extract the annotation from the table:
data_annotation <- as.character(input_data[, 1])
#1. obtain sequences of interest
seq_list <-
strsplit(data_annotation, annotation_delimiter, fixed = TRUE)
#get the nth element (seq_number) from the list (that contains the sequences)
seqs <- sapply(seq_list, `[`, seq_number)
#2. multi-site assignment
seq_list <-
strsplit(as.character(seqs), multi_site_delimiter, fixed = TRUE)
seqs <- unlist(seq_list)
#3. multi-gene assignment
seq_list <-
strsplit(as.character(seqs), multi_protein_delimiter, fixed = TRUE)
seqs <- unlist(seq_list)
#4. keep unique sequences for remapping
seqs <- unique(seqs)
#5. merge (i.e. remap) with input.data
dt_in <- data.table(input_data)
dt_seqs <- data.table(seqs)
data_out <- data.table(
"select *
from dt_in a inner join dt_seqs b
on a.annotation like '%' || b.seqs || '%'",
drv = "SQLite"
data_out <-
"annotation" = data_out$annotation,
"peptide" = data_out$seqs,
"fc" = data_out$fc,
"pval" = data_out$pval
#6. option for reassignment of letters, incase wild-card differs
if (replace == TRUE) {
if (verbose) {
message("Replacing all",
data_out$peptide <-
gsub(replace_search, replace_with, data_out$peptide)
# Helper function for trimming centered sequences
# @description Helper function for trimming sequences
# @param seqs_to_trim Vector of sequences to trim
# @param seq_length Full length of substrate sequence (default is 15). Will be
# trimmed automatically or report error if sequences in kinase_table are not
# long enough.
# @param verbose Print progress to screen. Default = FALSE
# @return Trimmed sequences or HALT
trimSeqs <- function(seqs_to_trim = NULL,
seq_length = NULL,
verbose = FALSE) {
#check minimum sequence length is compatible
min_seq <- min(nchar(seqs_to_trim))
if (min_seq < seq_length) {
stop("You have selected to trim to", seq_length,
", but this is less than minimum sequence length, which is",
min_seq, ". Trimming will not be performed. Reduce window size to",
min_seq, "or lower to perform trimming"
#if minimum sequence length is compatible - trim and/or leave same:
if (min_seq >= seq_length) {
if (verbose) {
message("Trimming sequences to", seq_length, "total AA width")
seq_diff <- (min_seq - seq_length) / 2
trimmed_seqs <-
substr(seqs_to_trim, 1 + seq_diff, min_seq - seq_diff)
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